Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Check if ground is valid layer, this one check only the first hit collision (more strict)
        public bool CheckValidFloor()
            Vector3 center = transform.position + Vector3.up * build_ground_dist;
            Vector3 p0     = center;
            Vector3 p1     = center + Vector3.right * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p2     = center + Vector3.left * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p3     = center + Vector3.forward * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p4     = center + Vector3.back * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 dir    = Vector3.down * (build_ground_dist + build_ground_dist);

            RaycastHit h0, h1, h2, h3, h4;
            bool       f0 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p0, dir, out h0);
            bool       f1 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p1, dir, out h1);
            bool       f2 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p2, dir, out h2);
            bool       f3 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p3, dir, out h3);
            bool       f4 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p4, dir, out h4);

            f0 = f0 && PhysicsTool.IsLayerIsInLayerMask(h0.collider.gameObject.layer, floor_layer);
            f1 = f1 && PhysicsTool.IsLayerIsInLayerMask(h1.collider.gameObject.layer, floor_layer);
            f2 = f2 && PhysicsTool.IsLayerIsInLayerMask(h2.collider.gameObject.layer, floor_layer);
            f3 = f3 && PhysicsTool.IsLayerIsInLayerMask(h3.collider.gameObject.layer, floor_layer);
            f4 = f4 && PhysicsTool.IsLayerIsInLayerMask(h4.collider.gameObject.layer, floor_layer);

            if (build_flat_floor)
                return(f1 && f2 && f3 && f4 && f0); //Floor must be valid on all sides
                return(f1 || f2 || f3 || f4 || f0); //Floor must be valid only on one side
        void Update()
            if (TheGame.Get().IsPaused())

            if (character.IsDead())

            if (!is_swimming && PhysicsTool.IsAnyLayerIsInLayerMask(cground_layers, water_layer))
            else if (is_swimming && !PhysicsTool.IsAnyLayerIsInLayerMask(cground_layers, water_layer))

            //Swim adjust offset
            if (swim_mesh_offset != null)
                swim_mesh_offset.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(swim_mesh_offset.transform.localPosition, swim_mesh_tpos, 20f * Time.deltaTime);
        //Detect if there is an obstacle in front of the character
        private void DetectFronted()
            float radius = destruct.hit_range * 2f;

            Vector3 center = destruct.GetCenter();
            Vector3 dir    = move_target_avoid - transform.position;
            Vector3 dirl   = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-45f, Vector3.up) * dir.normalized;
            Vector3 dirr   = Quaternion.AngleAxis(45f, Vector3.up) * dir.normalized;

            RaycastHit h, hl, hr;
            bool       fc = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(center, dir.normalized * radius, out h);
            bool       fl = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(center, dirl.normalized * radius, out hl);
            bool       fr = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(center, dirr.normalized * radius, out hr);

            is_fronted_center = fc && (target == null || h.collider.gameObject != target);
            is_fronted_left   = fl && (target == null || hl.collider.gameObject != target);
            is_fronted_right  = fr && (target == null || hr.collider.gameObject != target);

            int front_count = (fc ? 1 : 0) + (fl ? 1 : 0) + (fr ? 1 : 0);

            front_dist = (fc ? h.distance : 0f) + (fl ? hl.distance : 0f) + (fr ? hr.distance : 0f);
            if (front_count > 0)
                front_dist = front_dist / (float)front_count;

            is_fronted = is_fronted_center || is_fronted_left || is_fronted_right;
        private bool IsPositionValid(Vector3 pos)
            Vector3 center = pos + Vector3.up * 0.5f;
            Vector3 ground_pos;

            return(PhysicsTool.FindGroundPosition(center, 1f, valid_floor, out ground_pos));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //Find landing position to make sure it wont land on an obstacle
        private bool FindGroundPosition(Vector3 pos, float radius, out Vector3 ground_pos)
            Vector3 offest = new Vector3(Random.Range(-radius, radius), 0f, Random.Range(radius, radius));
            Vector3 center = pos + offest;
            bool    found  = PhysicsTool.FindGroundPosition(center, 50f, character.ground_layer.value, out ground_pos);

        private float FindYPosition(Vector3 pos)
            Vector3 center = pos + Vector3.up * 10f;
            Vector3 ground_pos;
            bool    found = PhysicsTool.FindGroundPosition(center, 20f, valid_floor, out ground_pos);

            return(found ? ground_pos.y : pos.y);
        //Detect if character is on the floor
        private void DetectGrounded()
            float   hradius = GetColliderHeightRadius();
            float   radius  = GetColliderRadius();
            Vector3 center  = GetColliderCenter();

            float gdist; Vector3 gnormal;

            is_grounded   = PhysicsTool.DetectGround(transform, center, hradius, radius, ground_layer, out gdist, out gnormal);
            ground_normal = gnormal;

            float slope_angle = Vector3.Angle(ground_normal, Vector3.up);

            is_grounded = is_grounded && slope_angle <= slope_angle_max;
        private void FixedUpdate()
            if (TheGame.Get().IsPaused())

            if (character.IsDead())

            Vector3 center  = character.GetColliderCenter();
            float   hradius = character.GetColliderHeightRadius();

            cground_layers = PhysicsTool.DetectGroundLayers(center, hradius);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Spawn()
            CraftData data = spawn_data[Random.Range(0, spawn_data.Length)];

            if (data != null)
                float   radius = Random.Range(0f, spawn_radius);
                float   angle  = Random.Range(0f, 360f) * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                Vector3 offset = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle), 0f, Mathf.Sin(angle)) * radius;
                Vector3 pos    = transform.position + offset;
                Vector3 ground_pos;
                bool    found = PhysicsTool.FindGroundPosition(pos, 100f, valid_floor_layer.value, out ground_pos);
                if (found)
                    CraftData.Create(data, ground_pos);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        //Find the height to build
        public Vector3 FindBuildPosition(Vector3 pos, LayerMask mask)
            float   offset = build_distance;
            Vector3 center = pos + Vector3.up * offset;
            Vector3 p0     = center;
            Vector3 p1     = center + Vector3.right * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p2     = center + Vector3.left * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p3     = center + Vector3.forward * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p4     = center + Vector3.back * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 dir    = Vector3.down * (offset + build_ground_dist);

            RaycastHit h0, h1, h2, h3, h4;
            bool       f0 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollisionLayer(p0, dir, mask, out h0);
            bool       f1 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollisionLayer(p1, dir, mask, out h1);
            bool       f2 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollisionLayer(p2, dir, mask, out h2);
            bool       f3 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollisionLayer(p3, dir, mask, out h3);
            bool       f4 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollisionLayer(p4, dir, mask, out h4);

            Vector3 dist_dir = Vector3.down * build_distance;

            if (f0 && h0.distance < dist_dir.magnitude)
                dist_dir = Vector3.down * h0.distance;
            if (f1 && h1.distance < dist_dir.magnitude)
                dist_dir = Vector3.down * h1.distance;
            if (f2 && h2.distance < dist_dir.magnitude)
                dist_dir = Vector3.down * h2.distance;
            if (f3 && h3.distance < dist_dir.magnitude)
                dist_dir = Vector3.down * h3.distance;
            if (f4 && h4.distance < dist_dir.magnitude)
                dist_dir = Vector3.down * h4.distance;

            return(center + dist_dir);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        //Check if its still valid floor after built, this one ignore itself and check only the layer (less strict)
        public bool CheckValidFloorBuilt()
            Vector3 center = transform.position + Vector3.up * build_ground_dist;
            Vector3 p0     = center;
            Vector3 p1     = center + Vector3.right * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p2     = center + Vector3.left * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p3     = center + Vector3.forward * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p4     = center + Vector3.back * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 dir    = Vector3.down * (build_ground_dist + build_ground_dist);

            RaycastHit h0, h1, h2, h3, h4;
            bool       f0 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollisionLayer(p0, dir, floor_layer, out h0);
            bool       f1 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollisionLayer(p1, dir, floor_layer, out h1);
            bool       f2 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollisionLayer(p2, dir, floor_layer, out h2);
            bool       f3 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollisionLayer(p3, dir, floor_layer, out h3);
            bool       f4 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollisionLayer(p4, dir, floor_layer, out h4);

            return(f1 || f2 || f3 || f4 || f0);
        void Awake()
            character = GetComponent <PlayerCharacter>();
            if (swim_mesh_offset != null)
                swim_mesh_tpos = swim_mesh_offset.transform.localPosition;

            if (swim_ongoing_fx != null)
                swimming_fx = Instantiate(swim_ongoing_fx, transform);

            foreach (int layer in PhysicsTool.LayerMaskToLayer(water_obstacle_layer))
                Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(gameObject.layer, layer);
        //Check if touching the ground
        private void DetectGrounded()
            float radius        = (bounds_extent.x + bounds_extent.z) * 0.5f;
            float center_offset = bounds_extent.y;
            float hradius       = center_offset + ground_detect_dist;

            Vector3 center = transform.position + bounds_center_offset;

            center.y = transform.position.y + center_offset;

            float gdist; Vector3 gnormal;

            is_grounded   = PhysicsTool.DetectGround(transform, center, hradius, radius, ground_layer, out gdist, out gnormal);
            ground_normal = gnormal;
            grounded_dist = gdist;

            float slope_angle = Vector3.Angle(ground_normal, Vector3.up);

            is_grounded = is_grounded && slope_angle <= slope_angle_max;
        //Detect if there is an obstacle in front of the character
        private void DetectFronted()
            Vector3 scale   = transform.lossyScale;
            float   hradius = collide.height * scale.y * 0.5f - 0.02f; //radius is half the height minus offset
            float   radius  = collide.radius * (scale.x + scale.y) * 0.5f + 0.5f;

            Vector3 center = GetColliderCenter();
            Vector3 p1     = center;
            Vector3 p2     = center + Vector3.up * hradius;
            Vector3 p3     = center + Vector3.down * hradius;

            RaycastHit h1, h2, h3;
            bool       f1 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p1, facing * radius, out h1);
            bool       f2 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p2, facing * radius, out h2);
            bool       f3 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p3, facing * radius, out h3);

            is_fronted = f1 || f2 || f3;

            //Debug.DrawRay(p1, facing * radius);
            //Debug.DrawRay(p2, facing * radius);
            //Debug.DrawRay(p3, facing * radius);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        //Make sure there is no obstacles in between the player and the building, this applies only if placing with keyboard/gamepad
        public bool CheckIfAccessible()
            PlayerControls controls = PlayerControls.Get(building_character.player_id);
            bool           game_pad = controls != null && controls.IsGamePad();

            if (position_set || !game_pad)
                return(true); //Dont check this is placing with mouse or if position already set
            if (building_character != null)
                Vector3 center       = building_character.GetColliderCenter();
                Vector3 build_center = transform.position + Vector3.up * build_ground_dist;
                Vector3 dir          = build_center - center;

                RaycastHit h1;
                bool       f1 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(center, dir, out h1);

                return(!f1 || h1.collider.GetComponentInParent <Buildable>() == this);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        //Check if there is a flat floor underneath (can't build a steep cliff)
        public bool CheckIfFlatGround()
            if (!build_flat_floor)
                return(true); //Dont check for flat ground
            Vector3 center = transform.position + Vector3.up * build_ground_dist;
            Vector3 p0     = center;
            Vector3 p1     = center + Vector3.right * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p2     = center + Vector3.left * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p3     = center + Vector3.forward * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 p4     = center + Vector3.back * build_obstacle_radius;
            Vector3 dir    = Vector3.down * (build_ground_dist + build_ground_dist);

            RaycastHit h0, h1, h2, h3, h4;
            bool       f0 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p0, dir, out h0);
            bool       f1 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p1, dir, out h1);
            bool       f2 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p2, dir, out h2);
            bool       f3 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p3, dir, out h3);
            bool       f4 = PhysicsTool.RaycastCollision(p4, dir, out h4);

            return(f0 && f1 && f2 && f3 && f4);