Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void MoveTo(Location newLocation)
            //Does the location have any required items
            if (newLocation.ItemRequiredToEnter != null)
                // See if the player has the required item in their inventory
                bool playerHasRequiredItem = false;

                foreach (InventoryItem ii in _player.Inventory)
                    if (ii.Details.ID == newLocation.ItemRequiredToEnter.ID)
                        // We found the required item
                        playerHasRequiredItem = true;
                        break; // Exit out of the foreach loop

                if (!playerHasRequiredItem)
                    // We didn't find the required item in their inventory, so display a message and stop trying to move
                    rtbMessages.Text += "You must have a " + newLocation.ItemRequiredToEnter.Name + " to enter this location." + Environment.NewLine;

            // Update the player's current location
            _player.CurrentLocation = newLocation;

            // Show/hide available movement buttons
            btnNorth.Visible = (newLocation.LocationToNorth != null);
            btnEast.Visible  = (newLocation.LocationToEast != null);
            btnSouth.Visible = (newLocation.LocationToSouth != null);
            btnWest.Visible  = (newLocation.LocationToWest != null);

            // Display current location name and description
            rtbLocation.Text  = newLocation.Name + Environment.NewLine;
            rtbLocation.Text += newLocation.Description + Environment.NewLine;

            // Completely heal the player
            _player.CurrentHitPoints = _player.MaximumHitPoints;

            // Update Hit Points in UI
            lblHitPoints.Text = _player.CurrentHitPoints.ToString();

            // Does the location have a quest?
            if (newLocation.QuestAvailableHere != null)
                // See if the player already has the quest, and if they've completed it
                bool playerAlreadyHasQuest       = false;
                bool playerAlreadyCompletedQuest = false;

                foreach (PlayerQuest playerQuest in _player.Quests)
                    if (playerQuest.Details.ID == newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.ID)
                        playerAlreadyHasQuest = true;

                        if (playerQuest.IsCompleted)
                            playerAlreadyCompletedQuest = true;

                // See if the player already has the quest
                if (playerAlreadyHasQuest)
                    // If the player has not completed the quest yet
                    if (!playerAlreadyCompletedQuest)
                        // See if the player has all the items needed to complete the quest
                        bool playerHasAllItemsToCompleteQuest = true;

                        foreach (QuestCompletionItem qci in newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.QuestCompletionItems)
                            bool foundItemInPlayersInventory = false;

                            // Check each item in the player's inventory, to see if they have it, and enough of it
                            foreach (InventoryItem ii in _player.Inventory)
                                // The player has this item in their inventory
                                if (ii.Details.ID == qci.Details.ID)
                                    foundItemInPlayersInventory = true;

                                    if (ii.Quantity < qci.Quantity)
                                        // The player does not have enough of this item to complete the quest
                                        playerHasAllItemsToCompleteQuest = false;

                                        // There is no reason to continue checking for the other quest completion items

                                    // We found the item, so don't check the rest of the player's inventory

                            // If we didn't find the required item, set our variable and stop looking for other items
                            if (!foundItemInPlayersInventory)
                                // The player does not have this item in their inventory
                                playerHasAllItemsToCompleteQuest = false;

                                // There is no reason to continue checking for the other quest completion items

                        // The player has all items required to complete the quest
                        if (playerHasAllItemsToCompleteQuest)
                            // Display message
                            rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += "You complete the '" + newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Name + "' quest." + Environment.NewLine;

                            // Remove quest items from inventory
                            foreach (QuestCompletionItem qci in newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.QuestCompletionItems)
                                foreach (InventoryItem ii in _player.Inventory)
                                    if (ii.Details.ID == qci.Details.ID)
                                        // Subtract the quantity from the player's inventory that was needed to complete the quest
                                        ii.Quantity -= qci.Quantity;

                            // Give quest rewards
                            rtbMessages.Text += "You receive: " + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardExperiencePoints.ToString() + " experience points" + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardGold.ToString() + " gold" + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardItem.Name + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;

                            _player.ExperiencePoints += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardExperiencePoints;
                            _player.Gold             += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardGold;

                            // Add the reward item to the player's inventory
                            bool addedItemToPlayerInventory = false;

                            foreach (InventoryItem ii in _player.Inventory)
                                if (ii.Details.ID == newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardItem.ID)
                                    // They have the item in their inventory, so increase the quantity by one

                                    addedItemToPlayerInventory = true;


                            // They didn't have the item, so add it to their inventory, with a quantity of 1
                            if (!addedItemToPlayerInventory)
                                _player.Inventory.Add(new InventoryItem(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardItem, 1));

                            // Mark the quest as completed
                            // Find the quest in the player's quest list
                            foreach (PlayerQuest pq in _player.Quests)
                                if (pq.Details.ID == newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.ID)
                                    // Mark it as completed
                                    pq.IsCompleted = true;

                    // The player does not already have the quest

                    // Display the messages
                    rtbMessages.Text += "You receive the " + newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Name + " quest." + Environment.NewLine;
                    rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Description + Environment.NewLine;
                    rtbMessages.Text += "To complete it, return with:" + Environment.NewLine;
                    foreach (QuestCompletionItem qci in newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.QuestCompletionItems)
                        if (qci.Quantity == 1)
                            rtbMessages.Text += qci.Quantity.ToString() + " " + qci.Details.Name + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += qci.Quantity.ToString() + " " + qci.Details.NamePlural + Environment.NewLine;
                    rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;

                    // Add the quest to the player's quest list
                    _player.Quests.Add(new PlayerQuest(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere));

            // Does the location have a monster?
            if (newLocation.MonsterLivingHere != null)
                rtbMessages.Text += "You see a " + newLocation.MonsterLivingHere.Name + Environment.NewLine;

                // Make a new monster, using the values from the standard monster in the World.Monster list
                Monster standardMonster = World.MonsterByID(newLocation.MonsterLivingHere.ID);

                _currentMonster = new Monster(standardMonster.ID, standardMonster.Name, standardMonster.MaximumDamage,
                                              standardMonster.RewardExperiencePoints, standardMonster.RewardGold, standardMonster.CurrentHitPoints, standardMonster.MaximumHitPoints);

                foreach (LootItem lootItem in standardMonster.LootTable)

                cboWeapons.Visible   = true;
                cboPotions.Visible   = true;
                btnUseWeapon.Visible = true;
                btnUsePotion.Visible = true;
                _currentMonster = null;

                cboWeapons.Visible   = false;
                cboPotions.Visible   = false;
                btnUseWeapon.Visible = false;
                btnUsePotion.Visible = false;

            // Refresh player's inventory list
            dgvInventory.RowHeadersVisible = false;

            dgvInventory.ColumnCount      = 2;
            dgvInventory.Columns[0].Name  = "Name";
            dgvInventory.Columns[0].Width = 197;
            dgvInventory.Columns[1].Name  = "Quantity";


            foreach (InventoryItem inventoryItem in _player.Inventory)
                if (inventoryItem.Quantity > 0)
                    dgvInventory.Rows.Add(new[] { inventoryItem.Details.Name, inventoryItem.Quantity.ToString() });

            // Refresh player's quest list
            dgvQuests.RowHeadersVisible = false;

            dgvQuests.ColumnCount      = 2;
            dgvQuests.Columns[0].Name  = "Name";
            dgvQuests.Columns[0].Width = 197;
            dgvQuests.Columns[1].Name  = "Done?";


            foreach (PlayerQuest playerQuest in _player.Quests)
                dgvQuests.Rows.Add(new[] { playerQuest.Details.Name, playerQuest.IsCompleted.ToString() });

            // Refresh player's weapons combobox
            List <Weapon> weapons = new List <Weapon>();

            foreach (InventoryItem inventoryItem in _player.Inventory)
                if (inventoryItem.Details is Weapon)
                    if (inventoryItem.Quantity > 0)

            if (weapons.Count == 0)
                // The player doesn't have any weapons, so hide the weapon combobox and "Use" button
                cboWeapons.Visible   = false;
                btnUseWeapon.Visible = false;
                cboWeapons.DataSource    = weapons;
                cboWeapons.DisplayMember = "Name";
                cboWeapons.ValueMember   = "ID";

                cboWeapons.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Refresh player's potions combobox
            List <HealingPotion> healingPotions = new List <HealingPotion>();

            foreach (InventoryItem inventoryItem in _player.Inventory)
                if (inventoryItem.Details is HealingPotion)
                    if (inventoryItem.Quantity > 0)

            if (healingPotions.Count == 0)
                // The player doesn't have any potions, so hide the potion combobox and "Use" button
                cboPotions.Visible   = false;
                btnUsePotion.Visible = false;
                cboPotions.DataSource    = healingPotions;
                cboPotions.DisplayMember = "Name";
                cboPotions.ValueMember   = "ID";

                cboPotions.SelectedIndex = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void MoveTo(Location newLocation)
            //Does the location have any required items
            if (!_player.HasRequiredItemToEnterThisLocation(newLocation))
                rtbMessages.Text += "You must have a " + newLocation.ItemRequiredToEnter.Name + " to enter this location." + Environment.NewLine;

            // Update the player's current location
            _player.CurrentLocation = newLocation;

            // Show/hide available movement buttons
            btnNorth.Visible = (newLocation.LocationToNorth != null);
            btnEast.Visible  = (newLocation.LocationToEast != null);
            btnSouth.Visible = (newLocation.LocationToSouth != null);
            btnWest.Visible  = (newLocation.LocationToWest != null);

            // Display current location name and description
            rtbLocation.Text  = newLocation.Name + Environment.NewLine;
            rtbLocation.Text += newLocation.Description + Environment.NewLine;

            // Completely heal the player
            _player.CurrentHitPoints = _player.MaximumHitPoints;

            // Update Hit Points in UI
            lblHitPoints.Text = _player.CurrentHitPoints.ToString();

            // Does the location have a quest?
            if (newLocation.QuestAvailableHere != null)
                // See if the player already has the quest, and if they've completed it
                bool playerAlreadyHasQuest       = _player.HasThisQuest(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere);
                bool playerAlreadyCompletedQuest = _player.CompletedThisQuest(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere);

                // See if the player already has the quest
                if (playerAlreadyHasQuest)
                    // If the player has not completed the quest yet
                    if (!playerAlreadyCompletedQuest)
                        // See if the player has all the items needed to complete the quest
                        bool playerHasAllItemsToCompleteQuest = _player.HasAllQuestCompletionItems(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere);

                        // The player has all items required to complete the quest
                        if (playerHasAllItemsToCompleteQuest)
                            // Display message
                            rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += "You complete the '" + newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Name + "' quest." + Environment.NewLine;

                            // Remove quest items from inventory

                            // Give quest rewards
                            rtbMessages.Text += "You receive: " + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardExperiencePoints.ToString() + " experience points" + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardGold.ToString() + " gold" + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardItem.Name + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;

                            _player.ExperiencePoints += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardExperiencePoints;
                            _player.Gold             += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardGold;

                            // Add the reward item to the player's inventory

                            // Mark the quest as completed
                    // The player does not already have the quest

                    // Display the messages
                    rtbMessages.Text += "You receive the " + newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Name + " quest." + Environment.NewLine;
                    rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Description + Environment.NewLine;
                    rtbMessages.Text += "To complete it, return with:" + Environment.NewLine;
                    foreach (QuestCompletionItem qci in newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.QuestCompletionItems)
                        if (qci.Quantity == 1)
                            rtbMessages.Text += qci.Quantity.ToString() + " " + qci.Details.Name + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += qci.Quantity.ToString() + " " + qci.Details.NamePlural + Environment.NewLine;
                    rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;

                    // Add the quest to the player's quest list
                    _player.Quests.Add(new PlayerQuest(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere));

            // Does the location have a monster?
            if (newLocation.MonsterLivingHere != null)
                rtbMessages.Text += "You see a " + newLocation.MonsterLivingHere.Name + Environment.NewLine;

                // Make a new monster, using the values from the standard monster in the World.Monster list
                Monster standardMonster = World.MonsterByID(newLocation.MonsterLivingHere.ID);

                _currentMonster = new Monster(standardMonster.ID, standardMonster.Name, standardMonster.MaximumDamage,
                                              standardMonster.RewardExperiencePoints, standardMonster.RewardGold, standardMonster.CurrentHitPoints, standardMonster.MaximumHitPoints);

                foreach (LootItem lootItem in standardMonster.LootTable)

                cboWeapons.Visible   = true;
                cboPotions.Visible   = true;
                btnUseWeapon.Visible = true;
                btnUsePotion.Visible = true;
                _currentMonster = null;

                cboWeapons.Visible   = false;
                cboPotions.Visible   = false;
                btnUseWeapon.Visible = false;
                btnUsePotion.Visible = false;

            // Refresh player's stats

            // Refresh player's inventory list

            // Refresh player's quest list

            // Refresh player's weapons combobox

            // Refresh player's potions combobox

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void MoveTo(Location newLocation)
            //Does location have required Items
            if (!_player.HasRequiredItemToEnterThisLocation(newLocation))
                rtbMessages.Text += "You must have a " + newLocation.ItemRequiredToEnter.Name + " to enter this location." + Environment.NewLine;


            //Update Player location
            _player.CurrentLocation = newLocation;

            //Show available movements
            btnNorth.Visible = (newLocation.LocationToNorth != null);
            btnSouth.Visible = (newLocation.LocationToSouth != null);
            btnEast.Visible  = (newLocation.LocationToEast != null);
            btnWest.Visible  = (newLocation.LocationToWest != null);

            //Describe player's current location
            rtbLocation.Text  = newLocation.Name + Environment.NewLine;
            rtbLocation.Text += newLocation.Description + Environment.NewLine;

            //Heal Player
            _player.CurrentHP = _player.MaximumHP;


            //Does location have quest
            if (newLocation.QuestAvailableHere != null)
                //Location has quest
                bool playerAlreadyHasQuest       = _player.HasThisQuest(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere);
                bool playerAlreadyCompletedQuest = _player.CompletedThisQuest(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere);

                //if player has quest already
                if (playerAlreadyHasQuest)
                    //If player has not completed quest upon entering location, check to see if quest can be completed.
                    if (!playerAlreadyCompletedQuest)
                        //Check if player has all items needed for completion
                        bool playerHasAllItemsToCompleteQuest = _player.HasAllQuestCompletionItems(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere);

                        //Player has all items required
                        if (playerHasAllItemsToCompleteQuest)
                            //Display Message
                            rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += "You complete the " + newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Name + " quest." + Environment.NewLine;

                            //Remove quest items from inventory

                            //Give quest rewards
                            rtbMessages.Text += "You receive: " + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardXP.ToString() + " XP" + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardGold.ToString() + " Gold" + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardItem.Name + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;

                            _player.XP   += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardXP;
                            _player.Gold += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.RewardGold;

                            //Add Reward Item to inventory

                            //Mark Quest as completed


                //Player does not have quest
                    //Diplay messages
                    rtbMessages.Text += "You receive the " + newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Name + " quest." + Environment.NewLine;
                    rtbMessages.Text += newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.Description + Environment.NewLine;
                    rtbMessages.Text += "To complete the quest, return here with: " + Environment.NewLine;

                    foreach (QuestCompletionItem qci in newLocation.QuestAvailableHere.QuestCompletionItems)
                        if (qci.Quantity == 1)
                            rtbMessages.Text += qci.Quantity.ToString() + " " + qci.Details.Name + Environment.NewLine;
                            rtbMessages.Text += qci.Quantity.ToString() + " " + qci.Details.NamePlural + Environment.NewLine;

                    rtbMessages.Text += Environment.NewLine;

                    //Add quest to _player.Quests
                    _player.Quests.Add(new PlayerQuest(newLocation.QuestAvailableHere));

            //Does Location have a monster?
            if (newLocation.MonsterLivingHere != null)
                rtbMessages.Text += "You see a " + newLocation.MonsterLivingHere.Name + Environment.NewLine;

                //Make a new monster, using values from standard monster in World.cs
                Monster standardMonster = World.MonsterByID(newLocation.MonsterLivingHere.ID);

                _currentMonster = new Monster(standardMonster.ID, standardMonster.Name, standardMonster.MaximumDamage, standardMonster.RewardXP, standardMonster.RewardGold, standardMonster.CurrentHP, standardMonster.MaximumHP);

                foreach (LootItem lootItem in standardMonster.LootTable)

                cboWeapons.Visible   = true;
                cboPotions.Visible   = true;
                btnUseWeapon.Visible = true;
                btnUsePotion.Visible = true;
                _currentMonster = null;

                cboWeapons.Visible   = false;
                cboPotions.Visible   = false;
                btnUseWeapon.Visible = false;
                btnUsePotion.Visible = false;

            //Refresh Player's inventory list

            //Refresh Player's quest list

            //Refresh Player's weapons comboBox

            //Refresh Player's potions comboBox