Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary Analysis Thread:
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            AlgorithmNodePacket job = null;
            var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var algorithm = default(IAlgorithm);
            _version = DateTime.ParseExact(Config.Get("version", DateTime.Now.ToString(DateFormat.UI)), DateFormat.UI, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            //Name thread for the profiler:
            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Algorithm Analysis Thread";
            Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): LEAN ALGORITHMIC TRADING ENGINE v" + _version);
            Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Started " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());
            Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Memory " + OS.ApplicationMemoryUsed + "Mb-App  " + +OS.TotalPhysicalMemoryUsed + "Mb-Used  " + OS.TotalPhysicalMemory + "Mb-Total");

            //Import external libraries specific to physical server location (cloud/local)
            var catalog = new AggregateCatalog();
            catalog.Catalogs.Add(new DirectoryCatalog(@"../../Extensions"));
            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
                // grab the right export based on configuration
                Notify = container.GetExportedValueByTypeName<IMessagingHandler>(Config.Get("messaging-handler"));
                Queue = container.GetExportedValueByTypeName<IQueueHandler>(Config.Get("queue-handler"));
                Api = container.GetExportedValueByTypeName<IApi>(Config.Get("api-handler"));
            catch (CompositionException compositionException)
            { Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to load library: " + compositionException);

            //Setup packeting, queue and controls system: These don't do much locally.

            //Start monitoring the backtest active status:
            var statusPingThread = new Thread(StateCheck.Ping.Run);

                    //Reset algo manager internal variables preparing for a new algorithm.

                    //Reset thread holders.
                    var initializeComplete = false;
                    Thread threadFeed = null;
                    Thread threadTransactions = null;
                    Thread threadResults = null;
                    Thread threadRealTime = null;

                    //-> Pull job from QuantConnect job queue, or, pull local build:
                    var algorithmPath = "";
                    job = Queue.NextJob(out algorithmPath); // Blocking.

                    //-> Initialize messaging system

                    //-> Reset the backtest stopwatch; we're now running the algorithm.

                    //-> Create SetupHandler to configure internal algorithm state:
                    SetupHandler = GetSetupHandler(job.SetupEndpoint);

                    //-> Set the result handler type for this algorithm job, and launch the associated result thread.
                    ResultHandler = GetResultHandler(job);
                    threadResults = new Thread(ResultHandler.Run, 0) {Name = "Result Thread"};

                        // Save algorithm to cache, load algorithm instance:
                        algorithm = SetupHandler.CreateAlgorithmInstance(algorithmPath);

                        //Initialize the internal state of algorithm and job: executes the algorithm.Initialize() method.
                        initializeComplete = SetupHandler.Setup(algorithm, out _brokerage, job);

                        //If there are any reasons it failed, pass these back to the IDE.
                        if (!initializeComplete || algorithm.ErrorMessages.Count > 0 || SetupHandler.Errors.Count > 0)
                            initializeComplete = false;
                            //Get all the error messages: internal in algorithm and external in setup handler.
                            var errorMessage = String.Join(",", algorithm.ErrorMessages);
                            errorMessage += String.Join(",", SetupHandler.Errors);
                            throw new Exception(errorMessage);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        var runtimeMessage = "Algorithm.Initialize() Error: " + err.Message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace;
                        ResultHandler.RuntimeError(runtimeMessage, err.StackTrace);
                        Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, runtimeMessage);

                    //-> Using the job + initialization: load the designated handlers:
                    if (initializeComplete)
                        //Set algorithm as locked; set it to live mode if we're trading live, and set it to locked for no further updates.

                        //Load the associated handlers for data, transaction and realtime events:
                        DataFeed            = GetDataFeedHandler(algorithm, job);
                        TransactionHandler  = GetTransactionHandler(algorithm, _brokerage, ResultHandler, job);
                        RealTimeHandler     = GetRealTimeHandler(algorithm, _brokerage, DataFeed, ResultHandler, job);

                        //Set the error handlers for the brokerage asynchronous errors.
                        SetupHandler.SetupErrorHandler(ResultHandler, _brokerage);

                        //Send status to user the algorithm is now executing.
                        ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.Running);

                        //Launch the data, transaction and realtime handlers into dedicated threads
                        threadFeed = new Thread(DataFeed.Run, 0) {Name = "DataFeed Thread"};
                        threadTransactions = new Thread(TransactionHandler.Run, 0) {Name = "Transaction Thread"};
                        threadRealTime = new Thread(RealTimeHandler.Run, 0) {Name = "RealTime Thread"};

                        //Launch the data feed, result sending, and transaction models/handlers in separate threads.
                        threadFeed.Start(); // Data feed pushing data packets into thread bridge;
                        threadTransactions.Start(); // Transaction modeller scanning new order requests
                        threadRealTime.Start(); // RealTime scan time for time based events:
                        // Result manager scanning message queue: (started earlier)

                            // Execute the Algorithm Code:
                            var complete = Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(SetupHandler.MaximumRuntime, () =>
                                    //Run Algorithm Job:
                                    // -> Using this Data Feed,
                                    // -> Send Orders to this TransactionHandler,
                                    // -> Send Results to ResultHandler.
                                    AlgorithmManager.Run(job, algorithm, DataFeed, TransactionHandler, ResultHandler, SetupHandler, RealTimeHandler);
                                catch (Exception err)
                                    //Debugging at this level is difficult, stack trace needed.
                                    Log.Error("Engine.Run(): Error in Algo Manager: " + err.Message + " ST >> " + err.StackTrace);

                                Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Exiting Algorithm Manager");

                            }, MaximumRamAllocation);

                            if (!complete)
                                Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to complete in time: " + SetupHandler.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F"));
                                throw new Exception("Failed to complete algorithm within " + SetupHandler.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F") + " seconds. Please make it run faster.");

                            // Algorithm runtime error:
                            if (AlgorithmManager.RunTimeError != null)
                                throw AlgorithmManager.RunTimeError;
                        catch (Exception err)
                            //Error running the user algorithm: purge datafeed, send error messages, set algorithm status to failed.
                            Log.Error("Engine.Run(): Breaking out of parent try-catch: " + err.Message + " " + err.StackTrace);
                            if (DataFeed != null) DataFeed.Exit();
                            if (ResultHandler != null)
                                var message = "Runtime Error: " + err.Message;
                                Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Sending runtime error to user...");
                                ResultHandler.RuntimeError(message, err.StackTrace);
                                Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace);

                        //Send result data back: this entire code block could be rewritten.
                        // todo: - Split up statistics class, its enormous.
                        // todo: - Make a dedicated Statistics.Benchmark class.
                        // todo: - Move all creation and transmission of statistics out of primary engine loop.
                        // todo: - Statistics.Generate(algorithm, resulthandler, transactionhandler);

                            var charts = new Dictionary<string, Chart>(ResultHandler.Charts);
                            var orders = new Dictionary<int, Order>(algorithm.Transactions.Orders);
                            var holdings = new Dictionary<string, Holding>();
                            var statistics = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                            var banner = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                                //Generates error when things don't exist (no charting logged, runtime errors in main algo execution)
                                const string strategyEquityKey = "Strategy Equity";
                                const string equityKey = "Equity";
                                const string dailyPerformanceKey = "Daily Performance";

                                // make sure we've taken samples for these series before just blindly requesting them
                                if (charts.ContainsKey(strategyEquityKey) &&
                                    charts[strategyEquityKey].Series.ContainsKey(equityKey) &&
                                    var equity = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[equityKey].Values;
                                    var performance = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[dailyPerformanceKey].Values;
                                    var profitLoss =
                                        new SortedDictionary<DateTime, decimal>(algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord);
                                    statistics = Statistics.Statistics.Generate(equity, profitLoss, performance,
                                        SetupHandler.StartingCapital, 252);
                            catch (Exception err)
                                Log.Error("Algorithm.Node.Engine(): Error generating statistics packet: " + err.Message);

                            //Diagnostics Completed, Send Result Packet:
                            ResultHandler.DebugMessage("Algorithm Id:(" + job.AlgorithmId + ") completed analysis in " + timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("F2") + " seconds");
                            ResultHandler.SendFinalResult(job, orders, algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord, holdings, statistics, banner);
                        catch (Exception err)
                            Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Error sending analysis result: " + err.Message + "  ST >> " + err.StackTrace);

                        //Before we return, send terminate commands to close up the threads
                        timer.Stop(); //Algorithm finished running.

                    //Close result handler:

                    //Wait for the threads to complete:
                    var ts = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    while ((ResultHandler.IsActive || (TransactionHandler != null && TransactionHandler.IsActive) || (DataFeed != null && DataFeed.IsActive)) && ts.ElapsedMilliseconds < 30 * 1000)
                        Thread.Sleep(100); Log.Trace("Waiting for threads to exit...");
                    if (threadFeed != null && threadFeed.IsAlive) threadFeed.Abort();
                    if (threadTransactions != null && threadTransactions.IsAlive) threadTransactions.Abort();
                    if (threadResults != null && threadResults.IsAlive) threadResults.Abort();
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Analysis Completed and Results Posted.");
                catch (Exception err)
                    Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Error running algorithm: " + err.Message + " >> " + err.StackTrace);
                    //Delete the message from the job queue:
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Packet removed from queue: " + job.AlgorithmId);

                    //No matter what for live mode; make sure we've set algorithm status in the API for "not running" conditions:
                    if (LiveMode && AlgorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.Running && AlgorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError)
                        Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmManager.State);

                    //Attempt to clean up ram usage:
                //If we're running locally will execute just once.
            } while (!IsLocal);

            // Send the exit signal and then kill the thread

            // Make the console window pause so we can read log output before exiting and killing the application completely

            //Finally if ping thread still not complete, kill.
            if (statusPingThread != null && statusPingThread.IsAlive) statusPingThread.Abort();