SetAll() public method

public SetAll ( bool value ) : void
value bool
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1
            public static void BitArray_SetAllTest()
                BitArray ba2 = new BitArray(6, false);

                Assert.False(ba2.Get(0)); //"Err_10! Expected ba4.Get(0) to be false"
                Assert.False(ba2.Get(5)); //"Err_11! Expected ba4.Get(1) to be false"

                // false to true

                Assert.True(ba2.Get(0)); //"Err_12! Expected ba4.Get(0) to be true"
                Assert.True(ba2.Get(5)); //"Err_13! Expected ba4.Get(1) to be true"

                // false to false

                Assert.False(ba2.Get(0)); //"Err_14! Expected ba4.Get(0) to be false"
                Assert.False(ba2.Get(5)); //"Err_15! Expected ba4.Get(1) to be false"

                ba2 = new BitArray(6, true);

                Assert.True(ba2.Get(0)); //"Err_16! Expected ba4.Get(0) to be true"
                Assert.True(ba2.Get(5)); //"Err_17! Expected ba4.Get(1) to be true"

                // true to true

                Assert.True(ba2.Get(0)); //"Err_18! Expected ba4.Get(0) to be true"
                Assert.True(ba2.Get(5)); //"Err_19! Expected ba4.Get(1) to be true"

                // true to false

                Assert.False(ba2.Get(0)); //"Err_20! Expected ba4.Get(0) to be false"
                Assert.False(ba2.Get(5)); //"Err_21! Expected ba4.Get(1) to be false"

                // []  Size stress.
                int size = 0x1000F;
                ba2 = new BitArray(size, true);

                Assert.True(ba2.Get(0)); //"Err_22! Expected ba4.Get(0) to be true"
                Assert.True(ba2.Get(size - 1)); //"Err_23! Expected ba4.Get(size-1) to be true"


                Assert.False(ba2.Get(0)); //"Err_24! Expected ba4.Get(0) to be false"
                Assert.False(ba2.Get(size - 1)); //"Err_25! Expected ba4.Get(size-1) to be false"
 public Allocator()
     int n = 10;
     m_bits = new BitArray(n);
     m_bytes = new Byte[(n - 1) / 8 + 1];
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void CreateTree()
     BitArray countIndices = new BitArray(recordCount);
     Varset empty = new Varset(network.Size());
     root = MakeADTree(0, countIndices, 0, empty);
        private static IEnumerable<int> GeneratePrimes(int topCandidate)
            var sieve = new BitArray(topCandidate + 1);

            /* Set all but 0 and 1 to prime status */
            sieve[0] = sieve[1] = false;

            /* Mark all the non-primes */
            var thisFactor = 2;

            while (thisFactor * thisFactor <= topCandidate)
                /* Mark the multiples of this factor */
                int mark = thisFactor + thisFactor;
                while (mark <= topCandidate)
                    sieve[mark] = false;
                    mark += thisFactor;

                /* Set thisfactor to next prime */
                while (!sieve[thisFactor]) { thisFactor++; }

            for (int i = 0; i < sieve.Length; i++)
                if (sieve[i]) yield return i;
 public SocketCommandsStream(TextReader reader, TextWriter writer)
     _sockerReader = reader;
     _socketWriter = writer;
     _commandRun = new BitArray((int)CommandMap.Commands.Help + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void Length()
     var ba = new BitArray(32);
     ba.Length = 16;
     Assert.Equal(16, ba.Length);
        protected void next_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            user u = new user();
            u.user_id = (int)Session["id"];
            u = os.getUserById(u);
            int seat_num = (int)Session["seat_num"];

            o.SSR = this.SSR.Value ;
            o.type = type;

            FlightService fs = new FlightService();
            String plane_type_name =;
            BitArray seat = new BitArray(20);
   = OrderService.BitArrayToByteArray(seat);

            if ( (o = os.generate(u, searchF, o, seat_num)) != null)
                Session["new_order"] = o;
                ShowPopUpMsg("Seat is book by others!");
Ejemplo n.º 8
 static void Main(string[] args)
     var input = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
     var arr = new BitArray(input + 1);
     var highestPrime = GeneratePrimes(arr, input);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Node()
     attrCount = Globals.attrCount;
     availableAttrs = new BitArray(attrCount);
     availableAttrs.Set(attrCount-1, false);
     tuples = new List<Tuple>();
     childNodes = new List<Node>();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        static void Main()
            int arraySize = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            //get array
            int[] toSearch = new int[arraySize];

            for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
                toSearch[i] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            // variables
            BitArray sumFlags = new BitArray(arraySize);
            BitArray maxFlags = new BitArray(arraySize);

            int curSum = 0;
            int maxSum = toSearch.Sum();

            for (int curNumb = 0; curNumb < toSearch.Length; curNumb++)
                // Step 1: Get Current Sum
                curSum += toSearch[curNumb];
                sumFlags.Set(curNumb, true);

                if (curSum > maxSum)
                    // Store the Sum
                    maxSum = curSum;

                    // Flag the indexes
                    if (curSum < 0)
                        // discard and start summing again
                        curSum = 0;
                        // keep going

            // output
 static public int SetAll(IntPtr l)
     try {
         System.Collections.BitArray self = (System.Collections.BitArray)checkSelf(l);
         System.Boolean a1;
         checkType(l, 2, out a1);
         pushValue(l, true);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static void BitArrayTest()
     var tmp = new BitArray(8);
     var tmp1 = new BitArray(8);
     foreach(bool tm in tmp)
     foreach (bool tm in tmp1)
        private static string BSieve(BitArray bArray)

            bArray[0] = bArray[1] = false; //clever ;-) -> These wont be considered prime numbers

            for (int i = 2; i < bArray.Length; i++)
                //this iterations goes through and finds true values inside of the passed bit array
                if (bArray[i]) //if true then the next iteration happens
                    for (int k = 2; (i*k) < bArray.Length; k++)
                        /*this iteration creates multiples of the prime
                            number and sets thos multiples int the bit array to false */
                        bArray[(i*k)] = false;

            var primeStringOutput = new StringBuilder(); //string variable
            ushort quickCounter = 0; //a quick counter variable

            for (int i = 0; i < bArray.Length; i++) //this iteration creates the string
                if (bArray[i]) //if true then increase the quick counter and append the main output string

                    if (quickCounter == 7)
                        quickCounter = 0;
                    } //if true then create a new line and reset the counter
                    ; //else just tab each numeric character

            return primeStringOutput.ToString(); //returns string at very end
Ejemplo n.º 14
        static void BitArrayDemo()
            var bits1 = new BitArray(8);
            bits1.Set(1, false);
            bits1[5] = false;
            bits1[7] = false;
            Console.Write("initialized: ");

            Console.Write(" not ");

            var bits2 = new BitArray(bits1);
            bits2[0] = true;
            bits2[1] = false;
            bits2[4] = true;
            Console.Write(" or ");
            Console.Write(" : ");

            Console.Write(" and ");
            Console.Write(" : ");

            Console.Write(" xor ");
            Console.Write(" : ");
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public static void ComputePrimes(int limit)
     // Sieve of Erathosthenes
     primes = new BitArray(limit);
     primes.Set(0, false);
     primes.Set(1, false);
     for (int i = 0; i * i < limit; i++)
         if (primes.Get(i))
             for (int j = i * i; j < limit; j += i)
                 primes.Set(j, false);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        // Constructor
        public RTSBuilding(RTSTeam team, RTSBuildingData data, Vector2 position)
            // Identification
            UUID = UUIDGenerator.GetUUID();
            Team = team;
            gridPos = position;
            viewedInfo = new BitArray(GameState.MAX_PLAYERS);

            Data = data;
            gridPos.X += (Data.GridSize.X - 1);
            gridPos.Y += (Data.GridSize.Y - 1);
            height = 0;
            Health = Data.Health;
            bAmount = Data.BuildAmount;
            CollisionGeometry = Data.ICollidableShape.Clone() as ICollidable;
            ViewDirection = Vector2.UnitX;
            CollisionGeometry.Center += GridPosition;
            bControllers = new List<ACBuildingButtonController>();
Ejemplo n.º 17
        // find a list of primes using the sieve of Erotoshenes
        public List<int> listPrimes(int max)
            List<int> results = new List<int>();

            //use n ln n as the upper bound on estimated nth number by PNT
            int limit =(int)(max * Math.Log(max));
            BitArray array = new BitArray(limit);
            array.Set(0, false);
            array.Set(1, false);
            for (int i = 2; i * i <= limit; i++)
                if (array.Get(i))
                    //starts with i*i as anything lower will be a multiple of smaller primes
                    for (int j = i*i; j <= limit; j += i)
                        array.Set(j, false);

                return results;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Traverse node and refresh unit set of leaf node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="positions">Position collection.</param>
        /// <param name="length">New unit set length.</param>
        public void RemappingUnitSet(Collection<int> positions, int length)
            if (LeftChild != null)
                // Non-leaf node
                if (RightChild == null)
                    string message = Helper.NeutralFormat("Invalid Cart Tree:" +
                        "Non-leaf node without Right Child");
                    throw new InvalidDataException(message);

                LeftChild.RemappingUnitSet(positions, length);
                RightChild.RemappingUnitSet(positions, length);
                // Leaf node
                if (RightChild != null)
                    string message = Helper.NeutralFormat("Invalid Cart Tree:" +
                        "Leaf node has Right Child");
                    throw new InvalidDataException(message);

                // Remapping unit set
                if (_unitSet.Length != positions.Count)
                    string message = Helper.NeutralFormat("Invalid mapping:" +
                        "Original Unit Count = [{0}], Mapping Unit Count = [{1}]",
                        _unitSet.Length, positions.Count);
                    throw new InvalidDataException(message);

                BitArray newUnitSet = new BitArray(length);
                for (int k = 0; k < _unitSet.Length; k++)
                    if (_unitSet.Get(k))
                        Debug.Assert(positions[k] < length);
                        newUnitSet.Set(positions[k], true);

                _unitSet = newUnitSet;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void SpreadInitialSkyLightFromBlock(byte x, byte y, byte z, bool checkChange = true)
            if (StackSize > 200)
                World.InitialChunkLightToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(this, x, y, z));
                Console.WriteLine("Rescheduling chunk");

            /*if(Coords.ChunkX == -1 && Coords.ChunkZ == -5 && x == -10 && y == 87 && z == -74)

            BitArray directionChunkExist = new BitArray(4);

            byte[] skylights = new byte[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            byte[] heights = new byte[5] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

            // Take the current block skylight
            skylights[0] = GetSkyLight(x, y, z);
            heights[0] = HeightMap[x, z];

            int newSkylight = skylights[0];

            CheckNeighbourHeightAndLight(x, y, z, skylights, heights, directionChunkExist);

            if (skylights[0] != 15)
                byte vertical;
                newSkylight = ChooseHighestNeighbourLight(skylights, out vertical);

                if (skylights[0] > newSkylight)
                    newSkylight = skylights[0];

                byte opacity = BlockHelper.Instance.CreateBlockInstance((byte)GetType(x, z, y)).Opacity;

                byte toSubtract = (byte) (1 - vertical + opacity);
                newSkylight -= toSubtract;

                if (newSkylight < 0)
                    newSkylight = 0;

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    SetSkyLight(x, y, z, (byte) newSkylight);
                else if (checkChange)

            // This is the light value we should spread/set to our nearby blocks

            if (newSkylight < 0)
                newSkylight = 0;

            Chunk chunk;
            int chunkX = Coords.ChunkX;
            int chunkZ = Coords.ChunkZ;

            // Spread the light to our neighbor if the nearby has a lower skylight value
            byte neighborCoord;

            neighborCoord = (byte)(x - 1);

            if (x > 0)
                skylights[0] = GetSkyLight(x - 1, y, z);
                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight && (skylights[0] != 0 || (y + 1) < heights[1]))
                    SpreadInitialSkyLightFromBlock(neighborCoord, y, z);
            else if (directionChunkExist[0])
                chunk = World.GetChunkFromChunkSync(chunkX - 1, chunkZ, false, true) as Chunk;
                skylights[0] = chunk.GetSkyLight(neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight && (skylights[0] != 0 || (y + 1) < heights[1]))
                    World.InitialChunkLightToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(chunk, neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z));

            neighborCoord = (byte)(z - 1);

            if (z > 0)
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = GetSkyLight(x, y, neighborCoord);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight && (skylights[0] != 0 || (y + 1) < heights[2]))
                    SpreadInitialSkyLightFromBlock(x, y, neighborCoord);
            else if (directionChunkExist[2])
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                chunk = World.GetChunkFromChunkSync(chunkX, chunkZ - 1, false, true) as Chunk;
                skylights[0] = chunk.GetSkyLight(x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf);
                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight && (skylights[0] != 0 || (y + 1) < heights[2]))
                    World.InitialChunkLightToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(chunk, x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf));

            neighborCoord = (byte)(x + 1);

            if (x < 15)

                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = GetSkyLight(neighborCoord, y, z);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight && (skylights[0] != 0 || (y + 1) < heights[3]))
                    SpreadInitialSkyLightFromBlock(neighborCoord, y, z);
            else if (directionChunkExist[1])
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                chunk = World.GetChunkFromChunkSync(chunkX + 1, chunkZ, false, true) as Chunk;
                skylights[0] = chunk.GetSkyLight(neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight && (skylights[0] != 0 || (y + 1) < heights[3]))
                    World.InitialChunkLightToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(chunk, neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z));

            neighborCoord = (byte)(z + 1);

            if (z < 15)
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = GetSkyLight(x, y, neighborCoord);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight && (skylights[0] != 0 || (y + 1) < heights[4]))
                    SpreadInitialSkyLightFromBlock(x, y, neighborCoord);
            else if (directionChunkExist[3])
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                chunk = World.GetChunkFromChunkSync(chunkX, chunkZ + 1, false, true) as Chunk;
                skylights[0] = chunk.GetSkyLight(x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf);
                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight && (skylights[0] != 0 || (y + 1) < heights[4]))
                    World.InitialChunkLightToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(chunk, x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf));

            if ((y + 1) < HeightMap[x, z])
                skylights[0] = GetSkyLight(x, y + 1, z);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    SpreadInitialSkyLightFromBlock(x, (byte)(y + 1), z);

            if (y < HeightMap[x, z] && y > 0)
                byte vertical;
                bool top;
                skylights[0] = GetSkyLight(x, y - 1, z);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    SpreadInitialSkyLightFromBlock(x, (byte) (y - 1), z);
Ejemplo n.º 20
		public virtual DataObject GetClipboardContent () {
			if (clipboardCopyMode == DataGridViewClipboardCopyMode.Disable)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("Generating Clipboard content is not supported when the ClipboardCopyMode property is Disable.");
			int start_row = int.MaxValue, end_row = int.MinValue;
			int start_col = int.MaxValue, end_col = int.MinValue;
			bool include_row_headers = false;
			bool include_col_headers = false;
			bool only_included_headers = false;
			bool headers_includable = false;
			switch (ClipboardCopyMode) {
			case DataGridViewClipboardCopyMode.EnableWithoutHeaderText:
			case DataGridViewClipboardCopyMode.EnableWithAutoHeaderText:
				// Headers are included if not selection mode is CellSelect, and any header is selected.
				headers_includable = selectionMode != DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect;
			case DataGridViewClipboardCopyMode.EnableAlwaysIncludeHeaderText:
				include_col_headers = include_row_headers = true;
			BitArray included_rows = new BitArray (RowCount);
			BitArray included_cols = new BitArray (ColumnCount);
			// If there are any selected columns,
			// include the column headers (if headers are to be shown).
			if (headers_includable && !include_col_headers) {
				for (int c = 0; c < ColumnCount; c++) {
					if (Columns [c].Selected) {
						include_col_headers = true;
			// Find the smallest rectangle that encompasses all selected cells.
			for (int r = 0; r < RowCount; r++) {
				DataGridViewRow row = Rows [r];

				if (headers_includable && !include_row_headers && row.Selected) {
					include_row_headers = true;
				for (int c = 0; c < ColumnCount; c++) {
					DataGridViewCell cell = row.Cells [c];
					if (cell == null || !cell.Selected)
					included_cols [c] = true;
					included_rows [r] = true;
					start_row = Math.Min (start_row, r);
					start_col = Math.Min (start_col, c);
					end_row = Math.Max (end_row, r);
					end_col = Math.Max (end_col, c);
			// Mark rows/columns in between selected cells as included if the selection mode isn't FullHeaderSelect.
			switch (selectionMode){
			case DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect:
			case DataGridViewSelectionMode.ColumnHeaderSelect:
			case DataGridViewSelectionMode.RowHeaderSelect:
				if (selectionMode != DataGridViewSelectionMode.ColumnHeaderSelect) {
					for (int r = start_row; r <= end_row; r++) {
						included_rows.Set (r, true);
				} else if (start_row <= end_row) {
					included_rows.SetAll (true);
				if (selectionMode != DataGridViewSelectionMode.RowHeaderSelect) {
					for (int c = start_col; c <= end_col; c++) {
						included_cols.Set (c, true);
			case DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullColumnSelect:
			case DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect:
				only_included_headers = true;
			if (start_row > end_row)
				return null;
			if (start_col > end_col)
				return null;
			DataObject result = new DataObject ();
			StringBuilder text_builder = new StringBuilder ();
			StringBuilder utext_builder = new StringBuilder ();
			StringBuilder html_builder = new StringBuilder ();
			StringBuilder csv_builder = new StringBuilder ();
			// Loop through all rows and columns to create the content.
			// -1 is the header row/column.
			int first_row = start_row;
			int first_col = start_col;
			if (include_col_headers) {
				first_row = -1;
			for (int r = first_row; r <= end_row; r++) {
				DataGridViewRow row = null;
				if (r >= 0) {
					if (!included_rows [r])
					row = Rows [r];

				if (include_row_headers) {
					first_col = -1;
				for (int c = first_col; c <= end_col; c++) {
					DataGridViewCell cell = null;

					if (c >= 0 && only_included_headers && !included_cols [c])
					if (row == null) {
						if (c == -1) {
							cell = TopLeftHeaderCell;
						} else {
							cell = Columns [c].HeaderCell;
					} else {
						if (c == -1) {
							cell = row.HeaderCell;
						} else {
							cell = row.Cells [c];
					string text, utext, html, csv;
					bool is_first_cell = (c == first_col);
					bool is_last_cell = (c == end_col);
					bool is_first_row = (r == first_row);
					bool is_last_row = (r == end_row);
					if (cell == null) {
						text = string.Empty;
						utext = string.Empty;
						html = string.Empty;
						csv = string.Empty;
					} else {
						text = cell.GetClipboardContentInternal (r, is_first_cell, is_last_cell, is_first_row, is_last_row, DataFormats.Text) as string;
						utext = cell.GetClipboardContentInternal (r, is_first_cell, is_last_cell, is_first_row, is_last_row, DataFormats.UnicodeText) as string;
						html = cell.GetClipboardContentInternal (r, is_first_cell, is_last_cell, is_first_row, is_last_row, DataFormats.Html) as string;
						csv = cell.GetClipboardContentInternal (r, is_first_cell, is_last_cell, is_first_row, is_last_row, DataFormats.CommaSeparatedValue) as string;
					text_builder.Append (text);
					utext_builder.Append (utext);
					html_builder.Append (html);
					csv_builder.Append (csv);
					if (c == -1) { // If we just did the row header, jump to the first column.
						c = start_col - 1;

				if (r == -1) {// If we just did the column header, jump to the first row.
					r = start_row - 1;

			// Html content always get the \r\n newline
			// It's valid html anyway, and it eases testing quite a bit
			// (since otherwise we'd have to change the start indices
			// in the added prologue/epilogue text)
			int fragment_end = 135 + html_builder.Length;
			int html_end = fragment_end + 36;
			string html_start =
			"Version:1.0{0}" +
			"StartHTML:00000097{0}" +
			"EndHTML:{1:00000000}{0}" +
			"StartFragment:00000133{0}" +
			"EndFragment:{2:00000000}{0}" +
			"<HTML>{0}" +
			"<BODY>{0}" +
			html_start = string.Format (html_start, "\r\n", html_end, fragment_end);
			html_builder.Insert (0, html_start);
			html_builder.AppendFormat ("{0}<!--EndFragment-->{0}</BODY>{0}</HTML>", "\r\n");
			result.SetData (DataFormats.CommaSeparatedValue, false, csv_builder.ToString ());
			result.SetData (DataFormats.Html, false, html_builder.ToString ());
			result.SetData (DataFormats.UnicodeText, false, utext_builder.ToString ());
			result.SetData (DataFormats.Text, false, text_builder.ToString ());
			return result;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        ///   Loads SWF file from a stream and checks it. Warning: As it uses a BinaryReader, it
        ///   closes the stream afterwards.</summary>
        /// <param name="stream">
        ///   Stream.</param>
        public void LoadSwf(Stream stream)
            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
                // Read MAGIC FIELD
                magicBytes = new String(reader.ReadChars(3));

                if (magicBytes != "FWS" && magicBytes != "CWS")
                    throw new Exception(" is not a valid/supported SWF file.");

                // Compression
                isCompressed = magicBytes.StartsWith("C") ? true : false;

                // Version
                version = Convert.ToInt16(reader.ReadByte());

                // Size
                size = 0;

                // 4 LSB-MSB
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    byte t = reader.ReadByte();
                    size += t << (8 * i);

                // RECT... we will "simulate" a stream from now on... read remaining file
                byte[] buffer = reader.ReadBytes((int)size);

                // First decompress GZ stream
                if (isCompressed)
                    // Let's set GZip magic bytes which GZipStream can process
                    Array.Resize(ref buffer, buffer.Length + 8);
                    for (int i = buffer.Length - 1; i > 9; i--)
                        buffer[i] = buffer[i - 8];
                    ((Array)(new byte[] { 31, 139, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0 })).
                        CopyTo(buffer, 0);

                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer);

                    GZipStream gzip = new GZipStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress);

                    byte[] decompressedBuffer = new byte[buffer.Length + 1000000];

                    int gzipLength = ReadAllBytesFromStream(gzip, decompressedBuffer);


                    Array.Resize(ref buffer, gzipLength);
                    Array.Resize(ref decompressedBuffer, gzipLength);
                    decompressedBuffer.CopyTo(buffer, 0);

                    Array.Clear(decompressedBuffer, 0, decompressedBuffer.Length);

                byte cbyte = buffer[0];
                int bits = (int)cbyte >> 3;

                Array.Resize(ref buffer, buffer.Length - 1);

                BitArray cval = new BitArray(bits, false);

                // Current byte
                cbyte &= 7;
                cbyte <<= 5;

                // Current bit (first byte starts off already shifted)
                int cbit = 2;

                // Must get all 4 values in the RECT
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < cval.Length; j++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < cval.Count; j++)
                        if ((cbyte & 128) > 0)
                            cval[j] = true;

                        cbyte <<= 1;
                        cbyte &= 255;

                        // We will be needing a new byte if we run out of bits
                        if (cbit < 0)
                            cbyte = buffer[0];

                            Array.Resize(ref buffer, buffer.Length - 1);

                            cbit = 7;

                    // O.k. full value stored... calculate
                    int c = 1;
                    int val = 0;

                    for (int j = cval.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    for (int j = cval.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        if (cval[j])
                            val += c;
                        c *= 2;

                    val /= 20;

                    switch (i)
                        case 0:
                            // tmp value
                            width = val;
                        case 1:
                            width = val - width;
                        case 2:
                            // tmp value
                            height = val;
                        case 3:
                            height = val - height;


                // Frame rate
                frameRate += buffer[1];
                frameRate += Convert.ToSingle(buffer[0] / 100);

                // Frames
                frameCount += BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer, 2);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(byte x, byte y, byte z)
            if (StackSize > 800)
                World.ChunksToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(this, x, y, z));
                Console.WriteLine("Rescheduling chunk");
            BitArray directionChunkExist = new BitArray(4);

            byte[] skylights = new byte[7]{0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

            skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x,y,z);

            int newSkylight = skylights[0];

            // Take the skylight value of our neighbor blocks
            if (x > 0)
                skylights[1] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble((x - 1), y, z);
            else if (World.ChunkExists(X - 1, Z))
                skylights[1] = (byte)World[X - 1, Z, false, true].SkyLight.getNibble((x - 1) & 0xf, y, z);
                directionChunkExist[0] = true;

            if (x < 15)
                skylights[2] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x + 1, y, z);
            else if (World.ChunkExists(X + 1, Z))
                skylights[2] = (byte)World[X + 1, Z, false, true].SkyLight.getNibble((x + 1) & 0xf, y, z);
                directionChunkExist[1] = true;

            if (z > 0)
                skylights[3] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, z - 1);
            else if (World.ChunkExists(X, Z - 1))
                skylights[3] = (byte)World[X, Z - 1, false, true].SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, (z - 1) & 0xf);
                directionChunkExist[2] = true;

            if (z < 15)
                skylights[4] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, z + 1);
            else if (World.ChunkExists(X, Z + 1))
                skylights[4] = (byte)World[X, Z + 1, false, true].SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, (z + 1) & 0xf);
                directionChunkExist[3] = true;

            skylights[5] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y + 1, z);

            if (y > 0)
                skylights[6] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y - 1, z);

            if (HeightMap == null)
                Console.WriteLine("null: {0}, {1} {2}", X, Z,Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

            byte vertical = 0;
            if(HeightMap[x,z] > y)
                if (skylights[1] > newSkylight)
                    newSkylight = skylights[1];

                if (skylights[2] > newSkylight)
                    newSkylight = skylights[2];

                if (skylights[3] > newSkylight)
                    newSkylight = skylights[3];

                if (skylights[4] > newSkylight)
                    newSkylight = skylights[4];

                if (skylights[5] > newSkylight)
                    newSkylight = skylights[5];
                    vertical = 1;

                if (skylights[6] > newSkylight)
                    newSkylight = skylights[6];
                    vertical = 1;

            if (HeightMap[x, z] <= y)
                newSkylight = 15;
                byte toSubtract = (byte)(1 - vertical + BlockData.Opacity[Types[x << 11 | z << 7 | y]]);
                newSkylight -= toSubtract;

                if (newSkylight < 0)
                    newSkylight = 0;

            if (skylights[0] != newSkylight)
                SetSkyLight(x, y, z, (byte)newSkylight);


            if (newSkylight < 0)
                newSkylight = 0;

            // Then spread the light to our neighbor if the has lower skylight value
            byte neighborCoord;

            neighborCoord = (byte)(x - 1);

            if (x > 0)
                if (skylights[1] < newSkylight)
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(neighborCoord, y, z);
            else if (directionChunkExist[0])
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = (byte)World[X - 1, Z, false, true].SkyLight.getNibble(neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    World.ChunksToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(World[X - 1, Z, false, true], neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z));

            neighborCoord = (byte)(z - 1);

            if (z > 0)
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, neighborCoord);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(x, y, neighborCoord);
            else if (directionChunkExist[2])
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = (byte)World[X, Z - 1, false, true].SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf);
                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    World.ChunksToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(World[X, Z - 1, false, true], x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf));

            // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile

            if (y > 0)
                skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y - 1, z);
                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    if (y < 50)
                        Console.WriteLine("Big hole in {0} {1} {2}", x + (X * 16), y, z + (Z * 16));
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(x, (byte)(y - 1), z);

            neighborCoord = (byte)(x + 1);

            if (x < 15)

                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(neighborCoord, y, z);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(neighborCoord, y, z);
            else if (directionChunkExist[1])
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = (byte)World[X + 1, Z, false, true].SkyLight.getNibble(neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    World.ChunksToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(World[X + 1, Z, false, true], neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z));

            neighborCoord = (byte)(z + 1);

            if (z < 15)
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, neighborCoord);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(x, y, neighborCoord);
            else if (directionChunkExist[3])
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = (byte)World[X, Z + 1, false, true].SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf);
                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    World.ChunksToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(World[X, Z + 1, false, true], x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf));

            if (y < HeightMap[x, z])
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y + 1, z);
                if(skylights[0] < newSkylight)
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(x, (byte)(y + 1), z);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public LivingObject(World world, ObjectID objectID)
            : base(world, objectID)
            this.IsLiving = true;

            // XXX Create only for dwarves
            m_enabledLabors = new BitArray(EnumHelpers.GetEnumMax<LaborID>() + 1);

            m_armorSlots = new ObservableCollection<Tuple<ArmorSlot, ItemObject>>();
            this.ArmorSlots = new ReadOnlyObservableCollection<Tuple<ArmorSlot, ItemObject>>(m_armorSlots);
Ejemplo n.º 24
		public void EnterSSA()
			IRControlFlowGraph cfg = IRControlFlowGraph.Build(this);
			if (cfg == null) return;
			int originalCount = Locals.Count;
			bool[] originalAssignments = new bool[originalCount];
			int[] originalIterations = new int[originalCount];
			IRLocal tempLocal = null;

			Locals.ForEach(l => l.SSAData = new IRLocal.IRLocalSSAData(l));
			// Add new local iterations for each assignment to an original local, and keep
			// track of final iterations for each node, assigning true to indicate it was
			// assigned, false means propagated (used later)
			foreach (IRControlFlowGraphNode node in cfg.Nodes)
				node.SSAFinalIterations = new Tuple<IRLocal, bool>[originalCount];
				node.SSAPhis = new IRLocal[originalCount];
				foreach (IRInstruction instruction in node.Instructions)
					if (instruction.Destination == null || instruction.Destination.Type != IRLinearizedLocationType.Local) continue;
					tempLocal = Locals[instruction.Destination.Local.LocalIndex];
					if (!originalAssignments[tempLocal.Index])
						originalAssignments[tempLocal.Index] = true;
						node.SSAFinalIterations[tempLocal.Index] = new Tuple<IRLocal, bool>(tempLocal, true);
					tempLocal = tempLocal.Clone(this);
					tempLocal.SSAData.Iteration = ++originalIterations[tempLocal.SSAData.Original.Index];
					instruction.Destination.Local.LocalIndex = tempLocal.Index;
					node.SSAFinalIterations[tempLocal.SSAData.Original.Index] = new Tuple<IRLocal, bool>(tempLocal, true);

			// Any SSAFinalIterations missing from the entry node means the entry node
			// did not assign to the original local, so they can be filled in with
			// propagated original locals by, assigning false to indicate propagated
			for (int index = 0; index < originalCount; ++index)
				if (cfg.Nodes[0].SSAFinalIterations[index] == null)
					cfg.Nodes[0].SSAFinalIterations[index] = new Tuple<IRLocal, bool>(Locals[index], false);
			// Any SSAFinalIterations missing from any node means the node did not
			// assign to the original local, so they can be filled in with propagated
			// locals using the dominance tree, assigning false to indicate propagated
			foreach (IRControlFlowGraphNode node in cfg.Nodes)
				for (int index = 0; index < originalCount; ++index)
					if (node.SSAFinalIterations[index] == null)
						IRControlFlowGraphNode treeNode = node.Dominator;
						while (treeNode.SSAFinalIterations[index] == null) treeNode = treeNode.Dominator;
						node.SSAFinalIterations[index] = new Tuple<IRLocal, bool>(treeNode.SSAFinalIterations[index].Item1, false);

			// Now that all final iterations are known, we also know if the final
			// iteration for a node was assigned or propagated
			// So now we can create a phi, in the dominance frontiers of nodes which
			// have assignments to original locals
			// If the phi is the only assignment in a dominance frontier node, then
			// the phi destination becomes the final iteration for that node
			int localsBeforePhis = Locals.Count;
			BitArray phiInserted = new BitArray(cfg.Nodes.Count, false);
			BitArray localAssigned = new BitArray(cfg.Nodes.Count, false);
			HashSet<IRControlFlowGraphNode> unprocessedNodes = new HashSet<IRControlFlowGraphNode>();
			HashSet<IRControlFlowGraphNode>.Enumerator unprocessedNodesEnumerator;
			IRControlFlowGraphNode processingNode = null;
			for (int originalIndex = 0; originalIndex < originalCount; ++originalIndex)
				foreach (IRControlFlowGraphNode node in cfg.Nodes)
					if (node.SSAFinalIterations[originalIndex].Item2)
						localAssigned.Set(node.Index, true);
				while (unprocessedNodes.Count > 0)
					unprocessedNodesEnumerator = unprocessedNodes.GetEnumerator();
					processingNode = unprocessedNodesEnumerator.Current;
					foreach (IRControlFlowGraphNode frontierNode in processingNode.Frontiers)
						if (!phiInserted[frontierNode.Index])
							tempLocal = Locals[originalIndex].Clone(this);
							tempLocal.SSAData.Iteration = ++originalIterations[originalIndex];
							tempLocal.SSAData.Phi = true;
							frontierNode.SSAPhis[originalIndex] = tempLocal;
							if (!frontierNode.SSAFinalIterations[originalIndex].Item2) frontierNode.SSAFinalIterations[originalIndex] = new Tuple<IRLocal, bool>(tempLocal, true);
							phiInserted.Set(frontierNode.Index, true);
							if (!localAssigned[frontierNode.Index])
								localAssigned.Set(frontierNode.Index, true);

			// Now we have assignments expanded, phi's created, and we can
			// determine phi sources from a nodes parents final iterations,
			// which we will use later
			// Initial iterations for each original local in a node can now
			// be found through using the SSAPhi's if available, otherwise
			// using immediate dominator final iterations, the entry node
			// cannot have phis, and has no immediate dominator, so we just
			// copy the original locals (iteration 0) as the currentIterations
			// So finally, now we can retarget uses of original locals by
			// keeping track of the current iterations, replacing source uses
			// with current iterations, and updating the current iterations
			// when there is local assignments
			IRLocal[] currentIterations = new IRLocal[originalCount];
			foreach (IRControlFlowGraphNode node in cfg.Nodes)
				if (node.Index == 0) Locals.CopyTo(0, currentIterations, 0, originalCount);
					for (int index = 0; index < originalCount; ++index)
						currentIterations[index] = node.SSAPhis[index] ?? node.Dominator.SSAFinalIterations[index].Item1;
				foreach (IRInstruction instruction in node.Instructions)
					instruction.Sources.ForEach(l => l.RetargetLocals(currentIterations));
					if (instruction.Destination != null)
						if (instruction.Destination.Type == IRLinearizedLocationType.Local)
							tempLocal = Locals[instruction.Destination.Local.LocalIndex];
							currentIterations[tempLocal.SSAData.Original.Index] = tempLocal;

			// At this point, most of the requirements set by SSA have been
			// fulfilled, all we want to do now is insert a move instruction
			// with a linearized phi source for each phi in the frontiers using
			// the parent final iterations created earlier, with phi reductions
			// based on lifetime analysis, so that various optimizations occuring
			// before leaving SSA can be done much more effectively
			IRMoveInstruction moveInstruction = null;
			IRLinearizedLocation location = null;
			HashSet<int> sourceLocals = new HashSet<int>(); // Used to prevent us from adding the same source twice
			foreach (IRControlFlowGraphNode node in cfg.Nodes)
				for (int originalIndex = originalCount - 1; originalIndex >= 0; --originalIndex)
					if (node.SSAPhis[originalIndex] != null)
						moveInstruction = new IRMoveInstruction();
						moveInstruction.Destination = new IRLinearizedLocation(moveInstruction, IRLinearizedLocationType.Local);
						moveInstruction.Destination.Local.LocalIndex = node.SSAPhis[originalIndex].Index;
						location = new IRLinearizedLocation(moveInstruction, IRLinearizedLocationType.Phi);
						location.Phi.SourceLocations = new List<IRLinearizedLocation>();
						foreach (IRControlFlowGraphNode parentNode in node.ParentNodes)
							int finalIterationIndex = parentNode.SSAFinalIterations[originalIndex].Item1.Index;
							if (sourceLocals.Add(finalIterationIndex))
								IRLinearizedLocation phiSourceLocation = new IRLinearizedLocation(moveInstruction, IRLinearizedLocationType.Local);
								phiSourceLocation.Local.LocalIndex = finalIterationIndex;
						if (location.Phi.SourceLocations.Count == 1)
							location.Type = IRLinearizedLocationType.Local;
							location.Local.LocalIndex = location.Phi.SourceLocations[0].Local.LocalIndex;
							location.Phi.SourceLocations = null;
						InsertInstruction(node.Instructions[0].IRIndex, moveInstruction);
						node.Instructions.Insert(0, moveInstruction);

			// Analyze local lifespans

			// Find dead phis that got move instructions inserted, and remove
			// the unneeded instructions, then fix branch targets again
			List<IRLocal> deadPhis = mLocals.FindAll(l => l.SSAData.Phi && l.SSAData.LifeBegins == l.SSAData.LifeEnds);
			IRInstruction onlyInstruction = null;
			foreach (IRLocal deadPhi in deadPhis)
				onlyInstruction = deadPhi.SSAData.LifeBegins;
				deadPhi.SSAData.LifeBegins = null;
				deadPhi.SSAData.LifeEnds = null;

			// Ensure that SSA lifespan analysis data is unusable, as it was
			// invalidated by dead phi removal
			mLocals.ForEach(l => l.SSAData.LifeBegins = l.SSAData.LifeEnds = null);

			// Test that we did stuff right, make sure no local is assigned
			// more than once, though some may never get assigned due to
			// phi reductions that occur, if an exception is thrown here
			// it is most likely due to something that caused dead code
			// but never removed it before entering SSA, or a bug with
			// branching that removed a valid node and we luckily caught a
			// duplicate assignment due to unprocessed instructions
			bool[] assigned = new bool[Locals.Count];
			foreach (IRInstruction instruction in Instructions)
				if (instruction.Destination != null && instruction.Destination.Type == IRLinearizedLocationType.Local)
					if (assigned[instruction.Destination.Local.LocalIndex]) throw new Exception();
					assigned[instruction.Destination.Local.LocalIndex] = true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static void Main()
            Cons.WriteLine($"Chapter 10 - Collections...");


            //Collection Initializers
            var intList = new List <int>()
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5

            Racer GHill = new Racer(2, "Graham", "Hill", "UK", 10);
            Racer DHill = new Racer(7, "Dameon", "Hill", "UK", 14);

            var racers = new List <Racer>(10)
                GHill, DHill

            Cons.WriteLine($"{racers.Count} racers so far.");

            racers.Add(new Racer(24, "Michael", "Schumacher", "Germany", 91));
            racers.Insert(0, new Racer(22, "Ayrton", "Senna", "Brazil", 41));

            //Accessing elements
            var a1 = racers[0];

            Cons.WriteLine("Print list with a foreach loop.........................................");
            foreach (var r in racers)
                Cons.WriteLine(r.ToString("N", null));

            //Delagates again!
            Cons.WriteLine("Now using a delegate.........................................");
            Cons.WriteLine("Now using lambda to format.........................................");
            racers.ForEach(r => Cons.WriteLine($"{r:w}"));

            Racer R1 = new Racer(22, "Ayrton", "Senna", "Brazil", 41);

            if (!racers.Remove(R1))
                Cons.WriteLine($"Racer {R1.Id} not found to remove.");

            R1 = DHill;
            if (!racers.Remove(R1))
                Cons.WriteLine($"Racer {DHill.Id} not found to remove.");

            //Using Find Predicate
            //int i2 = racers.FindIndex(new FindCountry("Finland").FindCountryPredicate);   This works but has a bugget, not my code!
            int i3 = racers.FindIndex(r => r.Country == "UK"); //Sane as line above and more likely to be used...

            i3 = racers.FindLastIndex(r => r.Country == "UK"); //Sane as line above and more likely to be used...

            var R2       = racers.FindLast(r => r.LastName == "Louder");
            var someWins = racers.FindAll(r => r.Wins < 20);


            var bigWiners = racers.FindAll(r => r.Wins > 20);


            racers.Sort(new RacerComp(RacerComp.CompareType.LastName));

            racers.Sort(new RacerComp(RacerComp.CompareType.Country));

            //Sort using delagte and Lambda expression.
            racers.Sort((r1, r2) => r2.Wins.CompareTo(r1.Wins));

            //Type Conversion...
            var rPeople = racers.ConvertAll <Person>(r => new Person(r.FirstName + ',' + r.LastName));

            //Read-Only Collections
            var roRacers = racers.AsReadOnly();

            var dm = new DocsManager();

            //Create docs and add too dm
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var doc = new Doc("Doc" + i.ToString(), "AID" + new Random().Next(20).ToString());
                Console.WriteLine($"Added Document: {doc.Title} by {doc.Auther} to queue.");
                Thread.Sleep(new Random().Next(20));


            //Stacks Quick one...
            var lets = new Stack <char>();


            foreach (var l in lets)

            while (lets.Count > 0)

            //Linked Lists...
            var pDM = new PDocManager();

            pDM.AddPDoc(new PDoc("Adoc", "AAAdams", 4));
            pDM.AddPDoc(new PDoc("Bdoc", "BBabs", 8));
            pDM.AddPDoc(new PDoc("Cdoc", "CCock", 4));
            pDM.AddPDoc(new PDoc("Ddoc", "AAAdams", 8));
            pDM.AddPDoc(new PDoc("Edoc", "CCock", 8));


            //Simple Sorted List
            var boots = new SortedList <int, string>();

            boots.Add(18, "Knee High");
            boots.Add(27, "Thigh Length");
            boots[12] = "Calfe";
            boots[6]  = "Ankle";

            foreach (var b in boots)
                Cons.WriteLine($"{b.Key}, {b.Value}");

            boots[27] = "Thigh High";

            foreach (var b in boots)
                Cons.WriteLine($"{b.Key}, {b.Value}");

            //What Next....for DCoates
            var employees = new Dictionary <EmployeeId, DicEmployee>();

            var idCat = new EmployeeId("A000001");
            var eCat  = new DicEmployee(idCat, "Cat", 100000.00m);

            employees.Add(idCat, eCat);

            var idAnt = new EmployeeId("A012345");
            var eAnt  = new DicEmployee(idAnt, "Ant", 23000.00m);

            employees.Add(idAnt, eAnt);

            var idBee = new EmployeeId("B000001");
            var eBee  = new DicEmployee(idBee, "Bee", 40000.00m);

            employees.Add(idBee, eBee);

            var idDog = new EmployeeId("A000002");
            var eDog  = new DicEmployee(idDog, "Dog", 10000.00m);

            employees.Add(idDog, eDog);

            foreach (var e in employees)

            while (true)
                Cons.Write("Enter am Empolyee Id: (X to exit)>");
                var uIn = Cons.ReadLine();
                if (uIn.ToLower() == "x")

                EmployeeId eId;
                    eId = new EmployeeId(uIn);

                    DicEmployee dEmp;
                    if (!employees.TryGetValue(eId, out dEmp))
                        Cons.WriteLine($"Employee with {eId} does not exist.");
                catch (EmployeeIdException ee)

            //Lookups from System.core
            //Use the racers list from above

            var lookupRacers = racers.ToLookup(r => r.Country);

            foreach (var r in lookupRacers["UK"])
                Cons.WriteLine($"name:{r.LastName}, {r.FirstName}");
            //Nice but not sorted!

            //Sorted Dics....
            //Simple Sorted List
            var sdBoots = new SortedDictionary <int, string> {
                { 18, "Knee High" }, { 27, "Thigh Length" }

            sdBoots[12] = "Calfe";
            sdBoots[6]  = "Ankle";

            foreach (var b in sdBoots)
                Cons.WriteLine($"{b.Key}, {b.Value}");

            var allTeams = new HashSet <string>()
                "Ferrari", "Lotus", "McLaren", "Honda", "BRM", "Aston Martin", "Red Bull", "Force India", "Sauber", "Williams"
            var coTeams = new HashSet <string>()
                "Ferrari", "Lotus", "McLaren", "Honda"
            var oldTeams = new HashSet <string>()
                "Ferrari", "Lotus", "BRM", "Aston Martin"
            var newTeams = new HashSet <string>()
                "Red Bull", "Force India", "Sauber"

            var res = coTeams.Add("Williams");

            res = coTeams.Add("Williams");

            res = coTeams.IsSubsetOf(allTeams);
            res = allTeams.IsSupersetOf(coTeams);
            res = oldTeams.Overlaps(coTeams);
            res = newTeams.Overlaps(coTeams);

            var allTeams2 = new SortedSet <string>(coTeams);


            res = allTeams2.SetEquals(allTeams);

            var tTeams = new SortedSet <string>(allTeams);

            var yTeams = new SortedSet <string>(allTeams);
            var yI     = new SortedSet <string>(yTeams.Intersect(oldTeams));

            //Observable Collections
            Cons.WriteLine("Observable Collections....");
            var data = new ObservableCollection <string>();

            data.CollectionChanged += Data_CollectionChanged;
            data.Insert(1, "Three");

            //Bits and bobs....
            Cons.WriteLine("Bits and Bobs....");
            var bitsA = new Col.BitArray(8);

            bitsA.Set(1, false);


            byte[] aI    = { 22 };
            var    bitsB = new Col.BitArray(aI);



            //BitVector32 Struct
            var vBits = new Col.Specialized.BitVector32();
            int m1    = BitVector32.CreateMask();
            int m2    = BitVector32.CreateMask(m1);
            int m3    = BitVector32.CreateMask(m2);
            int m4    = BitVector32.CreateMask(m3);
            int m5    = BitVector32.CreateMask(128);

            vBits[m1] = true;
            vBits[m3] = true;
            vBits[m4] = true;
            vBits[m5] = true;


            int rec      = 0x88abcde;
            var vBitRSet = new BitVector32(rec);


            //Immutable Collections

Ejemplo n.º 26
 void GenCode(Node p, int indent, BitArray isChecked)
     Node p2;
     BitArray s1, s2;
     while (p != null) {
     switch (p.typ) {
         case Node.nt: {
             gen.Write( + "(");
             CopySourcePart(p.pos, 0);
         case Node.t: {
             // assert: if isChecked[p.sym.n] is true, then isChecked contains only p.sym.n
             if (isChecked[p.sym.n]) gen.WriteLine("Get();");
             else gen.WriteLine("Expect({0});", p.sym.n);
         case Node.wt: {
             s1 = tab.Expected(, curSy);
             gen.WriteLine("ExpectWeak({0}, {1});", p.sym.n, NewCondSet(s1));
         case Node.any: {
             int acc = Sets.Elements(p.set);
             if (tab.terminals.Count == (acc + 1) || (acc > 0 && Sets.Equals(p.set, isChecked))) {
                 // either this ANY accepts any terminal (the + 1 = end of file), or exactly what's allowed here
             } else {
                 GenErrorMsg(altErr, curSy);
                 if (acc > 0) {
                     gen.Write("if ("); GenCond(p.set, p); gen.WriteLine(") Get(); else SynErr({0});", errorNr);
                 } else gen.WriteLine("SynErr({0}); // ANY node that matches no symbol", errorNr);
         case Node.eps: break; // nothing
         case Node.rslv: break; // nothing
         case Node.sem: {
             CopySourcePart(p.pos, indent);
         case Node.sync: {
             GenErrorMsg(syncErr, curSy);
             s1 = (BitArray)p.set.Clone();
             gen.Write("while (!("); GenCond(s1, p); gen.Write(")) {");
             gen.Write("SynErr({0}); Get();", errorNr); gen.WriteLine("}");
         case Node.alt: {
             s1 = tab.First(p);
             bool equal = Sets.Equals(s1, isChecked);
             bool useSwitch = UseSwitch(p);
             if (useSwitch) { Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("switch (la.kind) {"); }
             p2 = p;
             while (p2 != null) {
                 s1 = tab.Expected(p2.sub, curSy);
                 if (useSwitch) {
                     PutCaseLabels(s1); gen.WriteLine("{");
                 } else if (p2 == p) {
                     gen.Write("if ("); GenCond(s1, p2.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {");
                 } else if (p2.down == null && equal) { gen.WriteLine("} else {");
                 } else {
                     gen.Write("} else if (");  GenCond(s1, p2.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {");
                 GenCode(p2.sub, indent + 1, s1);
                 if (useSwitch) {
                     Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("\tbreak;");
                     Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
                 p2 = p2.down;
             if (equal) {
             } else {
                 GenErrorMsg(altErr, curSy);
                 if (useSwitch) {
                     gen.WriteLine("default: SynErr({0}); break;", errorNr);
                     Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
                 } else {
                     gen.Write("} "); gen.WriteLine("else SynErr({0});", errorNr);
         case Node.iter: {
             p2 = p.sub;
             gen.Write("while (");
             if (p2.typ == Node.wt) {
                 s1 = tab.Expected(, curSy);
                 s2 = tab.Expected(, curSy);
                 gen.Write("WeakSeparator({0},{1},{2}) ", p2.sym.n, NewCondSet(s1), NewCondSet(s2));
                 s1 = new BitArray(tab.terminals.Count);  // for inner structure
                 if (p2.up || == null) p2 = null; else p2 =;
             } else {
                 s1 = tab.First(p2);
                 GenCond(s1, p2);
             gen.WriteLine(") {");
             GenCode(p2, indent + 1, s1);
             Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
         case Node.opt:
             s1 = tab.First(p.sub);
             gen.Write("if ("); GenCond(s1, p.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {");
             GenCode(p.sub, indent + 1, s1);
             Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
     if (p.typ != Node.eps && p.typ != Node.sem && p.typ != Node.sync)
         isChecked.SetAll(false);  // = new BitArray(tab.terminals.Count);
     if (p.up) break;
     p =;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a Cart Node from bindary stream, which is Mulan CRT compatible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="br">Binary reader to load CART node.</param>
        public void Load(BinaryReader br)
            if (br == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("br");

                br.ReadInt32(); // Skip the yes child's offset
                br.ReadInt32(); // Skip the no child's offset
                NodeType noteType = (NodeType)br.ReadInt32();

                if (noteType == NodeType.NotLeaf)
                    _question = new Question(_metaCart);
                    uint size = br.ReadUInt32();
                    int startPos = br.ReadInt32();
                    OperatorSerial[] express = new OperatorSerial[size];
                    for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        express[i] = OperatorSerial.Read(br);

                    // TODO: parse it into logical presentation
                    string logic = OperatorSerial.ToString(startPos, express);

                    _leftChild = new CartNode(_metaCart);
                    _leftChild.Parent = this;

                    _rightChild = new CartNode(_metaCart);
                    _rightChild.Parent = this;

                    QuestionLogic = _question.ToString();
                else if (noteType == NodeType.Leaf)
                    // AbstractSet
                    int setType = br.ReadInt32();
                    Debug.Assert(setType == (int)SetType.AbstractSet);

                    int minValue = br.ReadInt32();
                    int maxValue = br.ReadInt32();

                    Debug.Assert(maxValue >= minValue);

                    setType = br.ReadInt32();
                    _setType = (SetType)setType;
                    switch (_setType)
                        case SetType.BitSet:
                                // BitSet
                                int size = br.ReadInt32();
                                Debug.Assert(size == maxValue - minValue + 1);

                                int setCount = br.ReadInt32();

                                // calculate the number of bytes to allocate to save
                                // the bit set data. the data is INT (4 bytes) aligned
                                int bytesRequired = ((size + 31) >> 5) * 4;

                                byte[] bits = br.ReadBytes(bytesRequired);
                                if (bits.Length != bytesRequired)
                                    string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                    "Malformed data found, for there is no enough data for Bit set.");
                                    throw new InvalidDataException(message);

                                _unitSet = new BitArray(bits);
                                _unitSet.Length = size;
                                int loadSetCount = 0;
                                for (int k = 0; k < _unitSet.Length; k++)
                                    loadSetCount += _unitSet.Get(k) ? 1 : 0;

                                Debug.Assert(loadSetCount == setCount);

                        case SetType.IndexSet:
                                // Count of integer
                                int size = br.ReadInt32();

                                // Index data
                                _unitSet = new BitArray(maxValue - minValue + 1);
                                int n = 0;
                                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                                    n = br.ReadInt32();
                                    if (n > _unitSet.Length - 1 || n < 0)
                                        throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid index set data");

                                    _unitSet.Set(n, true);

                                throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid set type");
                    string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                        "Invalid node type [{0}] of CART tree node found", noteType);
                    throw new InvalidDataException(message);
            catch (EndOfStreamException ese)
                string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                    "Fail to CART tree node from binary stream for invalid data.");
                throw new InvalidDataException(message, ese);
            catch (InvalidDataException ide)
                string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                        "Fail to load CART node from binary stream");
                throw new InvalidDataException(message, ide);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse set string presentation to BitArray.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="setPresent">Set present in string.</param>
        /// <param name="unitSet">Unit set.</param>
        public static void ParseSetPresentation(string setPresent, BitArray unitSet)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(setPresent))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("setPresent");

            if (unitSet == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("unitSet");

            string[] items = setPresent.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            unitSet.Length = int.Parse(items[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (items[0] == "B")
                int k = 0;
                for (int j = items[2].Length - 1; j >= 0; --j, ++k)
                    string hex = items[2][j].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    int val = int.Parse(hex, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber,
                    if ((val & 0x1) != 0)
                        unitSet.Set(k * 4, true);

                    if ((val & 0x2) != 0)
                        unitSet.Set((k * 4) + 1, true);

                    if ((val & 4) != 0)
                        unitSet.Set((k * 4) + 2, true);

                    if ((val & 8) != 0)
                        unitSet.Set((k * 4) + 3, true);
            else if (items[0] == "I")
                for (int i = 3; i < items.Length; i++)
                    unitSet.Set(int.Parse(items[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), true);
                string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                        "Only Bit set or Index set is supported for CART tree in text format. But the set type [{0}] is found.",
                throw new NotSupportedException(message);
Ejemplo n.º 29
      } // End Read Function

      /// <summary>
      /// Write data to the Server Device.</summary>
      public bool Write(DataExtClass[] DataIn)
         bool retVar = false;
         int i, j, jj, SAddress, boolReg, boolBit;
         uint intFloat;
         DAConfClass thisArea;
         var bitArray = new System.Collections.BitArray(16);
         var BitInt = new int[1];

         //If is not initialized and not connected return  error
         if (!(isInitialized && (DataIn != null)))
            Status.NewStat(StatType.Bad, "Not Ready for Writing");
            return false;

         //If the DataIn and Internal data doesnt have the correct amount of data areas return error.
         if (!((DataIn.Length == MasterDriverConf.NDataAreas) && (IntData.Length == MasterDriverConf.NDataAreas)))
            Status.NewStat(StatType.Bad, "Data Containers Mismatch");
            return false;

         if (!(isConnected && ModTCPObj.Connected))
            Status.NewStat(StatType.Bad, "Connection Error...");
            return false;

         for (i = 0; i < MasterDriverConf.NDataAreas; i++)
            thisArea = MasterDataAreaConf[i];
            SAddress = int.Parse(thisArea.StartAddress);

            if (thisArea.Enable && thisArea.Write)
               jj = 0; //Index reinitialize

               for (j = 0; j < thisArea.Amount; j++)
                  switch (thisArea.dataType)
                     case DriverConfig.DatType.Bool:
                        if (thisArea.DBnumber == 1)
                           if ((IntData[i].dBool.Length > j) && (DataIn[i].Data.dBoolean.Length > j))
                              IntData[i].dBool[j] = DataIn[i].Data.dBoolean[j];
                        else if (thisArea.DBnumber == 3)
                           boolReg = Math.DivRem(j, 16, out boolBit);
                           if ((IntData[i].dInt.Length > boolReg) && (DataIn[i].Data.dBoolean.Length > j))
                              if (boolBit == 0) { bitArray.SetAll(false); BitInt[0] = 0; }
                              bitArray.Set(boolBit, DataIn[i].Data.dBoolean[j]);
                              bitArray.CopyTo(BitInt, 0);
                              IntData[i].dInt[boolReg] = BitInt[0];
                     case DriverConfig.DatType.Byte:
                        IntData[i].dInt[j] = DataIn[i].Data.dByte[j];
                     case DriverConfig.DatType.Word:
                        IntData[i].dInt[j] = DataIn[i].Data.dWord[j];
                     case DriverConfig.DatType.DWord:
                        //Endianess of the double word.
                        if (RegOrder == ModbusClient.RegisterOrder.HighLow)
                           IntData[i].dInt[jj] = (int)((DataIn[i].Data.dDWord[j] & MaskHWord) >> 16);
                           IntData[i].dInt[(jj + 1)] = (int)(DataIn[i].Data.dDWord[j] & MaskWord);
                           IntData[i].dInt[jj] = (int)(DataIn[i].Data.dDWord[j] & MaskWord);
                           IntData[i].dInt[(jj + 1)] = (int)((DataIn[i].Data.dDWord[j] & MaskHWord) >> 16);

                        jj = jj + 2;

                     case DriverConfig.DatType.Real:
                        //Float point decimal.

                        //Convert the 
                        intFloat = (uint)Math.Abs(Math.Round(DataIn[i].Data.dReal[j] * 1000.0));

                        //Turn ON/OFF the sign bit.
                        if (DataIn[i].Data.dReal[j] < 0)
                           intFloat = intFloat | MaskNeg;
                           intFloat = intFloat & MaskiNeg;

                        //Endianess of the double word.
                        if (RegOrder == ModbusClient.RegisterOrder.HighLow)
                           IntData[i].dInt[jj] = (int)((intFloat & MaskHWord) >> 16);
                           IntData[i].dInt[(jj + 1)] = (int)(intFloat & MaskWord);
                           IntData[i].dInt[jj] = (int)(intFloat & MaskWord);
                           IntData[i].dInt[(jj + 1)] = (int)((intFloat & MaskHWord) >> 16);

                        jj = jj + 2;

                        Status.NewStat(StatType.Warning, "Wrong DataArea Type, Check Config.");
               } // For j

                  //Write the data to the device
                  if ((thisArea.DBnumber == 1) && (thisArea.dataType == DriverConfig.DatType.Bool))
                     ModTCPObj.WriteMultipleCoils(SAddress, IntData[i].dBool);
                     retVar = true;
                  else if (thisArea.DBnumber == 3)
                     ModTCPObj.WriteMultipleRegisters(SAddress, IntData[i].dInt);
                     retVar = true;
                     retVar = false;
                     Status.NewStat(StatType.Warning, "Wrong FC for Write, Check Config.");

                  //Report Good
                  if (retVar) Status.NewStat(StatType.Good);
               catch (Exception e)
                  Status.NewStat(StatType.Bad, e.Message);
                  return false;

            }// Area Enable

         } //For Data Areas.

         return retVar;
      }// END Write Function
        /// <summary>
        /// Traces the specified label.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="headBlock">The head block.</param>
        private void Trace(BasicBlock headBlock)
            outgoingStack = new Stack<Operand>[BasicBlocks.Count];
            scheduledMoves = new Stack<Operand>[BasicBlocks.Count];
            processed = new BitArray(BasicBlocks.Count);
            enqueued = new BitArray(BasicBlocks.Count);

            processed.Set(headBlock.Sequence, true);
            workList.Enqueue(new WorkItem(headBlock, new Stack<Operand>()));

            while (workList.Count > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the given string is accepted by the automaton.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">The automaton.</param>
        /// <param name="s">The string.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Complexity: linear in the length of the string.
        /// For full performance, use the RunAutomaton class.
        /// </remarks>
        public static bool Run(Automaton a, string s)
            if (a.IsSingleton)
                return s.Equals(a.IsSingleton);

            if (a.IsDeterministic)
                State p = a.Initial;
                foreach (char t in s)
                    State q = p.Step(t);
                    if (q == null)
                        return false;

                    p = q;

                return p.Accept;

            HashSet<State> states = a.GetStates();
            var pp = new LinkedList<State>();
            var ppOther = new LinkedList<State>();
            var bb = new BitArray(states.Count);
            var bbOther = new BitArray(states.Count);
            var dest = new List<State>();
            bool accept = a.Initial.Accept;

            foreach (char c in s)
                accept = false;
                foreach (State p in pp)
                    p.Step(c, dest);
                    foreach (State q in dest)
                        if (q.Accept)
                            accept = true;

                        if (!bbOther.Get(q.Number))
                            bbOther.Set(q.Number, true);

                LinkedList<State> tp = pp;
                pp = ppOther;
                ppOther = tp;
                BitArray tb = bb;
                bb = bbOther;
                bbOther = tb;

            return accept;
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public void SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(byte x, byte y, byte z, bool sourceBlock=false)
            if (StackSize > 200)
                World.ChunkLightToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(this, x, y, z));
            #if DEBUG
                Console.WriteLine("Rescheduling chunk");

            BitArray directionChunkExist = new BitArray(4);

            byte[] skylights = new byte[7]{0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
            byte[] heights = new byte[5]{0,0,0,0,0};

            // Take the current block skylight
            skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, z);
            heights[0] = HeightMap[x, z];

            int newSkylight = skylights[0];

            Chunk chunk;

            int chunkX = Coords.ChunkX;
            int chunkZ = Coords.ChunkZ;

            CheckNeighbourHeightAndLight(x, y, z, skylights, heights, directionChunkExist);

            byte vertical;
            newSkylight = ChooseHighestNeighbourLight(skylights, out vertical);

            if (!sourceBlock && skylights[0] > newSkylight)
                newSkylight = skylights[0];

            // Our light value should be the highest neighbour light value - (1 + our opacity)
            byte opacity = BlockHelper.Instance(Types[x << 11 | z << 7 | y]).Opacity;

            byte toSubtract = (byte) (1 - vertical + opacity);
            newSkylight -= toSubtract;

            if (newSkylight < 0)
                newSkylight = 0;

            if (skylights[0] != newSkylight)
                SetSkyLight(x, y, z, (byte) newSkylight);
            else if(!sourceBlock)

            // This is the light value we should spread/set to our nearby blocks

            if (newSkylight < 0)
                newSkylight = 0;

            if ((y+1) < HeightMap[x,z])
                if (skylights[5] < newSkylight)
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(x, (byte)(y + 1), z);

            if (!sourceBlock && y > 0 && y< HeightMap[x, z])
                skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y - 1, z);

                if (skylights[0] != newSkylight)
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(x, (byte)(y - 1), z);

            // Spread the light to our neighbor if the nearby has a lower skylight value
            byte neighborCoord;

            neighborCoord = (byte)(x - 1);

            if (x > 0)
                skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x - 1, y, z);
                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight || (skylights[0] > newSkylight && y < heights[1]))
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(neighborCoord, y, z);
            else if (directionChunkExist[0])
                chunk = World.GetChunkFromChunkSync(chunkX - 1, chunkZ, false, true);
                skylights[0] = (byte)chunk.SkyLight.getNibble(neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight || (skylights[0] > newSkylight && y < heights[1]))
                    World.ChunkLightToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(chunk, neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z));

            neighborCoord = (byte)(z - 1);

            if (z > 0)
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, neighborCoord);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight || (skylights[0] > newSkylight && y < heights[2]))
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(x, y, neighborCoord);
            else if (directionChunkExist[2])
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                chunk = World.GetChunkFromChunkSync(chunkX, chunkZ - 1, false, true);
                skylights[0] = (byte)chunk.SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf);
                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight || (skylights[0] > newSkylight && y < heights[2]))
                    World.ChunkLightToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(chunk, x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf));

            neighborCoord = (byte)(x + 1);

            if (x < 15)
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(neighborCoord, y, z);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight || (skylights[0] > newSkylight && y < heights[3]))
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(neighborCoord, y, z);
            else if (directionChunkExist[1])
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                chunk = World.GetChunkFromChunkSync(chunkX + 1, chunkZ, false, true);
                skylights[0] = (byte)chunk.SkyLight.getNibble(neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight || (skylights[0] > newSkylight && y < heights[3]))
                    World.ChunkLightToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(chunk, neighborCoord & 0xf, y, z));

            neighborCoord = (byte)(z + 1);

            if (z < 15)
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                skylights[0] = (byte)SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, neighborCoord);

                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight || (skylights[0] > newSkylight && y < heights[4]))
                    SpreadSkyLightFromBlock(x, y, neighborCoord);
            else if (directionChunkExist[3])
                // Reread Skylight value since it can be changed in the meanwhile
                chunk = World.GetChunkFromChunkSync(chunkX, chunkZ + 1, false, true);
                skylights[0] = (byte)chunk.SkyLight.getNibble(x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf);
                if (skylights[0] < newSkylight || (skylights[0] > newSkylight && y < heights[4]))
                    World.ChunkLightToRecalculate.Enqueue(new ChunkLightUpdate(chunk, x, y, neighborCoord & 0xf));
Ejemplo n.º 33
        // TryStmt
        public override bool Walk(TryStatement node) {
            BitArray save = _bits;
            _bits = new BitArray(_bits);

            // Flow the body

            if (node.Else != null) {
                // Else is flown only after completion of Try with same bits

            if (node.Handlers != null) {
                foreach (TryStatementHandler tsh in node.Handlers) {
                    // Restore to saved state

                    // Flow the test
                    if (tsh.Test != null) {

                    // Define the target
                    if (tsh.Target != null) {

                    // Flow the body

            _bits = save;

            if (node.Finally != null) {
                // Flow finally - this executes no matter what

            return false;