GetType() public static method

public static GetType ( string typeName, bool throwOnError ) : Type
typeName string
throwOnError bool
return System.Type
Ejemplo n.º 1
        public EnumDescriptor(XmlElement elem)
            string cls = elem.GetAttribute("type");

            enumType  = Registry.GetType(cls, true);
   = enumType.FullName;

            values = new Hashtable();

            // This gets the list of enum names and gets the value of each of them.
            // This is not done the other way (get the values, and then the names from them)
            // because it won't work if two different enum members have the same value
            ArrayList list    = new ArrayList();
            Hashtable evalues = new Hashtable();

            foreach (string name in Enum.GetNames(enumType))
                object value = Enum.Parse(enumType, name);
                evalues[name] = value;

            foreach (XmlElement valueElem in elem.SelectNodes("value"))
                string name = valueElem.GetAttribute("name");
                if (!evalues.Contains(name))
                    throw new ArgumentException("<enum> node for " + enumType.FullName + " contains extra element " + name);
                Enum value = (Enum)evalues[name];
                values[value] = new EnumValue(value,

            // Remove from the array the values not declared in the xml file
            foreach (object val in evalues.Values)

            values_array = (Enum[])list.ToArray(typeof(Enum));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        PropertyDefinition FindProperty(TypeDefinition cls, string name)
            foreach (PropertyDefinition propInfo in cls.Properties)
                if (propInfo.Name == name)

            if (cls.BaseType == null)

            string baseType = cls.BaseType.FullName;
            Type   t        = Registry.GetType(baseType, false);

            if (t != null)
                PropertyInfo prop = t.GetProperty(name);
                if (prop != null)
                    TypeReference      tref = new TypeReference(prop.PropertyType.Namespace, prop.PropertyType.Name, cls.Module, cls.Module, prop.PropertyType.IsValueType);
                    PropertyDefinition pdef = new PropertyDefinition(name, Mono.Cecil.PropertyAttributes.None, tref);

            TypeDefinition bcls = cecilLib.FindTypeDefinition(baseType);

            if (bcls != null)
                return(FindProperty(bcls, name));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        EventDefinition FindEvent(TypeDefinition cls, string name)
            foreach (EventDefinition eventInfo in cls.Events)
                if (eventInfo.Name == name)

            if (cls.BaseType == null)

            string baseType = cls.BaseType.FullName;
            Type   t        = Registry.GetType(baseType, false);

            if (t != null)
                EventInfo ev = t.GetEvent(name);
                if (ev != null)
                    TypeReference tref = new TypeReference(ev.EventHandlerType.Namespace, ev.EventHandlerType.Name, cls.Module, cls.Module, ev.EventHandlerType.IsValueType);
                    return(new EventDefinition(name, Mono.Cecil.EventAttributes.None, tref));

            TypeDefinition bcls = cecilLib.FindTypeDefinition(baseType);

            if (bcls != null)
                return(FindEvent(bcls, name));
        public TypedClassDescriptor(Assembly assembly, XmlElement elem)
            bool inheritedWrapper = false;

            wrapped = Registry.GetType(elem.GetAttribute("type"), true);
            if (wrapped != null)
                ConstructorInfo[] cInfos = wrapped.GetConstructors();
                foreach (ConstructorInfo ci in cInfos)
                    if (ci.GetParameters().Length == 0)
                        cinfoNoParams = ci;

            if (elem.HasAttribute("wrapper"))
                wrapper = Registry.GetType(elem.GetAttribute("wrapper"), true);
                inheritedWrapper = true;
                string baseClass = elem.GetAttribute("base-type");
                if (baseClass.Length > 0)
                    // If a base type is specified, use the wrapper of that base type
                    TypedClassDescriptor parent = Registry.LookupClassByName(baseClass) as TypedClassDescriptor;
                    if (parent != null)
                        wrapper = parent.WrapperType;
                    for (Type type = wrapped.BaseType; type != null; type = type.BaseType)
                        TypedClassDescriptor parent = Registry.LookupClassByName(type.FullName) as TypedClassDescriptor;
                        if (parent != null)
                            wrapper = parent.WrapperType;
                if (wrapper == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("No wrapper type for class {0}", wrapped.FullName));

            gtype = (GLib.GType)wrapped;
            cname = gtype.ToString();

            string iconname = elem.GetAttribute("icon");

            if (iconname.Length > 0)
                try {
                    // Using the pixbuf resource constructor generates a gdk warning.
                    Gdk.PixbufLoader loader = new Gdk.PixbufLoader(assembly, iconname);
                    icon = loader.Pixbuf;
                } catch {
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not load icon: " + iconname);
                    icon = GetDefaultIcon();
                icon = GetDefaultIcon();

            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly;

            // If the wrapper is inherited from a base class, ignore the CreateInstance method
            // since it is going to create an instance of the base class.
            if (!inheritedWrapper)
                ctorMethodInfoWithClass = wrapper.GetMethod("CreateInstance", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(ClassDescriptor) }, null);
                if (ctorMethodInfoWithClass == null)
                    ctorMethodInfo = wrapper.GetMethod("CreateInstance", flags, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null);

            // Look for a constructor even if a CreateInstance method was
            // found, since it may return null.
            cinfo = wrapped.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
            if (cinfo == null)
                useGTypeCtor = true;
                cinfo        = wrapped.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IntPtr) });

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public TypedPropertyDescriptor(XmlElement elem, ItemGroup group, TypedClassDescriptor klass) : base(elem, group, klass)
            this.klass = klass;
            string propertyName = elem.GetAttribute("name");
            int    dot          = propertyName.IndexOf('.');

            if (dot != -1)
                // Sub-property (eg, "Alignment.Value")
                memberInfo        = FindProperty(klass.WrapperType, klass.WrappedType, propertyName.Substring(0, dot));
                isWrapperProperty = memberInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ObjectWrapper));
                gladeProperty     = new TypedPropertyDescriptor(isWrapperProperty ? klass.WrapperType : klass.WrappedType, memberInfo.Name);
                propertyInfo      = FindProperty(memberInfo.PropertyType, propertyName.Substring(dot + 1));
                // Basic simple property
                propertyInfo      = FindProperty(klass.WrapperType, klass.WrappedType, propertyName);
                isWrapperProperty = propertyInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ObjectWrapper));

            // Wrapper properties that override widgets properties (using the same name)
            // must be considered runtime properties (will be available at run-time).
            if (!isWrapperProperty || klass.WrappedType.GetProperty(propertyName) != null)
                isRuntimeProperty = true;

            if (!IsInternal && propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsEnum &&
                Registry.LookupEnum(propertyInfo.PropertyType.FullName) == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No EnumDescriptor for " + propertyInfo.PropertyType.FullName + "(" + klass.WrappedType.FullName + "." + propertyName + ")");

            pspec = FindPSpec(propertyInfo);

            if (isWrapperProperty && pspec == null)
                PropertyInfo pinfo = klass.WrappedType.GetProperty(propertyInfo.Name, flags);
                if (pinfo != null)
                    pspec = FindPSpec(pinfo);

            if (pspec != null)
                // This information will be overridden by what's specified in the xml file
                description = pspec.Blurb;
                minimum     = pspec.Minimum;
                maximum     = pspec.Maximum;
                label       = propertyName;
                if (!elem.HasAttribute("ignore-default"))
                    hasDefault = Type.GetTypeCode(PropertyType) != TypeCode.Object || PropertyType.IsEnum;
                label         = propertyInfo.Name;
                gladeOverride = true;

            string typeName = elem.GetAttribute("editor");

            if (typeName.Length > 0)
                editorType = Registry.GetType(typeName, false);

            // Look for a default value attribute

            object[] ats = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DefaultValueAttribute), true);
            if (ats.Length > 0)
                DefaultValueAttribute at = (DefaultValueAttribute)ats [0];
                defaultValue = at.Value;

            // Load default data
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected void Load(XmlElement elem)
            if (elem.HasAttribute("label"))
                label = elem.GetAttribute("label");

            if (label == null)
                label = elem.GetAttribute("name");

            if (elem.HasAttribute("description"))
                description = elem.GetAttribute("description");

            if (elem.HasAttribute("min"))
                minimum = StringToValue(elem.GetAttribute("min"));

            if (elem.HasAttribute("max"))
                maximum = StringToValue(elem.GetAttribute("max"));

            if (elem.HasAttribute("glade-override"))
                gladeOverride = true;

            if (elem.HasAttribute("glade-name"))
                gladeName = elem.GetAttribute("glade-name");

            if (elem.HasAttribute("init-with-name"))
                initWithName = true;

            if (elem.HasAttribute("translatable"))
                translatable = true;

            if (elem.HasAttribute("default"))
                defaultValue = StringToValue(elem.GetAttribute("default"));
                hasDefault   = true;

            string convTypeName = elem.GetAttribute("type-converter");

            if (convTypeName.Length > 0)
                Type type = Registry.GetType(convTypeName, true);
                typeConverter = (TypeConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
        public CecilSignalDescriptor(CecilWidgetLibrary lib, XmlElement elem, Stetic.ItemGroup group, Stetic.ClassDescriptor klass, EventDefinition sinfo) : base(elem, group, klass)
            if (sinfo != null)
                string handler = sinfo.EventType.FullName;
                handlerTypeName = handler.Replace('/', '+');
                Type t = Registry.GetType(handler, false);
                if (t != null)
                    MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod("Invoke");
                    handlerReturnTypeName = mi.ReturnType.FullName;
                    ParameterInfo[] pars = mi.GetParameters();
                    handlerParameters = new ParameterDescriptor [pars.Length];
                    for (int n = 0; n < pars.Length; n++)
                        handlerParameters [n] = new ParameterDescriptor(pars[n].Name, pars[n].ParameterType.FullName);
                    // If the type is generic, the type arguments must be ignored when looking for the type
                    string tn = handler;
                    int    i  = handler.IndexOf('<');
                    if (i != -1)
                        tn = handler.Substring(0, i);
                        // Convert the type name to a type reference
                        handler = handler.Replace('<', '[');
                        handler = handler.Replace('>', ']');
                    TypeDefinition td = lib.FindTypeDefinition(tn);
                    if (td != null)
                        MethodDefinition mi = null;
                        foreach (MethodDefinition md in td.Methods)
                            if (md.Name == "Invoke")
                                mi = md;
                        if (mi != null)
                            handlerReturnTypeName = CecilWidgetLibrary.GetInstanceType(td, sinfo.EventType, mi.ReturnType.ReturnType);
                            handlerParameters     = new ParameterDescriptor [mi.Parameters.Count];
                            for (int n = 0; n < handlerParameters.Length; n++)
                                ParameterDefinition par = mi.Parameters [n];
                                handlerParameters [n] = new ParameterDescriptor(par.Name, CecilWidgetLibrary.GetInstanceType(td, sinfo.EventType, par.ParameterType));
                        handlerParameters = new ParameterDescriptor [0];
                handlerTypeName       = elem.GetAttribute("handlerTypeName");
                handlerReturnTypeName = elem.GetAttribute("handlerReturnTypeName");

                ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                foreach (XmlNode npar in elem.ChildNodes)
                    XmlElement epar = npar as XmlElement;
                    if (epar == null)
                    list.Add(new ParameterDescriptor(epar.GetAttribute("name"), epar.GetAttribute("type")));

                handlerParameters = (ParameterDescriptor[])list.ToArray(typeof(ParameterDescriptor));
