Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void CreateSysadminPositions()
            // first, verify there aren't actually any sysadmin positions. Defensive coding for the win.

            if (Positions.ForSystem().Count > 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't initialize sysadmin positions - already there");

            // Ok, so there are zero system-level positions. Create the Sysadmin positions.

            Position sysadminPrincipal = Position.Create(PositionLevel.SystemWide, null /* createdByPerson*/, null /*createdByPosition*/, PositionType.System_SysadminMain,
                                                         PositionTitle.Default, false /*volunteerable*/, false /*overridable*/, null /*reportsTo*/, null /*dotReportsTo*/, 1 /*minCount*/, 1 /*maxCount*/);

            Position.Create(PositionLevel.SystemWide, null /* createdByPerson*/, null /*createdByPosition*/, PositionType.System_SysadminReadWrite, PositionTitle.Default,
                            false, false, sysadminPrincipal, null /*dotReportsTo*/, 0 /*minCount*/, 0 /*maxCount*/);

            Position.Create(PositionLevel.SystemWide, null /* createdByPerson*/, null /*createdByPosition*/, PositionType.System_SysadminAssistantReadOnly, PositionTitle.Default,
                            false, false, sysadminPrincipal, null /*dotReportsTo*/, 0 /*minCount*/, 0 /*maxCount*/);

            // If there's exactly one person in the system, we're undergoing Setup, so assign to Sysadmin Principal position.
            // Otherwise let grandfathering code handle it.

            People allPeople = People.GetAll();

            // calling People.GetAll() would be a killer on well-built-out systems, but this code only runs once, and in Setup

            if (allPeople.Count == 1)
                sysadminPrincipal.Assign(allPeople[0], null, null, "Assigned initial sysadmin", null);