/// <summary>Attempts to solve a Sudoku puzzle.</summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state of the puzzle to be solved.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options to use for solving.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the solve attempt.</returns>
        /// <remarks>No changes are made to the parameter state.</remarks>
        public static SolverResults Solve(PuzzleState state, SolverOptions options)
            // Validate parameters
            if (state == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("state");
            if (options == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("options");
            options = options.Clone();

            if (options.EliminationTechniques.Count == 0)
                options.EliminationTechniques.Add(new NakedSingleTechnique());

            // Turn off the raising of changed events while solving,
            // though it probably doesn't matter as the first thing
            // SolveInternal does is make a clone, and RaiseStateChangedEvent
            // is not cloned (on purpose).
            bool raiseChangedEvent = state.RaiseStateChangedEvent;

            state.RaiseStateChangedEvent = false;

            // Attempt to solve the puzzle
            SolverResults results = SolveInternal(state, options);

            // Reset whether changed events should be raised
            state.RaiseStateChangedEvent = raiseChangedEvent;

            // Return the solver results
        /// <summary>Evaluates the difficulty level of a particular puzzle.</summary>
        /// <param name="state">The puzzle to evaluate.</param>
        /// <returns>The perceived difficulty level of the puzzle.</returns>
        public static PuzzleDifficulty EvaluateDifficulty(PuzzleState state)
            if (state == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("state");

            SolverOptions options = new SolverOptions();

            foreach (PuzzleDifficulty diff in new PuzzleDifficulty[] { PuzzleDifficulty.Easy, PuzzleDifficulty.Medium, PuzzleDifficulty.Hard, PuzzleDifficulty.VeryHard })
                GeneratorOptions go = GeneratorOptions.Create(diff);
                if (state.NumberOfFilledCells < go.MinimumFilledCells)

                options.AllowBruteForce        = !go.MaximumNumberOfDecisionPoints.HasValue;
                options.EliminationTechniques  = go.Techniques;
                options.MaximumSolutionsToFind = options.AllowBruteForce ? 2u : 1u;
                SolverResults results = Solver.Solve(state, options);
                if (results.Status == PuzzleStatus.Solved &&
                    results.Puzzles.Count == 1)
        /// <summary>Attempts to fill one square in the Sudoku puzzle, based purely on logic and elimination techniques.</summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state to be augmented.</param>
        /// <param name="techniques">The techniques to use for number elimination.</param>
        /// <param name="totalUseOfTechniques">The total usage of each technique.</param>
        /// <returns>The current set of possible numbers for each cell.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Changes may be made to the parameter state.</remarks>
        private static FastBitArray [][] FillCellsWithSolePossibleNumber(
            PuzzleState state, List <EliminationTechnique> techniques, ref Dictionary <EliminationTechnique, int> totalUseOfTechniques)
            FastBitArray [][] possibleNumbers = PuzzleState.InstantiatePossibleNumbersArray(state);
            bool moreToDo;

                moreToDo = false;
                byte gridSize = state.GridSize;
                state.ComputePossibleNumbers(techniques, ref totalUseOfTechniques, false, false, possibleNumbers);

                for (byte i = 0; i < gridSize; i++)
                    for (byte j = 0; j < gridSize; j++)
                        if (!state[i, j].HasValue && possibleNumbers[i][j].CountSet == 1)
                            for (byte n = 0; n < gridSize; n++)
                                if (possibleNumbers[i][j][n])
                                    state[i, j] = n;
                                    moreToDo    = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>Returns all cells in a collection in random order.</summary>
        /// <param name="state">The puzzle state.</param>
        /// <returns>The collection of cells.</returns>
        private static Point [] GetRandomCellOrdering(PuzzleState state)
            // Create the collection
            Point [] points = new Point[state.GridSize * state.GridSize];

            // Find all cells
            int count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < state.GridSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < state.GridSize; j++)
                    points[count++] = new Point(i, j);

            // Randomize their order
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; i++)
                int   swapPos = RandomHelper.GetRandomNumber(i, points.Length - 1);
                Point temp    = points[swapPos];
                points[swapPos] = points[i];
                points[i]       = temp;

            // Return the randomized collection
        /// <summary>Compares two puzzle states to determine if they're equal.</summary>
        /// <param name="first">The first puzzle state.</param>
        /// <param name="second">The second puzzle state.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the states are equal; otherwise, false.</returns>
        private static bool StatesMatch(PuzzleState first, PuzzleState second)
            if (first == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("first");
            if (second == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("second");

            // They're equal only if the corresponding cells both contain the
            // same number or are both empty.
            if (first.GridSize != second.GridSize)
            for (int i = 0; i < first.GridSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < second.GridSize; j++)
                    if (first[i, j] != second[i, j])
 /// <summary>Initializes the SolveResults.</summary>
 /// <param name="status">The status of the result.</param>
 /// <param name="state">The puzzle state returned from the solver, a valid solution if status is PuzzleStatus.Solved.</param>
 /// <param name="numberOfDecisionPoints">
 /// The number of decision points involved in finding the solution.  This is the number
 /// of times that the solver had to use brute-force methods to make progress.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="useOfTechniques">The use of each elimination technique.</param>
 public SolverResults(PuzzleStatus status, PuzzleState state, int numberOfDecisionPoints, Dictionary <EliminationTechnique, int> useOfTechniques)
     _status = status;
     _numberOfDecisionPoints = numberOfDecisionPoints;
     _useOfTechniques        = useOfTechniques;
 /// <summary>Initializes the PuzzleState.</summary>
 /// <param name="state">The state to be cloned into this new instance.</param>
 private PuzzleState(PuzzleState state)
     // We don't use MemberwiseClone here as the new state should not share references
     _boxSize     = state._boxSize;       // immutable once created
     _gridSize    = state._gridSize;      // immutable once created
     _grid        = (byte?[, ])state._grid.Clone();
     _status      = state._status;        // immutable once created
     _filledCells = state._filledCells;   // immutable once created
     _difficulty  = state._difficulty;    // immutable once created
 public static FastBitArray[][] InstantiatePossibleNumbersArray(PuzzleState state)
     FastBitArray[][] possibleNumbers = new FastBitArray[state.GridSize][];
     for (int i = 0; i < possibleNumbers.Length; i++)
         possibleNumbers[i] = new FastBitArray[state.GridSize];
     for (int i = 0; i < state.GridSize; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < state.GridSize; j++)
             possibleNumbers[i][j] = new FastBitArray(state.GridSize);
        /// <summary>Attempts to solve a Sudoku puzzle.</summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state of the puzzle to be solved.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options to use for solving.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the solve attempt.</returns>
        /// <remarks>No changes are made to the parameter state.</remarks>
        private static SolverResults SolveInternal(PuzzleState state, SolverOptions options)
            // First, make a copy of the state and work on that copy.  That way, the original
            // instance passed to us by the client remains unmodified.
            state = state.Clone();

            // Fill cells using logic and analysis techniques until no more
            // can be filled.
            var totalUseOfTechniques = new Dictionary <EliminationTechnique, int>();

            FastBitArray [][] possibleNumbers = FillCellsWithSolePossibleNumber(state, options.EliminationTechniques, ref totalUseOfTechniques);

            // Analyze the current state of the board
            switch (state.Status)
            // If the puzzle is now solved, return it. If the puzzle is in an inconsistent state (such as
            // two of the same number in the same row), return that as well as there's nothing more to be done.
            case PuzzleStatus.Solved:
            case PuzzleStatus.CannotBeSolved:
                return(new SolverResults(state.Status, state, 0, totalUseOfTechniques));

            // If the puzzle is still in progress, it means no more cells
            // can be filled by elimination alone, so do a brute-force step.
            // BruteForceSolve recursively calls back to this method.
                if (options.AllowBruteForce)
                    SolverResults results = BruteForceSolve(state, options, possibleNumbers);
                    if (results.Status == PuzzleStatus.Solved)
                        AddTechniqueUsageTables(results.UseOfTechniques, totalUseOfTechniques);
                    return(new SolverResults(PuzzleStatus.CannotBeSolved, state, 0, null));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>Generates a random Sudoku puzzle.</summary>
        /// <returns>The generated puzzle.</returns>
        public PuzzleState Generate(GeneratorOptions options)
            if (options == null)
                options = GeneratorOptions.Create(PuzzleDifficulty.Easy);
            if (options.NumberOfPuzzles < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("options");

            PuzzleState state = null;

            // See if any background puzzle generations have already begun or completed
            if (options.SpeculativeGeneration)
                Task <PuzzleState> dequeuedPuzzle;
                if (_speculativePuzzles.TryRemove(options, out dequeuedPuzzle))
                    state = dequeuedPuzzle.Result;

            // If we didn't get a state from a background generation, generate one now
            if (state == null)
                state = GenerateInternal(options);

            // And if the user wants, also kick off a background generation
            if (options.SpeculativeGeneration)
                var newOptions = options.Clone();
                newOptions.ParallelGeneration = false;
                _speculativePuzzles.TryAdd(newOptions, Task.Factory.StartNew(() => GenerateInternal(options)));

            // Return the generated puzzle
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Based on the specified GeneratorOptions, determines whether the SolverResults
        /// created by solving a puzzle with a particular cell value removed represents a valid
        /// new state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The puzzle state being validated.</param>
        /// <param name="results">The SolverResults to be verified.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the removal that led to this call is valid; false, otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool IsValidRemoval(PuzzleState state, SolverResults results, GeneratorOptions options)
            // Make sure we have a puzzle with one and only one solution
            if (results.Status != PuzzleStatus.Solved || results.Puzzles.Count != 1)

            // Make sure we don't have too few cells
            if (state.NumberOfFilledCells < options.MinimumFilledCells)

            // Now check to see if too many decision points were involved
            if (options.MaximumNumberOfDecisionPoints.HasValue &&
                results.NumberOfDecisionPoints > options.MaximumNumberOfDecisionPoints)

            // Otherwise, it's a valid removal.
        /// <summary>Uses brute-force search techniques to solve the puzzle.</summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state to be solved.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The options to use in solving.</param>
        /// <param name="possibleNumbers">The possible numbers off of which to base the search.</param>
        /// <returns>The result of the solve attempt.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Changes may be made to the parameter state.</remarks>
        private static SolverResults BruteForceSolve(PuzzleState state, SolverOptions options, FastBitArray [][] possibleNumbers)
            // A standard brute-force search would take way, way, way too long to solve a Sudoku puzzle.
            // Luckily, there are ways to significantly trim the search tree to a point where
            // brute-force is not only possible, but also very fast.  The idea is that not every number
            // can be put into every cell.  In fact, using elimination techniques, we can narrow down the list
            // of numbers for each cell, such that only those need be are tried.  Moreover, every time a new number
            // is entered into a cell, other cell's possible numbers decrease.  It's in our best interest
            // to start the search with a cell that has the least possible number of options, thereby increasing
            // our chances of "guessing" the right number sooner.  To this end, I find the cell in the grid
            // that is empty and that has the least number of possible numbers that can go in it.  If there's more
            // than one cell with the same number of possibilities, I choose randomly among them. This random
            // choice allows the solver to be used for puzzle generation.
            List <Point> bestGuessCells            = new List <Point>();
            int          bestNumberOfPossibilities = state.GridSize + 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < state.GridSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < state.GridSize; j++)
                    int count = possibleNumbers[i][j].CountSet;
                    if (!state[i, j].HasValue)
                        if (count < bestNumberOfPossibilities)
                            bestNumberOfPossibilities = count;
                            bestGuessCells.Add(new Point(i, j));
                        else if (count == bestNumberOfPossibilities)
                            bestGuessCells.Add(new Point(i, j));

            // If there are no cells available to fill, there's nothing we can do
            // to make forward progress.  If there are cells available, which should
            // always be the case when this method is called, go through each of the possible
            // numbers in the cell and try to solve the puzzle with that number in it.
            SolverResults results = null;

            if (bestGuessCells.Count > 0)
                // Choose a random cell from amongst the possibilities found above
                Point bestGuessCell = bestGuessCells[RandomHelper.GetRandomNumber(bestGuessCells.Count)];

                // Get the possible numbers for that cell.  For each possible number,
                // fill that number into the cell and recursively call to Solve.
                FastBitArray possibleNumbersForBestCell = possibleNumbers[bestGuessCell.X][bestGuessCell.Y];
                for (byte p = 0; p < possibleNumbersForBestCell.Length; p++)
                    if (possibleNumbersForBestCell[p])
                        PuzzleState newState = state;

                        // Fill in the cell and solve the puzzle
                        newState[bestGuessCell] = p;
                        SolverOptions tempOptions = options.Clone();
                        if (results != null)
                            tempOptions.MaximumSolutionsToFind =
                                (uint)(tempOptions.MaximumSolutionsToFind.Value - results.Puzzles.Count);
                        SolverResults tempResults = SolveInternal(newState, tempOptions);

                        // If it could be solved, update information about the solving process
                        // and return the solution.  Only if the user wants to find multiple
                        // solutions will the search continue.
                        if (tempResults.Status == PuzzleStatus.Solved)
                            if (results != null && results.Puzzles.Count > 0)
                                results = tempResults;
                            if (options.MaximumSolutionsToFind.HasValue &&
                                results.Puzzles.Count >= options.MaximumSolutionsToFind.Value)

                        // If we're not cloning, we need to cancel out the change
                        newState[bestGuessCell] = null;

            // We'll get here if the requested number of solutions could not be found, or if no
            // solutions at all could be found.  Either return a solution if we did get at least one,
            // or return that none could be found.
            return(results != null ? results : new SolverResults(PuzzleStatus.CannotBeSolved, state, 0, null));
        /// <summary>Determines whether this state and the specified state represent the same filled in cells.</summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The other state to which to compare this state.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the states are equal; false, otherwise.</returns>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            PuzzleState other = obj as PuzzleState;

            return((other != null) ? StatesMatch(this, other) : base.Equals(obj));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>Generates a random Sudoku puzzle.</summary>
        /// <returns>The generated results.</returns>
        private static SolverResults GenerateOne(GeneratorOptions options)
            // Generate a full solution randomly, using the solver to solve a completely empty grid.
            // For this, we'll use the elimination techniques that yield fast solving.
            PuzzleState   solvedState   = new PuzzleState();
            SolverOptions solverOptions = new SolverOptions();

            solverOptions.MaximumSolutionsToFind = 1;
            solverOptions.EliminationTechniques  = new List <EliminationTechnique> {
                new NakedSingleTechnique()
            solverOptions.AllowBruteForce = true;
            SolverResults newSolution = Solver.Solve(solvedState, solverOptions);

            // Create options to use for removing filled cells from the complete solution.
            // MaximumSolutionsToFind is set to 2 so that we look for more than 1, but there's no
            // need in continuing once we know there's more than 1, so 2 is a find value to use.
            solverOptions.MaximumSolutionsToFind = 2;
            solverOptions.AllowBruteForce        =
                !options.MaximumNumberOfDecisionPoints.HasValue || options.MaximumNumberOfDecisionPoints > 0;
            solverOptions.EliminationTechniques = solverOptions.AllowBruteForce ?
                                                  new List <EliminationTechnique> {
                new NakedSingleTechnique()
            } : options.Techniques;                                                              // For perf: if brute force is allowed, techniques don't matter!

            // Now that we have a full solution, we want to randomly remove values from cells
            // until we get to a point where there is not a unique solution for the puzzle.  The
            // last puzzle state that did have a unique solution can then be used.
            PuzzleState newPuzzle = newSolution.Puzzle;

            // Get a random ordering of the cells in which to test their removal
            Point [] filledCells = GetRandomCellOrdering(newPuzzle);

            // Do we want to ensure symmetry?
            int filledCellCount = options.EnsureSymmetry && (filledCells.Length % 2 != 0) ? filledCells.Length - 1 : filledCells.Length;

            // If ensuring symmetry...
            if (options.EnsureSymmetry)
                // Find the middle cell and put it at the end of the ordering
                for (int i = 0; i < filledCells.Length - 1; i++)
                    Point p = filledCells[i];
                    if (p.X == newPuzzle.GridSize - p.X - 1 &&
                        p.Y == newPuzzle.GridSize - p.Y - 1)
                        Point temp = filledCells[i];
                        filledCells[i] = filledCells[filledCells.Length - 1];
                        filledCells[filledCells.Length - 1] = temp;

                // Modify the random ordering so that paired symmetric cells are next to each other
                // i.e. filledCells[i] and filledCells[i+1] are symmetric pairs
                for (int i = 0; i < filledCells.Length - 1; i += 2)
                    Point p  = filledCells[i];
                    Point sp = new Point(newPuzzle.GridSize - p.X - 1, newPuzzle.GridSize - p.Y - 1);
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < filledCells.Length; j++)
                        if (filledCells[j].Equals(sp))
                            Point temp = filledCells[i + 1];
                            filledCells[i + 1] = filledCells[j];
                            filledCells[j]     = temp;

                // In the order of the array, try to remove each pair from the puzzle and see if it's
                // still solvable and in a valid way.  If it is, greedily leave those cells out of the puzzle.
                // Otherwise, skip them.
                byte [] oldValues = new byte[2];
                for (int filledCellNum = 0;
                     filledCellNum < filledCellCount && newPuzzle.NumberOfFilledCells > options.MinimumFilledCells;
                     filledCellNum += 2)
                    // Store the old value so we can put it back if necessary,
                    // then wipe it out of the cell
                    oldValues[0] = newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum]].Value;
                    oldValues[1] = newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum + 1]].Value;
                    newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum]]     = null;
                    newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum + 1]] = null;

                    // Check to see whether removing it left us in a good position (i.e. a
                    // single-solution puzzle that doesn't violate any of the generation options)
                    SolverResults newResults = Solver.Solve(newPuzzle, solverOptions);
                    if (!IsValidRemoval(newPuzzle, newResults, options))
                        newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum]]     = oldValues[0];
                        newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum + 1]] = oldValues[1];

                // If there are an odd number of cells in the puzzle (which there will be
                // as everything we're doing is 9x9, 81 cells), try to remove the odd
                // cell that doesn't have a pairing.  This will be the middle cell.
                if (filledCells.Length % 2 != 0)
                    // Store the old value so we can put it back if necessary,
                    // then wipe it out of the cell
                    int  filledCellNum = filledCells.Length - 1;
                    byte oldValue      = newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum]].Value;
                    newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum]] = null;

                    // Check to see whether removing it left us in a good position (i.e. a
                    // single-solution puzzle that doesn't violate any of the generation options)
                    SolverResults newResults = Solver.Solve(newPuzzle, solverOptions);
                    if (!IsValidRemoval(newPuzzle, newResults, options))
                        newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum]] = oldValue;
            // otherwise, it's much easier.
                // Look at each cell in the random ordering.  Try to remove it.
                // If it works to remove it, do so greedily.  Otherwise, skip it.
                for (int filledCellNum = 0;
                     filledCellNum < filledCellCount && newPuzzle.NumberOfFilledCells > options.MinimumFilledCells;
                    // Store the old value so we can put it back if necessary,
                    // then wipe it out of the cell
                    byte oldValue = newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum]].Value;
                    newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum]] = null;

                    // Check to see whether removing it left us in a good position (i.e. a
                    // single-solution puzzle that doesn't violate any of the generation options)
                    SolverResults newResults = Solver.Solve(newPuzzle, solverOptions);
                    if (!IsValidRemoval(newPuzzle, newResults, options))
                        newPuzzle[filledCells[filledCellNum]] = oldValue;

            // Make sure to now use the techniques specified by the user to score this thing
            solverOptions.EliminationTechniques = options.Techniques;
            SolverResults finalResult = Solver.Solve(newPuzzle, solverOptions);

            // Return the best puzzle we could come up with
            newPuzzle.Difficulty = options.Difficulty;
            return(new SolverResults(PuzzleStatus.Solved, newPuzzle, finalResult.NumberOfDecisionPoints, finalResult.UseOfTechniques));