Ejemplo n.º 1
        private bool TryProcessDone(SqlCommand cmd, SqlDataReader reader, ref RunBehavior run, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
            ushort curCmd;
            ushort status;
            int count;

            // Can't retry TryProcessDone
            stateObj._syncOverAsync = true;

            // status
            // command
            // rowcount (valid only if DONE_COUNT bit is set)

            if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out status))
                return false;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out curCmd))
                return false;

            long longCount;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt64(out longCount))
                return false;
            count = (int)longCount;

            // We get a done token with the attention bit set
            if (TdsEnums.DONE_ATTN == (status & TdsEnums.DONE_ATTN))
                Debug.Assert(TdsEnums.DONE_MORE != (status & TdsEnums.DONE_MORE), "Not expecting DONE_MORE when receiving DONE_ATTN");
                Debug.Assert(stateObj._attentionSent, "Received attention done without sending one!");
                stateObj._attentionReceived = true;
                Debug.Assert(stateObj._inBytesUsed == stateObj._inBytesRead && stateObj._inBytesPacket == 0, "DONE_ATTN received with more data left on wire");
            if ((null != cmd) && (TdsEnums.DONE_COUNT == (status & TdsEnums.DONE_COUNT)))
                if (curCmd != TdsEnums.SELECT)
                    cmd.InternalRecordsAffected = count;
                // Skip the bogus DONE counts sent by the server
                if (stateObj._receivedColMetaData || (curCmd != TdsEnums.SELECT))

            stateObj._receivedColMetaData = false;

            // Surface exception for DONE_ERROR in the case we did not receive an error token
            // in the stream, but an error occurred.  In these cases, we throw a general server error.  The
            // situations where this can occur are: an invalid buffer received from client, login error
            // and the server refused our connection, and the case where we are trying to log in but
            // the server has reached its max connection limit.  Bottom line, we need to throw general
            // error in the cases where we did not receive a error token along with the DONE_ERROR.
            if ((TdsEnums.DONE_ERROR == (TdsEnums.DONE_ERROR & status)) && stateObj.ErrorCount == 0 &&
                  stateObj._errorTokenReceived == false && (RunBehavior.Clean != (RunBehavior.Clean & run)))
                stateObj.AddError(new SqlError(0, 0, TdsEnums.MIN_ERROR_CLASS, _server, SQLMessage.SevereError(), "", 0));

                if (null != reader)
                    if (!reader.IsInitialized)
                        run = RunBehavior.UntilDone;

            // Similar to above, only with a more severe error.  In this case, if we received
            // the done_srverror, this exception will be added to the collection regardless.
            // The server will always break the connection in this case.
            if ((TdsEnums.DONE_SRVERROR == (TdsEnums.DONE_SRVERROR & status)) && (RunBehavior.Clean != (RunBehavior.Clean & run)))
                stateObj.AddError(new SqlError(0, 0, TdsEnums.FATAL_ERROR_CLASS, _server, SQLMessage.SevereError(), "", 0));

                if (null != reader)
                    if (!reader.IsInitialized)
                        run = RunBehavior.UntilDone;

            ProcessSqlStatistics(curCmd, status, count);

            // stop if the DONE_MORE bit isn't set (see above for attention handling)
            if (TdsEnums.DONE_MORE != (status & TdsEnums.DONE_MORE))
                stateObj._errorTokenReceived = false;
                if (stateObj._inBytesUsed >= stateObj._inBytesRead)
                    stateObj._pendingData = false;

            // _pendingData set by e.g. 'TdsExecuteSQLBatch'
            // _hasOpenResult always set to true by 'WriteMarsHeader'
            if (!stateObj._pendingData && stateObj._hasOpenResult)
                                Debug.Assert(!((sqlTransaction != null               && _distributedTransaction != null) ||
                                               (_userStartedLocalTransaction != null && _distributedTransaction != null))
                                              , "ProcessDone - have both distributed and local transactions not null!");
                // WebData 112722


            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal bool TryReadSqlValueInternal(SqlBuffer value, byte tdsType, int length, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
            switch (tdsType)
                case TdsEnums.SQLBIT:
                case TdsEnums.SQLBITN:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 1, "invalid length for SqlBoolean type!");
                    byte byteValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Boolean = (byteValue != 0);

                case TdsEnums.SQLINTN:
                    if (length == 1)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT1;
                    else if (length == 2)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT2;
                    else if (length == 4)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT4;
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT8;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT1:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 1, "invalid length for SqlByte type!");
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Byte = byteValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT2:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 2, "invalid length for SqlInt16 type!");
                    short shortValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt16(out shortValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Int16 = shortValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT4:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 4, "invalid length for SqlInt32 type!");
                    int intValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out intValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Int32 = intValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT8:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 8, "invalid length for SqlInt64 type!");
                    long longValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt64(out longValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Int64 = longValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLFLTN:
                    if (length == 4)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLFLT4;
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLFLT8;

                case TdsEnums.SQLFLT4:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 4, "invalid length for SqlSingle type!");
                    float singleValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadSingle(out singleValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Single = singleValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLFLT8:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 8, "invalid length for SqlDouble type!");
                    double doubleValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadDouble(out doubleValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Double = doubleValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLMONEYN:
                    if (length == 4)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLMONEY4;
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLMONEY;

                case TdsEnums.SQLMONEY:
                        int mid;
                        uint lo;

                        if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out mid))
                            return false;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt32(out lo))
                            return false;

                        long l = (((long)mid) << 0x20) + ((long)lo);


                case TdsEnums.SQLMONEY4:
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out intValue))
                        return false;

                case TdsEnums.SQLDATETIMN:
                    if (length == 4)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLDATETIM4;
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLDATETIME;

                case TdsEnums.SQLDATETIM4:
                    ushort daypartShort, timepartShort;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out daypartShort))
                        return false;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out timepartShort))
                        return false;
                    value.SetToDateTime(daypartShort, timepartShort * SqlDateTime.SQLTicksPerMinute);

                case TdsEnums.SQLDATETIME:
                    int daypart;
                    uint timepart;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out daypart))
                        return false;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt32(out timepart))
                        return false;
                    value.SetToDateTime(daypart, (int)timepart);

                case TdsEnums.SQLUNIQUEID:
                        Debug.Assert(length == 16, "invalid length for SqlGuid type!");

                        byte[] b = new byte[length];

                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByteArray(b, 0, length))
                            return false;
                        value.SqlGuid = new SqlGuid(b, true);   // doesn't copy the byte array

                case TdsEnums.SQLBINARY:
                case TdsEnums.SQLBIGBINARY:
                case TdsEnums.SQLBIGVARBINARY:
                case TdsEnums.SQLVARBINARY:
                case TdsEnums.SQLIMAGE:
                        // Note: Better not come here with plp data!!
                        Debug.Assert(length <= TdsEnums.MAXSIZE);
                        byte[] b = new byte[length];
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByteArray(b, 0, length))
                            return false;
                        value.SqlBinary = new SqlBinary(b, true);   // doesn't copy the byte array


                case TdsEnums.SQLVARIANT:
                    if (!TryReadSqlVariant(value, length, stateObj))
                        return false;

                    Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown SqlType!" + tdsType.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            } // switch

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private bool TryProcessEnvChange(int tokenLength, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, out SqlEnvChange[] sqlEnvChange)
            // There could be multiple environment change messages following this token.
            byte byteLength;
            int processedLength = 0;
            int nvalues = 0;
            SqlEnvChange[] envarray = new SqlEnvChange[3];  // Why is this hardcoded to 3?

            sqlEnvChange = null;

            while (tokenLength > processedLength)
                if (nvalues >= envarray.Length)
                    // This is a rare path. Most of the time we will have 1 or 2 envchange data streams.
                    SqlEnvChange[] newenvarray = new SqlEnvChange[envarray.Length + 3];

                    for (int ii = 0; ii < envarray.Length; ii++)
                        newenvarray[ii] = envarray[ii];

                    envarray = newenvarray;

                SqlEnvChange env = new SqlEnvChange();

                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out env.type))
                    return false;

                envarray[nvalues] = env;

                switch (env.type)
                    case TdsEnums.ENV_DATABASE:
                    case TdsEnums.ENV_LANG:
                        if (!TryReadTwoStringFields(env, stateObj))
                            return false;

                    case TdsEnums.ENV_CHARSET:
                        // we copied this behavior directly from luxor - see charset envchange
                        // section from sqlctokn.c
                        if (!TryReadTwoStringFields(env, stateObj))
                            return false;
                        if (env.newValue == TdsEnums.DEFAULT_ENGLISH_CODE_PAGE_STRING)
                            _defaultCodePage = TdsEnums.DEFAULT_ENGLISH_CODE_PAGE_VALUE;
                            _defaultEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(_defaultCodePage);
                            Debug.Assert(env.newValue.Length > TdsEnums.CHARSET_CODE_PAGE_OFFSET, "TdsParser.ProcessEnvChange(): charset value received with length <=10");

                            string stringCodePage = env.newValue.Substring(TdsEnums.CHARSET_CODE_PAGE_OFFSET);

                            _defaultCodePage = Int32.Parse(stringCodePage, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            _defaultEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(_defaultCodePage);


                    case TdsEnums.ENV_PACKETSIZE:
                        // take care of packet size right here
                        Debug.Assert(stateObj._syncOverAsync, "Should not attempt pends in a synchronous call");
                        if (!TryReadTwoStringFields(env, stateObj))
                            // Changing packet size does not support retry, should not pend"
                            throw SQL.SynchronousCallMayNotPend();
                        // Only set on physical state object - this should only occur on LoginAck prior
                        // to MARS initialization!
                        Int32 packetSize = Int32.Parse(env.newValue, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (_physicalStateObj.SetPacketSize(packetSize))
                            // If packet size changed, we need to release our SNIPackets since
                            // those are tied to packet size of connection.

                            // Update SNI ConsumerInfo value to be resulting packet size
                            UInt32 unsignedPacketSize = (UInt32)packetSize;
                            UInt32 result = SNINativeMethodWrapper.SNISetInfo(_physicalStateObj.Handle, SNINativeMethodWrapper.QTypes.SNI_QUERY_CONN_BUFSIZE, ref unsignedPacketSize);

                            Debug.Assert(result == TdsEnums.SNI_SUCCESS, "Unexpected failure state upon calling SNISetInfo");


                    case TdsEnums.ENV_LOCALEID:
                        if (!TryReadTwoStringFields(env, stateObj))
                            return false;
                        _defaultLCID = Int32.Parse(env.newValue, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    case TdsEnums.ENV_COMPFLAGS:
                        if (!TryReadTwoStringFields(env, stateObj))
                            return false;

                    case TdsEnums.ENV_COLLATION:
                        Debug.Assert(env.newLength == 5 || env.newLength == 0, "Improper length in new collation!");
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLength))
                            return false;
                        env.newLength = byteLength;
                        if (env.newLength == 5)
                            if (!TryProcessCollation(stateObj, out env.newCollation))
                                return false;

                            // give the parser the new collation values in case parameters don't specify one
                            _defaultCollation = env.newCollation;
                            int newCodePage = GetCodePage(env.newCollation, stateObj);
                            if (newCodePage != _defaultCodePage)
                                _defaultCodePage = newCodePage;
                                _defaultEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(_defaultCodePage);
                            _defaultLCID = env.newCollation.LCID;

                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLength))
                            return false;
                        env.oldLength = byteLength;
                        Debug.Assert(env.oldLength == 5 || env.oldLength == 0, "Improper length in old collation!");
                        if (env.oldLength == 5)
                            if (!TryProcessCollation(stateObj, out env.oldCollation))
                                return false;

                        env.length = 3 + env.newLength + env.oldLength;

                    case TdsEnums.ENV_BEGINTRAN:
                    case TdsEnums.ENV_COMMITTRAN:
                    case TdsEnums.ENV_ROLLBACKTRAN:

                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLength))
                            return false;
                        env.newLength = byteLength;
                        Debug.Assert(env.newLength == 0 || env.newLength == 8, "Improper length for new transaction id!");

                        if (env.newLength > 0)
                            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt64(out env.newLongValue))
                                return false;
                            Debug.Assert(env.newLongValue != SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId, "New transaction id is null?"); // the server guarantees that zero is an invalid transaction id.
                            env.newLongValue = SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId; // the server guarantees that zero is an invalid transaction id.

                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLength))
                            return false;
                        env.oldLength = byteLength;
                        Debug.Assert(env.oldLength == 0 || env.oldLength == 8, "Improper length for old transaction id!");

                        if (env.oldLength > 0)
                            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt64(out env.oldLongValue))
                                return false;
                            Debug.Assert(env.oldLongValue != SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId, "Old transaction id is null?"); // the server guarantees that zero is an invalid transaction id.
                            env.oldLongValue = SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId; // the server guarantees that zero is an invalid transaction id.

                        // env.length includes 1 byte type token
                        env.length = 3 + env.newLength + env.oldLength;

                    case TdsEnums.ENV_LOGSHIPNODE:
                        // env.newBinValue is secondary node, env.oldBinValue is witness node
                        // comes before LoginAck so we can't assert this
                        if (!TryReadTwoStringFields(env, stateObj))
                            return false;

                    case TdsEnums.ENV_SPRESETCONNECTIONACK:
                        if (!TryReadTwoBinaryFields(env, stateObj))
                            return false;

                    case TdsEnums.ENV_USERINSTANCE:
                        if (!TryReadTwoStringFields(env, stateObj))
                            return false;

                    case TdsEnums.ENV_ROUTING:
                        ushort newLength;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out newLength))
                            return false;
                        env.newLength = newLength;
                        byte protocol;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out protocol))
                            return false;
                        ushort port;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out port))
                            return false;
                        UInt16 serverLen;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out serverLen))
                            return false;
                        string serverName;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadString(serverLen, out serverName))
                            return false;
                        env.newRoutingInfo = new RoutingInfo(protocol, port, serverName);
                        UInt16 oldLength;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out oldLength))
                            return false;
                        if (!stateObj.TrySkipBytes(oldLength))
                            return false;
                        env.length = env.newLength + oldLength + 5; // 5=2*sizeof(UInt16)+sizeof(byte) [token+newLength+oldLength]

                    // ENVCHANGE tokens not supported by CoreCLR
                    case TdsEnums.ENV_ENLISTDTC:
                    case TdsEnums.ENV_DEFECTDTC:
                    case TdsEnums.ENV_TRANSACTIONENDED:
                    case TdsEnums.ENV_PROMOTETRANSACTION:
                    case TdsEnums.ENV_TRANSACTIONMANAGERADDRESS:
                        throw SQL.UnsupportedFeatureAndToken(_connHandler, ((TdsEnums.EnvChangeType)env.type).ToString());

                        Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown environment change token: " + env.type);
                processedLength += env.length;

            sqlEnvChange = envarray;
            return true;