Ejemplo n.º 1
 private static void AddSqlOperation(this IDbMigration migration, string sql, bool suppressTransaction = false, object anonymousArguments = null)
     var operation = new SqlOperation(sql, anonymousArguments)
         SuppressTransaction = suppressTransaction
 public static void DeleteDefaultContraint(this IDbMigration migration, string tableName, string colName, bool suppressTransaction = false)
     var sql = new SqlOperation(String.Format(@"DECLARE @SQL varchar(1000)
 FROM sys.default_constraints
 WHERE parent_object_id = object_id('{0}')
 AND col_name(parent_object_id, parent_column_id) = '{1}')+']';
 EXEC(@SQL);", tableName, colName)) { SuppressTransaction = suppressTransaction };
 protected virtual IEnumerable<MigrationStatement> Generate(SqlOperation operation)
     yield return Statement(operation.Sql, operation.SuppressTransaction);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Can_get_and_set_sql()
            var sqlOperation = new SqlOperation("foo");

            Assert.Equal("foo", sqlOperation.Sql);
 protected virtual MigrationStatement Generate(SqlOperation op)
     return new MigrationStatement { Sql = op.Sql, SuppressTransaction = op.SuppressTransaction };
        protected virtual string Generate(ColumnModel op)
            TypeUsage typeUsage = _providerManifest.GetStoreType(op.TypeUsage);
              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
              string type = MySqlProviderServices.Instance.GetColumnType(typeUsage);


              if (!type.EndsWith(")", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
            if ((op.ClrType == typeof(string)) ||
               ((op.ClrType == typeof(byte)) && (op.ClrType.IsArray)))
              if (op.MaxLength.HasValue)
            sb.AppendFormat("({0}) ", op.MaxLength.Value);
            if (op.Precision.HasValue && op.Scale.HasValue)
            sb.AppendFormat("( {0}, {1} ) ", op.Precision.Value, op.Scale.Value);
              if (type == "datetime" || type == "timestamp" || type == "time")
            if (op.Precision.HasValue && op.Precision.Value >= 1)
              sb.AppendFormat("({0}) ", op.Precision.Value <= 6 ? op.Precision.Value : 6);
            if (op.IsIdentity && (String.Compare(type, "datetime", true) == 0 || String.Compare(type, "timestamp", true) == 0))
              sb.AppendFormat(" DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP{0}", op.Precision.HasValue && op.Precision.Value >= 1 ? "( " + op.Precision.Value.ToString() + " )" : "");

              if (!(op.IsNullable ?? true))
            sb.Append(" not null ");
              if (op.IsIdentity && type == "int")
            sb.Append(" auto_increment primary key ");
            if (op.IsIdentity && String.Compare(type,"CHAR(36) BINARY", true) == 0)
               var createTrigger = new StringBuilder();
               createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `{0}_IdentityTgr`;", _tableName));
               createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("CREATE TRIGGER `{0}_IdentityTgr` BEFORE INSERT ON `{0}`", _tableName));
               createTrigger.AppendLine("FOR EACH ROW BEGIN");
               createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("SET NEW.{0} = UUID();", op.Name));
               createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmpIdentity_{0};", _tableName));
               createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmpIdentity_{0} (guid CHAR(36))ENGINE=MEMORY;", _tableName));
               createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("INSERT INTO tmpIdentity_{0} VALUES(New.{1});", _tableName, op.Name));
               var sqlOp = new SqlOperation(createTrigger.ToString());
              if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(op.DefaultValueSql))
            sb.Append(string.Format(" default {0}", op.DefaultValueSql));
              return sb.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates code to perform a <see cref="SqlOperation" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlOperation"> The operation to generate code for. </param>
        /// <param name="writer"> Text writer to add the generated code to. </param>
        protected virtual void Generate(SqlOperation sqlOperation, IndentedTextWriter writer)
            Check.NotNull(sqlOperation, "sqlOperation");
            Check.NotNull(writer, "writer");


            if (sqlOperation.SuppressTransaction)
                writer.Write(", suppressTransaction := True");

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates SQL for a <see cref="SqlOperation" />.
        /// Generated SQL should be added using the Statement or StatementBatch methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlOperation"> The operation to produce SQL for. </param>
        protected virtual void Generate(SqlOperation sqlOperation)
            Check.NotNull(sqlOperation, "sqlOperation");

            StatementBatch(sqlOperation.Sql, sqlOperation.SuppressTransaction);
    protected virtual MigrationStatement Generate(CreateTableOperation op)
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      string tableName = TrimSchemaPrefix(op.Name);
      if (_generatedTables == null)
        _generatedTables = new List<string>();

      if (!_generatedTables.Contains(tableName))
      sb.Append("create table " + "`" + tableName + "`" + " (");

      _tableName = op.Name;

    if (op.PrimaryKey != null)
        op.PrimaryKey.Columns.ToList().ForEach(col => primaryKeyCols.Add(col));

      sb.Append(string.Join(",", op.Columns.Select(c => "`" + c.Name + "` " + Generate(c))));

      // Determine columns that are GUID & identity
      List<ColumnModel> guidCols = new List<ColumnModel>();
      ColumnModel guidPK = null;
      foreach( ColumnModel opCol in op.Columns )
        if (opCol.Type == PrimitiveTypeKind.Guid && opCol.IsIdentity && String.Compare(opCol.StoreType, "CHAR(36) BINARY", true) == 0)
          if( primaryKeyCols.Contains( opCol.Name ) )
            guidPK = opCol;

      if (guidCols.Count != 0)
        var createTrigger = new StringBuilder();
        createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `{0}_IdentityTgr`;", TrimSchemaPrefix(_tableName)));
        createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("CREATE TRIGGER `{0}_IdentityTgr` BEFORE INSERT ON `{0}`", TrimSchemaPrefix(_tableName)));
        createTrigger.AppendLine("FOR EACH ROW BEGIN");
        for (int i = 0; i < guidCols.Count; i++)
          ColumnModel opCol = guidCols[i];
          createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("SET NEW.{0} = UUID();", opCol.Name));
        createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmpIdentity_{0};", TrimSchemaPrefix(_tableName)));
        createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmpIdentity_{0} (guid CHAR(36))ENGINE=MEMORY;", TrimSchemaPrefix(_tableName)));
        createTrigger.AppendLine(string.Format("INSERT INTO tmpIdentity_{0} VALUES(New.{1});", TrimSchemaPrefix(_tableName), guidPK.Name));
        var sqlOp = new SqlOperation(createTrigger.ToString());

      if (op.PrimaryKey != null)// && !sb.ToString().Contains("primary key"))
        sb.Append("primary key ( " + string.Join(",", op.PrimaryKey.Columns.Select(c => "`" + c + "`")) + ") ");

    string keyFields = ",";
      autoIncrementCols.ForEach(col => keyFields += (!primaryKeyCols.Contains(col) ? string.Format(" KEY (`{0}`),", col) : ""));
      sb.Append(keyFields.Substring(0, keyFields.LastIndexOf(",")));
      sb.Append(") engine=InnoDb auto_increment=0");

      return new MigrationStatement() { Sql = sb.ToString() };
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates code to perform a <see cref = "SqlOperation" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "sqlOperation">The operation to generate code for.</param>
        /// <param name = "writer">Text writer to add the generated code to.</param>
        protected virtual void Generate(SqlOperation sqlOperation, IndentedTextWriter writer)
            Contract.Requires(sqlOperation != null);
            Contract.Requires(writer != null);


            if (sqlOperation.SuppressTransaction)
                writer.Write(", suppressTransaction := True");

 /// <summary>
 /// Gera SQL para uma operação <see cref="SqlOperation" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="opeSQL"> The operation to produce SQL for. </param>
 protected virtual void Generate(SqlOperation opeSQL)
     ComandoSQL(opeSQL.Sql, opeSQL.SuppressTransaction);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates SQL for a <see cref = "SqlOperation" />.
        ///     Generated SQL should be added using the Statement method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "sqlOperation">The operation to produce SQL for.</param>
        protected virtual void Generate(SqlOperation sqlOperation)
            Contract.Requires(sqlOperation != null);

            Statement(sqlOperation.Sql, sqlOperation.SuppressTransaction);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void Can_get_and_set_sql()
            var sqlOperation = new SqlOperation("foo");

            Assert.Equal("foo", sqlOperation.Sql);