public AutocompleteSuggestionUpdater(AutoCompleteTextView view, ArrayAdapterNoFilter adapter, MapboxMap map, MapBoxInterface mbi)
     this.view    = view;
     this.adapter = adapter;     = map;
     this.mbi     = mbi;
     updateAdapter("Central Park");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void configureActv(AutoCompleteTextView actv, AutoCompleteTextView actvOther, FrameLayout frame, Button clear, Button navButton)
            //Initializes the actv suggestions adapter
            ArrayAdapterNoFilter adapter = new ArrayAdapterNoFilter(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleDropDownItem1Line);
            //Initializes the suggestions updater for the adapter
            AutocompleteSuggestionUpdater suggestor = new AutocompleteSuggestionUpdater(actv, adapter, map, mbi);

            //Sets the adapter of the actv
            actv.Adapter = adapter;
            //Sets the updater to update the suggestions when the text changes
            InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)GetSystemService(Activity.InputMethodService);

            //Sets delegates for handling the opacity of the navigation button
            actv.AfterTextChanged += delegate
                //Updates the color of the actv based on whether the address is valid
                makeActvTurnGreenWhenAddressesAreValid(actv, frame);
            //Sets delegate for when the enter button is pushed on the keyboard
            actv.EditorAction += delegate
                //Unfocuses from the actv, closes the dropdown, and hides the keyboard.
                imm.HideSoftInputFromWindow(actv.WindowToken, 0);
            //Sets delegate for if the actv is clicked
            actv.ItemClick += delegate
                //Closes the dropdown menu, turns off the suggestor, updates the route button's opacity, and hides the keyboard
                suggestor.showDialog = false;
                Tools.makeRouteButtonOpaqueIfBothAddressesAreValid(actv.Text, actvOther.Text, navButton, mbi);
                imm.HideSoftInputFromWindow(actv.WindowToken, 0);
            //Sets delegate for if the actv changes color
            frame.LayoutChange += delegate
                //Updates the route button's opacity
                Tools.makeRouteButtonOpaqueIfBothAddressesAreValid(actv.Text, actvOther.Text, navButton, mbi);
            //Sets delegate for if the clear button has been pressed
            clear.Click += delegate
                //Closes the dropdown menu, updates the route button's opacity,
                //gets the suggestor ready to start making suggestions when the user types again, and clears the text in the box
                Tools.makeRouteButtonOpaqueIfBothAddressesAreValid(actv.Text, actvOther.Text, navButton, mbi);
                suggestor.showDialog = true;
                actv.Text            = "";
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public PassthroughFilter(ArrayAdapterNoFilter adapter)
     this.adapter = adapter;