FGt10_38() private method

private FGt10_38 ( ) : bool
return bool
Ejemplo n.º 1
        //    MultNm()
        //    Multiply two numerics.
        //  Parameters:
        //        x    - IN Multiplier
        //        y    - IN Multiplicand
        //    Result scale and precision(same as in SQL Server Manual and Hydra):
        //        scale = s1 + s2
        //        precision = s1 + s2 + (p1 - s1) + (p2 - s2) + 1
        //    Overflow Rules:
        //        If scale is greater than NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION it is set to
        //    NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION.  If precision is greater than NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION
        //    it is set to NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION, then scale is reduced to keep the
        //    integer part untruncated but keeping a minimum value of x_cNumeDivScaleMin.
        //    For example, if using the above formula, the resulting precision is 46 and
        //    scale is 10, the precision will be reduced to 38. To keep the integral part
        //    untruncated the scale needs be reduced to 2, but since x_cNumeDivScaleMin
        //    is set to 6 currently, resulting scale will be 6.
        //        O_OVERFLOW is returned only if the actual precision is greater than
        //     NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION or the actual length is greater than x_cbNumeBuf.
        //    Algorithm:
        //        Starting from the lowest significant UI4, for each UI4 of the multiplier
        //    iterate through the UI4s of the multiplicand starting from
        //    the least significant UI4s, multiply the multiplier UI4 with
        //    multiplicand UI4, update the result buffer with the product modulo
        //    x_dwlBaseUI4 at the same index as the multiplicand, and carry the quotient to
        //    add to the next multiplicand UI4.  Until the end of the multiplier data
        //    array is reached.
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public static SqlDecimal operator *(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)

            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return Null;

            //        I) Figure result scale,prec
            //        II) Perform mult.
            //        III) Adjust product to result scale,prec

            // Local variables for actual multiplication
            int iulPlier;           //index of UI4 in the Multiplier
            uint ulPlier;            //current multiplier UI4
            ulong dwlAccum;           //accumulated sum
            ulong dwlNextAccum;       //overflow of accumulated sum
            int culCand = y.m_bLen; //length of multiplicand in UI4s

            //Local variables to track scale,precision
            int ActualScale;                    // Scale after mult done
            int ResScale;                       // Final scale we will force result to
            int ResPrec;                        // Final precision we will force result to
            int ResInteger;                     // # of digits in integer part of result (prec-scale)
            int lScaleAdjust;   //How much result scale will be adjusted
            bool fResPositive;  // Result sign

            SqlDecimal ret;

            //I) Figure result prec,scale
            ActualScale = x.m_bScale + y.m_bScale;
            ResScale = ActualScale;
            ResInteger = (x.m_bPrec - x.m_bScale) + (y.m_bPrec - y.m_bScale) + 1;

            //result precision = s1 + s2 + (p1 - s1) + (p2 - s2) + 1
            ResPrec = ResScale + ResInteger;

            // Downward adjust res prec,scale if either larger than NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION
            if (ResPrec > s_NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION)
                ResPrec = s_NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION;
            if (ResScale > s_NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION)
                ResScale = s_NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION;

            // It is possible when two large numbers are being multiplied the scale
            // can be reduced to 0 to keep data untruncated; the fix here is to
            // preserve a minimum scale of 6.
            // If overflow, reduce the scale to avoid truncation of data
            ResScale = Math.Min((ResPrec - ResInteger), ResScale);
            // But keep a minimum scale of NUMERIC_MIN_DVSCALE
            ResScale = Math.Max(ResScale, Math.Min(ActualScale, s_cNumeDivScaleMin));

            lScaleAdjust = ResScale - ActualScale;

            fResPositive = (x.IsPositive == y.IsPositive);//positive if both signs same.

            // II) Perform multiplication

            uint[] rglData1 = new uint[4] { x.m_data1, x.m_data2, x.m_data3, x.m_data4 };
            uint[] rglData2 = new uint[4] { y.m_data1, y.m_data2, y.m_data3, y.m_data4 };

            //Local buffer to hold the result of multiplication.
            //Longer than CReNumeBuf because full precision of multiplication is carried out
            const int x_culNumeMultRes = 9;       // Maximum # UI4s in result buffer in multiplication
            uint[] rgulRes = new uint[x_culNumeMultRes]; //new [] are already initialized to zero
            int culRes;             // # of UI4s in result
            int idRes = 0;

            //Iterate over the bytes of multiplier
            for (iulPlier = 0; iulPlier < x.m_bLen; iulPlier++)
                ulPlier = rglData1[iulPlier];
                dwlAccum = 0;

                //Multiply each UI4 of multiCand by ulPliear and accumulate into result buffer

                // Start on correct place in result
                idRes = iulPlier;

                for (int iulCand = 0; iulCand < culCand; iulCand++)
                    // dwlAccum = dwlAccum + rgulRes[idRes] + ulPlier*rglData2[iulCand]
                    //        use dwlNextAccum to detect overflow of DWORDLONG
                    dwlNextAccum = dwlAccum + rgulRes[idRes];
                    ulong ulTemp = (ulong)rglData2[iulCand];
                    dwlAccum = (ulong)ulPlier * ulTemp;
                    dwlAccum += dwlNextAccum;
                    if (dwlAccum < dwlNextAccum) // indicates dwl addition overflowed
                        dwlNextAccum = s_ulInt32Base; // = maxUI64/x_dwlBaseUI4
                        dwlNextAccum = 0;

                    // Update result and accum
                    rgulRes[idRes++] = (uint)(dwlAccum);// & x_ulInt32BaseForMod); // equiv to mod x_lInt32Base
                    dwlAccum = (dwlAccum >> 32) + dwlNextAccum; // equiv to div BaseUI4 + dwlNAccum

                    // dwlNextAccum can't overflow next iteration
                    Debug.Assert(dwlAccum < s_ulInt32Base * 2);

                Debug.Assert(dwlAccum < s_ulInt32Base); // can never final accum > 1 more UI4
                if (dwlAccum != 0)
                    rgulRes[idRes++] = (uint)dwlAccum;
            // Skip leading 0s (may exist if we are multiplying by 0)
            for (; (rgulRes[idRes] == 0) && (idRes > 0); idRes--)
            // Calculate actual result length
            culRes = idRes + 1;

            // III) Adjust precision,scale to result prec,scale
            if (lScaleAdjust != 0)
                // If need to decrease scale
                if (lScaleAdjust < 0)
                    Debug.Assert(s_NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION == ResPrec);

                    // have to adjust - might yet end up fitting.
                    // Cannot call AdjustScale - number cannot fit in a numeric, so
                    // have to duplicate code here

                    uint ulRem;          //Remainder when downshifting
                    uint ulShiftBase;    //What to multiply by to effect scale adjust

                        if (lScaleAdjust <= -9)
                            ulShiftBase = s_rgulShiftBase[8];
                            lScaleAdjust += 9;
                            ulShiftBase = s_rgulShiftBase[-lScaleAdjust - 1];
                            lScaleAdjust = 0;
                        MpDiv1(rgulRes, ref culRes, ulShiftBase, out ulRem);
                    while (lScaleAdjust != 0);

                    // Still do not fit?
                    if (culRes > s_cNumeMax)
                        throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);

                    for (idRes = culRes; idRes < s_cNumeMax; idRes++)
                        rgulRes[idRes] = 0;
                    ret = new SqlDecimal(rgulRes, (byte)culRes, (byte)ResPrec, (byte)ResScale, fResPositive);

                    // Is it greater than 10**38?
                    if (ret.FGt10_38())
                        throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);


                    // If remainder is 5 or above, increment/decrement by 1.
                    if (ulRem >= ulShiftBase / 2)
                    // After adjusting, if the result is 0 and remainder is less than 5,
                    // set the sign to be positive
                    if (ret.FZero())

                    return ret;

                // Otherwise call AdjustScale
                if (culRes > s_cNumeMax)    // Do not fit now, so will not fit after adjustment
                    throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);
                // NOTE: Have not check for value in the range (10**38..2**128),
                // as we'll call AdjustScale with positive argument, and it'll
                // return "normal" overflow

                for (idRes = culRes; idRes < s_cNumeMax; idRes++)
                    rgulRes[idRes] = 0;
                ret = new SqlDecimal(rgulRes, (byte)culRes, (byte)ResPrec, (byte)ActualScale, fResPositive);

                if (ret.FZero())


                ret.AdjustScale(lScaleAdjust, true);

                return ret;
                if (culRes > s_cNumeMax)
                    throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);

                for (idRes = culRes; idRes < s_cNumeMax; idRes++)
                    rgulRes[idRes] = 0;
                ret = new SqlDecimal(rgulRes, (byte)culRes, (byte)ResPrec, (byte)ResScale, fResPositive);

                // Is it greater than 10**38?
                if (ret.FGt10_38())
                    throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);

                if (ret.FZero())


                return ret;
 public static SqlDecimal operator *(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
     SqlDecimal num11;
     if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
         return Null;
     int bLen = y.m_bLen;
     int num10 = x.m_bScale + y.m_bScale;
     int num3 = num10;
     int num13 = ((x.m_bPrec - x.m_bScale) + (y.m_bPrec - y.m_bScale)) + 1;
     int num6 = num3 + num13;
     if (num6 > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION)
         num6 = NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION;
     if (num3 > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION)
         num3 = NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION;
     num3 = Math.Max(Math.Min(num6 - num13, num3), Math.Min(num10, x_cNumeDivScaleMin));
     int digits = num3 - num10;
     bool fPositive = x.IsPositive == y.IsPositive;
     uint[] numArray5 = new uint[] { x.m_data1, x.m_data2, x.m_data3, x.m_data4 };
     uint[] numArray4 = new uint[] { y.m_data1, y.m_data2, y.m_data3, y.m_data4 };
     uint[] rgulU = new uint[9];
     int index = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < x.m_bLen; i++)
         uint num16 = numArray5[i];
         ulong num2 = 0L;
         index = i;
         for (int j = 0; j < bLen; j++)
             ulong num7 = num2 + rgulU[index];
             ulong num15 = numArray4[j];
             num2 = num16 * num15;
             num2 += num7;
             if (num2 < num7)
                 num7 = x_ulInt32Base;
                 num7 = 0L;
             rgulU[index++] = (uint) num2;
             num2 = (num2 >> 0x20) + num7;
         if (num2 != 0L)
             rgulU[index++] = (uint) num2;
     while ((rgulU[index] == 0) && (index > 0))
     int ciulU = index + 1;
     if (digits != 0)
         if (digits < 0)
             uint num12;
             uint num14;
                 if (digits <= -9)
                     num12 = x_rgulShiftBase[8];
                     digits += 9;
                     num12 = x_rgulShiftBase[-digits - 1];
                     digits = 0;
                 MpDiv1(rgulU, ref ciulU, num12, out num14);
             while (digits != 0);
             if (ciulU > x_cNumeMax)
                 throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);
             for (index = ciulU; index < x_cNumeMax; index++)
                 rgulU[index] = 0;
             num11 = new SqlDecimal(rgulU, (byte) ciulU, (byte) num6, (byte) num3, fPositive);
             if (num11.FGt10_38())
                 throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);
             if (num14 >= (num12 / 2))
             if (num11.FZero())
             return num11;
         if (ciulU > x_cNumeMax)
             throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);
         for (index = ciulU; index < x_cNumeMax; index++)
             rgulU[index] = 0;
         num11 = new SqlDecimal(rgulU, (byte) ciulU, (byte) num6, (byte) num10, fPositive);
         if (num11.FZero())
         num11.AdjustScale(digits, true);
         return num11;
     if (ciulU > x_cNumeMax)
         throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);
     for (index = ciulU; index < x_cNumeMax; index++)
         rgulU[index] = 0;
     num11 = new SqlDecimal(rgulU, (byte) ciulU, (byte) num6, (byte) num3, fPositive);
     if (num11.FGt10_38())
         throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);
     if (num11.FZero())
     return num11;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Binary operators

        // Arithmetic operators
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public static SqlDecimal operator +(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
            if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
                return Null;

            ulong dwlAccum;           //accumulated sum
            bool fMySignPos;         //sign of x was positive at start
            bool fOpSignPos;         // sign of y positive at start
            bool fResSignPos = true; //sign of result should be positive
            int MyScale;    //scale of x
            int OpScale;    //scale of y
            int ResScale;   //scale of result
            int ResPrec;    //precision of result
            int ResInteger; //number of digits for the integer part of result
            int culOp1;     //# of UI4s in x
            int culOp2;     //# of UI4s in y
            int iulData;    //which UI4 we are operating on in x, y
            byte bLen;       // length for the result


            fMySignPos = x.IsPositive;
            fOpSignPos = y.IsPositive;

            //result scale = max(s1,s2)
            //result precision = max(s1,s2) + max(p1-s1,p2-s2)
            MyScale = x.m_bScale;
            OpScale = y.m_bScale;

            // Calculate the integer part of the result.
            ResInteger = Math.Max((int)x.m_bPrec - MyScale, (int)y.m_bPrec - OpScale);
            Debug.Assert(ResInteger <= MaxPrecision);

            // Calculate the scale of the result.
            ResScale = Math.Max(MyScale, OpScale);
            Debug.Assert(ResScale <= MaxScale);

            // Calculate the precision of the result.
            // Add 1 for final carry.
            ResPrec = ResInteger + ResScale + 1;
            ResPrec = Math.Min(MaxPrecision, ResPrec);

            // If precision adjusted, scale is reduced to keep the integer part untruncated.
            // But discard the extra carry, only keep the integer part as ResInteger, not ResInteger + 1.
            Debug.Assert(ResPrec - ResInteger >= 0);
            if (ResPrec - ResInteger < ResScale)
                ResScale = ResPrec - ResInteger;

            // Adjust both operands to be the same scale as ResScale.
            if (MyScale != ResScale)
                x.AdjustScale(ResScale - MyScale, true);

            if (OpScale != ResScale)
                y.AdjustScale(ResScale - OpScale, true);

            // When sign of first operand is negative
            // negate all operands including result.
            if (!fMySignPos)
                fMySignPos = !fMySignPos;
                fOpSignPos = !fOpSignPos;
                fResSignPos = !fResSignPos;

            // Initialize operand lengths and pointer.
            culOp1 = x.m_bLen;
            culOp2 = y.m_bLen;

            uint[] rglData1 = new uint[4] { x.m_data1, x.m_data2, x.m_data3, x.m_data4 };
            uint[] rglData2 = new uint[4] { y.m_data1, y.m_data2, y.m_data3, y.m_data4 };

            if (fOpSignPos)
                dwlAccum = 0;

                // CONSIDER: Call AddUlong when possible

                // Loop through UI4s adding operands and putting result in *this
                // of the operands and put result in *this
                for (iulData = 0; iulData < culOp1 || iulData < culOp2; iulData++)
                    // None of these DWORDLONG additions can overflow, as dwlAccum comes in < x_lInt32Base
                    if (iulData < culOp1)
                        dwlAccum += rglData1[iulData];
                    if (iulData < culOp2)
                        dwlAccum += rglData2[iulData];

                    rglData1[iulData] = (uint)dwlAccum; // equiv to mod x_lInt32Base
                    dwlAccum >>= 32; // equiv to div x_lInt32Base

                //If carry
                if (dwlAccum != 0)
                    Debug.Assert(dwlAccum < s_ulInt32Base);

                    //Either overflowed
                    if (iulData == s_cNumeMax)
                        throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);

                    // Or extended length
                    rglData1[iulData] = (uint)dwlAccum;

                // Set result length
                bLen = (byte)iulData;
                int iulLastNonZero = 0; // The last nonzero UI

                // When second operand is negative, switch operands
                // if operand2 is greater than operand1
                if (x.LAbsCmp(y) < 0)
                    fResSignPos = !fResSignPos;
                    uint[] rguiTemp = rglData2;
                    rglData2 = rglData1;
                    rglData1 = rguiTemp;
                    culOp1 = culOp2;
                    culOp2 = x.m_bLen;

                dwlAccum = s_ulInt32Base;
                for (iulData = 0; iulData < culOp1 || iulData < culOp2; iulData++)
                    if (iulData < culOp1)
                        dwlAccum += rglData1[iulData];
                    if (iulData < culOp2)
                        dwlAccum -= rglData2[iulData];

                    rglData1[iulData] = (uint)dwlAccum; // equiv to mod BaseUI4
                    if (rglData1[iulData] != 0)
                        iulLastNonZero = iulData;
                    dwlAccum >>= 32; // equiv to /= BaseUI4
                    dwlAccum += s_ulInt32BaseForMod; // equiv to BaseUI4 - 1
                // Set length based on highest non-zero ULONG
                bLen = (byte)(iulLastNonZero + 1);

            SqlDecimal ret = new SqlDecimal(rglData1, bLen, (byte)ResPrec, (byte)ResScale, fResSignPos);

            if (ret.FGt10_38() || ret.CalculatePrecision() > s_NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION)
                throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);

            if (ret.FZero())


            return ret;
 public static SqlDecimal operator +(SqlDecimal x, SqlDecimal y)
     int num;
     ulong num2;
     byte num11;
     if (x.IsNull || y.IsNull)
         return Null;
     bool fPositive = true;
     bool isPositive = x.IsPositive;
     bool flag2 = y.IsPositive;
     int bScale = x.m_bScale;
     int num7 = y.m_bScale;
     int num9 = Math.Max((int) (x.m_bPrec - bScale), (int) (y.m_bPrec - num7));
     int num3 = Math.Max(bScale, num7);
     int num6 = (num9 + num3) + 1;
     num6 = Math.Min(MaxPrecision, num6);
     if ((num6 - num9) < num3)
         num3 = num6 - num9;
     if (bScale != num3)
         x.AdjustScale(num3 - bScale, true);
     if (num7 != num3)
         y.AdjustScale(num3 - num7, true);
     if (!isPositive)
         isPositive = !isPositive;
         flag2 = !flag2;
         fPositive = !fPositive;
     int bLen = x.m_bLen;
     int num4 = y.m_bLen;
     uint[] rglData = new uint[] { x.m_data1, x.m_data2, x.m_data3, x.m_data4 };
     uint[] numArray4 = new uint[] { y.m_data1, y.m_data2, y.m_data3, y.m_data4 };
     if (flag2)
         num2 = 0L;
         num = 0;
         while ((num < bLen) || (num < num4))
             if (num < bLen)
                 num2 += rglData[num];
             if (num < num4)
                 num2 += numArray4[num];
             rglData[num] = (uint) num2;
             num2 = num2 >> 0x20;
         if (num2 != 0L)
             if (num == x_cNumeMax)
                 throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);
             rglData[num] = (uint) num2;
         num11 = (byte) num;
         int num10 = 0;
         if (x.LAbsCmp(y) < 0)
             fPositive = !fPositive;
             uint[] numArray5 = numArray4;
             numArray4 = rglData;
             rglData = numArray5;
             bLen = num4;
             num4 = x.m_bLen;
         num2 = x_ulInt32Base;
         for (num = 0; (num < bLen) || (num < num4); num++)
             if (num < bLen)
                 num2 += rglData[num];
             if (num < num4)
                 num2 -= numArray4[num];
             rglData[num] = (uint) num2;
             if (rglData[num] != 0)
                 num10 = num;
             num2 = num2 >> 0x20;
             num2 += x_ulInt32BaseForMod;
         num11 = (byte) (num10 + 1);
     SqlDecimal num12 = new SqlDecimal(rglData, num11, (byte) num6, (byte) num3, fPositive);
     if (num12.FGt10_38() || (num12.CalculatePrecision() > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION))
         throw new OverflowException(SQLResource.ArithOverflowMessage);
     if (num12.FZero())
     return num12;