Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void BruteForce_SingleState_ReviseGuessTest()
            List <Cell> SolvedCells     = BoardTest.SolvedSudokuPuzzle1();
            Board       MissingOneBoard = new Board(SolvedCells);

            //Blanking out values so the first one it comes across has 2 possible valid values, and the first one would be wrong
            //i.e. force it to "guess" and then backtrack
            int OriginalValue1 = MissingOneBoard.Cells[2].Value;

            MissingOneBoard.Cells[2] = new Cell(0);
            int OriginalValue2 = MissingOneBoard.Cells[11].Value;

            MissingOneBoard.Cells[11] = new Cell(0);
            int OriginalValue3 = MissingOneBoard.Cells[8].Value;

            MissingOneBoard.Cells[8] = new Cell(0);
            BruteForceSolver Solver = new BruteForceSolver();

            Solver.SingleStateBruteForceSolve(ref MissingOneBoard);

            Assert.IsTrue(MissingOneBoard.Cells[2].Value == OriginalValue1 &&
                          MissingOneBoard.Cells[11].Value == OriginalValue2 &&
                          MissingOneBoard.Cells[8].Value == OriginalValue3,
                          "Brute force solver Revision failed to fill in 3 scattered values missing from completed board: " +
                          OriginalValue1 + " is now " + MissingOneBoard.Cells[2].Value + ", " +
                          OriginalValue2 + " is now " + MissingOneBoard.Cells[11].Value + ", " +
                          OriginalValue3 + " is now " + MissingOneBoard.Cells[8].Value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void BruteForce_Recursive_FullSolve()
            string TestType = "Recursive Brute force ";
            bool   MultipleSolutionsFound = false;

            //all right, now the real test
            List <Cell> SolvedCells   = BoardTest.SolvedSudokuPuzzle1();
            Board       UnSolvedBoard = new Board(BoardTest.UnsolvedSudokuPuzzle1());

            BruteForceSolver Solver = new BruteForceSolver();

            Solver.RecursiveBruteForceSolve(ref UnSolvedBoard, ref MultipleSolutionsFound);

            Assert.IsTrue(BoardTest.CellListsAreEqual(UnSolvedBoard.Cells, SolvedCells),
                          TestType + "failed to solve the first test board, its result: " + UnSolvedBoard.PrintBoard());
                           TestType + "said there were multiple solutions on a board with just one");

            SolvedCells   = BoardTest.SolvedSudokuPuzzle2();
            UnSolvedBoard = new Board(BoardTest.UnsolvedSudokuPuzzle2());

            Solver.RecursiveBruteForceSolve(ref UnSolvedBoard, ref MultipleSolutionsFound);

            Assert.IsTrue(BoardTest.CellListsAreEqual(UnSolvedBoard.Cells, SolvedCells),
                          TestType + "failed to solve the second test board, its result: " + UnSolvedBoard.PrintBoard());
                           TestType + "said there were multiple solutions on a board with just one");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void BruteForce_SingleState_FullSolve()
            //all right, now the real test
            List <Cell> SolvedCells   = BoardTest.SolvedSudokuPuzzle1();
            Board       UnSolvedBoard = new Board(BoardTest.UnsolvedSudokuPuzzle1());

            BruteForceSolver Solver = new BruteForceSolver();

            Solver.SingleStateBruteForceSolve(ref UnSolvedBoard);

            Assert.IsTrue(BoardTest.CellListsAreEqual(UnSolvedBoard.Cells, SolvedCells),
                          "Brute force failed to solve the first test board, its result: " + UnSolvedBoard.PrintBoard());

            SolvedCells   = BoardTest.SolvedSudokuPuzzle2();
            UnSolvedBoard = new Board(BoardTest.UnsolvedSudokuPuzzle2());

            Solver.SingleStateBruteForceSolve(ref UnSolvedBoard);

            Assert.IsTrue(BoardTest.CellListsAreEqual(UnSolvedBoard.Cells, SolvedCells),
                          "Brute force failed to solve the second test board, its result: " + UnSolvedBoard.PrintBoard());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void BruteForce_Recursive_EmptyPuzzle()
            string TestType = "Recursive Brute force ";
            bool   MultipleSolutionsFound = false;

            Board UnSolvedBoard = new Board(BoardTest.EmptySudokuPuzzle());

            BruteForceSolver Solver = new BruteForceSolver();

            Solver.RecursiveBruteForceSolve(ref UnSolvedBoard, ref MultipleSolutionsFound);

            Assert.IsTrue(UnSolvedBoard.IsValid() && UnSolvedBoard.IsComplete(),
                          TestType + "failed to solve the first test board, its result: " + UnSolvedBoard.PrintBoard());
                          TestType + "failed to detect multiple solutions in an empty sudoku grid");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void BruteForce_Recursive_SimpleTest()
            //For testing purposes, if we need to zero out a cell, we reassign the value in the list to a new "zero cell"
            //When lists of cells are initialized, if they have values filled in, those values are considered non-changeable
            //which is good, we want that, just for the purposes of fiddling with data for tests, that's less convenient

            bool MultipleSolutionsFound = false;

            //make sure test does nothing on an already-solved board
            List <Cell>      SolvedCells = BoardTest.SolvedSudokuPuzzle1();
            Board            SolvedBoard = new Board(SolvedCells);
            BruteForceSolver Solver      = new BruteForceSolver();

            Solver.RecursiveBruteForceSolve(ref SolvedBoard, ref MultipleSolutionsFound);

            Assert.IsTrue(BoardTest.CellListsAreEqual(SolvedBoard.Cells, SolvedCells),
                          "Brute force solver changed values on an already-solved board");
                           "Recursive Brute force solver said there were multiple solutions on an already-solved board");

            //now let's blank out one value on our board, and see the brute force solver fill it in
            Board MissingOneBoard = new Board(SolvedCells);
            int   OriginalValue   = MissingOneBoard.Cells[8].Value;

            MissingOneBoard.Cells[8] = new Cell(0);
            Solver.RecursiveBruteForceSolve(ref MissingOneBoard, ref MultipleSolutionsFound);

            Assert.IsTrue(MissingOneBoard.Cells[8].Value == OriginalValue,
                          "Brute force solver failed to fill in 1 value missing from completed board");
                           "Recursive Brute force solver said there were multiple solutions on a board missing 1 value");

            //now let's blank out three values in a row on our board, and see the brute force solver fill them in
            //this is an incredibly easy sudoku

            Board MissingThreeBoard = new Board(SolvedCells);
            int   OriginalValue1    = MissingOneBoard.Cells[6].Value;

            MissingOneBoard.Cells[6] = new Cell(0);
            int OriginalValue2 = MissingOneBoard.Cells[7].Value;

            MissingOneBoard.Cells[7] = new Cell(0);
            int OriginalValue3 = MissingOneBoard.Cells[8].Value;

            MissingOneBoard.Cells[8] = new Cell(0);
            Solver.RecursiveBruteForceSolve(ref MissingOneBoard, ref MultipleSolutionsFound);

            Assert.IsTrue(MissingOneBoard.Cells[6].Value == OriginalValue1 &&
                          MissingOneBoard.Cells[7].Value == OriginalValue2 &&
                          MissingOneBoard.Cells[8].Value == OriginalValue3,
                          "Brute force solver failed to fill in 3 values in a row missing from completed board: " +
                          OriginalValue1 + " is now " + MissingOneBoard.Cells[6].Value + ", " +
                          OriginalValue2 + " is now " + MissingOneBoard.Cells[7].Value + ", " +
                          OriginalValue3 + " is now " + MissingOneBoard.Cells[8].Value);
                           "Recursive Brute force solver said there were multiple solutions on a board missing 3 values");

            //Let's blank out three more random cells
            OriginalValue1            = MissingOneBoard.Cells[18].Value;
            MissingOneBoard.Cells[18] = new Cell(0);
            OriginalValue2            = MissingOneBoard.Cells[40].Value;
            MissingOneBoard.Cells[40] = new Cell(0);
            OriginalValue3            = MissingOneBoard.Cells[78].Value;
            MissingOneBoard.Cells[78] = new Cell(0);
            Solver.RecursiveBruteForceSolve(ref MissingOneBoard, ref MultipleSolutionsFound);

            Assert.IsTrue(MissingOneBoard.Cells[18].Value == OriginalValue1 &&
                          MissingOneBoard.Cells[40].Value == OriginalValue2 &&
                          MissingOneBoard.Cells[78].Value == OriginalValue3,
                          "Brute force solver failed to fill in 3 scattered values missing from completed board: " +
                          OriginalValue1 + " is now " + MissingOneBoard.Cells[18].Value + ", " +
                          OriginalValue2 + " is now " + MissingOneBoard.Cells[40].Value + ", " +
                          OriginalValue3 + " is now " + MissingOneBoard.Cells[78].Value);
                           "Recursive Brute force solver said there were multiple solutions on a board missing 3 scattered values");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void BruteForce_SingleState_UnsolvableHandling()
            //This puzzle is not invalid yet, but it's going to become invalid real quick
            //I think this is about the only "unsolvable" option for brute force
            Board UnSolvedBoard        = new Board(BoardTest.UnsolvablePuzzle());
            bool  HitExpectedException = false;

            BruteForceSolver Solver = new BruteForceSolver();

                Solver.SingleStateBruteForceSolve(ref UnSolvedBoard);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e.Message.Equals(BruteForceSolver.UnsolvableBoardmessage))
                    HitExpectedException = true;
                    throw e;
                if (!HitExpectedException)
                    Assert.Fail("Brute Force failed to hit the expected Unsolvable exception.");

            //And now make sure we fail fast and complain if they give us a board that's already invalid
            UnSolvedBoard          = new Board(BoardTest.UnsolvablePuzzle());
            UnSolvedBoard.Cells[8] = new Cell(5);
            HitExpectedException   = false;

                Solver.SingleStateBruteForceSolve(ref UnSolvedBoard);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e.Message.Equals(BruteForceSolver.InvalidBoardMessage))
                    HitExpectedException = true;
                    throw e;
                if (!HitExpectedException)
                    Assert.Fail("Brute Force failed to hit the expected Invalid Board exception.");