Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void BuildNode(Node parent, ref Matrix4x4 rootTransform)
            Matrix4x4 trafo   = parent.Transform;
            Matrix4x4 world   = trafo * rootTransform;
            Matrix4   worldTK = AssimpHelper.TKMatrix(world);

            foreach (int index in parent.MeshIndices)
                objects.Add(CreateGenericObject(scene.Meshes[index], index, worldTK));

            if (scene.HasMeshes && scene.Meshes.Any(x => x.HasBones))
                foreach (Node child in parent.Children)
                    BuildNode(child, ref rootTransform);
                foreach (Node child in parent.Children)
                    BuildNode(child, ref world);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void BuildSkeletonNodes(Node node, List <string> boneNames, STSkeleton skeleton, ref Matrix4x4 rootTransform)
            Matrix4x4 trafo   = node.Transform;
            Matrix4x4 world   = trafo * rootTransform;
            Matrix4   worldTK = AssimpHelper.TKMatrix(world);

            bool IsBone = boneNames.Contains(node.Name) && !boneNames.Contains(node.Parent.Name) ||
                          node.Name == "Skl_Root" || node.Name == "nw4f_root";

            Console.WriteLine("node list " + node.Name + " " + IsBone);

            short SmoothIndex = 0;
            short RigidIndex  = -1;

            //Loop through all the bones. If the parent is not in the bone list, then it's Parent is the root
            if (IsBone)
                var idenity = Matrix4x4.Identity;
                var Root    = node.Parent;
                CreateByNode(node, skeleton, SmoothIndex, RigidIndex, true, ref idenity);
                foreach (Node child in node.Children)
                    BuildSkeletonNodes(child, boneNames, skeleton, ref world);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void BuildNode(Node parent, ref Matrix4x4 rootTransform)
            Matrix4x4 world   = rootTransform;
            Matrix4   worldTK = Matrix4.Identity;

            if (UseTransformMatrix)
                Matrix4x4 trafo = parent.Transform;
                world   = trafo * rootTransform;
                worldTK = AssimpHelper.TKMatrix(world);

            if (parent.MeshCount > 0)
                STConsole.WriteLine($"Use Transform Matrix {UseTransformMatrix}");
                STConsole.WriteLine($"Transform node {parent.Name}");
                STConsole.WriteLine($"Translation {worldTK.ExtractTranslation()}");
                STConsole.WriteLine($"Rotation {worldTK.ExtractRotation()}");
                STConsole.WriteLine($"Scale {worldTK.ExtractScale()}");

            foreach (int index in parent.MeshIndices)
                objects.Add(CreateGenericObject(scene.Meshes[index], index, worldTK));

            foreach (Node child in parent.Children)
                BuildNode(child, ref world);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void BuildSkeletonNodes(Node node, List <string> boneNames, STSkeleton skeleton, ref Matrix4x4 rootTransform)
            Matrix4x4 trafo   = node.Transform;
            Matrix4x4 world   = trafo * rootTransform;
            Matrix4   worldTK = AssimpHelper.TKMatrix(world);

            string Name = node.Name;
            string ParentArmatureName = node.Parent != null ? node.Parent.Name : "";

            if (DaeHelper.IDMapToName.ContainsKey(node.Name))
                Name = DaeHelper.IDMapToName[node.Name];

            if (ParentArmatureName != string.Empty && DaeHelper.IDMapToName.ContainsKey(ParentArmatureName))
                ParentArmatureName = DaeHelper.IDMapToName[ParentArmatureName];

            bool IsBone = boneNames.Contains(Name) && !boneNames.Contains(ParentArmatureName) ||
                          Name.Contains("Skl_Root") || Name.Contains("nw4f_root") ||
                          Name.Contains("skl_root") || Name.Contains("_root") ||

            short SmoothIndex = 0;
            short RigidIndex  = -1;

            //Loop through all the bones. If the parent is not in the bone list, then it's Parent is the root
            if (IsBone)
                var idenity = Matrix4x4.Identity;

                var Root = node;
                if (node.Parent != null)
                    Root = node.Parent;

                CreateByNode(node, skeleton, ParentArmatureName, SmoothIndex, RigidIndex, true, ref idenity);
                if (node.HasChildren)
                    foreach (Node child in node.Children)
                        BuildSkeletonNodes(child, boneNames, skeleton, ref world);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void CreateByNode(Node node, STSkeleton skeleton, short SmoothIndex, short RigidIndex, bool IsRoot, ref Assimp.Matrix4x4 rootTransform)
            Matrix4x4 trafo        = node.Transform;
            Matrix4x4 world        = trafo * rootTransform;
            var       transformMat = AssimpHelper.TKMatrix(world);

            int matchedBoneIndex = skeleton.bones.FindIndex(item => item.Name == node.Name);

            if (matchedBoneIndex < 0)

                STBone bone = new STBone();
                bone.skeletonParent = skeleton;

                bone.Text = node.Name;
                bone.SmoothMatrixIndex = (short)skeleton.bones.IndexOf(bone);
                bone.RigidMatrixIndex  = -1; //Todo calculate these

                STConsole.WriteLine($"Processing Bone {bone.Text}");
                STConsole.WriteLine($"SmoothMatrixIndex {bone.SmoothMatrixIndex}");
                STConsole.WriteLine($"RigidMatrixIndex {bone.RigidMatrixIndex}");
                STConsole.WriteLine($"Transform Matrix {transformMat}");

                if (IsRoot)
                    bone.parentIndex = -1;
                    transformMat     = AssimpHelper.TKMatrix(world * Matrix4x4.FromRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(BoneRotation)));
                    if (tempBoneNodes.Contains(node.Parent))
                        bone.parentIndex = tempBoneNodes.IndexOf(node.Parent);

                var scale    = transformMat.ExtractScale();
                var rotation = transformMat.ExtractRotation();
                var position = transformMat.ExtractTranslation();

                var rotEular = AssimpHelper.ToEular(rotation);

                bone.position = new float[] { position.X, position.Y, position.Z };
                bone.scale    = new float[] { scale.X, scale.Y, scale.Z };
                bone.rotation = new float[] { rotEular.X, rotEular.Y, rotEular.Z, 0 };
                STConsole.WriteLine($"Duplicate node name found for bone {node.Name}!", Color.Red);

            foreach (Node child in node.Children)
                CreateByNode(child, skeleton, SmoothIndex, RigidIndex, false, ref rootTransform);