private void cbStaffID_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Call the getStaffForename and pass across the data.
            List <string> forenames = StaffClass.getStaffForename(Convert.ToInt32(cbStaffID.Text));

            if (forenames.Count > 0)
                //Create a new instance of the stringbuilder class.
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string fname in forenames)
                    //Save the forename to the variable staff_fname.
                    staff_fname = fname;
            //Call the getStaffSurname and pass across the data.
            List <string> surnames = StaffClass.getStaffSurname(Convert.ToInt32(cbStaffID.Text));

            if (surnames.Count > 0)
                //Create a new instance of the stringbuilder class.
                StringBuilder s_b = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string sname in surnames)
                    //Display the forename and surname in lblDisplayName.
                    lblDisplayName.Text = staff_fname + " " + sname;
        private void AddStaffClass()
            //If the StaffID and the SupportingStaffID are not the same...
            if (_staffClass._main != _staffClass._supporting)
                //Try to...
                    //Call the AddStaffClass method from the StaffClass and pass across the data.
                    int rowsAffected = StaffClass.AddStaffClass(lblID.Text, cbStaffID.Text, cbStaffRole.Text);

                    if (rowsAffected > 0)
                        //If the StaffClass has been added successfully, display the message below.
                        MessageBox.Show("Staff member has been allocated successfully.");
                        //Call the Back method.
                //Catch any exceptions that may occur and display an error message.
                catch (Exception ex)
            //Otherwise, display the message below.
                MessageBox.Show("The Main staff Member and the Supporting Staff Member cannot be the same.");
 public void StaffIds()
     //Call the getStaffID method and save it to a list.
     List <int> ids = StaffClass.getStaffID();
         foreach (int id in ids)
             //Add each ID to the list.
        private void ClassSearch()
            //This method will check that the ClassID enter is valid.
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
                using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Class WHERE (ClassID = @ClassID)", connection))
                    sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ClassID", txtClassID.Text);
                    int  _class     = (int)sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar();
                    bool classExist = false;
                    if (_class > 0)
                        classExist = true;
                        //If classExist is true...
                        if (classExist)
                            //Call the changeDataGridView...
                            //Call the getClassName method from the Class class and pass the text in txtClassID.
                            List <string> names = Class.getClassName(txtClassID.Text);
                                //If the amount of names is greater than 0...
                                if (names.Count > 0)
                                    //Create a new instance of the stringbuilder class.
                                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                                    foreach (string name in names)
                                        //Display the class name in txtClassName.
                                        txtClassName.Text = name;
                            //Call the getClassDay method from the Class class and pass the text in txtClassID
                            List <string> days = Class.getClassDay(txtClassID.Text);
                                //If the amount of days is greater than 0...
                                if (days.Count > 0)
                                    //Create a new instance of the stringbuilder class.
                                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                                    foreach (string day in days)
                                        //Display the day in cbDay.
                                        cbDay.Text = day;

                            //Call the getClassTime method from the Class class and pass the text in txtClassID
                            List <string> times = Class.getClassTime(txtClassID.Text);
                                //If the amount of times is greater than 0...
                                if (times.Count > 0)
                                    //Create a new instance of the stringbuilder class.
                                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                                    foreach (string time in times)
                                        //Display the time in cbTime.
                                        cbTime.Text = time;

                            //Call the getClassLevel method from the Class class and pass the text in txtClassID
                            List <string> levels = Class.getClassLevel(txtClassID.Text);
                                //If the amount of levels is greater than 0...
                                if (levels.Count > 0)
                                    //Create a new instance of the stringbuilder class.
                                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                                    foreach (string level in levels)
                                        //Display the level in cbLevel.
                                        cbLevel.Text = level;
                            //Call the displayStaffID method from the StaffClass class and pass the text in txtClassID
                            List <int> ids = StaffClass.displayStaffID(txtClassID.Text);
                                //If the amount of IDs is greater than 0...
                                if (ids.Count > 0)
                                    //Create a new instance of the stringbuilder class.
                                    StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
                                    foreach (int id in ids)
                                        //Display the ID in txtStaffID.
                                        txtStaffID.Text = Convert.ToString(id);
                            //Call the displaysupportingStaffID method from the StaffClass class and pass the text in txtClassID
                            List <int> supportids = StaffClass.displaySupportingStaffID(txtClassID.Text);
                                //If the amount of IDs is greater than 0...
                                if (ids.Count > 0)
                                    //Create a new instance of the stringbuilder class.
                                    StringBuilder _sb1 = new StringBuilder();
                                    foreach (int id in supportids)
                                        //Display the ID in txtSupportingID.
                                        txtSupportingID.Text = Convert.ToString(id);
                        //Otherwise display the message below.
                            MessageBox.Show("Class does not exist.");
                    //Otherwise display the message below.
                        MessageBox.Show("Class does not exist.");