Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ConflictHandler(FileCompareObject fco, int fileIndex)
            string src = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(fileIndex), fco.Name);
            string conflictFolder = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(fileIndex), _syncConfig.ConflictDir);
            if (!Directory.Exists(conflictFolder))

            string currTime = String.Format("{0:MMddHHmmss}", DateTime.Now) + "_";
            string dest = Path.Combine(conflictFolder, currTime + fco.Name);

                CommonMethods.CopyFile(src, dest); // Copy conflicted file from to the conflict folder
                CommonMethods.DeleteFile(src); // Delete conflicted file
            catch (CopyFileException)
                ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ERROR, "Error copying file from " + src + " to " + dest));
            catch (DeleteFileException)
                ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ERROR, "Error deleting file " + src));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void PopulateHash(FileCompareObject file, int index)
     if (file.Exists[index])
         // If the metadata exists, and the creation time of the file is equals to that of the metadata, and the last write time is also the same,
         // as well as the length, we assume that the file is unchanged, and simply use the hash info from the metadata instead of re-hashing. This
         // saves a lot of time.
         if (file.MetaExists[index] && file.CreationTimeUtc[index] == file.MetaCreationTimeUtc[index] && file.LastWriteTimeUtc[index] == file.MetaLastWriteTimeUtc[index] && file.Length[index] == file.MetaLength[index])
             file.Hash[index] = file.MetaHash[index];
                 // Calculate the hash of the file
                 file.Hash[index] = CommonMethods.CalculateMD5Hash(Path.Combine(file.GetSmartParentPath(index), file.Name));
             catch (HashFileException)
                 // If there is an error hashing, we set the FinalState to error, and make it invalid so it is excluded from all comparison and
                 // syncing.
                 ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ERROR, "Error hashing " + Path.Combine(file.GetSmartParentPath(index), file.Name + ".")));
                 file.FinalState[index] = FinalState.Error;
                 file.Invalid = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Visit implementaton for <see cref="FileCompareObject"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The <see cref="FileCompareObject"/> to process.</param>
        /// <param name="numOfPaths">The total number of folders to sync.</param>
        public void Visit(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
            _syncProgress.Message = file.Name;
            if (file.Invalid)

            int maxPriorityPos = file.SourcePosition; // Get the position of the source file.

            if (file.Priority[maxPriorityPos] > 0)
                switch (file.ChangeType[maxPriorityPos])
                    case MetaChangeType.Delete:
                        DeleteFile(file, numOfPaths, maxPriorityPos);
                    case MetaChangeType.New:
                    case MetaChangeType.Update:
                    case MetaChangeType.NoChange:
                        CopyFile(file, numOfPaths, maxPriorityPos);
                    case MetaChangeType.Rename:
                        MoveFile(file, numOfPaths, maxPriorityPos);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Visit implementation for <see cref="FileCompareObject"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The <see cref="FileCompareObject"/> to process.</param>
        /// <param name="numOfPaths"></param>
        public void Visit(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
            if (file.ConflictPositions == null || file.ConflictPositions.Count == 0)

            foreach (int i in file.ConflictPositions)
                ConflictHandler(file, i);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Visit implementation for <see cref="FileCompareObject"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">The <see cref="FileCompareObject"/> to process.</param>
 /// <param name="numOfPaths">The total number of folders to sync.</param>
 public void Visit(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
     for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
         PopulateHash(file, i);
         ProcessFileMetaData(file, i);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Visit implementation for <see cref="FileCompareObject"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The <see cref="FileCompareObject"/> to process.</param>
        /// <param name="numOfPaths">The total number of folders to keep in sync.</param>
        public void Visit(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
            if (file.Invalid)

            DetectFileRename(file, numOfPaths);
            CompareFiles(file, numOfPaths);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Visits each file node and return them and it will update the values either through the meta data
        /// or the last known state document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <param name="numOfPaths"></param>
        public void Visit(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
                string path = Path.Combine(file.GetSmartParentPath(i), CommonXMLConstants.MetadataPath);

                if (!File.Exists(path))

                CommonMethods.LoadXML(ref xmlDoc, path);
                file = PopulateFileWithMetaData(xmlDoc, file, i);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// It calls ProcessMetaChangeType method and if either needLastKnownState or the method is true,
        /// it will call GenerateFileLastKnownState method to write a last known state document 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <param name="numOfPaths"></param>
        public void Visit(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
            if (file.Invalid)

            bool needLastKnownState = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
                _progress.Message = Path.Combine(file.GetSmartParentPath(i), file.Name);
                needLastKnownState = ProcessMetaChangeType(file, i) || needLastKnownState;

            if (needLastKnownState)
                GenerateFileLastKnownState(file, numOfPaths);

Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void DeleteFile(FileCompareObject fco, int numOfPaths, int srcFilePos)
            bool changed = false;

            // Loop through all the files under this node.
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
                if (i != srcFilePos && fco.Priority[i] != fco.Priority[srcFilePos])
                    string destFile = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(i), fco.Name);

                        if (_syncConfig.ArchiveLimit > 0)
                            CommonMethods.ArchiveFile(destFile, _syncConfig.ArchiveName, _syncConfig.ArchiveLimit);
                            ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ARCHIVED, "File archived " + destFile));
                    catch (ArchiveFileException)
                        fco.FinalState[i] = FinalState.Error;
                        ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ERROR, "Error archiving file " + destFile));

                        if (_syncConfig.Recycle)

                        fco.Exists[i] = false; // Update the state of the node after it has been deleted.
                        fco.FinalState[i] = FinalState.Deleted; //Set the FinalState to deleted.
                        changed = true; // Since at least one file has changed, set changed to true.

                        if (_syncConfig.Recycle)
                            ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_DELETED, "File deleted to recycle bin " + destFile));
                            ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_DELETED, "File deleted " + destFile));
                    catch (DeleteFileException)
                        fco.FinalState[i] = FinalState.Error;
                        ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ERROR, "Error deleting file " + destFile));
                else // If the priority is equal, it will also mean that the file at position i has been deleted.
                    fco.FinalState[i] = fco.MetaExists[i] ? FinalState.Deleted : FinalState.Unchanged; // If meta exists, set the change type to deleted. Otherwise set it as unchanged.
                    changed = true;
            fco.FinalState[srcFilePos] = changed ? FinalState.Deleted : FinalState.Unchanged; // If at least one file has been deleted (changed), set the finalstate of the source file to deleted. Otherwise set it as unchanged.
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void CopyFile(FileCompareObject fco, int numOfPaths, int srcFilePos)
            string src = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(srcFilePos), fco.Name);

            // Loop through all the files under this node.
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
                if (i != srcFilePos && fco.Parent.FinalState[i] != FinalState.Deleted)
                    // Only process if the priority is not equal (implies lower priority actually).
                    if (fco.Priority[i] != fco.Priority[srcFilePos])
                        string destFile = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(i), fco.Name);
                        bool fileExists = fco.Exists[i];

                            if (fileExists)
                                if (_syncConfig.ArchiveLimit > 0)
                                    CommonMethods.ArchiveFile(destFile, _syncConfig.ArchiveName, _syncConfig.ArchiveLimit);
                                    ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ARCHIVED, "File archived " + destFile));
                                if (_syncConfig.Recycle)
                                    ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_DELETED, "File deleted to recycle bin " + destFile));

                        catch (ArchiveFileException)
                            ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ERROR, "Error archiving file " + destFile));
                        catch (DeleteFileException)
                            ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ERROR, "Error delete file to recycle bin " + destFile));

                            CommonMethods.CopyFile(src, destFile);

                            fco.CreationTimeUtc[i] = File.GetCreationTimeUtc(destFile).Ticks; // Creation time will be different since it's a new file, thus we get it from the actual file.
                            fco.LastWriteTimeUtc[i] = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(destFile).Ticks; // Last modified/write time may be different, thus we get it from the actual file.

                            // Duplicate source file information to the destination
                            fco.Exists[i] = true;
                            fco.FinalState[i] = fileExists ? FinalState.Updated : FinalState.Created;
                            fco.Hash[i] = fco.Hash[srcFilePos];
                            fco.Length[i] = fco.Length[srcFilePos];

                            if (fileExists)
                                ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_MODIFIED, "File updated from " + src + " to " + destFile));
                                ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_CREATED, "File copied from " + src + " to " + destFile));
                        catch (CopyFileException)
                            fco.FinalState[i] = FinalState.Error;

                            if (fileExists)
                                ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ERROR, "Error updating file from " + src + " to " + destFile));
                                ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ERROR, "Error copying file from " + src + " to " + destFile));
                        // Set FinalState to Unchanged if the hash in the metadata is the same as the actual file.
                        // Otherwise, it is possible that it is the exact same file as the source file, but was not saved to
                        // meta previously, thus we set the FinalState to created.
                        fco.FinalState[i] = (fco.MetaHash[i] == fco.Hash[i]) ? FinalState.Unchanged : FinalState.Created;
            // Set the FinalState to Unchanged if it already exists in metadata, and the hash in the metadata is the same as that of the actual file.
            // Otherwise set it to Created.
            fco.FinalState[srcFilePos] = (fco.MetaExists[srcFilePos] && fco.MetaHash[srcFilePos] == fco.Hash[srcFilePos]) ? FinalState.Unchanged : FinalState.Created;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 // Do nothing for file
 public void Visit(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes and adds files to the tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder"><see cref="FolderCompareObject"/> to process and add files to.</param>
        /// <param name="numOfPaths">The total number of sync folders.</param>
        /// <param name="f">The <see cref="DirectoryInfo"/> to process and get files from.</param>
        /// <param name="index">The index indicating which sync folder it belongs to.</param>
        private void ProcessFiles(FolderCompareObject folder, int numOfPaths, DirectoryInfo f, int index)
                FileInfo[] fileInfos = f.GetFiles();

                foreach (FileInfo info in fileInfos)
                    if (_filterChain.ApplyFilter(_filter, info.FullName))
                        if (_progress != null)
                            _progress.Message = info.FullName;

                        BaseCompareObject o = folder.GetChild(info.Name); // Gets a child with the same name.
                        FileCompareObject fco = null;
                        bool conflict = false;

                        if (o == null) // If o is null, create a new file compare object
                            fco = new FileCompareObject(info.Name, numOfPaths, folder);
                                fco = (FileCompareObject)o; // Case o to a FileCompareObject is o is not null
                            catch (InvalidCastException)
                            // If invalid cast, it means there is a FolderCompareObject with the exact same name.
                                _typeConflicts.Add(info.FullName); // Add to to conflicts
                                conflict = true;
                                    new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_CONFLICT,
                                                "Conflicted file detected " + info.FullName));

                        if (!conflict)
                            fco.CreationTimeUtc[index] = info.CreationTimeUtc.Ticks;
                            fco.LastWriteTimeUtc[index] = info.LastWriteTimeUtc.Ticks;
                            fco.Length[index] = info.Length;
                            fco.Exists[index] = true;

                            if (o == null)
                                folder.AddChild(fco); // Add the newly created FileCompareObject to this current folder
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.UNKNOWN, "Error retrieving contents of folder due to unauthorized access."));
            catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e)
                ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.UNKNOWN, "Error retrieving contents of folder due to directory not being found."));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        // Sets the parent of a file to dirty if necessary
        private static void SetFileParentDirty(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
            int numExists = 0;
            int posExists = -1;
            SetFileSystemObjectDirty(file, numOfPaths, ref numExists, ref posExists);

            if (numExists == 1)
                if (file.ChangeType[posExists] == MetaChangeType.New || file.ChangeType[posExists] == MetaChangeType.Update)
                    file.Parent.Dirty = true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        // Loads the xml document , and populate the file's data from the meta data
        private void PopulateFromMetaData(FileCompareObject file, XmlNode node, int counter)
            XmlNodeList childNodeList = node.ChildNodes;
            for (int i = 0; i < childNodeList.Count; i++)
                XmlNode childNode = childNodeList[i];

                switch (childNode.Name)
                    case CommonXMLConstants.NodeSize:
                        file.MetaLength[counter] = long.Parse(childNode.InnerText);
                    case CommonXMLConstants.NodeHash:
                        file.MetaHash[counter] = childNode.InnerText;
                    case CommonXMLConstants.NodeLastModifiedUtc:
                        file.MetaLastWriteTimeUtc[counter] = long.Parse(childNode.InnerText);
                    case CommonXMLConstants.NodeLastCreatedUtc:
                        file.MetaCreationTimeUtc[counter] = long.Parse(childNode.InnerText);
                    case CommonXMLConstants.NodeLastUpdatedUtc:
                        file.MetaUpdated[counter] = long.Parse(childNode.InnerText);

            file.MetaExists[counter] = true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        //Populates the file from meta data. If it does not exist, try to look it up from the last known state
        private FileCompareObject PopulateFileWithMetaData(XmlDocument xmlDoc, FileCompareObject file, int counter)
            XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(CommonXMLConstants.XPathExpr + CommonXMLConstants.XPathFile + "[name=" + CommonMethods.ParseXPathString(file.Name) + "]");
            if (node != null)

                PopulateFromMetaData(file, node, counter);
                PopulateFromLastKnownState(file, counter);

            return file;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        // For any XMLCompareObjects in the list , create them as a node and append them to the folder node
        private void AddFileToChild(List<XMLCompareObject> xmlFileList, FolderCompareObject folder, int counter, int length)
            for (int i = 0; i < xmlFileList.Count; i++)
                BaseCompareObject o = folder.GetChild(xmlFileList[i].Name);
                FileCompareObject fco;

                if (o == null)
                    fco = new FileCompareObject(xmlFileList[i].Name, length, folder);
                    fco = (FileCompareObject)o;

                fco.MetaCreationTimeUtc[counter] = xmlFileList[i].CreatedTimeUtc;
                fco.MetaHash[counter] = xmlFileList[i].Hash;
                fco.MetaLastWriteTimeUtc[counter] = xmlFileList[i].LastModifiedTimeUtc;
                fco.MetaLength[counter] = xmlFileList[i].Size;
                fco.MetaUpdated[counter] = xmlFileList[i].LastUpdatedTimeUtc;
                fco.MetaExists[counter] = true;

                if (o == null)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        // Based on the file and counter , it will load the xml document and delete the file node
        private void DeleteFileObject(FileCompareObject file, int counter)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            string parentPath = file.GetSmartParentPath(counter);
            string xmlPath = Path.Combine(parentPath, CommonXMLConstants.MetadataPath);

            if (File.Exists(xmlPath))
                CommonMethods.LoadXML(ref xmlDoc, xmlPath);
                XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(CommonXMLConstants.XPathExpr + CommonXMLConstants.XPathFile + "[name=" + CommonMethods.ParseXPathString(file.Name) + "]");

                if (node == null)

                CommonMethods.SaveXML(ref xmlDoc, xmlPath);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        // Based on the file and counter , it will load the xml document and rename the file iin the meta data
        private void RenameFileObject(FileCompareObject file, int counter)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            string xmlPath = Path.Combine(file.GetSmartParentPath(counter), CommonXMLConstants.MetadataPath);
            CommonMethods.LoadXML(ref xmlDoc, xmlPath);
            XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(CommonXMLConstants.XPathExpr + CommonXMLConstants.XPathFile + "[name=" + CommonMethods.ParseXPathString(file.Name) + "]");

            if (node == null)
                CreateFileObject(file, counter, true);

            XmlNodeList childNodeList = node.ChildNodes;

            for (int i = 0; i < childNodeList.Count; i++)
                XmlNode nodes = childNodeList[i];
                switch (nodes.Name)
                    case CommonXMLConstants.NodeName:
                        nodes.InnerText = file.NewName;
                    case CommonXMLConstants.NodeLastUpdatedUtc:
                        nodes.InnerText = _dateTime.ToString();

            CommonMethods.SaveXML(ref xmlDoc, xmlPath);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        // Based on the file and the counter , load the xml document and create a new file node
        private void CreateFileObject(FileCompareObject file, int counter, bool useNewName)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            string xmlPath = Path.Combine(file.GetSmartParentPath(counter), CommonXMLConstants.MetadataPath);
            CommonMethods.LoadXML(ref xmlDoc, xmlPath);
            CommonMethods.DoFileCleanUp(xmlDoc, useNewName ? file.NewName : file.Name);

            XmlText hashText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(file.Hash[counter]);
            XmlText nameText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(useNewName ? file.NewName : file.Name);
            XmlText sizeText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(file.Length[counter].ToString());
            XmlText lastModifiedUtcText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(file.LastWriteTimeUtc[counter].ToString());
            XmlText lastCreatedUtcText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(file.CreationTimeUtc[counter].ToString());
            XmlText lastUpdatedUtcText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(_dateTime.ToString());

            XmlElement fileElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeFile);
            XmlElement hashElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeHash);
            XmlElement nameElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeName);
            XmlElement sizeElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeSize);
            XmlElement lastModifiedElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeLastModifiedUtc);
            XmlElement lastCreatedElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeLastCreatedUtc);
            XmlElement lastUpdatedElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeLastUpdatedUtc);



            XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(CommonXMLConstants.XPathExpr);

            if (node == null)

            CommonMethods.SaveXML(ref xmlDoc, xmlPath);
            DeleteFileLastKnownState(file, counter);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        // Checks the File's FinalState and process them accordingly
        private bool ProcessMetaChangeType(FileCompareObject file, int counter)
            FinalState? changeType = file.FinalState[counter];
            bool needLastKnownState = false;

            switch (changeType)
                case FinalState.Created:
                    CreateFileObject(file, counter, false);
                case FinalState.Updated:
                    UpdateFileObject(file, counter);
                case FinalState.Deleted:
                    DeleteFileObject(file, counter);
                    needLastKnownState = true;
                case FinalState.Renamed:
                    RenameFileObject(file, counter);
                    needLastKnownState = true;
                case FinalState.CreatedRenamed:
                    CreateFileObject(file, counter, true);
                    DeleteFileObject(file, counter);
                    needLastKnownState = true;

            return needLastKnownState;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// For every FileCompareObject, check which path has the max priority and then decide
        /// what sync operation should be approriate for each FileCompareObject. Once the path of the max
        /// priority has been set, for every other path which is not the max priority, populate the datagrid
        /// with by adding a DataRow for each operation that needs to be done.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fco">FileCompareObject to be visited</param>
        /// <param name="numOfPaths">Total number of paths present in the particular FileCompareObject</param>
        public void Visit(FileCompareObject fco, int numOfPaths)
            if (fco.Invalid)

            // find max priortiy position
            int maxPriorityPos = fco.SourcePosition;

            if (fco.Priority[maxPriorityPos] > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
                    if (i != maxPriorityPos && fco.Priority[i] != fco.Priority[maxPriorityPos])
                        string operation = string.Empty, source = string.Empty, dest = string.Empty, tooltip = string.Empty;
                        DataRow row = SyncData.NewRow();

                        switch (fco.ChangeType[maxPriorityPos])
                            // if the MetaChangeType is of New, Update, Change
                            case MetaChangeType.New:
                            case MetaChangeType.Update:
                            case MetaChangeType.NoChange:
                                source = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(maxPriorityPos), fco.Name);
                                dest = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(i), fco.Name);
                                operation = fco.Exists[i] ? UpdateArrow : CopyArrow;
                                tooltip = fco.Exists[i] ? FileUpdateToolTip : FileCopyToolTip;
                            // if the MetaChangeType is of Delete type
                            case MetaChangeType.Delete:
                                source = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(maxPriorityPos), fco.Name);
                                dest = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(i), fco.Name);
                                operation = DeleteArrow;
                                tooltip = FileDeleteToolTip;
                            // if the MetaChangeType is of Rename type
                            case MetaChangeType.Rename:
                                string oldName = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(i), fco.Name);
                                source = File.Exists(oldName) ? oldName : Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(maxPriorityPos), fco.NewName);
                                dest = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(i), fco.NewName);
                                operation = File.Exists(oldName) ? RenameArrow : CopyArrow;
                                tooltip = File.Exists(oldName) ? FileRenameToolTip : FileCopyToolTip;
                        // set all properties of the DataRow which has been decided by the switch case above

                        row[Source] = source;
                        row[Operation] = operation;
                        row[Dest] = dest;
                        row[Tooltip] = tooltip;
                        row[SourceIcon] = FileIcon;
                        row[DestIcon] = FileIcon;
                        // Set Date/Time/Length of FCO.
                        DateTime sourceDateTime = new DateTime(fco.LastWriteTimeUtc[maxPriorityPos]);
                        row[SourceLastModifiedDate] = sourceDateTime.ToShortDateString();
                        row[SourceLastModifiedTime] = sourceDateTime.ToShortTimeString();
                        row[SourceSize] = fco.Length[maxPriorityPos];

                        // Check if a particular file path exists
                        if (fco.Exists[i])
                            DateTime destDateTime = new DateTime(fco.LastWriteTimeUtc[i]);
                            row[DestLastModifiedDate] = destDateTime.ToShortDateString();
                            row[DestLastModifiedTime] = destDateTime.ToShortTimeString();
                            row[DestSize] = fco.Length[i];
                            row[DestLastModifiedDate] = "-";
                            row[DestSize] = "-";


Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void MoveFile(FileCompareObject fco, int numOfPaths, int srcFilePos)
            bool changed = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
                if (i != srcFilePos && fco.Priority[i] != fco.Priority[srcFilePos])
                    string oldName = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(i), fco.Name);
                    string newName = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(i), fco.NewName);
                    string srcName = Path.Combine(fco.GetSmartParentPath(srcFilePos), fco.NewName);

                        if (File.Exists(oldName)) // If the old file exists, simply rename it.
                            CommonMethods.MoveFile(oldName, newName);
                            fco.FinalState[i] = FinalState.Renamed;
                            ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_RENAMED, "File renamed from " + oldName + " to " + newName));
                        else // If the old file does not exists, copy the source file over instead.
                            CommonMethods.CopyFile(srcName, newName);
                            FileCompareObject srcFile = fco.Parent.GetChild(fco.NewName) as FileCompareObject;
                            fco.CreationTimeUtc[i] = File.GetCreationTimeUtc(newName).Ticks;
                            fco.LastWriteTimeUtc[i] = File.GetLastAccessTimeUtc(newName).Ticks;
                            fco.Exists[i] = true;
                            fco.Hash[i] = srcFile.Hash[srcFilePos];
                            fco.Length[i] = srcFile.Length[srcFilePos];
                            fco.FinalState[i] = FinalState.CreatedRenamed;
                            ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_CREATED, "File copied from " + srcName + " to " + newName));

                        changed = true; // Set changed to true since the change has propagated to at least one file
                    catch (MoveFileException)
                        fco.FinalState[i] = FinalState.Error;
                        ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ERROR, "Error renaming file from " + oldName + " to " + newName));
                    catch (CopyFileException)
                        fco.FinalState[i] = FinalState.Error;
                        ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_ERROR, "Error copying file from " + srcName + " to " + newName));
                    fco.FinalState[i] = FinalState.Renamed; // Set the FinalState to renamed if the file has the same priority, implying it has the same name as the new file name
                    changed = true;
            fco.FinalState[srcFilePos] = changed ? FinalState.Renamed : FinalState.Unchanged; // Set the FinalState to renamed if at least one file has changed. Otherwise, set it as unchanged.
Ejemplo n.º 23
        // Helper method to handle file deletes.
        private static bool FileDeleteHelper(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
            List<int> deleteIndexes = new List<int>(); // Used to store the indexes of deleted files
            bool stop = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
                if (stop)

                if (file.ChangeType[i] == MetaChangeType.Delete)

                    for (int j = 0; j < numOfPaths; j++)
                        if (file.Exists[j]) // If file exists in one of the indexes
                            if (file.MetaUpdated[j] > file.MetaUpdated[i]) // If the meta updated of j is more than i, void the delete
                                deleteIndexes.Clear(); // Clear all delete indexes
                                stop = true;
                else if (file.ChangeType[i] != MetaChangeType.NoChange && file.ChangeType[i] != null)
                    deleteIndexes.Clear(); // Clear the delete indexes as long as there's a rename/update/new detected

            if (deleteIndexes.Count > 0)
                file.SourcePosition = deleteIndexes[0]; // Set the source position to the first delete index found (convenience)

                foreach (int i in deleteIndexes)
                    file.Priority[i] = 1; // Set all delete indexes to priority 1.

                return true; // Return true since delete operation will occur
            return false; // Return false since delete operation will not occur
Ejemplo n.º 24
        // Helper method to handle file creations and updates
        private static void FileCreateUpdateHelper(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
            int mostUpdatedPos = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
                if (file.Exists[i])
                    mostUpdatedPos = i; // Set the most update position to the first file that exists

            file.Priority[mostUpdatedPos] = 1; // Set the priority of the first file that exists to 1. All other indexes will be 0.

            for (int i = mostUpdatedPos + 1; i < numOfPaths; i++)
                if (!file.Exists[i])
                    file.Priority[i] = -1; // If file does not exists we set the priority to -1.

                if (file.Length[mostUpdatedPos] != file.Length[i] || file.Hash[mostUpdatedPos] != file.Hash[i])
                    // If last write time of i is more updated than that of the most updated position
                    if (file.LastWriteTimeUtc[i] > file.LastWriteTimeUtc[mostUpdatedPos])
                        file.Priority[i] = file.Priority[mostUpdatedPos] + 1; // Set the priority of i as the priority of most updated position + 1
                        mostUpdatedPos = i; // Set the most updated position to i
                    else if (file.LastWriteTimeUtc[i] == file.LastWriteTimeUtc[mostUpdatedPos]) // If the hash/length is not equal but the last modified time is, it is a conflict.
                        file.Priority[i] = file.Priority[mostUpdatedPos] - 1; // Decrement the priority of this conflicted file
                        file.ConflictPositions.Add(i); // Add this conflicted file to the list of conflict positions
                        ServiceLocator.GetLogger(ServiceLocator.USER_LOG).Write(new LogData(LogEventType.FSCHANGE_CONFLICT, "Conflicted file detected " + Path.Combine(file.GetSmartParentPath(i), file.Name)));
                    file.Priority[i] = file.Priority[mostUpdatedPos]; // If length and hash are equal, set the priority of i to the priority of most updated position

            file.SourcePosition = mostUpdatedPos; // Set the source position to the most updated position
Ejemplo n.º 25
        // Populate the file's details from the last known state
        private void PopulateFromLastKnownState(FileCompareObject file, int counter)
            string path = Path.Combine(file.GetSmartParentPath(counter), CommonXMLConstants.LastKnownStatePath);

            if (File.Exists(path))
                XmlDocument lastKnownXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
                CommonMethods.LoadXML(ref lastKnownXMLDoc, path);
                XmlNode fileNode = lastKnownXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode(CommonXMLConstants.XPathLastKnownState + CommonXMLConstants.XPathFile + "[name=" + CommonMethods.ParseXPathString(file.Name) + "]");

                if (fileNode != null)
                    XmlNodeList nodeList = fileNode.ChildNodes;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; i++)
                        XmlNode childNode = nodeList[i];
                        switch (childNode.Name)
                            case CommonXMLConstants.NodeAction:
                                string action = childNode.InnerText;
                                file.LastKnownState[counter] = action.Equals(CommonXMLConstants.ActionDeleted) ? LastKnownState.Deleted : LastKnownState.Renamed;
                            case CommonXMLConstants.NodeLastModifiedUtc:
                                file.MetaLastWriteTimeUtc[counter] = long.Parse(childNode.InnerText);
                            case CommonXMLConstants.NodeHash:
                                file.MetaHash[counter] = childNode.InnerText;
                            case CommonXMLConstants.NodeLastUpdatedUtc:
                                file.MetaUpdated[counter] = long.Parse(childNode.InnerText);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        // Deletes a file node by searching for the name in the last known state file. 
        private void DeleteFileLastKnownState(FileCompareObject file, int counter)
            string todoXMLPath = Path.Combine(file.GetSmartParentPath(counter), CommonXMLConstants.LastKnownStatePath);

            if (!File.Exists(todoXMLPath))

            XmlDocument todoXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
            CommonMethods.LoadXML(ref todoXMLDoc, todoXMLPath);
            XmlNode fileNode = todoXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode(CommonXMLConstants.XPathLastKnownState + CommonXMLConstants.XPathFile + "[name=" + CommonMethods.ParseXPathString(file.Name) + "]");

            if (fileNode != null)

            CommonMethods.SaveXML(ref todoXMLDoc, todoXMLPath);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 // Checks if the last known state document exists and calls the AppendActionFileLastKnownState method
 private void GenerateFileLastKnownState(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
     for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
         string parentPath = file.GetSmartParentPath(i);
         XmlDocument xmlTodoDoc = new XmlDocument();
         string todoPath = Path.Combine(parentPath, CommonXMLConstants.LastKnownStatePath);
         CommonMethods.LoadXML(ref xmlTodoDoc, todoPath);
         AppendActionFileLastKnownState(xmlTodoDoc, file, i, CommonXMLConstants.ActionDeleted);
         CommonMethods.SaveXML(ref xmlTodoDoc, todoPath);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects possible file renames and handles them accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The <see cref="FileCompareObject"/> to process.</param>
        /// <param name="numOfPaths">The total number of folders to sync.</param>
        private static void DetectFileRename(FileCompareObject file, int numOfPaths)
            FileCompareObject result = null;
            Dictionary<string, List<int>> newNames = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            List<int> unchangedIndexes = new List<int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
                switch (file.ChangeType[i])
                    case MetaChangeType.New:
                    case MetaChangeType.Update:
                        return; // Return as long as one of the meta change type is new or updated.

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfPaths; i++)
                switch (file.ChangeType[i])
                    case MetaChangeType.Delete:
                        // All deletes are also possible renames, thus we call GetIdenticalFile to look for an identical file with a different name, if any
                        FileCompareObject f = file.Parent.GetIdenticalFile(file.Name, file.MetaHash[i], file.MetaCreationTimeUtc[i], i);
                        // If an identical file is found
                        if (f != null)
                            List<int> pos;
                            if (newNames.TryGetValue(f.Name, out pos))
                                pos.Add(i); // Add the position to the existing list of names
                                // Create a new list to add the position if the name does not currently exist
                                pos = new List<int>();
                                newNames.Add(f.Name, pos);
                                result = f; // Point result to f
                    case MetaChangeType.NoChange:

            if (newNames.Count == 1) // Meaning only one new/possible rename was detected, proceed with the rename.
                file.NewName = result.Name; // Set the new name of this file to the name of the found file.

                foreach (int i in newNames[result.Name])
                    file.ChangeType[i] = MetaChangeType.Rename; // Set all the positions to change type rename.

                result.Invalid = true; // Set the found file to invalid, no need to process it.
                file.Parent.Dirty = true; // Set the current file's parent to dirty.
            else if (newNames.Count > 1) // Meaning multiple renames are detected, void all the renames and treat each type as new.
                foreach (int i in unchangedIndexes)
                    file.ChangeType[i] = MetaChangeType.New; // Set all the unchanged to new since they will be treated as new,

Ejemplo n.º 29
        // For each XMLCompareObjects in the list , create a node and append them to the root node
        private void AddFileToRoot(List<XMLCompareObject> xmlFileList, RootCompareObject root, int counter, int length)
            if (xmlFileList.Count == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < xmlFileList.Count; i++)
                BaseCompareObject o = root.GetChild(xmlFileList[i].Name);
                FileCompareObject fco;

                if (o == null)
                    fco = new FileCompareObject(xmlFileList[i].Name, length, root);
                    fco = (FileCompareObject)o;

                fco.MetaCreationTimeUtc[counter] = xmlFileList[i].CreatedTimeUtc;
                fco.MetaHash[counter] = xmlFileList[i].Hash;
                fco.MetaLastWriteTimeUtc[counter] = xmlFileList[i].LastModifiedTimeUtc;
                fco.MetaLength[counter] = xmlFileList[i].Size;
                fco.MetaUpdated[counter] = xmlFileList[i].LastUpdatedTimeUtc;
                fco.MetaExists[counter] = true;

                if (o == null)
Ejemplo n.º 30
        // Creates a file node in the last known state file based on the values in FileCompareObject
        private void AppendActionFileLastKnownState(XmlDocument xmlDoc, FileCompareObject file, int counter, string changeType)
            XmlText hashText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(file.MetaHash[counter]);
            XmlText actionText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(changeType);
            XmlText lastModifiedUtcText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(file.MetaLastWriteTimeUtc[counter].ToString());
            XmlText nameText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(file.Name);
            XmlText lastUpdatedUtcText = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(_dateTime.ToString());

            XmlElement fileElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeFile);
            XmlElement nameElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeName);
            XmlElement hashElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeHash);
            XmlElement actionElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeAction);
            XmlElement lastModifiedElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeLastModifiedUtc);
            XmlElement lastUpdatedElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(CommonXMLConstants.NodeLastUpdatedUtc);



            XmlNode rootNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(CommonXMLConstants.XPathLastKnownState);
            if (rootNode == null)