Ejemplo n.º 1
		public void InsertSvg(SvgSvgElement root, int index)
			SvgGroupElement slicesGroup = new SvgGroupElement("Slices" + index.ToString());
			slicesGroup.Style = s_FilledWhite;

			// Add inner black disk
			root.AddChild(EncoderDisk.CreateCenteredCircle(this.OuterRadius - this.SlotLength, s_FilledBlack));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal void Build(Pinion pinion, SvgSvgElement root)
            SvgGroupElement helperLinesGroup = new SvgGroupElement("HelperLines");
            helperLinesGroup.Style = Styles.HelperLineStyle;

            // Wheel pitch circle
            helperLinesGroup.AddChild(SvgHelper.CreateCircle(pinion.Center, pinion.PitchDiameter / 2.0));

            // Wheel addendum circle
            helperLinesGroup.AddChild(SvgHelper.CreateCircle(pinion.Center, pinion.PitchDiameter / 2.0 + pinion.Addendum));

            // Wheel dedendum circle
            helperLinesGroup.AddChild(SvgHelper.CreateCircle(pinion.Center, pinion.PitchDiameter / 2.0 - pinion.Dedendum));

            // wheel center
            double halfCrossLength = 10;
            helperLinesGroup.AddChild(new SvgLineElement(pinion.Center.X - halfCrossLength, pinion.Center.Y, pinion.Center.X + halfCrossLength, pinion.Center.Y));
            helperLinesGroup.AddChild(new SvgLineElement(pinion.Center.X, pinion.Center.Y - halfCrossLength, pinion.Center.X, pinion.Center.Y + halfCrossLength));

            SvgGroupElement mainGroup = new SvgGroupElement("Main");
            mainGroup.Style = Styles.MinorLineStyle;

            PinionTooth[] teeth = pinion.GetTeeth(Math.PI / pinion.ToothCount);
            StringBuilder pathBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            pathBuilder.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "M{0},{1}", (float)teeth[0].DedendumIntersectLeft.X, (float)teeth[0].DedendumIntersectLeft.Y);
            for (int i = 0; i < teeth.Length; i++)
                PinionTooth tooth = teeth[i];
                PinionTooth nextTooth = teeth[(i + 1) % teeth.Length];
                InsertToothPath(pinion, tooth, nextTooth, pathBuilder);
            pathBuilder.Append(" z");

            SvgPath svgPath = new SvgPath(pathBuilder.ToString());
            SvgPathElement svgPathElement = new SvgPathElement();
            svgPathElement.D = svgPath;


            if (pinion.CenterHoleDiameter > 0)
                mainGroup.AddChild(SvgHelper.CreateCircle(pinion.Center, pinion.CenterHoleDiameter / 2.0));
Ejemplo n.º 3
		public string BuildSvg(Page page)
			SvgSvgElement root = new SvgSvgElement(
				page.SvgLengthWidth, page.SvgLengthHeight,
				new SvgNumList(new float[] { -page.Width / 2, -page.Height / 2, page.Width, page.Height }));

			root.AddChild(CreateCenteredCircle(this.OuterRadius, s_FilledBlack));

			// Add encoder rings
			AddEncoderRing(root, this.OuterEncoderRing, 1);
			AddEncoderRing(root, this.InnerEncoderRing, 2);

			root.AddChild(CreateCenteredCircle(this.CenterHoleRadius, s_FilledWhite));

			SvgGroupElement crossLinesGroup = new SvgGroupElement("CrossLines");
			crossLinesGroup.Style = s_NormalLineStyle;
			AddGuideLines(crossLinesGroup, (float)this.CenterHoleRadius);

			return root.WriteSVGString(true, false);
		private string BuildSvg()
			m_Root = new SvgSvgElement(
				m_Page.SvgLengthWidth, m_Page.SvgLengthHeight,
				new SvgNumList(new float[] { -m_Page.Width / 2, -m_Page.Height / 2, m_Page.Width, m_Page.Height }));

			SvgGroupElement mainGroup = new SvgGroupElement("Main");

			for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < m_XCount; xIndex++)
				for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < m_YCount; yIndex++)
					InsertSquare(mainGroup, xIndex, yIndex);

			return m_Root.WriteSVGString(true, false);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new SvgGraphics
        /// <para>
        /// Note that our current documentation tool, NDoc, does not handle overloaded methods well, so if you are reading the .chm file, please read the documentation
        /// for the particular exact method you want to use.  
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        public SvgGraphics()
            _root = new SvgSvgElement();
            _root.Id = "SvgGdi_output";

            _bg = new SvgRectElement(0, 0, "100%", "100%");
            _bg.Style.Set("fill", new SvgColor(Color.FromName("Control")));
            _bg.Id = "background";

            _topgroup = new SvgGroupElement("root_group");
            _topgroup.Style.Set("shape-rendering", "crispEdges");
            _cur = _topgroup;

            _defs = new SvgDefsElement("clips_hatches_and_gradients");

            _transforms = new MatrixStack();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            SvgSvgElement root = new SvgSvgElement("4in", "4in", "0,0 100,100");

            //adding multiple children

                new SvgRectElement(5,5,5,5),
                new SvgEllipseElement(30,10,8,12),
                new SvgTextElement("Textastic!", 3, 20)

            //group and path

            SvgGroupElement grp = new SvgGroupElement("green_group");

            grp.Style = "fill:green;stroke:black;";

            SvgEllipseElement ell = new SvgEllipseElement();
            ell.CX = 50;
            ell.CY = 50;
            ell.RX = 10;
            ell.RY = 20;

            SvgPathElement pathy = new SvgPathElement();
            pathy.D = "M 20,80 C 20,90 30,80 70,100 C 70,100 40,60 50,60 z";
            pathy.Style = ell.Style;


            //cloning and style arithmetic

            grp.AddChildren(ell, pathy);

            grp.Style.Set("fill", "blue");

            SvgGroupElement grp2 = (SvgGroupElement)SvgFactory.CloneElement(grp);

            grp2.Id = "cloned_red_group";

            grp2.Style.Set("fill", "red");

            grp2.Style += "opacity:0.5";

            grp2.Transform = "scale (1.2, 1.2)  translate(10)";



            string s = root.WriteSVGString(true);

            tbOut.Text = s;

            StreamWriter tw = new StreamWriter("c:\\temp\\foo.svg", false);



            svgOut.SRC = "c:\\temp\\foo.svg";
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// Constructs a new <c>SVGGraphics</c> object.
        public SvgGraphics(int width, int height)
            root = new SvgSvgElement(width, height);

            //bg = new SvgRectElement(0, 0, "100%", "100%");
            //bg.Style.Set("fill", new SvgColor(Color.FromName("Control")));
            //bg.Id = "background";

            topgroup = new SvgGroupElement();
            topgroup.Style.Set("shape-rendering", "crispEdges");
            cur = topgroup;

            defs = new SvgDefsElement();

            transforms = new MatrixStack();