Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override CompilationUnit VisitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cUnit){
   if (cUnit == null) return null;
   if (cUnit.Compilation != null){
     SpecSharpCompilerOptions coptions = cUnit.Compilation.CompilerParameters as SpecSharpCompilerOptions;
     if (coptions != null) this.inCompatibilityMode = coptions.Compatibility;
   return base.VisitCompilationUnit(cUnit);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static TypeNode GetTypeTemplateByName(CompilationUnit template, string name)
            for (int i = 0, n = ((Namespace)template.Nodes[0]).Types.Count; i < n; i++)
                TypeNode tn = ((Namespace)template.Nodes[0]).Types[i];

                if (tn.Name.Name == name)
                    return tn;
            throw new ArgumentException("Type node '" + name + "' not found");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public CompilationUnit ParseCompilationUnit(string source, string fname, CompilerParameters parameters, ErrorNodeList errors, AuthoringSink sink){
   Guid dummy = Parser.dummyGuid;
   Document document = new Document(fname, 1, source, dummy, dummy, dummy);
   this.errors = errors;
   this.scanner = new Scanner(document, errors, parameters as SpecSharpCompilerOptions);
   this.currentToken = Token.None;
   this.errors = errors;
   this.ProcessOptions(parameters as SpecSharpCompilerOptions);
   CompilationUnit cu = new CompilationUnit(Identifier.For(fname));
   cu.Compilation = new Compilation(this.module, new CompilationUnitList(cu), parameters, null);
   cu.SourceContext = new SourceContext(document);
   this.ParseCompilationUnit(cu, false, true, sink);//This overload is only called for intellisense, not the background error check.
   cu.PragmaWarnInformation = this.scanner.pragmaInformation;
   this.errors = null;
   this.scanner = null;
   return cu;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 void ConstructCompilationUnit(){
   CompilationUnitSnippet cu = new CompilationUnitSnippet();
   this.compilationUnit = cu;
   cu.Compilation = this.compilation;
   cu.Name = new Identifier(this.inputLine.Substring(5));
   string snippetText = this.ReadString();
   cu.SourceContext.Document = this.currentDocument = this.compiler.CreateDocument(cu.Name.ToString(), 1, snippetText);
   cu.SourceContext.EndPos = snippetText.Length;
   cu.ParserFactory = new Microsoft.SpecSharp.ParserFactory();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public EventingVisitor(Action<CompilationUnit> visitCompilationUnit) { VisitedCompilationUnit += visitCompilationUnit; } public event Action<CompilationUnit> VisitedCompilationUnit; public override CompilationUnit VisitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cUnit) { if (VisitedCompilationUnit != null) VisitedCompilationUnit(cUnit); return base.VisitCompilationUnit(cUnit); }
Ejemplo n.º 6
    CompilationUnit CreateCompilationUnit(Module module, TypeNode type) {
      CompilationUnit cu = new CompilationUnit();
      cu.Namespaces = new NamespaceList();      
      cu.TargetModule = module;
      this.cunit = cu;
      this.module = module;

      Namespace ns = new Namespace(Identifier.Empty, Identifier.Empty, new AliasDefinitionList(), new UsedNamespaceList(), new NamespaceList(), new TypeNodeList());

      ns.UsedNamespaces.Add(new UsedNamespace(Identifier.For("System")));
      ns.UsedNamespaces.Add(new UsedNamespace(Identifier.For("System.Xml")));
      ns.UsedNamespaces.Add(new UsedNamespace(Identifier.For("Microsoft.Comega"))); // XmlSerializationWriter

      return cu;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public virtual CompilationUnit VisitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cUnit)
     if (cUnit == null) return null;
     cUnit.Nodes = this.VisitNodeList(cUnit.Nodes);
     return cUnit;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public override CompilationUnit VisitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cUnit)
     if (cUnit == null) return null;
     return base.VisitCompilationUnit((CompilationUnit)cUnit.Clone());
Ejemplo n.º 9
 internal void ParseCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cu, bool omitBodies, bool ignoreDocComments, AuthoringSink sink){
   if (cu == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cu");
   this.sink = sink;
   Namespace ns = new Namespace(Identifier.Empty, Identifier.Empty, new AliasDefinitionList(), new UsedNamespaceList(), new NamespaceList(), new TypeNodeList());
   ns.SourceContext = cu.SourceContext;
   cu.Nodes = new NodeList(ns);
   this.omitBodies = omitBodies || this.parsingContractAssembly;
   this.scanner.ignoreDocComments = ignoreDocComments;
   this.scanner.sink = sink;
   cu.PreprocessorDefinedSymbols = this.scanner.PreprocessorDefinedSymbols;
   this.ParseExternalAliasDirectives(ns, Parser.AttributeOrNamespaceOrTypeDeclarationStart|Token.Using|Token.LastIdentifier|Parser.EndOfFile);
   this.ParseUsingDirectives(ns, Parser.AttributeOrNamespaceOrTypeDeclarationStart|Token.Extern|Token.LastIdentifier|Parser.EndOfFile);
   if (this.currentToken == Token.Extern){
     goto tryAgain;
   this.ParseNamespaceMemberDeclarations(ns, Parser.EndOfFile);
   cu.PragmaWarnInformation = this.scanner.pragmaInformation;
   this.scanner.sink = null;
   this.sink = null;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public bool ParseStatementTemplate(string templateName, System.Reflection.Assembly assembly)
     this.cuStatements = ParseBaseTemplate(templateName, assembly);
     return (this.cuStatements != null);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public bool ParseExpressionTemplate(string templateName, System.Reflection.Assembly assembly)
     this.cuExprs = ParseBaseTemplate(templateName, assembly);
     return (this.cuExprs != null);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public CompilationUnit CodeGen(Compilation compilation)
                // Debugging message
                for (int c = 0, nc = compilation.CompilationUnits.Length; c < nc; c++)
                    Namespace ns = (Namespace)compilation.CompilationUnits[c].Nodes[0];
                    Console.WriteLine("X" + ns.Name.ToString() + "X");

                    for (int i = 0, n = ns.Types.Length; i < n; i++)
                        TypeNode tn = (TypeNode)ns.Types[i];

                        Console.WriteLine("\t" + tn.Name.ToString());
                // END

                this.cZing = compilation;
                Templates.module = compilation.TargetModule;

                // Scan the Zing AST for interesting high-level information.
                MemberList globals = CollectGlobals();
                TypeNodeList classes = CollectClasses();

                // Compile the "base" template and get the interesting nodes from it.
                cuBase = Templates.GetApplicationTemplate(compilation.TargetModule, options, globals.Count > 0, HeapUsed());

                Debug.Assert(((Namespace)cuBase.Nodes[0]).Types.Count == 0);
                Debug.Assert(((Namespace)cuBase.Nodes[0]).NestedNamespaces.Count == 1);
                Debug.Assert(((Namespace)cuBase.Nodes[0]).NestedNamespaces[0].Types.Count == 1);

                appClass = (Class)((Namespace)cuBase.Nodes[0]).NestedNamespaces[0].Types[0];

                // Begin transforming the output


                // for each Zing type definition, call a helper to splice it into the
                // generated compilation unit.

                for (int c = 0, nc = cZing.CompilationUnits.Count; c < nc; c++)
                    for (int i = 0, n = ((Namespace)cZing.CompilationUnits[c].Nodes[0]).Types.Count; i < n; i++)
                        TypeNode tn = (TypeNode)((Namespace)cZing.CompilationUnits[c].Nodes[0]).Types[i];

                        if (tn is Interface)
                        else if (tn is Class)
                        else if (tn is EnumNode)
                        else if (tn is Range)
                        else if (tn is Set)
                        else if (tn is Chan)
                        else if (tn is Struct)
                        else if (tn is ZArray)
                            throw new ApplicationException("Unknown Zing type: " + tn.GetType().ToString());


                // NOTE: this must be done after processing the classes because we turn off
                // the "static" flag on the globals during processing which confuses GenerateClass.

                return cuBase;
                Templates.module = null;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static void ReleaseTemplates()
     cuParts = null;
     cuExpressions = null;
     cuStatements = null;
     cuProperties = null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static void InitializeTemplates()
     // Compile the templates from which we'll duplicate nodes later.
     cuParts = Templates.CompileTemplate("TemplateParts");
     cuExpressions = Templates.CompileTemplate("TemplateExprs");
     cuStatements = Templates.CompileTemplate("TemplateStmts");
     cuProperties = Templates.CompileTemplate("TemplateProps");
Ejemplo n.º 15
    public override CompilationUnit VisitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cUnit) {
      this.writer.WriteAttributeString("file", cUnit.Name.Name);

      CompilationUnit result = base.VisitCompilationUnit(cUnit);

      this.writer.WriteEndElement(); // Namespace
      return result;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 void IParser.ParseCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cu){
   this.ParseCompilationUnit(cu, false, this.scanner.ignoreDocComments, null);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void ParseCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cu, bool omitBodies, bool ignoreDocComments){
   this.ParseCompilationUnit(cu, omitBodies, ignoreDocComments, null);
Ejemplo n.º 18
    public override CompilationUnit ParseCompilationUnit(string fname, string source, ErrorNodeList errors, Compilation compilation, AuthoringSink sink){
      this.parsingStatement = false;
      if (fname == null || source == null || errors == null || compilation == null){Debug.Assert(false); return null;}
      if (compilation != null && compilation.CompilerParameters is SpecSharpCompilerOptions)
        this.allowSpecSharpExtensions = !((SpecSharpCompilerOptions)compilation.CompilerParameters).Compatibility;
      CompilationUnit cu;
#if Xaml
      if (fname.Length > 5 && string.Compare(fname, fname.Length-5, ".xaml", 0, 5, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0){
        Document xamlDocument = Microsoft.XamlCompiler.Compiler.CreateXamlDocument(fname, 1, new DocumentText(source));
        Microsoft.XamlCompiler.ErrorHandler xamlErrorHandler = new Microsoft.XamlCompiler.ErrorHandler(errors);
        Microsoft.XamlCompiler.Compiler xamlCompiler =
          new Microsoft.XamlCompiler.Compiler(xamlDocument, compilation.TargetModule, xamlErrorHandler, new ParserFactory(), compilation.CompilerParameters as CompilerOptions);
        cu = xamlCompiler.GetCompilationUnit();
        Parser p = new Parser(compilation.TargetModule);
        cu = p.ParseCompilationUnit(source, fname, compilation.CompilerParameters, errors, sink);
        if (cu != null) cu.Compilation = compilation;
        this.parsingStatement = p.parsingStatement;
#if Xaml
      this.partialCompilationUnit = cu;
      return cu;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public void ParseCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit compilationUnit){
   CompilationUnitSnippet cuSnippet = compilationUnit as CompilationUnitSnippet;
   if (cuSnippet == null || cuSnippet.Compilation == null){Debug.Assert(false); return;}
   XamlSnippet xamlSnippet = new XamlSnippet();
   xamlSnippet.CodeModule = cuSnippet.Compilation.TargetModule;
   xamlSnippet.ErrorHandler = new Microsoft.XamlCompiler.ErrorHandler(this.errorNodes);
   xamlSnippet.Options = this.options;
   xamlSnippet.ParserFactory = new ParserFactory();
   xamlSnippet.XamlDocument = cuSnippet.SourceContext.Document;
   cuSnippet.Nodes = new NodeList(xamlSnippet);
Ejemplo n.º 20
    public override void Resolve(CompilationUnit partialCompilationUnit){
      if (partialCompilationUnit == null){Debug.Assert(false); return;}
      TrivialHashtable scopeFor = new TrivialHashtable();
      Scoper scoper = new Scoper(scopeFor);
      scoper.currentModule = this.currentSymbolTable;

      ErrorHandler errorHandler = new ErrorHandler(new ErrorNodeList(0));
      TrivialHashtable ambiguousTypes = new TrivialHashtable();
      TrivialHashtable referencedLabels = new TrivialHashtable();
      Looker looker = new Looker(null, errorHandler, scopeFor, ambiguousTypes, referencedLabels);
      looker.currentAssembly = (looker.currentModule = this.currentSymbolTable) as AssemblyNode;
      looker.identifierInfos = this.identifierInfos = new NodeList();
      looker.identifierPositions = this.identifierPositions = new Int32List();
      looker.identifierLengths = this.identifierLengths = new Int32List();
      looker.identifierContexts = this.identifierContexts = new Int32List();
      looker.identifierScopes = this.identifierScopes = new ScopeList();
      looker.allScopes = this.allScopes = new ScopeList();
      //Walk IR inferring types and resolving overloads
      Resolver resolver = new Resolver(errorHandler, new TypeSystem(errorHandler));
      resolver.currentAssembly = (resolver.currentModule = this.currentSymbolTable) as AssemblyNode;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override CompilationUnit VisitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cUnit)

            CompilationUnit retCUnit = base.VisitCompilationUnit(cUnit);

            if (cUnit != null && cUnit.Name != null && this.WeakPurityAnalyzer != null)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("*** Declared Pure:{0}, Pure: {1}, Methods {3}, {2}",
                    this.WeakPurityAnalyzer.numberOfPures, cUnit.Name, this.WeakPurityAnalyzer.numberOfMethods);
            return retCUnit;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public override CompilationUnit VisitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cUnit) {
   this.cUnit = cUnit;
   if (this.ErrorHandler != null)
   CompilationUnit retCUnit = base.VisitCompilationUnit(cUnit);
   if (this.ErrorHandler != null)
   return retCUnit;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public override void DetermineIfNonNullCheckingIsDesired(CompilationUnit cUnit){
   SpecSharpCompilerOptions soptions = this.currentOptions as SpecSharpCompilerOptions;
   if (soptions != null && soptions.Compatibility) return;
   this.NonNullChecking = !(this.currentPreprocessorDefinedSymbols != null && this.currentPreprocessorDefinedSymbols.ContainsKey("NONONNULLTYPECHECK"));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the state of the drop down bars to match the current contents of the text editor window. Call this initially and every time
 /// the cursor position changes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="textView">The editor window</param>
 /// <param name="line">The line on which the cursor is now positioned</param>
 /// <param name="col">The column on which the cursor is now position</param>
 public void SynchronizeDropdowns(IVsTextView textView, int line, int col){
   this.textView = textView;
   string fname = this.languageService.GetFileName(textView); if (fname == null) return;
   LanguageService.Project proj = this.languageService.GetProjectFor(fname); if (proj == null) return;
   object indx = proj.IndexForFileName[Identifier.For(fname).UniqueKey]; if (!(indx is int)) return;
   int index = (int)indx;
   if (index >= proj.parseTrees.Length) return;
   CompilationUnit cu = proj.parseTrees[index] as CompilationUnit; 
   if (cu == null) return;
   AuthoringHelper helper = this.languageService.GetAuthoringHelper();
   TypeNodeList types = this.dropDownTypes;
   TypeNodeList sortedTypes = this.sortedDropDownTypes;
   if (cu != this.currentCompilationUnit){
     this.currentCompilationUnit = cu;
     //Need to reconstruct the type lists. First get the types in text order.
     types = this.dropDownTypes = new TypeNodeList();
     this.PopulateTypeList(types, cu.Namespaces);
     //Now sort by full text name.
     int n = types.Length;
     if (n == 0) return;
     sortedTypes = this.sortedDropDownTypes = new TypeNodeList(n);
     int[] dropDownTypeGlyphs = this.dropDownTypeGlyphs = new int[n];
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
       TypeNode t = types[i];
       if (t == null){Debug.Assert(false); continue;}
       string tName = t.FullName;
       int glyph = dropDownTypeGlyphs[sortedTypes.Length] = helper.GetGlyph(t);
       for (int j = i-1; j >= 0; j--){
         if (string.Compare(tName, sortedTypes[j].FullName) >= 0) break;
         sortedTypes[j+1] = sortedTypes[j];
         sortedTypes[j] = t;
         dropDownTypeGlyphs[j+1] = dropDownTypeGlyphs[j];
         dropDownTypeGlyphs[j] = glyph;
     this.selectedType = -1;
   //Find the type matching the given source position
   int newType = 0;
   for (int i = 0, n = types.Length; i < n; i++){
     TypeNode t = types[i];
     if (t.SourceContext.StartLine > line+1 || (t.SourceContext.StartLine == line+1 && t.SourceContext.StartColumn > col+1)){
       if (i > 0) t = types[i-1];
     }else if (i < n-1)
     for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
       if (sortedTypes[j] != t) continue;
       newType = j;
   MemberList members = this.dropDownMembers;
   MemberList sortedMembers = this.sortedDropDownMembers;
   if (newType != this.selectedType){
     TypeNode t = sortedTypes[newType];
     if (t.Members == null) return;
     //Need to reconstruct the member list. First get the members in text order.
     members = t.Members;
     int n = members == null ? 0 : members.Length;
     MemberList newMembers = this.dropDownMembers = new MemberList(n);
     //Now sort them
     sortedMembers = this.sortedDropDownMembers = new MemberList(n);
     string[] memSignatures = this.dropDownMemberSignatures = new string[n];
     int[] dropDownMemberGlyphs = this.dropDownMemberGlyphs = new int[n];
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
       Member mem = members[i];
       if (mem == null) continue;
       string memSignature = this.languageService.errorHandler.GetUnqualifiedMemberSignature(mem);
       if (memSignature == null) continue;
       memSignatures[sortedMembers.Length] = memSignature;
       int glyph = dropDownMemberGlyphs[sortedMembers.Length] = helper.GetGlyph(mem);
       for (int j = i-1; j >= 0; j--){
         if (string.Compare(memSignature, memSignatures[j]) >= 0) break;
         memSignatures[j+1] = memSignatures[j];
         memSignatures[j] = memSignature;
         sortedMembers[j+1] = sortedMembers[j];
         sortedMembers[j] = mem;
         dropDownMemberGlyphs[j+1] = dropDownMemberGlyphs[j];
         dropDownMemberGlyphs[j] = glyph;
     this.selectedMember = -1;
   //Find the member matching the given source position
   members = this.dropDownMembers;
   int newMember = 0;
   for (int i = 0, n = sortedMembers.Length; i < n; i++){
     Member mem = members[i];
     if (mem == null) continue;
     if (mem.SourceContext.StartLine > line+1 || (mem.SourceContext.StartLine == line+1 && mem.SourceContext.StartColumn > col+1)){
       if (i > 0) mem = members[i-1];
     }else if (i < n-1)
     for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
       if (sortedMembers[j] != mem) continue;
       newMember = j;
   if (this.dropDownBar == null) return;
   if (this.selectedType != newType){
     this.selectedType = newType;
     this.dropDownBar.RefreshCombo(TypeAndMemberDropdownBars.DropClasses, newType);
   if (this.selectedMember != newMember) {
     this.selectedMember = newMember;
     this.dropDownBar.RefreshCombo(TypeAndMemberDropdownBars.DropMethods, newMember);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 internal SerializationProvider(CompilationUnit cunit) {
   this.cunit = cunit;
   this.module = cunit.TargetModule;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public abstract void ParseCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit compilationUnit);