public PuzzleGrid InitGrid()
        {                                                                  //Randomly fill in the first row and column of puzzlegrid
            PuzzleGrid tempGrid = new PuzzleGrid {
            };                                                             //temporary grid to assign values into
            int        row      = 0;                                       //variable for navigating 'rows'
            int        col      = 0;                                       //variable for navigating 'columns'
            int        newVal;                                             //value to place into grid
            bool       solved;
            List <int> valueSet = new List <int>(Enumerable.Range(-9, 9)); //range
            //of numbers that can be added to the grid
            List <int> valueSet2 = new List <int>();                       //placeholder values in column 0
            Random     rnd       = new Random();                           //random variable for choosing random number
            int        randIndex = 0;                                      //index in valueSet/valueSet2 that is accessed

            randIndex = rnd.Next(0, 8);                                    //get a random number and place in grid(0,0)
            newVal    = valueSet[randIndex];
            tempGrid.InitSetCell(row, col, newVal);
            valueSet.Remove(newVal); //remove paced value from options
            for (row = 1; row < 9; row++)
            {                        //fills in column 0 with remaining possible values, storing in place-
                      //holder as it goes so as to preserve when placing in row 0 later
                randIndex = rnd.Next(0, valueSet.Count);
                newVal    = valueSet[randIndex];
                tempGrid.InitSetCell(row, col, newVal);
            row = 0;         //reset row to 0
            for (col = 1; col < 3; col++)
            {                //fills in col 1,2 of row 0, checking that don't duplicate the
                //values in rows 1,2 of col 0
                randIndex = rnd.Next(0, valueSet2.Count);
                newVal    = valueSet2[randIndex];
                while ((newVal == tempGrid.Grid[1, 0] || (newVal == tempGrid.Grid[2, 0])))
                    randIndex = rnd.Next(0, valueSet2.Count);
                    newVal    = valueSet2[randIndex];
                tempGrid.InitSetCell(row, col, newVal);
            for (col = 3; col < 9; col++)
            {                   //fill in remainder of row 0 with remaining possible values
                randIndex = rnd.Next(0, valueSet2.Count);
                newVal    = valueSet2[randIndex];
                tempGrid.InitSetCell(row, col, newVal);
                puzzleSolver = new PuzzleSolver();
                puzzleSolver.SolveGrid((PuzzleGrid)tempGrid.Clone(), false);     //Slv to fill remainder of grid
                SolutionGrid = puzzleSolver.SolutionGrid;
            } while (SolutionGrid == null || SolutionGrid.IsBlank());
            PermaGrid = Blanker(SolutionGrid); //call Blanker to carry out the
            return(PermaGrid);                 //blanking of fileds,then return the grid to user to solve
        //	Call SolveGrid to solve puzzlegrid
        //Store solved gamegrid as the correct solution in solutiongrid

        public PuzzleGrid Blanker(PuzzleGrid solvedGrid)
        {                              //enable blanking of squares based on difficulty
            PuzzleGrid tempGrid;
            PuzzleGrid saveCopy;
            //temporary grids to save between tests
            bool unique      = true;             //flag for if blanked form has unique soln
            int  totalBlanks = 0;                //count of current blanks
            int  tries       = 0;                //count of tries to blank appropriately
            int  desiredBlanks;                  //amount of blanks desired via difficulty
            int  symmetry = 0;                   //symmetry type

            tempGrid = (PuzzleGrid)solvedGrid.Clone();
            //cloned input grid (no damage)
            Random rnd = new Random();    //allow for random number generation

            switch (difficulty)           //set desiredBlanks via chosen difficulty
            case Difficulty.Easy:         //easy difficulty
                desiredBlanks = 40;

            case Difficulty.Medium:         //medium difficulty
                desiredBlanks = 45;

            case Difficulty.Hard:         //hard difficulty
                desiredBlanks = 50;

            default:         //easy difficulty
                desiredBlanks = 40;

            symmetry = rnd.Next(0, 2);                   //Randomly select symmetry
            {                                            //call RandomlyBlank() to blank random squares symmetrically
                saveCopy = (PuzzleGrid)tempGrid.Clone(); // in case undo needed
                tempGrid = RandomlyBlank(tempGrid, symmetry, ref totalBlanks);
                //blanks 1 or 2 squares according to symmetry chosen
                puzzleSolver = new PuzzleSolver();
                unique       = puzzleSolver.SolveGrid((PuzzleGrid)tempGrid.Clone(), true);       // will it solve uniquely?
                if (!unique)
                    tempGrid = (PuzzleGrid)saveCopy.Clone();
            } while((totalBlanks < desiredBlanks) && (tries < 1000));
            solvedGrid = tempGrid;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void EntryCompleteClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            puzzleSolver = new PuzzleSolver();
            var result = puzzleSolver.SolveGrid((PuzzleGrid)puzzleGrid.Clone(), true);

            if (result == true)
                MessageBox.Show("That puzzle is not solvable, please modify it so that it is.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method shows the open file dialog box.
        /// </summary>
        private void OpenFile()
            // Show save file dialog box
            var result = openGameDialog.ShowDialog();

            // Process save file dialog box results
            if (result == true)
                // Save document
                string fileName = openGameDialog.FileName;

                PuzzleGrid grid = fileHandler.OpenFile(fileName);
                puzzleGrid = (PuzzleGrid)grid.Clone();

                if (grid == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("There was a problem opening your file. Please try again.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// SolveGrid attempts to solve a puzzle by checking through all
        /// possible values for each cell, discarding values that do not lead
        /// to a valid solution. On a try, it recursively calls itself to
        /// maintain previous states of the grid to back track to if the
        /// current path fails. It creates a local version of the grid to
        /// facilitate this. It also checks if the puzzle is uniquely solvable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Current state of the grid</param>
        /// <param name="checkUnique">Do we care if it has unique soln?</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SolveGrid(PuzzleGrid g, bool checkUnique)
            PuzzleGrid grid = new PuzzleGrid();
            grid = (PuzzleGrid)g.Clone();                 //Copy the input grid
            int i, choice, r, c, numChoices;
            bool done, got_one, solved, result;
            got_one = false;
            FillSingleChoices(grid);  //First, fill in all single choice values
            if (IsSolved(grid))                        //If it's already solved
                if (numSolns > 0)               //If another soln already found
                    stoplooking = true;                   //Don't look for more
                    result = false;              //Return false, no UNIQUE soln
                else                               //If no other soln found yet
                    final[numSolns] = (PuzzleGrid)g.Clone();  //Save found soln
                    result = true;
                    SolutionGrid = grid;
            else                                            //If not solved yet
                if (!FindFewestChoices(grid, out r, out c, out numChoices))
                    result = false;                          //Invalid solution
                else                                 //Current grid still valid
                    i = 1;
                    done = false;
                    got_one = false;
                    while (!done && i <= numChoices)
                        choice = PickOneTrue();         //Pick a possible value
                        list[choice] = false;      //Won't want to use it again
                        grid.UserSetCell(r, c, choice);

                        if (recursions < MaxDepth)
                       //-----------We must go deeper. SUDCEPTION!-----------//
                             solved = (SolveGrid(grid, checkUnique)); //Recurse
                            solved = false;
                        if (stoplooking == true)
                            done = true;
                            got_one = true;
                            got_one = (got_one || solved);
                            if (!checkUnique)  //If not looking for unique soln
                                done = got_one;       //Then we have a solution
                    result = got_one;
            return result;