CreateDataReader() public method

public CreateDataReader ( ) : DataTableReader
return DataTableReader
Ejemplo n.º 1
        	public void LoadTest2 ()
			DataSet ds1 = new DataSet ();
			DataSet ds2 = new DataSet ();
			DataTable dt1 = new DataTable ("T1");
			DataTable dt2 = new DataTable ("T2");
			DataTable dt3 = new DataTable ("T1");
			DataTable dt4 = new DataTable ("T2");
			dt1.Columns.Add ("ID", typeof (int));
			dt1.Columns.Add ("Name", typeof (string));
			dt2.Columns.Add ("EmpNO", typeof (int));
			dt2.Columns.Add ("EmpName", typeof (string));

			dt1.Rows.Add (new object[] {1, "Andrews"});
			dt1.Rows.Add (new object[] {2, "Mathew"});
			dt1.Rows.Add (new object[] {3, "Jaccob"});

			dt2.Rows.Add (new object[] {1, "Arul"});
			dt2.Rows.Add (new object[] {2, "Jothi"});
			dt2.Rows.Add (new object[] {3, "Murugan"});

			ds2.Tables.Add (dt1);
			ds2.Tables.Add (dt2);
			ds1.Tables.Add (dt3);
			ds1.Tables.Add (dt4);

			DataTableReader reader = ds2.CreateDataReader ();
			//ds1.Load (reader, LoadOption.PreserveChanges, dt3, dt4);
			ds1.Load (reader, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges, dt3, dt4);

			Assertion.AssertEquals ("DataSet Tables count mistmatch", ds2.Tables.Count, ds1.Tables.Count);
			int i = 0;
			foreach (DataTable dt in ds1.Tables) {
				DataTable dt5 = ds2.Tables[i];
				Assertion.AssertEquals ("Table " + dt.TableName + " row count mistmatch", dt5.Rows.Count, dt.Rows.Count);
				int j = 0;
				DataRow row1;
				foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) {
					row1 = dt5.Rows[j];
					for (int k = 0; k < dt.Columns.Count; k++) {
						Assertion.AssertEquals ("DataRow " + k + " mismatch", row1[k], row[k]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ReadExcelData(OleDbConnection conn, string sheetName)
            Console.WriteLine("Reading data...");
            var excelDbCommand = new OleDbCommand(@"SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "]", conn);
            using (var oleDbDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(excelDbCommand))
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                var locations = new List<Location>();
                using (var reader = ds.CreateDataReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var loc = new Location();
                        loc.Name = reader["City"].ToString();

                var db = new MagicalCreatureDbContext();
                foreach (var loc in locations)

        public void ReadExcelSheet(string fileName, string sheetName, Action<DataTableReader> actionForEachRow)
            var connectionString = string.Format(ExcelSettings.Default.ExcelConnectionString, fileName);

            using (var excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString))

                if (sheetName == null)
                    var excelSchema = excelConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
                    if (excelSchema != null)
                        sheetName = excelSchema.Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

                var excelDbCommand = new OleDbCommand(@"SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "]", excelConnection);

                using (var oleDbDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(excelDbCommand))
                    var dataSet = new DataSet();

                    using (var reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
        public static void ReadFromExcel()
            OleDbConnection excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(InputFileConnectionString);

            using (excelConnection)

                DataTable tableSchema = excelConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);

                string sheetName = tableSchema.Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

                OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "]", excelConnection);

                OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command);

                using (dataAdapter)
                    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();


                    using (var reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            //Console.WriteLine("{0} has a score of {1}", reader["Name"], reader["Score"]);
                                string.Format("TesterName: {0}, PlaceName: {1}, PlaceArea: {2}, Slope: {3}, Date: {4}, TestResult: {5}",
                                reader["TesterName"], reader["PlaceName"], reader["PlaceArea"], reader["Slope"], reader["Date"], reader["TestResult"]));
        public void GetAppwiseActionsChart1()
                //BindingList<string> analyticDataList;
                dsAnalytics = new DataSet();
                dsAnalytics = analyticsBiz.GetAppwiseActionsChart1(CustomerName, AppName);

                DataTableReader reader = dsAnalytics.CreateDataReader();

                Chart8.DataBindCrossTable(reader, "NotifierType", "YearMonth", "NotifierTypeCount", "Label=NotifierTypeCount");

                foreach (Series ser in Chart8.Series)
                    ser.ShadowOffset = 0;
                    ser.BorderWidth = 2;
                    ser.ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar;

                    //ser.MarkerSize = 5;
                    //ser.MarkerStyle = marker;
                    ser.MarkerBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64);
                    ser.Font = new Font("Lucida Grande", 8, FontStyle.Regular);

            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ProtoDataStream"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataSet">The <see cref="DataSet"/>who's contents to serialize.</param>
 /// <param name="options"><see cref="ProtoDataWriterOptions"/> specifying any custom serialization options.</param>
 /// <param name="bufferSize">Buffer size to use when serializing rows. 
 /// You should not need to change this unless you have exceptionally
 /// large rows or an exceptionally high number of columns.</param>
 public ProtoDataStream(
     DataSet dataSet,
     ProtoDataWriterOptions options,
     int bufferSize = DefaultBufferSize)
     : this(dataSet.CreateDataReader(), options, bufferSize)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public ICollection<Flight> ImportFlightsDataFromFile(string filePath)
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(filePath, FlightsWorksheetFilePattern))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(InvalidFileNameMessage, "Flights"));

            OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection();
            connection.ConnectionString = string.Format(AirportsDbSettings.Default.ExcelReaderConnectionString, filePath);


            using (connection)
                var schema = connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
                var sheetName = schema.Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

                OleDbCommand selectAllRowsCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "]", connection);

                ICollection<Flight> importedFlights = new HashSet<Flight>();

                using (OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(selectAllRowsCommand))
                    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

                    using (DataTableReader reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                                string flightCode = reader["FlightCode"].ToString();
                                int airlineId = int.Parse(reader["AirlineId"].ToString());
                                int departureAirportId = int.Parse(reader["DepartureAirportId"].ToString());
                                int arrivalAirportId = int.Parse(reader["ArrivalAirportId"].ToString());
                                double durationHours = double.Parse(reader["Duration"].ToString());
                                DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(reader["DateTime"].ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                var flight = new Flight()
                                    FlightCode = flightCode,
                                    AirlineId = airlineId,
                                    FlightDate = date,
                                    DurationHours = durationHours,
                                    DepartureAirportId = departureAirportId,
                                    ArrivalAirportId = arrivalAirportId

                            catch (FormatException)
                            { }

                return importedFlights;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static void ReadExcelData()
            var connectionString = GetConnectionString();
            using (var oleDbConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString))
                var sheetName = GetSheetName(oleDbConnection);
                var cmd = GetOleDbCommand(sheetName, oleDbConnection);

                using (var oleDbAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd))
                    var dataSet = new DataSet();

                    using (var reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var name = reader["Name"];
                            var score = reader["Score"];
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", name, score);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private static void ReadExcelData()
            using (var excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(Settings.Default.excelConnection))
                string sheetName = GetSheetName(excelConnection);
                OleDbCommand excelCommand = GetOleDbCommand(sheetName, excelConnection);

                using (OleDbDataAdapter oleDbDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(excelCommand))
                    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

                    using (DataTableReader reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var fullName = reader["Name"];
                            var score = reader["Score"];

                            Console.WriteLine(fullName + " -> " + score);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Exécute une requête qui retourne un jeu de résultats.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Aucune exception relative à l'exécution du moteur SQL n'est traitée.</remarks>
        /// <param name="query">Commande à exécuter.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Liste de paramètres.</param>
        /// <returns>Le jeu de résultats complet déconnecté.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">La requête ne peut pas être vide ou null.</exception>
        public static DataTableReader ExecuteReader(string query, params SqlParam[] parameters)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query))
                throw new ArgumentException("La requête ne peut pas être vide ou null.", nameof(query));

            DataSet set = new System.Data.DataSet();

            using (MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(SQL_CONNECTION_STRING))
                using (MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
                    command.CommandText = query;
                    SetParameters(command, parameters);
                    using (MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(command))

Ejemplo n.º 11
        static void Main()
            string excelConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=../../score_db.xlsx;Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 xml;HDR=Yes';";
            var excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString);

            DataTable excelSchema = excelConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
            string sheetName = excelSchema.Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

            OleDbCommand excelCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "]", excelConnection);

            using (excelConnection)
                using (OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(excelCommand))
                    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

                    using (DataTableReader reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var userName = reader["Name"];
                            var score = reader["Score"];

                            Console.WriteLine(userName + " -> " + score);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void Main()
            var excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(Settings.Default.ExcelConnection);

            DataTable excelSchema = excelConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
            string sheetName = excelSchema.Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

            OleDbCommand excelCommand = new OleDbCommand(@"SELECT *
                                                           FROM [" + sheetName + "]", excelConnection);

            using (excelConnection)
                using (OleDbDataAdapter oleDbDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(excelCommand))
                    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

                    using (DataTableReader reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var fullName = reader["Name"];
                            var score = reader["Score"];

                            Console.WriteLine(fullName + " -> " + score);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        static void Main()
            var connectionStringFor2007OrNewer = "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Extended Properties = Excel 12.0 XML; Data Source = ../../../scores.xlsx;";
            //var connectionStringForOlder = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Extended Properties = Excel 8.0; Data Source = ../../../scores.xlsx;";

            using (var dbCon = new OleDbConnection(connectionStringFor2007OrNewer))
                var docName = dbCon.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null).Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();
                var cmd = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" + docName + "]", dbCon);

                using (var oleDbAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd))
                    var dataSet = new DataSet();

                    using (var reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var name = reader["Name"];
                            var score = reader["Score"];
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", name, score);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static void Main()
            //// 6. Create an Excel file with 2 columns: name and score:
            //// Write a program that reads your MS Excel file through the OLE DB data provider and displays the name and score 
            //// row by row.

            var excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(Settings.Default.excelConnection);

            DataTable excelSchema = excelConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
            string sheetName = excelSchema.Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

            var excelCommand = new OleDbCommand(@"SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "]", excelConnection);

            using (excelConnection)
                using (OleDbDataAdapter oleDbDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(excelCommand))
                    var dataSet = new DataSet();

                    using (DataTableReader reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var fullName = reader["Name"];
                            var score = reader["Age"];

                            Console.WriteLine(fullName + " -> " + score);
        public ICollection<Contract> ImportContractsDataFromFile(string filePath)
            Console.WriteLine("Importing data from excel files");

            OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection();

            string connectionString =
            connection.ConnectionString = string.Format(connectionString, filePath);


            using (connection)
                var schema = connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
                var sheetName = schema.Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

                OleDbCommand selectAllRowsCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "]", connection);

                ICollection<Contract> importedContracts = new HashSet<Contract>();

                using (OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(selectAllRowsCommand))
                    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

                    using (DataTableReader reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                                DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(reader["StartDate"].ToString());
                                DateTime endDate = DateTime.Parse(reader["EndDate"].ToString());
                                int packageId = int.Parse(reader["PackageID"].ToString());
                                int telephoneId = int.Parse(reader["TelephoneID"].ToString());

                                var contract = new Contract
                                                       StartDate = startDate,
                                                       EndDate = endDate,
                                                       PackageId = packageId,
                                                       TelephoneNumberId = telephoneId

                            catch (FormatException ex)

                Console.WriteLine("Importing data from excel completed!");
                return importedContracts;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
     bool goodop = false;
     DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Warning, this will erase all current students and repopulate with the selected Excel spreadsheet\nMake sure the Excel document is formated in this order and format \"Student ID\" \"LastName\" \"FirstName\" \"Grade\"\nAll student Info must be on sheet1\nExcel document type: 97-2003 *.xls\nDo you want to continue?", "Verification", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
     if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
         OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
         if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             DialogResult dr2 = MessageBox.Show("Warning, this will erase all current students and repopulate with the selected Excel spreadsheet\nMake sure the Excel document is formated in this order\n\"Student ID\" \"LastName\" \"FirstName\" \"Grade\"\nThis will reappear and notify when the operation is completed\n5-10 minutes is required to complete this operation.\nDo you want to continue?", "Verification", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
             if (dr2 == DialogResult.Yes)
                     if (gl.oleconnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                     System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection excelconnection = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(@"provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='" + ofd.FileName + "';Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;");
                     System.Data.DataSet DtSet = new System.Data.DataSet();
                     System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter oledbd_readexcel = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("select * from [Sheet1$]", excelconnection);
                     if (gl.oleconnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) gl.oleconnection.Open();
                     DataTableReader dtr_excel = DtSet.CreateDataReader(DtSet.Tables[0]);
                     string dsql = "DELETE * FROM `" + gl.tbl_studentinfo + "`";
                     string[] dpar = { };
                     string[] dvalues = { };
                     dbi.dbcommands(dsql, dpar, dvalues);
                     while (dtr_excel.Read())
                         if (gl.oleconnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) gl.oleconnection.Open();
                         OleDbDataAdapter oledba_massadd = new OleDbDataAdapter();
                         string studentid = dtr_excel.GetValue(0).ToString();
                         string lastname = dtr_excel.GetValue(1).ToString();
                         string firstname = dtr_excel.GetValue(2).ToString();
                         string grade = dtr_excel.GetValue(3).ToString();
                         string sql = "INSERT INTO `" + gl.tbl_studentinfo + "` VALUES ('" + 0 + "',@studentid,@lastname,@firstname,@grade)";
                         string[] pars = { "@studentid", "@lastname", "@firstname", "@grade" };
                         string[] values = { studentid, lastname, firstname, grade };
                         dbi.dbcommands(sql, pars, values);
                     MessageBox.Show("All students have been added successfully");
                     goodop = true;
                 catch (Exception ex)
     if (!goodop)
         MessageBox.Show("Canceled", "Operation Status");
 public void GetLocationDrillDown1_Actions()
     //IEnumerable<string> analyticDataList;
     dsAnalytics = new DataSet();
     dsAnalytics = analyticsBiz.GetLocationDrillDown1_Actions(CustomerName, AppName, State);
     DataTableReader reader=dsAnalytics.CreateDataReader();
     Chart4.DataBindCrossTable(reader, "Gender", "NotifierType", "NotifierTypeCount", "Label=NotifierTypeCount");
 public void GetLocationDrillDown2_Actions()
     // IEnumerable<string> analyticDataList;
     dsAnalytics = new DataSet();
     dsAnalytics = analyticsBiz.GetLocationDrillDown2_Actions(CustomerName, AppName, City);
     DataTableReader reader = dsAnalytics.CreateDataReader();
     Chart4.DataBindCrossTable(reader, "Gender", "NotifierType", "NotifierTypeCount", "Label=NotifierTypeCount");
     Chart4.Titles[0].Text = "Notification Wise"; // :" + City + " - Total Actions -" + Count;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void btnExportCsv_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            try {
                //Save CSV file
                using (SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog()) {
                    saveFileDialog.Filter           = "csv files (*.csv)|*.csv";
                    saveFileDialog.FilterIndex      = 2;
                    saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;

                    if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
                        var exporter = new CsvDataExporter();
                        using (var streamWriter = File.OpenWrite(saveFileDialog.FileName))
                            exporter.Export(ResultDS.CreateDataReader(ResultDS.Tables.Cast <DataTable>().ToArray()), streamWriter);
            catch (Exception error) {
                //if some error occurs just show the error message
        /// <summary>
        /// Read an excel worksheet in an excel file specified by the provided file path and executes the provided action on every read of the DataTableReader(a reader for every row)>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="excelFilePath">The absolute path of the that the reader will read from.</param>
        /// <param name="sheetName">The string representation of the name of the sheet to read from.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action to execute with parameters the excel sheets as an array.</param>
        public void ReadExcelDataWithAction(string excelFilePath, string sheetName, Action<DataTableReader> action)
            var connectionString = string.Format(ConnectionStringFormat, excelFilePath);

            using (var connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString))

                string sheet;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sheetName))
                    var dataSheet = connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
                    sheet = dataSheet.Rows[0][DefaultSheetName].ToString();
                    sheet = sheetName.EndsWith("$") ? sheetName : sheetName + "$";

                var oleCommand = new OleDbCommand(QueryFormat.Formatted(sheet), connection);

                using (var adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(oleCommand))
                    using (var dataSet = new DataSet())

                        using (var reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())

                            while (reader.Read())

                oleCommand = null;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //add a reference to our SQL WS
            ws.SQLWS_endpoint SQLWS = new ws.SQLWS_endpoint();

            //Set our default credentials to our Windows one
            SQLWS.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

            //Call the sproc through the WS
            System.Data.DataSet dsReturnValue = (System.Data.DataSet)SQLWS.SQLWS("Calling stored proc").GetValue(0);

            //Get the reader associated with our Dataset
            System.Data.DataTableReader drSQL = dsReturnValue.CreateDataReader();

            //Get the result
            string strResult = "";

            while (drSQL.Read())
                strResult = drSQL[0].ToString();

            //Display the results
            MessageBox.Show("Return value from SQL call: " + strResult);

            ws.SqlParameter[] sqlparams = new ws.SqlParameter[0];

            //Send a batch command to SQL
            System.Data.DataSet dsReturnValue1 = (System.Data.DataSet)SQLWS.sqlbatch("SELECT * FROM sys.http_endpoints", ref sqlparams).GetValue(0);

            //Get the reader associated with our Dataset
            System.Data.DataTableReader drSQL1 = dsReturnValue1.CreateDataReader();

            //Get the result
            string strResult1 = "";

            while (drSQL1.Read())
                strResult1 = drSQL1[0].ToString();

            //Display the results
            MessageBox.Show("Return value from SQL call: " + strResult1);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private static Regex r = new Regex(@"\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //reguliere expressie om e-mailadressen te controleren.

        /// <summary>
        /// Methode om klanten in te loggen.
        /// Inputcontrole is voorzien, exceptions worden opgeworpen indien hier niet aan voldaan word.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        /// <param name="wachtwoord"></param>
        /// <returns>boolean</returns>

        public static Boolean Login(string email, string wachtwoord)

                if (!(r.IsMatch(email)))
                    throw new Classes.InputException();

                if ((wachtwoord.Length < 4) || (wachtwoord.ToString() == string.Empty))
                    throw new Classes.InputException();

                ds = ws.klant_Login(email, wachtwoord);
                dr = ds.CreateDataReader();
                if (dr.Read())
                    Klant_ID = dr.GetInt32(0);
                    Voornaam = dr.GetString(1);
                    Achternaam = dr.GetString(2);
                    Adres = dr.GetString(3);
                    Postcode = dr.GetInt32(4);
                    Rijksregisternummer = dr.GetString(5);
                    Telefoonnummer = dr.GetString(6);
                    GSMNummer = dr.GetString(7);
                    Geboortedatum = dr.GetDateTime(8);
                    Emailadres = dr.GetString(9);
                    Wachtwoord = dr.GetString(10);

                    return true; //User logged in.
                    return false; //User not found.
            catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static void ReadFromExcel(string sheetName, OleDbConnection excelConnection)
            OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "]", excelConnection);

            OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command);

            using (dataAdapter)
                DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();


                using (var reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} has a score of {1}", reader["Name"], reader["Score"]);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void GetPeriodDrillDown()
     //IEnumerable<string> analyticDataList;
     dsAnalytics = new DataSet();
     //analyticDataList = analyticsBiz.GetPeriodDrillDown(AppName,YearMonth);
     dsAnalytics = analyticsBiz.GetPeriodDrillDown(AppName, YearMonth);
     DataTableReader reader = dsAnalytics.CreateDataReader();
     Chart8.DataBindCrossTable(reader, "NotifierType", "YearMonth", "NotifierTypeCount", "Label=NotifierTypeCount");
     //Chart8.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true;
     //MarkerStyle marker = MarkerStyle.Square;
     foreach (Series ser in Chart8.Series)
         ser.ShadowOffset = 0;
         ser.BorderWidth = 2;
         ser.ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar;
         //ser.MarkerSize = 5;
         //ser.MarkerStyle = marker;
         ser.MarkerBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64);
         ser.Font = new Font("Lucida Grande", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
        public void GetLocationDrillDown1_Age()
            //IEnumerable<string> analyticDataList;
            dsAnalytics = new DataSet();
            dsAnalytics = analyticsBiz.GetLocationDrillDown1_Age(CustomerName, AppName, State);
            DataTableReader reader = dsAnalytics.CreateDataReader();
            Chart3.DataBindCrossTable(reader, "Gender", "Age", "NotifierTypeCount", "Label=NotifierTypeCount");
            foreach (Series ser in Chart3.Series)
                ser.ShadowOffset = 0;
                ser.BorderWidth = 2;

                ser.ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedColumn;

                //ser.MarkerSize = 5;
                //ser.MarkerStyle = marker;
                ser.MarkerBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64);
                ser.Font = new Font("Lucida Grande", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string connectionString = GetConnectionString();

            using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString))
                OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand();
                cmd.Connection = conn;

                // Get all Sheets in Excel File
                DataTable dtSheet = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);

                var sheetName = dtSheet.Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "]";

                using (var oleDbAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd))
                    var dataSet = new DataSet();

                    using (var reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            var name = reader["Name"];
                            var score = reader["Score"];
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", name, score);

                cmd = null;
        private List<Destination> ReadExcelData(OleDbConnection conn, string sheetName)
            Console.WriteLine("Reading data...");
            var excelDbCommand = new OleDbCommand(@"SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "]", conn);
            using (var oleDbDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(excelDbCommand))
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                var destinations = new List<Destination>();
                using (var reader = ds.CreateDataReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var destination = new Destination();
                        destination.Country = reader["Country"].ToString();
                        destination.Distance = double.Parse(reader["Distance"].ToString());
                        destination.LuxuryFactor = int.Parse(reader["LuxuryFactor"].ToString());

                return destinations;
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string loc = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["transitLocation"].ToString();
            string arch = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["transitArchive"].ToString();
            string appRoot = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath;
            string transitDirectory = loc.Replace("~/", appRoot);
            System.IO.StreamWriter agencyRecord, feedInfoRecord, routesRecord, stopsRecord, calendarsRecord, calendarDatesRecord, tripsRecord, stopTimesRecord, fareAttributesRecord, fareRulesRecord, testingRecord;

            // Set the message text back to nothing
            message.Text = " ";

            // Create root variables
            int agencyRoot;
            int routesRoot;
            int servicesRoot;
            int exceptionsRoot;
            int stopsRoot;
            int tripsRoot;
            int faresRoot;

            // Create an Error Counter
            int errors = 0;

            // Check to see if each of the txt files exist. If they don't then create them
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\agency.txt"))
                System.IO.File.Create(transitDirectory + "\\agency.txt");
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\feed_info.txt"))
                System.IO.File.Create(transitDirectory + "\\feed_info.txt");
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\routes.txt"))
                System.IO.File.Create(transitDirectory + "\\routes.txt");
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\stops.txt"))
                System.IO.File.Create(transitDirectory + "\\stops.txt");
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\calendar.txt"))
                System.IO.File.Create(transitDirectory + "\\calendar.txt");
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\calendar_dates.txt"))
                System.IO.File.Create(transitDirectory + "\\calendar_dates.txt");
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\trips.txt"))
                System.IO.File.Create(transitDirectory + "\\trips.txt");
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\stop_times.txt"))
                System.IO.File.Create(transitDirectory + "\\stop_times.txt");
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\fare_attributes.txt"))
                System.IO.File.Create(transitDirectory + "\\fare_attributes.txt");
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\fare_rules.txt"))
                System.IO.File.Create(transitDirectory + "\\fare_rules.txt");
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\testing.txt"))
                System.IO.File.Create(transitDirectory + "\\testing.txt");

                // Create StreamWriters for each of the txt Records
                agencyRecord = new StreamWriter(transitDirectory + "\\agency.txt");
                feedInfoRecord = new StreamWriter(transitDirectory + "\\feed_info.txt");
                routesRecord = new StreamWriter(transitDirectory + "\\routes.txt");
                stopsRecord = new StreamWriter(transitDirectory + "\\stops.txt");
                calendarsRecord = new StreamWriter(transitDirectory + "\\calendar.txt");
                calendarDatesRecord = new StreamWriter(transitDirectory + "\\calendar_dates.txt");
                tripsRecord = new StreamWriter(transitDirectory + "\\trips.txt");
                stopTimesRecord = new StreamWriter(transitDirectory + "\\stop_times.txt");
                fareAttributesRecord = new StreamWriter(transitDirectory + "\\fare_attributes.txt");
                fareRulesRecord = new StreamWriter(transitDirectory + "\\fare_rules.txt");
                testingRecord = new StreamWriter(transitDirectory + "\\testing.txt");

                // Write the first line of each txt file

                // Connect to the SQL Database
                SqlConnection SQLConn = new SqlConnection(GlobalSettings.DbDSN);
                SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter;
                DataTableReader dataReader;

                // Connect to the SQL database for the Routes node
                string agencySQL = string.Format(@"select id from umbracoNode where text = 'Routes'");
                dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(agencySQL, SQLConn);
                DataSet agencyDataSet = new DataSet();

                // Connect to the SQL database for the Transit Routes node
                string routesSQL = string.Format(@"select id from umbracoNode where text = 'Transit Routes'");
                dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(routesSQL, SQLConn);
                DataSet routesDataSet = new DataSet();

                // Connect to the SQL database for the Transit Service Calendars node
                string servicesSQL = string.Format(@"select id from umbracoNode where text = 'Transit Service Calendars'");
                dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(servicesSQL, SQLConn);
                DataSet servicesDataSet = new DataSet();

                // Connect to the SQL database for the Transit Service Calendar Exceptions node
                string exceptionsSQL = string.Format(@"select id from umbracoNode where text = 'Transit Service Calendar Exceptions'");
                dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(exceptionsSQL, SQLConn);
                DataSet exceptionsDataSet = new DataSet();

                // Connect to the SQL database for the Transit Stops node
                string stopsSQL = string.Format(@"select id from umbracoNode where text = 'Transit Stops'");
                dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(stopsSQL, SQLConn);
                DataSet stopsDataSet = new DataSet();

                // Connect to the SQL database for the Transit Trips node
                string tripsSQL = string.Format(@"select id from umbracoNode where text = 'Transit Trips and Stop Times'");
                dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(tripsSQL, SQLConn);
                DataSet tripsDataSet = new DataSet();

                // Connect to the SQL database for the Transit Fares node
                string faresSQL = string.Format(@"select id from umbracoNode where text = 'Transit Fares'");
                dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(faresSQL, SQLConn);
                DataSet faresDataSet = new DataSet();

                // Close and dispose SQL connection

                // Set the data reader for the Routes node and set the ID for the Routes node
                dataReader = agencyDataSet.CreateDataReader();
                if (dataReader.Read()) { agencyRoot = (int)dataReader["id"]; } else { status.Text = "No Routes Folder Found!"; return; }

                // Set the data reader for the Transit Routes node and set the ID for the Transit Routes node
                dataReader = routesDataSet.CreateDataReader();
                if (dataReader.Read()) { routesRoot = (int)dataReader["id"]; } else { status.Text = "No Transit Routes Folder Found!"; return; }

                // Set the data reader for the Transit Service Calendars node and set the ID for the Transit Service Calendars node
                dataReader = servicesDataSet.CreateDataReader();
                if (dataReader.Read()) { servicesRoot = (int)dataReader["id"]; } else { status.Text = "No Transit Service Calendars Folder Found!"; return; }

                // Set the data reader for the Transit Service Calendars Exceptions node and set the ID for the Transit Service Calendars Exceptions node
                dataReader = exceptionsDataSet.CreateDataReader();
                if (dataReader.Read()) { exceptionsRoot = (int)dataReader["id"]; } else { status.Text = "No Transit Service Calendar Exceptions Folder Found!"; return; }

                // Set the data reader for the Transit Stops node and set the ID for the Transit Stops node
                dataReader = stopsDataSet.CreateDataReader();
                if (dataReader.Read()) { stopsRoot = (int)dataReader["id"]; } else { status.Text = "No Transit Stops Folder Found!"; return; }

                // Set the data reader for the Transit Trips node and set the ID for the Transit Trips and Stop Times node
                dataReader = tripsDataSet.CreateDataReader();
                if (dataReader.Read()) { tripsRoot = (int)dataReader["id"]; } else { status.Text = "No Transit Trips and Stop Times Folder Found!"; return; }

                // Set the data reader for the Transit Fares node and set the ID for the Transit Fares node
                dataReader = faresDataSet.CreateDataReader();
                if (dataReader.Read()) { faresRoot = (int)dataReader["id"]; } else { status.Text = "No Transit Fares Folder Found!"; return; }

                // Dispose dataReader

                // Get the agency.txt information from the Routes node and write it to agencyRecord
                Document agency = new Document(agencyRoot);
                // Create URL out of agency fare page id
                string fareURL = new Node(Convert.ToInt32(agency.getProperty("agencyFarePage").Value.ToString())).NiceUrl;
                agencyRecord.WriteLine(agency.getProperty("agencyID").Value.ToString() + "," + agency.getProperty("agencyName").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "," + agency.getProperty("agencyURL").Value.ToString() + "," + agency.getProperty("agencyTimezone").Value.ToString() + ",EN," + agency.getProperty("agencyPhoneNumber").Value.ToString() + "," + agency.getProperty("agencyURL").Value.ToString() + fareURL);
                // Testing
                testingRecord.WriteLine("agency_id = " + agency.getProperty("agencyID").Value.ToString() + "  |  agency_name = " + agency.getProperty("agencyName").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "  |  agency_url = " + agency.getProperty("agencyURL").Value.ToString() + "  |  agency_timezone = " + agency.getProperty("agencyTimezone").Value.ToString() + "  |  agency_lang = EN  |  agency_phone = " + agency.getProperty("agencyPhoneNumber").Value.ToString() + "  |  agency_fare_url = " + agency.getProperty("agencyURL").Value.ToString() + fareURL);

                // Write the only line for feed_info.txt
                // Testing
                testingRecord.WriteLine("feed_publisher_name = HillSouth  |  feed_publisher_url =  |  feed_lang = EN  |  feed_version =  ");

                // Get the routes.txt information from the Transit Routes children nodes and write it to routesRecord
                Document[] routes = new Document(routesRoot).Children;
                // Testing
                for (int a = 0; a < routes.Length; a++)
                    // Send the route to XML
                    XmlNode routesNode = routes[a].ToXml(new XmlDocument(), false);
                    // Check to see if the routesNode equals null, if so, the route is not published
                    string routeNodeName;
                    if (routesNode == null)
                        // Get the route node name from the xml node attributes
                        routeNodeName = routesNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("nodeName").Value.ToString();
                    // Check to see if the Route needs to be excludes due to the googleTransitOverride
                    string googleTransitOverride = routes[a].getProperty("googleTransitOverride").Value.ToString();
                    if (googleTransitOverride == "1")
                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Route <b>" + routeNodeName + "</b> has not been added to the Google Transit Feed.</span><br />";
                    // Write the needed line
                    routesRecord.WriteLine(routeNodeName + ",," + routes[a].getProperty("routeShortName").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "," + routes[a].getProperty("routeFullName").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "," + routes[a].getProperty("routeDescription").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + ",3,,,");
                    // Testing
                    testingRecord.WriteLine("route_id = " + routeNodeName + "  |  agency_id =  |  route_short_name = " + routes[a].getProperty("routeShortName").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "  |  route_long_name = " + routes[a].getProperty("routeFullName").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "  |  route_description = " + routes[a].getProperty("routeDescription").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "  |  route_type = 3  |  route_url =  |  route_color =  |  route_text_color = ");
                // Testing

                // Get the stops.txt information from the Transit Stops children nodes and write it to stopsRecord
                Document[] stops = new Document(stopsRoot).Children;
                // Testing
                for (int b = 0; b < stops.Length; b++)
                    // Send the stop to XML
                    XmlNode stopsNode = stops[b].ToXml(new XmlDocument(), false);
                    // Check to see if the stopsNode equals null, if so, the stop is not published
                    string stopNodeName;
                    if (stopsNode == null)
                        // Get the stop node name from the xml node attributes
                        stopNodeName = stopsNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("nodeName").Value.ToString();
                    // Create stopCoordinates variable
                    string[] stopCoordinates;
                    // Check to see whether or not stopMap has been populated
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(stops[b].getProperty("stopMap").Value.ToString()))
                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Stop <b>" + stopNodeName + "</b> has not been mapped correctly.</span><br />";
                        stopCoordinates = stops[b].getProperty("stopMap").Value.ToString().Split(',');
                    // Check to see whether or not stopZone has been populated
                    if (stops[b].getProperty("stopZone").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Stop <b>" + stopNodeName + "</b> does not have a stop zone applied to it.</span><br />";
                    // Write the information
                    stopsRecord.WriteLine(stopNodeName + ",," + stops[b].getProperty("stopName").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "," + stops[b].getProperty("stopDescription").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "," + stopCoordinates[0] + "," + stopCoordinates[1] + "," + stops[b].getProperty("stopZone").Value.ToString() + ",,,");
                    // Testing
                    testingRecord.WriteLine("stop_id = " + stopNodeName + "  |  stop_code =  |  stop_name = " + stops[b].getProperty("stopName").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "  |  stop_desc = " + stops[b].getProperty("stopDescription").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "  |  stop_lat = " + stopCoordinates[0] + "  |  stop_lon = " + stopCoordinates[1] + "  |  zone_id = " + stops[b].getProperty("stopZone").Value.ToString() + "  |  stop_url =  |  location_type =  |  parent_station = ");
                // Testing

                // Get the calendar.txt information from the Transit Service Calendars children nodes and write it to calendarsRecord
                Document[] services = new Document(servicesRoot).Children;
                // Testing
                for (int c = 0; c < services.Length; c++)
                    // Send the calendar to XML
                    XmlNode servicesNode = services[c].ToXml(new XmlDocument(), false);
                    // Check to see if the servicesNode equals null, if so, the exception is not published
                    string serviceNodeName;
                    if (servicesNode == null)
                        // Get the calendar node name from the xml node attributes
                        serviceNodeName = servicesNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("nodeName").Value.ToString();
                    // Check to see if the service calendar has at least one day selected
                    if (services[c].getProperty("serviceMonday").Value.ToString() == "0" && services[c].getProperty("serviceTuesday").Value.ToString() == "0" && services[c].getProperty("serviceWednesday").Value.ToString() == "0" && services[c].getProperty("serviceThursday").Value.ToString() == "0" && services[c].getProperty("serviceFriday").Value.ToString() == "0" && services[c].getProperty("serviceSaturday").Value.ToString() == "0" && services[c].getProperty("serviceSunday").Value.ToString() == "0")
                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Service Calendar <b>" + serviceNodeName + "</b> does not have any days chosen. A Service Calendar must have at least one day chosen.</span><br />";
                    // Write the information
                    calendarsRecord.WriteLine(serviceNodeName + "," + services[c].getProperty("serviceMonday").Value.ToString() + "," + services[c].getProperty("serviceTuesday").Value.ToString() + "," + services[c].getProperty("serviceWednesday").Value.ToString() + "," + services[c].getProperty("serviceThursday").Value.ToString() + "," + services[c].getProperty("serviceFriday").Value.ToString() + "," + services[c].getProperty("serviceSaturday").Value.ToString() + "," + services[c].getProperty("serviceSunday").Value.ToString() + "," + services[c].getProperty("serviceStartDate").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 4) + services[c].getProperty("serviceStartDate").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2) + services[c].getProperty("serviceStartDate").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + "," + services[c].getProperty("serviceEndDate").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 4) + services[c].getProperty("serviceEndDate").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2) + services[c].getProperty("serviceEndDate").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2));
                    // Testing
                    testingRecord.WriteLine("service_id = " + serviceNodeName + "  |  monday = " + services[c].getProperty("serviceMonday").Value.ToString() + "  |  tuesday = " + services[c].getProperty("serviceTuesday").Value.ToString() + "  |  wednesday = " + services[c].getProperty("serviceWednesday").Value.ToString() + "  |  thursday = " + services[c].getProperty("serviceThursday").Value.ToString() + "  |  friday = " + services[c].getProperty("serviceFriday").Value.ToString() + "  |  saturday = " + services[c].getProperty("serviceSaturday").Value.ToString() + "  |  sunday = " + services[c].getProperty("serviceSunday").Value.ToString() + "  |  start_date = " + services[c].getProperty("serviceStartDate").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 4) + services[c].getProperty("serviceStartDate").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2) + services[c].getProperty("serviceStartDate").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + "  |  end_date = " + services[c].getProperty("serviceEndDate").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 4) + services[c].getProperty("serviceEndDate").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2) + services[c].getProperty("serviceEndDate").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2));
                // Testing

                // Get the calendar_dates.txt information from the Transit Service Calendar Exceptions children nodes and write it to calendarDatesRecord
                Document[] exceptions = new Document(exceptionsRoot).Children;
                // Testing
                for (int d = 0; d < exceptions.Length; d++)
                    // Send the calendar exception to XML
                    XmlNode exceptionsNode = exceptions[d].ToXml(new XmlDocument(), false);
                    // Check to see if the exceptionsNode equals null, if so, the exception is not published
                    string exceptionNodeName;
                    if (exceptionsNode == null)
                        // Get the calendar exception node name from the xml node attributes
                        exceptionNodeName = exceptionsNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("nodeName").Value.ToString();
                    // Check to see if the calendar exception has the removeService option selected
                    if (exceptions[d].getProperty("removeService").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Service Calendar Exception <b>" + exceptionNodeName + "</b> does not have a value for Remove Service. To create an exception, you must choose to remove a service.</span><br />";
                    // Check to see if the calendar exception has the addService option selected
                    if (exceptions[d].getProperty("addService").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Service Calendar Exception <b>" + exceptionNodeName + "</b> does not have a value for Add Service. To create an exception, you must choose to add a service.</span><br />";
                    // Check to see if the calendar exception's removeService and addService options are the same, if so pass error
                    if (exceptions[d].getProperty("removeService").Value.ToString() == exceptions[d].getProperty("addService").Value.ToString())
                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Service Calendar Exception <b>" + exceptionNodeName + "</b> has the same value for its Remove Service and Add Service options. The two options have to be different.</span><br />";
                    // Write the first line which is the remove service line
                    calendarDatesRecord.WriteLine(exceptions[d].getProperty("removeService").Value.ToString() + "," + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 4) + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2) + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + ",2");
                    // Write the second line which is the add service line
                    calendarDatesRecord.WriteLine(exceptions[d].getProperty("addService").Value.ToString() + "," + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 4) + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2) + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + ",1");
                    // Testing
                    testingRecord.WriteLine("service_id = " + exceptions[d].getProperty("removeService").Value.ToString() + "  |  date = " + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 4) + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2) + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + "  |  exception_type = 2");
                    testingRecord.WriteLine("service_id = " + exceptions[d].getProperty("addService").Value.ToString() + "  |  date = " + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 4) + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2) + exceptions[d].getProperty("exceptionDate").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + "  |  exception_type = 1");
                // Testing

                // Get the trips.txt information from the Transit Trips children nodes and write it to the tripsRecord
                Document[] trips = new Document(tripsRoot).Children;
                // Create the DataSet
                DataSet set = new DataSet("Trip_Stop_Times");
                // Loop through all trips and stop times and put them in a DataSet for using when a trip is based on another
                using (set)
                    for (int m = 0; m < trips.Length; m++)
                        // Send the trip to XML
                        XmlNode tripsNode = trips[m].ToXml(new XmlDocument(), false);
                        // Check to see if the tripsNode equals null, if so, the trip is not published
                        string tripNodeName;
                        if (tripsNode == null)
                            // Get the trip node name from the xml node attributes
                            tripNodeName = tripsNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("nodeName").Value.ToString();
                        // Check to see if the trip has a route selected
                        if (trips[m].getProperty("route").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                        // Check to see if the trip has a calendar selected
                        if (trips[m].getProperty("calendar").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                        // Create a table for this trip
                        DataTable table1 = new DataTable(tripNodeName);
                        // Set the trip's stop times to a variable
                        Document[] stopTimes = trips[m].Children;
                        for (int n = 0; n < stopTimes.Length; n++)
                            // Send the stop time to XML
                            XmlNode stopTimesNode = stopTimes[n].ToXml(new XmlDocument(), false);
                            // Check to see if the stopTimesNode equals null, if so, the stop time is not published
                            string stopTimeNodeName;
                            if (stopTimesNode == null)
                                // Get the stop time node name from the xml node attributes
                                stopTimeNodeName = stopTimesNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("nodeName").Value.ToString();
                            // Check to see if a stop has been selected
                            if (stopTimes[n].getProperty("transitStop").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                            // Check to see if a departure time has been given, if not set the departure time to the arrival time
                            string arrivalTime = stopTimes[n].getProperty("arrivalTime").Value.ToString();
                            string departureTime = stopTimes[n].getProperty("departureTime").Value.ToString();
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(departureTime))
                                departureTime = arrivalTime;
                            // Create the DataTable row with the correct information for the columns
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(trips[m].getProperty("tripHeadway").Value.ToString()))
                                table1.Rows.Add(null, stopTimes[n].getProperty("transitStop").Value.ToString(), arrivalTime, departureTime);
                                table1.Rows.Add(trips[m].getProperty("tripHeadway").Value.ToString(), stopTimes[n].getProperty("transitStop").Value.ToString(), arrivalTime, departureTime);
                        // Add the DataTables to the DataSet
                // Testing
                // Loop through and do all of the work
                for (int f = 0; f < trips.Length; f++)
                    // Send the trip to XML
                    XmlNode tripsNode = trips[f].ToXml(new XmlDocument(), false);
                    // Check to see if the tripsNode equals null, if so, the trip is not published
                    string tripNodeName;
                    if (tripsNode == null)
                        // Get the trip node name from the xml node attributes
                        tripNodeName = tripsNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("nodeName").Value.ToString();
                    // Check to see if the trip has a route selected
                    if (trips[f].getProperty("route").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Trip <b>" + tripNodeName + "</b> does not have a route selected.</span><br />";
                    // Check to see if the trip has a calendar selected
                    if (trips[f].getProperty("calendar").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Trip <b>" + tripNodeName + "</b> does not have a calendar selected.</span><br />";
                    // Set the direction of the trip if it has been given a value
                    string direction;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(trips[f].getProperty("tripDirection").Value.ToString()))
                        direction = "";
                        if (trips[f].getProperty("tripDirection").Value.ToString() == "96" || trips[f].getProperty("tripDirection").Value.ToString() == "57")
                            direction = "0";
                            direction = "1";
                    // Testing
                    // message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Trip <b>" + tripNodeName + "</b> direction is: " + trips[f].getProperty("tripDirection").Value.ToString() + ".</span><br />";
                    // Set the trip's stop times to a variable
                    Document[] stopTimes = trips[f].Children;
                    // Check to see if the current trip is based on another.
                    if (trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                        // The trip is not based on another, check to see if there are any stopTimes. If not, is it possible that they accidently meant to base it off of another
                        if (stopTimes.Length == 0)
                            message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Trip <b>" + tripNodeName + "</b> does not have any stop times provided. Did you mean to base it off of another trip and didn't?</span><br />";
                        // Check to see if there is a tripHeadway
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(trips[f].getProperty("tripHeadway").Value.ToString()))
                            // There is not a tripHeadway, write out the trip
                            tripsRecord.WriteLine(trips[f].getProperty("route").Value.ToString() + "," + trips[f].getProperty("calendar").Value.ToString() + "," + tripNodeName + "," + trips[f].getProperty("tripHeadsign").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "," + direction + ",,");
                            // Testing
                            testingRecord.WriteLine("route_id = " + trips[f].getProperty("route").Value.ToString() + "  |  service_id = " + trips[f].getProperty("calendar").Value.ToString() + "  |  trip_id = " + tripNodeName + "  |  trip_headsign = " + trips[f].getProperty("tripHeadsign").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "  |  direction_id = " + direction + "  |  block_id =  |  shape_id = ");
                            // Loop through each of the stop times and write to the stopTimesRecord
                            for (int g = 0; g < stopTimes.Length; g++)
                                // Send the stop time to XML
                                XmlNode stopTimesNode = stopTimes[g].ToXml(new XmlDocument(), false);
                                // Check to see if the stopTimesNode equals null, if so, the stop time is not published
                                string stopTimeNodeName;
                                if (stopTimesNode == null)
                                    // Get the stop time node name from the xml node attributes
                                    stopTimeNodeName = stopTimesNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("nodeName").Value.ToString();
                                // Check to see if a stop has been selected
                                if (stopTimes[g].getProperty("transitStop").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                                    message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Stop Time <b>" + stopTimeNodeName + "</b> does not have a stop selected.</span><br />";
                                // Check to see if a departure time has been given, if not set the departure time to the arrival time
                                string arrivalTime = stopTimes[g].getProperty("arrivalTime").Value.ToString();
                                string departureTime = stopTimes[g].getProperty("departureTime").Value.ToString();
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(departureTime))
                                    departureTime = arrivalTime;
                                // Write out the stop times
                                stopTimesRecord.WriteLine(tripNodeName + "," + arrivalTime + "," + departureTime + "," + stopTimes[g].getProperty("transitStop").Value.ToString() + "," + (g + 1) + ",,0,0,");
                                // Testing
                                testingRecord.WriteLine("     stop_times.txt:  trip_id = " + tripNodeName + "  |  arrival_time = " + arrivalTime + "  |  departure_time = " + departureTime + "  |  stop_id = " + stopTimes[g].getProperty("transitStop").Value.ToString() + "  |  stop_sequence = " + (g + 1) + "  |  stop_headsign =  |  pickup_type = 0  |  drop_off_type = 0  |  shape_dist_traveled = ");
                            // There is a tripHeadway
                            // Check to make sure that there is a calendarStartTime and calendarEndTime
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(trips[f].getProperty("calendarStartTime").Value.ToString()) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(trips[f].getProperty("calendarEndTime").Value.ToString()))
                                message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Trip <b>" + tripNodeName + "</b> has a Trip Headway provided, but does not have a Calendar Start Time or Calendar End Time provided.</span><br />";
                            // Create DateTime objects out of the present CalendarStartTime and CalendarEndTime
                            DateTime calendarStartTime = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarStartTime").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarStartTime").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarStartTime").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 2)));
                            DateTime calendarEndTime = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarEndTime").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarEndTime").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarEndTime").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 2)));
                            // Find the nextStartTime
                            string lastTime;
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(stopTimes[stopTimes.Length - 1].getProperty("departureTime").Value.ToString()))
                                lastTime = stopTimes[stopTimes.Length - 1].getProperty("arrivalTime").Value.ToString();
                                lastTime = stopTimes[stopTimes.Length - 1].getProperty("departureTime").Value.ToString();
                            DateTime lastStopTime = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, Convert.ToInt32(lastTime.Substring(0, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(lastTime.Substring(3, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(lastTime.Substring(6, 2)));
                            // Create a double variable out of the tripHeadway
                            double headway = Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("tripHeadway").Value.ToString());
                            // Add the tripHeadway to the nextStartTime to get the real nextStartTime
                            DateTime nextStartTime = lastStopTime.AddSeconds(headway);
                            // Find the hour difference between the nextStartTime and all of the stopTimes
                            string arrivalTime;
                            string departureTime;
                            int stopTimeHour;
                            int nextStartTimeHour = Convert.ToInt32(nextStartTime.ToString("HH"));
                            int[] hourDifferences = new int[stopTimes.Length];
                            // Testing
                            // testingRecord.WriteLine("");
                            // testingRecord.WriteLine("Stop Time Information:");
                            for (int h = 0; h < stopTimes.Length; h++)
                                // Send the stop time to XML
                                XmlNode stopTimesNode = stopTimes[h].ToXml(new XmlDocument(), false);
                                // Check to see if a departureTime has been given, if not, set the departureTime to the arrivalTime
                                arrivalTime = stopTimes[h].getProperty("arrivalTime").Value.ToString();
                                departureTime = stopTimes[h].getProperty("departureTime").Value.ToString();
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(departureTime))
                                    departureTime = arrivalTime;
                                // Assign the stopTimeHour
                                stopTimeHour = Convert.ToInt32(departureTime.Substring(0, 2));
                                hourDifferences[h] = nextStartTimeHour - stopTimeHour;
                                // Testing
                                //testingRecord.WriteLine("CalendarStartTime: " + calendarStartTime.ToString() + " | CalendarEndTime: " + calendarEndTime.ToString() + " | Stop Time: " + departureTime + " | Stop Time Hour: " + stopTimeHour.ToString() + " | Next Start Time of Trip: " + nextStartTime.ToString() + " | Next Start Time Hour: " + nextStartTimeHour.ToString() + " | Hour Difference: " + hourDifferences[h].ToString());
                            // Create a variable for iteration
                            int sequence = 1;
                            // Grab the first hour of the stopTimes sequence
                            string firstTime;
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(stopTimes[0].getProperty("departureTime").Value.ToString()))
                                firstTime = stopTimes[0].getProperty("arrivalTime").Value.ToString();
                                firstTime = stopTimes[0].getProperty("departureTime").Value.ToString();
                            int currentHour = Convert.ToInt32(firstTime.Substring(0, 2));
                            string hasBeenIncreased = "no";
                            // While the nextStartTime is less than the calendarEndTime, loop through the stopTimes and write them and a trip with every pass
                            while (nextStartTime < calendarEndTime)
                                // Write the trip
                                tripsRecord.WriteLine(trips[f].getProperty("route").Value.ToString() + "," + trips[f].getProperty("calendar").Value.ToString() + "," + tripNodeName + "_" + sequence.ToString() + "," + trips[f].getProperty("tripHeadsign").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "," + direction + ",,");
                                // Testing
                                testingRecord.WriteLine("route_id = " + trips[f].getProperty("route").Value.ToString() + "  |  service_id = " + trips[f].getProperty("calendar").Value.ToString() + "  |  trip_id = " + tripNodeName + "_" + sequence.ToString() + "  |  trip_headsign = " + trips[f].getProperty("tripHeadsign").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "  |  direction_id = " + direction + "  |  block_id =  |  shape_id = ");
                                // Loop through each of the stop times and write to the stopTimesRecord
                                for (int g = 0; g < stopTimes.Length; g++)
                                    // Send the stop time to XML
                                    XmlNode stopTimesNode = stopTimes[g].ToXml(new XmlDocument(), false);
                                    // Check to see if the stopTimesNode equals null, if so, the stop time is not published
                                    string stopTimeNodeName;
                                    if (stopTimesNode == null)
                                        // Get the stop time node name from the xml node attributes
                                        stopTimeNodeName = stopTimesNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("nodeName").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ");
                                    // Check to see if a stop has been selected
                                    if (stopTimes[g].getProperty("transitStop").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Stop Time <b>" + stopTimeNodeName + "</b> does not have a stop selected.</span><br />";
                                    // If the hourDifference is 0, then increase the currentHour
                                    //if (hourDifferences[g] == 0 && hasBeenIncreased == "no")
                                    if (g != 0)
                                        if (hourDifferences[g] < hourDifferences[g - 1] && hasBeenIncreased == "no")
                                            hasBeenIncreased = "yes";
                                    // Check to see if a departure time has been given, if not, set the departure time to the arrival time
                                    string arrivalTime2;
                                    string departureTime2;
                                    arrivalTime2 = currentHour.ToString() + stopTimes[g].getProperty("arrivalTime").Value.ToString().Substring(2, 6);
                                    departureTime2 = stopTimes[g].getProperty("departureTime").Value.ToString();
                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(departureTime2))
                                        departureTime2 = arrivalTime2;
                                        departureTime2 = currentHour.ToString() + stopTimes[g].getProperty("departureTime").Value.ToString().Substring(2, 6);
                                    // Testing
                                    testingRecord.WriteLine("CurrentHour: " + currentHour.ToString() + " | Has Been Increased: " + hasBeenIncreased);
                                    // Write out the stop times
                                    stopTimesRecord.WriteLine(tripNodeName + "_" + sequence.ToString() + "," + arrivalTime2 + "," + departureTime2 + "," + stopTimes[g].getProperty("transitStop").Value.ToString() + "," + (g + 1) + ",,0,0,");
                                    // Testing
                                    testingRecord.WriteLine("     stop_times.txt:  trip_id = " + tripNodeName + "_" + sequence.ToString() + "  |  arrival_time = " + arrivalTime2 + "  |  departure_time = " + departureTime2 + "  |  stop_id = " + stopTimes[g].getProperty("transitStop").Value.ToString() + "  |  stop_sequence = " + (g + 1) + "  |  stop_headsign =  |  pickup_type = 0  |  drop_off_type = 0  |  shape_dist_traveled = ");
                                // Set the new hour to be working with
                                nextStartTime = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, currentHour, Convert.ToInt32(lastTime.Substring(3, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(lastTime.Substring(6, 2)));
                                nextStartTime = nextStartTime.AddSeconds(headway);
                                currentHour = Convert.ToInt32(nextStartTime.ToString("HH"));
                                hasBeenIncreased = "no";
                                // Testing
                                // testingRecord.WriteLine("Next Start Time: " + nextStartTime.ToString());
                                // Increase the sequence variable
                        // Check to see that the trip has a calendarStartTime and calendarEndTime
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(trips[f].getProperty("calendarStartTime").Value.ToString()) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(trips[f].getProperty("calendarEndTime").Value.ToString()))
                            message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Trip <b>" + tripNodeName + "</b> is based off of another trip, but does not have a Calendar Start Time or Calendar End Time provided.</span><br />";
                        // Check to see if the trip that this trip is based on has a tripHeadway
                        if (DBNull.Value.Equals(set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[0]["tripHeadway"]))
                            // There is NO tripHeadway in the based on trip
                            // Write out the trip
                            tripsRecord.WriteLine(trips[f].getProperty("route").Value.ToString() + "," + trips[f].getProperty("calendar").Value.ToString() + "," + tripNodeName + "," + trips[f].getProperty("tripHeadsign").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "," + direction + ",,");
                            // Testing
                            testingRecord.WriteLine("route_id = " + trips[f].getProperty("route").Value.ToString() + "  |  service_id = " + trips[f].getProperty("calendar").Value.ToString() + "  |  trip_id = " + tripNodeName + "  |  trip_headsign = " + trips[f].getProperty("tripHeadsign").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "  |  direction_id = " + direction + "  |  block_id =  |  shape_id = ");
                            // Find out how many hours separate the calendarStartTime of the trip and the based on trip's stop times
                            int hourDifference;
                            // Loop through each of the stop times and write to the stopTimesRecord
                            for (int r = 0; r < set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows.Count; r++)
                                // Find the new arrival and departure times created by the trip's calendarStartTime
                                hourDifference = Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarStartTime").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2)) - Convert.ToInt32(set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[r]["arrival_time"].ToString().Substring(0, 2));
                                int newArrivalTimeHour = Convert.ToInt32(set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[r]["arrival_time"].ToString().Substring(0, 2)) + hourDifference;
                                int newDepartureTimeHour = Convert.ToInt32(set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[r]["departure_time"].ToString().Substring(0, 2)) + hourDifference;
                                string newArrivalTime = newArrivalTimeHour.ToString() + set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[r]["arrival_time"].ToString().Substring(2, 6);
                                string newDepartureTime = newDepartureTimeHour.ToString() + set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[r]["departure_time"].ToString().Substring(2, 6);
                                // Write out the stop times
                                stopTimesRecord.WriteLine(tripNodeName + "," + newArrivalTime + "," + newDepartureTime + "," + set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[r]["stop_id"] + "," + (r + 1) + ",,0,0,");
                                // Testing
                                testingRecord.WriteLine("     stop_times.txt:  trip_id = " + tripNodeName + "  |  arrival_time = " + newArrivalTime + "  |  departure_time = " + newDepartureTime + "  |  stop_id = " + set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[r]["stop_id"] + "  |  stop_sequence = " + (r + 1) + "  |  stop_headsign =  |  pickup_type = 0  |  drop_off_type = 0  |  shape_dist_traveled = ");
                            // There is a tripHeadway in the based on trip
                            // Create DateTime objects out of the present CalendarStartTime and CalendarEndTime
                            DateTime calendarStartTime = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarStartTime").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarStartTime").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarStartTime").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 2)));
                            DateTime calendarEndTime = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarEndTime").Value.ToString().Substring(0, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarEndTime").Value.ToString().Substring(3, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(trips[f].getProperty("calendarEndTime").Value.ToString().Substring(6, 2)));
                            // Find out how many stops where in the based on trip
                            int stopTimesLength = set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows.Count;
                            // Find the nextStartTime of the based on trip
                            string lastTime;
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[stopTimesLength - 1]["departure_time"].ToString()))
                                lastTime = set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[stopTimesLength - 1]["arrival_time"].ToString();
                                lastTime = set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[stopTimesLength - 1]["departure_time"].ToString();
                            DateTime lastStopTime = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, Convert.ToInt32(lastTime.Substring(0, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(lastTime.Substring(3, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(lastTime.Substring(6, 2)));
                            // Create a double variable out of the tripHeadway of the based on trip
                            double headway = Convert.ToInt32(set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[0]["tripHeadway"]);
                            // Add the tripHeadway to the nextStartTime to get the real nextStartTime
                            DateTime nextStartTime = lastStopTime.AddSeconds(headway);
                            // Find the hourDifferences between the nextStartTime and all of the stopTimes
                            string arrivalTime;
                            string departureTime;
                            int stopTimeHour;
                            int nextStartTimeHour = Convert.ToInt32(nextStartTime.ToString("HH"));
                            int[] hourDifferences = new int[stopTimesLength];
                            // Testing
                            // testingRecord.WriteLine("");
                            // testingRecord.WriteLine("Stop Time Information: ");
                            for (int h = 0; h < stopTimesLength; h++)
                                arrivalTime = set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[h]["arrival_time"].ToString();
                                departureTime = set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[h]["departure_time"].ToString();
                                // Assign the stopTimeHour
                                stopTimeHour = Convert.ToInt32(departureTime.Substring(0, 2));
                                hourDifferences[h] = nextStartTimeHour - stopTimeHour;
                                // Testing
                                // testingRecord.WriteLine("CalendarStartTime: " + calendarStartTime.ToString() + " | CalendarEndTime: " + calendarEndTime.ToString() + " | Stop Time: " + departureTime + " | Stop Time Hour: " + stopTimeHour.ToString() + " | Next Start Time of Trip: " + nextStartTime.ToString() + " | Next Start Time Hour: " + nextStartTimeHour.ToString() + " | Hour Difference: " + hourDifferences[h].ToString());
                            // Create a variable for iteration
                            int sequence = 1;
                            // Grab the first hour of the stopTimes sequence
                            string firstTime = set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[0]["departure_time"].ToString();
                            int currentHour = Convert.ToInt32(firstTime.Substring(0, 2));
                            string hasBeenIncreased = "no";
                            // While the nextStartTime is less than the calendarEndTime, loop through the stopTimes and write them and a trip with every pass
                            while (nextStartTime < calendarEndTime)
                                // Testing
                                // Create a DateTime object for the next arrivalTime and test that it is in the calendarStartTime and calendarEndTime scope
                                DateTime arrivalTimeTest;
                                // Loop through each of the stop times and write to the stopTimesRecord
                                for (int g = 0; g < stopTimesLength; g++)
                                    // If the hourDifference is 0, then increase the currentHour
                                    if (g != 0)
                                        if (hourDifferences[g] < hourDifferences[g - 1] && hasBeenIncreased == "no")
                                            hasBeenIncreased = "yes";
                                    // Assign the arrivalTime2 and departureTime2 values
                                    string arrivalTime2;
                                    string departureTime2;
                                    arrivalTime2 = currentHour.ToString() + set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[g]["arrival_time"].ToString().Substring(2, 6);
                                    departureTime2 = currentHour.ToString() + set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[g]["departure_time"].ToString().Substring(2, 6);
                                    // Testing
                                    // testingRecord.WriteLine("CurrentHour: " + currentHour.ToString());
                                    // Set arrivalTimeTest
                                    arrivalTimeTest = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, currentHour, Convert.ToInt32(set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[0]["arrival_time"].ToString().Substring(3, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[0]["arrival_time"].ToString().Substring(6, 2)));
                                    if (arrivalTimeTest >= calendarStartTime && g != stopTimesLength - 1)
                                        // Write out the stop times
                                        stopTimesRecord.WriteLine(tripNodeName + "_" + sequence.ToString() + "," + arrivalTime2 + "," + departureTime2 + "," + set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[g]["stop_id"] + "," + (g + 1) + ",,0,0,");
                                        // Testing
                                        testingRecord.WriteLine("     stop_times.txt:  trip_id = " + tripNodeName + "_" + sequence.ToString() + "  |  arrival_time = " + arrivalTime2 + "  |  departure_time = " + departureTime2 + "  |  stop_id = " + set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[g]["stop_id"] + "  |  stop_sequence = " + (g + 1) + "  |  stop_headsign =  |  pickup_type = 0  |  drop_off_type = 0  |  shape_dist_traveled = ");
                                // Set arrivalTimeTest
                                arrivalTimeTest = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, currentHour, Convert.ToInt32(set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[0]["arrival_time"].ToString().Substring(3, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[0]["arrival_time"].ToString().Substring(6, 2)));
                                // Testing
                                testingRecord.WriteLine("Arrival Time Test: " + arrivalTimeTest);
                                // Write a variable for when a trip gets written
                                string tripWritten = "no";
                                // Only write the trip if the arrivalTimeTest is within the scope
                                if (arrivalTimeTest >= calendarStartTime)
                                    // Write the trip
                                    tripsRecord.WriteLine(trips[f].getProperty("route").Value.ToString() + "," + trips[f].getProperty("calendar").Value.ToString() + "," + tripNodeName + "_" + sequence.ToString() + "," + trips[f].getProperty("tripHeadsign").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "," + direction + ",,");
                                    // Testing
                                    testingRecord.WriteLine("route_id = " + trips[f].getProperty("route").Value.ToString() + "  |  service_id = " + trips[f].getProperty("calendar").Value.ToString() + "  |  trip_id = " + tripNodeName + "_" + sequence.ToString() + "  |  trip_headsign = " + trips[f].getProperty("tripHeadsign").Value.ToString().Replace(",", " ") + "  |  direction_id = " + direction + "  |  block_id =  |  shape_id = ");
                                    // Set tripWritten to yes
                                    tripWritten = "yes";
                                // Set the new hour
                                nextStartTime = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, currentHour, Convert.ToInt32(lastTime.Substring(3, 2)), Convert.ToInt32(lastTime.Substring(3, 2)));
                                nextStartTime = nextStartTime.AddSeconds(headway);
                                currentHour = Convert.ToInt32(nextStartTime.ToString("HH"));
                                hasBeenIncreased = "no";
                                // Testing
                                // testingRecord.WriteLine("Next Start Time: " + nextStartTime.ToString());
                                // Increase the sequence variable
                                if (tripWritten == "yes")
                        //testingRecord.WriteLine("Table Name: " + set.Tables[tripNodeName] + " | Table that it is based on = " + trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString() + " | Based on Tables's Row Count: = " + set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows.Count + " | Based on tables's tripHeadway = " + set.Tables[trips[f].getProperty("tripBasedOn").Value.ToString()].Rows[0]["tripHeadway"]);
                // Testing

                // Get the fare_attributes.txt information from the Transit Fares children nodes and write it to fareAttributesRecord
                Document[] fares = new Document(faresRoot).Children;
                // Testing
                for (int h = 0; h < fares.Length; h++)
                    // Send the fare to XML
                    XmlNode faresNode = fares[h].ToXml(new XmlDocument(), false);
                    // Check to see if the faresNode equals null, if so, the fare is not published
                    string fareNodeName;
                    if (faresNode == null)
                        // Get the route node name from the xml node attributes
                        fareNodeName = faresNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("nodeName").Value.ToString();
                    // Set the transfer option to a value - 0 = No transfers allowed, 1 = 1 transfer allowed, 2 = 2 transfers allowed and empty = Unlimited transfers allowed
                    string transfers;
                    if (fares[h].getProperty("fareTransfers").Value.ToString() == "135")
                        transfers = "0";
                    else if (fares[h].getProperty("fareTransfers").Value.ToString() == "136")
                        transfers = "1";
                    else if (fares[h].getProperty("fareTransfers").Value.ToString() == "137")
                        transfers = "2";
                        transfers = "";
                    // Check to see if a transfer duration has been provided if a transfer is available, if not, return an error
                    if ((transfers == "1" || transfers == "2" || transfers == "") && String.IsNullOrEmpty(fares[h].getProperty("fareTransferDuration").Value.ToString()))
                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Fare <b>" + fareNodeName + "</b> has transfers allowed, but does not have a transfer duration provided.</span><br />";
                    // Write the fare attribute information
                    fareAttributesRecord.WriteLine(fareNodeName + "," + fares[h].getProperty("farePrice").Value.ToString() + ",USD,0," + transfers + "," + fares[h].getProperty("fareTransferDuration").Value.ToString());
                    // Testing
                    testingRecord.WriteLine("fare_id = " + fareNodeName + "  |  price = " + fares[h].getProperty("farePrice").Value.ToString() + "  |  currency_type = USD  |  payment_method = 0  |  transfers = " + transfers + "  |  transfer_duration = " + fares[h].getProperty("fareTransferDuration").Value.ToString());
                    // Check to see if they are using the Routes or Origin and Destination Zones, if they are not using one or the other, return an error
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fares[h].getProperty("fareRoutes").Value.ToString()) && fares[h].getProperty("fareOriginZone").Value.ToString() == "-1" && fares[h].getProperty("fareDestinationZone").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                        message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Fare <b>" + fareNodeName + "</b> does not have any Routes selected or does not have an Origin Zone and Destination Zone selected.</span><br />";
                    // Check to see if they are using Routes and not Origin and Destination Zones
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fares[h].getProperty("fareRoutes").Value.ToString()) && fares[h].getProperty("fareOriginZone").Value.ToString() == "-1" && fares[h].getProperty("fareDestinationZone").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                        // Take the csv fareRoutes string and separate it by comma
                        string[] fareRoutes = fares[h].getProperty("fareRoutes").Value.ToString().Split(',');
                        // Loop through the fareRoutes string and add a new fare rule to the fareRulesRecord for each
                        for (int g = 0; g < fareRoutes.Length; g++)
                            // Write the fare rules information
                            fareRulesRecord.WriteLine(fareNodeName + "," + fareRoutes[g] + ",,,");
                            // Testing
                            testingRecord.WriteLine("     fare_rules.txt:  fare_id = " + fareNodeName + "  |  route_id = " + fareRoutes[g] + "  |  origin_id =  |  destination_id =  | contains_id = ");
                    // Check to see if they are using Origin and Destination Zones, these options will override the Routes
                    if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fares[h].getProperty("fareRoutes").Value.ToString()) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(fares[h].getProperty("fareRoutes").Value.ToString())) && (fares[h].getProperty("fareOriginZone").Value.ToString() != "-1" || fares[h].getProperty("fareDestinationZone").Value.ToString() != "-1"))
                        // Check to see that both the Origin Zone and Destination Zone have been selected, if they haven't, return an error
                        if (fares[h].getProperty("fareOriginZone").Value.ToString() == "-1" && fares[h].getProperty("fareDestinationZone").Value.ToString() == "-1")
                            message.Text = message.Text + "&#8226; <span style='color: red;'>Fare <b>" + fareNodeName + "</b> has a Origin Zone selected or a Destination Zone selected but not both. Both must be selected if that is the option chosen.</span><br />";
                        // Write the fare rules information with the Origin and Destination Zone options
                        fareRulesRecord.WriteLine(fareNodeName + ",," + fares[h].getProperty("fareOriginZone").Value.ToString() + "," + fares[h].getProperty("fareDestinationZone").Value.ToString() + ",");
                        // Testing
                        testingRecord.WriteLine("     fare_rules.txt:  fare_id = " + fareNodeName + "  |  route_id =  |  origin_id = " + fares[h].getProperty("fareOriginZone").Value.ToString() + "  |  destination_zone = " + fares[h].getProperty("fareDestinationZone").Value.ToString() + "  |  contains_id = ");
                // Testing

                // Close and Dispose of all Records and run GC.Collect()


            catch (IOException except)
                status.Text = except.Message;

            // If there are no errors, zip up the files and validate the feed
            if (errors > 0)
                status.Text = "<b>Feed NOT Published.</b> Last attempted -- " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt");
                if (errors == 1)
                    message.Text = message.Text + "<br /><b>There is currently " + errors + " error in your transit grouping.</b><br /><br />The Feed Creation has been halted until this error can be resolved.";
                    message.Text = message.Text + "<br /><b>There are currently " + errors + " errors in your transit grouping.</b><br /><br />The Feed Creation has been halted until these errors can be resolved.";
                // Zip up the txt files
                if (!File.Exists(transitDirectory + "\\" + arch))
                    ZipFile output = new ZipFile();
                    output.AddFile(transitDirectory + "\\agency.txt", ".");
                    output.AddFile(transitDirectory + "\\feed_info.txt", ".");
                    output.AddFile(transitDirectory + "\\routes.txt", ".");
                    output.AddFile(transitDirectory + "\\stops.txt", ".");
                    output.AddFile(transitDirectory + "\\calendar.txt", ".");
                    output.AddFile(transitDirectory + "\\calendar_dates.txt", ".");
                    output.AddFile(transitDirectory + "\\trips.txt", ".");
                    output.AddFile(transitDirectory + "\\stop_times.txt", ".");
                    output.AddFile(transitDirectory + "\\fare_attributes.txt", ".");
                    output.AddFile(transitDirectory + "\\fare_rules.txt", ".");
                    output.Name = transitDirectory + "\\" + arch;
                    ZipFile output = new ZipFile(transitDirectory + "\\" + arch);
                    output.UpdateFile(transitDirectory + "\\agency.txt", ".");
                    output.UpdateFile(transitDirectory + "\\feed_info.txt", ".");
                    output.UpdateFile(transitDirectory + "\\routes.txt", ".");
                    output.UpdateFile(transitDirectory + "\\stops.txt", ".");
                    output.UpdateFile(transitDirectory + "\\calendar.txt", ".");
                    output.UpdateFile(transitDirectory + "\\calendar_dates.txt", ".");
                    output.UpdateFile(transitDirectory + "\\trips.txt", ".");
                    output.UpdateFile(transitDirectory + "\\stop_times.txt", ".");
                    output.UpdateFile(transitDirectory + "\\fare_attributes.txt", ".");
                    output.UpdateFile(transitDirectory + "\\fare_rules.txt", ".");

                // Feed validation
                    string fileName = transitDirectory + @"\\feedvalidator_googletransit.exe";
                    Process cmdLineProcess = new Process();
                    cmdLineProcess.StartInfo.FileName = fileName;
                    cmdLineProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "-o " + transitDirectory + "\\error.html -l 9999 " + transitDirectory + "\\" + arch;
                    cmdLineProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
                    cmdLineProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                    cmdLineProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
                    cmdLineProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = false;
                    if (cmdLineProcess.Start())
                        //litsample1.Text = cmdLineProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
                        throw new ApplicationException("Can't read the command line process:" + fileName);
                catch (ApplicationException except)
                    message.Text = message.Text + except.Message;

                status.Text = "<b>Feed Published Successfully</b> -- " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt");
                message.Text = message.Text + "<br />View the full Feed Validation Report: <a href='/transit/error.html' target='_blank'>Google Feed Validation Report</a><br />View the testing.txt file: <a href='/transit/testing.txt' target='_blank'>testing.txt</a>";

Ejemplo n.º 29
 /// Serialize an <see cref="System.Data.IDataReader"/> to a binary stream using protocol-buffers.
 ///<param name="stream">The <see cref="System.IO.Stream"/> to write to.</param>
 ///<param name="dataSet">The <see cref="System.Data.DataSet"/>who's contents to serialize.</param>
 public void Serialize(Stream stream, DataSet dataSet, ProtoDataWriterOptions options)
     Serialize(stream, dataSet.CreateDataReader(), options);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 /// Serialize an <see cref="System.Data.IDataReader"/> to a binary stream using protocol-buffers.
 ///<param name="stream">The <see cref="System.IO.Stream"/> to write to.</param>
 ///<param name="dataSet">The <see cref="System.Data.DataSet"/>who's contents to serialize.</param>
 public void Serialize(Stream stream, DataSet dataSet)
     Serialize(stream, dataSet.CreateDataReader(), new ProtoDataWriterOptions());
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public IDataReader query(String tableName, String[] selections, String condition, String orderBy)
     length = selections.Length;
     String sql = "SELECT ";
     foreach (String selection in selections)
         sql += selection + ",";
     sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 1);
     sql += " FROM " + tableName;
     if (condition != null)
         sql += " WHERE ProgramID=1030102 AND " + condition;
     if (orderBy != null)
         sql += " ORDER BY " + orderBy;
     dataSet = database.GetDataSet(sql);
     reader = dataSet.CreateDataReader();
     return reader;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public static IDataReader ReaderWithMutlipleTables()
            var dataSet = new DataSet
                    Tables =

            return dataSet.CreateDataReader();
Ejemplo n.º 33
        public ArrayList RetrieveData(string Comand, ref RichTextBox RTB)
            ArrayList List = new ArrayList();
            DataSet myData = new DataSet();

            if (CurrentCommand.GetCType == "GetVarDesc") {
                try {
                    SimplerAES myAES = new SimplerAES();
                    AccessCommand.Connection = AccessConnection;
                    AccessCommand.CommandText = myAES.Decrypt(Comand);
                    myAES = null;
                    AccessAdapter.SelectCommand = AccessCommand;
                    DataSet Items = new DataSet();
                    AccessReader = AccessCommand.ExecuteReader();
                    DataTableReader Reader = Items.CreateDataReader();
                    try {
                        while (Reader.Read()) {
                            DATATBL_Vars Item = new DATATBL_Vars(Convert.ToInt32((string)Reader.GetValue(Reader.GetOrdinal("VARID")).ToString()),
                    catch (OleDbException Ex2) {
                        MessageBox.Show("OleDB error during Read operation : \n" + Ex2.Message);
                catch (OleDbException Ex) {
                    MessageBox.Show("OleDB error in RetrieveData, ExecuteReader, or Open Connection: \n" + Ex.Message);

            else if (CurrentCommand.GetCType == "GetLC_Samples") {
                    SimplerAES myAES = new SimplerAES();
                    AccessCommand.Connection = AccessConnection;
                    AccessCommand.CommandText = myAES.Decrypt(Comand);
                    myAES = null;
                    AccessAdapter.SelectCommand = AccessCommand;
                    DataSet Items = new DataSet();
                    AccessReader = AccessCommand.ExecuteReader();
                    DataTableReader Reader = Items.CreateDataReader();
                        while (Reader.Read()) {
                            LABCAL_Items Item = new LABCAL_Items((string)Reader.GetValue(Reader.GetOrdinal("SAMPLENUM")).ToString(),
                    catch (OleDbException Ex2) {
                        MessageBox.Show("OleDB error during Read operation : \n" + Ex2.Message);
                catch (OleDbException Ex) {
                    MessageBox.Show("OleDB error in RetrieveData, ExecuteReader, or Open Connection: \n" + Ex.Message);
            else if (CurrentCommand.GetCType == "GetLC_SampleDateTime") {
                try {
                    SimplerAES myAES = new SimplerAES();
                    AccessCommand.Connection = AccessConnection;
                    AccessCommand.CommandText = Comand;//myAES.Decrypt(Comand);
                    myAES = null;
                    AccessAdapter.SelectCommand = AccessCommand;
                    DataSet Items = new DataSet();
                    AccessReader = AccessCommand.ExecuteReader();
                    DataTableReader Reader = Items.CreateDataReader();
                    try {
                        while (Reader.Read()) {
                            DateTime Item = new DateTime();
                            try {
                                Item = (DateTime.Parse(String.Format("{0}", Reader.GetValue(Reader.GetOrdinal("SAMPLEDTTIME")))));
                            catch(FormatException BadTime) {
                                Item = DateTime.MinValue;//set to EPOC 0 and check in other part, rememeber SUDO -K incident
                    catch (OleDbException Ex2) {
                        RTB.AppendText("OleDB error during Read operation : " + Ex2.Message + "\n");
                    catch (Exception Ex3) {
                        RTB.AppendText("Exception "+Ex3.ToString()+"\n");
                catch (OleDbException Ex) {
                    RTB.AppendText("OleDB error in RetrieveData, ExecuteReader, or Open Connection: \n" + Ex.Message + "\n");
            return List;