Ejemplo n.º 1
            MethodBuilder CreateIsland(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, State state, bool withPrimingTest, Dictionary<string, byte[]>checksumCache)
                MethodBuilder methodbuilder = this.CreateMethodBuilder(typeBuilder, threadWorkerControllerType, state, withPrimingTest);
                ILGenerator ilGenerator = methodbuilder.GetILGenerator();
                const int lineHidden = 0xFeeFee; // #line hidden directive

                // Island:
                // void MethodName(Manager m)
                // {
                //    .line
                //     nop
                //     call Worker(m)
                //     ret;
                // }
                SourceLocation stateLocation = state.Location;
                ISymbolDocumentWriter document = this.GetSourceDocument(stateLocation.FileName, stateLocation.Checksum, checksumCache);
                Label islandWorkerLabel = ilGenerator.DefineLabel();

                // Hide all the opcodes before the real source line.
                // This is needed for Island which is called during priming (Attach to Process):
                // It should skip the line directive during priming, thus it won't break at user's
                // breakpoints at the beginning during priming the callstack.
                if (withPrimingTest)
                    ilGenerator.MarkSequencePoint(document, lineHidden, 1, lineHidden, 100);
                    ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, islandWorkerLabel);

                // Emit sequence point before the IL instructions to map it to a source location.
                ilGenerator.MarkSequencePoint(document, stateLocation.StartLine, stateLocation.StartColumn, stateLocation.EndLine, stateLocation.EndColumn);

                ilGenerator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, islandWorkerMethodInfo, null);

                return methodbuilder;
Ejemplo n.º 2
            public MethodInfo GetIsland(State state, bool isPriming)
                MethodInfo island = null;

                if (isPriming)
                    if (!islandsWithPriming.TryGetValue(state, out island))
                        island = state.GetMethodInfo(true);
                        islandsWithPriming[state] = island;
                    if (!islands.TryGetValue(state, out island))
                        island = state.GetMethodInfo(false);
                        islands[state] = island;
                return island;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public State DefineState(SourceLocation location, string name, LocalsItemDescription[] earlyLocals, int numberOfEarlyLocals)
     State state;
     lock (this)
         if (!this.stateMap.TryGetValue(location, out state))
             lock (this)
                 state = new State(location, name, earlyLocals, numberOfEarlyLocals);
                 this.stateMap.Add(location, state);
     return state;
Ejemplo n.º 4
            internal MethodBuilder CreateMethodBuilder(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, Type typeIslandArguments, State state, bool withPriming)
                // create the method            
                string methodName = (state.Name != null ? state.Name : ("Line_" + state.Location.StartLine));

                if (withPriming)
                    methodName = MethodWithPrimingPrefix + methodName;

                // Parameters to the islands:
                // 1. Args
                // 2. IDict of late-bound locals.
                // 3 ... N.  list of early bound locals.
                const int numberOfBaseArguments = 2;
                IEnumerable<LocalsItemDescription> earlyLocals = state.EarlyLocals;
                int numberOfEarlyLocals = state.NumberOfEarlyLocals;

                Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[numberOfBaseArguments + numberOfEarlyLocals];
                parameterTypes[0] = typeof(bool);
                parameterTypes[1] = typeIslandArguments;

                if (numberOfEarlyLocals > 0)
                    int i = numberOfBaseArguments;
                    foreach (LocalsItemDescription localsItemDescription in earlyLocals)
                        parameterTypes[i] = localsItemDescription.Type;

                Type returnType = typeof(void);
                MethodBuilder methodbuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod(
                    MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public,
                    returnType, parameterTypes);

                // Need to define parameter here, otherwise EE cannot get the correct IDebugContainerField
                // for debugInfo.
                methodbuilder.DefineParameter(1, ParameterAttributes.None, "isPriming");
                methodbuilder.DefineParameter(2, ParameterAttributes.None, "typeIslandArguments");

                // Define the parameter names
                // Note that we can hide implementation-specific arguments from VS by not defining parameter 
                // info for them.  Eg., the StepInTarget argument doesn't appear to show up in VS at all.
                if (numberOfEarlyLocals > 0)
                    int i = numberOfBaseArguments + 1;
                    foreach (LocalsItemDescription localsItemDescription in earlyLocals)
                        methodbuilder.DefineParameter(i, ParameterAttributes.None, localsItemDescription.Name);

                return methodbuilder;
Ejemplo n.º 5
            public void LeaveState(State state)
                if (this.callStack.Count > 0)
                    VirtualStackFrame stackFrame = this.callStack.Pop();
                        (state == null && stackFrame == null) ||
                        (stackFrame != null && stackFrame.State == state),
                        "Unmatched LeaveState: " +
                        ((state == null) ? "null" : state.Name) +
                        " with top stack frame: " +
                        ((stackFrame == null || stackFrame.State == null) ? "null" : stackFrame.State.Name));

                    if (stackFrame != null)    // Matches with an uninstrumented Activity.
                    Fx.Assert("Unmatched LeaveState: " + ((state != null) ? state.Name : "null"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 // Pop the state most recently pushed by EnterState.
 internal void LeaveState(int threadIndex, State state)
     Fx.Assert(threadIndex < this.threads.Count, "Index out of range for thread");
     Fx.Assert(this.threads[threadIndex] != null, "LogicalThread is null");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // Push the state onto the virtual callstack, with no locals.
        // State is the state to push onto stack.
        //internal void EnterState(int threadIndex, State state)
        //    this.EnterState(threadIndex, state, null); 

        // Enter a state and push it onto the 'virtual callstack'.
        // If the user set a a breakpoint at the source location associated with
        // this state, this call will hit that breakpoint.
        // Call LeaveState when the interpretter is finished with this state.
        // State is state to enter.
        // "locals" is local variables (both early-bound and late-bound) associated with this state.
        // Early-bound locals match by name with the set passed into DefineState.
        // Late-bound will be displayed read-only to the user in the watch window.</param>
        // EnterState can be called reentrantly. If code calls Enter(A); Enter(B); Enter(C);
        // Then on the call to Enter(C), the virtual callstack will be A-->B-->C.
        // Each call to Enter() will rebuild the virtual callstack.
        internal void EnterState(int threadIndex, State state, IDictionary<string, object> locals)
            this.EnterState(threadIndex, new VirtualStackFrame(state, locals));
 public VirtualStackFrame(State state)
     : this(state, null)
     Fx.Assert(state.NumberOfEarlyLocals == 0, "should start with empty locals");
 public VirtualStackFrame(State state, IDictionary<string, object> locals)
     this.state = state;
     this.locals = locals;