ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string
Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the value of the specified SqlInt16 to its equivalent String representation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">An SqlInt16.</param>
 /// <returns>The String equivalent of SqlInt16.</returns>        
 public static String ToString(SqlInt16 value) { return value.ToString(); }
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>Converts the value from <c>SqlInt16</c> to an equivalent <c>String</c> value.</summary>
		public static String ToString(SqlInt16        p) { return p.ToString();                                                                                          }
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Conversions()
            SqlInt16 Test12 = new SqlInt16(12);
            SqlInt16 Test0 = new SqlInt16(0);
            SqlInt16 TestNull = SqlInt16.Null;
            SqlInt16 Test1000 = new SqlInt16(1000);
            SqlInt16 Test288 = new SqlInt16(288);

            // ToSqlBoolean ()

            // ToSqlByte ()
            Assert.Equal((byte)12, Test12.ToSqlByte().Value);
            Assert.Equal((byte)0, Test0.ToSqlByte().Value);

                SqlByte b = (byte)Test1000.ToSqlByte();
            catch (OverflowException e)
                Assert.Equal(typeof(OverflowException), e.GetType());

            // ToSqlDecimal ()
            Assert.Equal(12, Test12.ToSqlDecimal().Value);
            Assert.Equal(0, Test0.ToSqlDecimal().Value);
            Assert.Equal(288, Test288.ToSqlDecimal().Value);

            // ToSqlDouble ()
            Assert.Equal(12, Test12.ToSqlDouble().Value);
            Assert.Equal(0, Test0.ToSqlDouble().Value);
            Assert.Equal(1000, Test1000.ToSqlDouble().Value);

            // ToSqlInt32 ()
            Assert.Equal(12, Test12.ToSqlInt32().Value);
            Assert.Equal(0, Test0.ToSqlInt32().Value);
            Assert.Equal(288, Test288.ToSqlInt32().Value);

            // ToSqlInt64 ()
            Assert.Equal(12, Test12.ToSqlInt64().Value);
            Assert.Equal(0, Test0.ToSqlInt64().Value);
            Assert.Equal(288, Test288.ToSqlInt64().Value);

            // ToSqlMoney ()
            Assert.Equal(12.0000M, Test12.ToSqlMoney().Value);
            Assert.Equal(0, Test0.ToSqlMoney().Value);
            Assert.Equal(288.0000M, Test288.ToSqlMoney().Value);

            // ToSqlSingle ()
            Assert.Equal(12, Test12.ToSqlSingle().Value);
            Assert.Equal(0, Test0.ToSqlSingle().Value);
            Assert.Equal(288, Test288.ToSqlSingle().Value);

            // ToSqlString ()
            Assert.Equal("12", Test12.ToSqlString().Value);
            Assert.Equal("0", Test0.ToSqlString().Value);
            Assert.Equal("288", Test288.ToSqlString().Value);

            // ToString ()
            Assert.Equal("12", Test12.ToString());
            Assert.Equal("0", Test0.ToString());
            Assert.Equal("288", Test288.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 4
                public void Conversions()
                        SqlInt16 Test12 = new SqlInt16 (12);
                        SqlInt16 Test0 = new SqlInt16 (0);
                        SqlInt16 TestNull = SqlInt16.Null;
                        SqlInt16 Test1000 = new SqlInt16 (1000);
                        SqlInt16 Test288 = new SqlInt16(288);

                        // ToSqlBoolean ()
                        Assert ("TestA#1", Test12.ToSqlBoolean ().Value);
                        Assert ("TestA#2", !Test0.ToSqlBoolean ().Value);
                        Assert ("TestA#3", TestNull.ToSqlBoolean ().IsNull);

                        // ToSqlByte ()
                        AssertEquals ("TestB#1", (byte)12, Test12.ToSqlByte ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestB#2", (byte)0, Test0.ToSqlByte ().Value);

                        try {
                                SqlByte b = (byte)Test1000.ToSqlByte ();
                                Fail ("TestB#4");
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                                AssertEquals ("TestB#5", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());

                        // ToSqlDecimal ()
                        AssertEquals ("TestC#1", (decimal)12, Test12.ToSqlDecimal ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestC#2", (decimal)0, Test0.ToSqlDecimal ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestC#3", (decimal)288, Test288.ToSqlDecimal ().Value);

                        // ToSqlDouble ()
                        AssertEquals ("TestD#1", (double)12, Test12.ToSqlDouble ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestD#2", (double)0, Test0.ToSqlDouble ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestD#3", (double)1000, Test1000.ToSqlDouble ().Value);

                        // ToSqlInt32 ()
                        AssertEquals ("TestE#1", (int)12, Test12.ToSqlInt32 ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestE#2", (int)0, Test0.ToSqlInt32 ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestE#3", (int)288, Test288.ToSqlInt32().Value);

                        // ToSqlInt64 ()
                        AssertEquals ("TestF#1", (long)12, Test12.ToSqlInt64 ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestF#2", (long)0, Test0.ToSqlInt64 ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestF#3", (long)288, Test288.ToSqlInt64 ().Value);

                        // ToSqlMoney ()
                        AssertEquals ("TestG#1", 12.0000M, Test12.ToSqlMoney ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestG#2", (decimal)0, Test0.ToSqlMoney ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestG#3", 288.0000M, Test288.ToSqlMoney ().Value);

                        // ToSqlSingle ()
                        AssertEquals ("TestH#1", (float)12, Test12.ToSqlSingle ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestH#2", (float)0, Test0.ToSqlSingle ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestH#3", (float)288, Test288.ToSqlSingle().Value);

                        // ToSqlString ()
                        AssertEquals ("TestI#1", "12", Test12.ToSqlString ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestI#2", "0", Test0.ToSqlString ().Value);
                        AssertEquals ("TestI#3", "288", Test288.ToSqlString ().Value);

                        // ToString ()
                        AssertEquals ("TestJ#1", "12", Test12.ToString ());
                        AssertEquals ("TestJ#2", "0", Test0.ToString ());
                        AssertEquals ("TestJ#3", "288", Test288.ToString ());
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public static void UpsertCatagory(SqlString name, SqlString parentNames, SqlInt16 haschild,SqlString url)
        using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))

            string[] parents = parentNames.ToString().Split('|');
            string path = string.Empty;

            foreach (string x in parents)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x))
                    string id = FindCatIdByName(x, conn).ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                        path = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? id : path + "," + id);

                        throw new Exception(string.Format(" Parent cat: '{0}' is not found", x));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Error when find cataparents " + e.ToString());

            if (FindCatIdByName(name.ToString(),conn) == string.Empty)//new row
                string commandText = string.Format(@"select IDENT_CURRENT('bsp_categories')+1");
                object nextId = null;

                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandText, conn);
                nextId = command.ExecuteScalar();
                path = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentNames.ToString()) == true ? nextId.ToString() : path + ',' + nextId.ToString();
                string layer = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentNames.ToString()) == true ? "1" : (parents.Length + 1).ToString();

                string parentId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentNames.ToString()) == true ? "0" : path.Split(',')[path.Split(',').Length - 2];
                commandText = string.Format(
                    @"SET IDENTITY_INSERT bsp_categories ON;"+
                    @"INSERT INTO bsp_categories(cateid,name,parentid,layer,haschild,path) " +
                    @"SET IDENTITY_INSERT bsp_categories OFF;",
                    name.ToString(), parentId, layer, haschild.ToString(), path,nextId.ToString());
                    command.CommandText = commandText;
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Error when insert catatory : '{0}'", commandText), e);

                commandText = string.Format(
                    @"SET IDENTITY_INSERT bsp_navs ON ;" +
                    @"INSERT INTO bsp_navs(id,pid,layer,name,url) " +
                    @"SET IDENTITY_INSERT bsp_navs OFF;",
                    nextId, parentId, layer, name.ToString(), url.ToString());
                    SqlCommand insertNavsCommand = new SqlCommand(commandText, conn);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Error when insert nav : '{0}'", commandText), e);
