Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CreateNewConfig()
            int unix_timestamp = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            // Defines a UNIX timestamp.

            var c = new Config();

            c.port                     = 8080;
            c.user_groups              = new Dictionary <string, Group>();
            c.users                    = new Dictionary <string, User>();
            c.access_tokens            = new Dictionary <string, AccessTokenInfo>();
            c.password_complexity      = true;
            c.hibp_password_check      = true;
            c.server_name              = "SuperServ";
            c.credential_reset_options = new CredentialResetOptions()
                enabled  = false,
                sendgrid = new SendgridOptions(),
                mailgun  = new MailGunOptions(),
            // Defines the config.

            string AllUsersGroupUUID       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string AdministratorsGroupUUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string AdministratorUUID       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            // Defines all of the new UUID's.

            var administrator = new User()
                username = "******",
                groups   = new List <string>()
                last_login           = 1,
                must_change_password = true,
                path_overrides       = new Dictionary <string, PathInfo>(),
                password             = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword("Password1!"),
                disabled             = false,
                email_verified       = false,
            // Defines the new administrator user.

            var all_user = new Group()
                group_name    = "All Users",
                administrator = false,
                user_default  = true,
                paths         = new Dictionary <string, PathInfo>(),
                default_perms = new PermInfo()
                    write         = false,
                    delete_folder = false,
                    delete_inside = false,
                    read          = true
                group_user_modifications = new Dictionary <int, string>(),

            all_user.group_user_modifications[unix_timestamp] = AdministratorUUID;
            // Defines the all users group.

            var administrators = new Group()
                group_name    = "Administrators",
                administrator = true,
                user_default  = false,
                paths         = new Dictionary <string, PathInfo>(),
                default_perms = new PermInfo()
                    write         = true,
                    delete_folder = true,
                    delete_inside = true,
                    read          = true
                group_user_modifications = new Dictionary <int, string>(),

            administrators.group_user_modifications[unix_timestamp] = AdministratorUUID;
            // Defines the administrators group.

            c.user_groups[AdministratorsGroupUUID] = administrators;
            c.user_groups[AllUsersGroupUUID]       = all_user;
            // Sets the user groups.

            c.users[AdministratorUUID] = administrator;
            // Sets the user.

            config = c;
            // Sets the config.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Gets all of the users.

        public List <UserPath> GetPathPerms(string uid, User user)
            bool administrator          = false;
            UniquehighestPermDict Paths = new UniquehighestPermDict();

            foreach (string group_string in user.groups)
                Group group = config.user_groups[group_string];
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PathInfo> path in group.paths)
                    Paths.Add(path.Key, path.Value);
                if (group.administrator)
                    administrator = true;

            if (administrator)
                foreach (string key in Paths.Keys)
                    Paths[key].delete_folder = true;
                    Paths[key].delete_inside = true;
                    Paths[key].read          = true;
                    Paths[key].write         = true;
                var all = new PathInfo()
                    write         = true,
                    read          = true,
                    delete_folder = true,
                    delete_inside = true
                foreach (string group_key in config.user_groups.Keys.Where(p => !user.groups.Any(l => p == l)))
                    var group = config.user_groups[group_key];
                    foreach (string path in group.paths.Keys)
                        Paths[path] = all;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, User> user_pair in config.users)
                    if (user_pair.Key == uid)
                    foreach (string path in user.path_overrides.Keys)
                        Paths[path] = all;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PathInfo> path in user.path_overrides)
                Paths.Add(path.Key, path.Value, true);

            if (Paths.Count == 0)
                return(new List <UserPath>());

            Dictionary <int, List <KeyValuePair <string, PathInfo> > > path_lengths = new Dictionary <int, List <KeyValuePair <string, PathInfo> > >();

            char SlashType;

            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                SlashType = '\\';
                SlashType = '/';

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PathInfo> path in Paths)
                catch (Exception)
                    path_lengths[path.Key.Split(SlashType).Length] = new List <KeyValuePair <string, PathInfo> >()

            var keys = path_lengths.Keys.ToList();


            Dictionary <string, UserPath> RawPath_Result = new Dictionary <string, UserPath>();
            var smallest_key          = keys[0];
            var smallest_length_paths = path_lengths[keys[0]];


            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PathInfo> pair in smallest_length_paths)
                var key_split = pair.Key.Split(SlashType);
                RawPath_Result[pair.Key] = new UserPath()
                    children      = new List <UserPath>(),
                    delete_folder = pair.Value.delete_folder,
                    delete_inside = pair.Value.delete_inside,
                    name          = key_split[key_split.Length - 1],
                    read          = pair.Value.read,
                    real_path     = pair.Key,
                    write         = pair.Value.write

            foreach (int list_key in keys)
                List <KeyValuePair <string, PathInfo> > list = path_lengths[list_key];
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PathInfo> pair in list)
                    bool cont      = true;
                    var  key_split = pair.Key.Split(SlashType);
                    var  UsrPath   = new UserPath()
                        children      = new List <UserPath>(),
                        delete_folder = pair.Value.delete_folder,
                        delete_inside = pair.Value.delete_inside,
                        name          = key_split[key_split.Length - 1],
                        read          = pair.Value.read,
                        real_path     = pair.Key,
                        write         = pair.Value.write
                    foreach (var parent in RawPath_Result.Keys)
                        if (pair.Key.ToLower().StartsWith(parent.ToLower()))
                            UserPath pathinfo_ptr = RawPath_Result[parent];
                            while (true)
                                bool further = false;
                                foreach (UserPath child in pathinfo_ptr.children)
                                    if (pair.Key.ToLower().StartsWith(child.real_path.ToLower()))
                                        further      = true;
                                        pathinfo_ptr = child;
                                if (!further)
                            cont = false;
                    if (cont)
                        RawPath_Result[pair.Key] = UsrPath;
