Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static MethodBase GetMethodInfo(string signature, DocMethod rootMethod)
            Type[] paramTypes = string.IsNullOrEmpty(signature) ? new Type[] { } : StringHelper.SeparateGroupedString(',', signature)
            .Select(a => {
                string cleanName = a.Replace("@", "");
                bool nullable    = a.Contains("System.Nullable");
                bool action      = a.Contains("System.Action{");
                bool array       = a.Contains("[]");
                bool generic     = a.Contains("`");
                if (nullable)
                    int length = "System.Nullable{".Length;
                    cleanName  = cleanName.Substring(length, cleanName.Length - length - 1);
                if (action)
                    int length = "System.Action{".Length;
                    cleanName  = cleanName.Substring(length, cleanName.Length - length - 1);
                if (array)
                    cleanName = cleanName.Substring(0, cleanName.IndexOf("[]"));

                int commas = cleanName.Count(c => c == ',');
                Type t     = null;
                if (t == null && action && commas == 0)
                    t = typeof(Action <>).MakeGenericType(Type.GetType(cleanName));
                if (t == null && action && commas == 1)
                    t = typeof(Action <,>).MakeGenericType(cleanName.Split(',').Select(n => Type.GetType(n)).ToArray());
                if (t == null && action && commas == 2)
                    t = typeof(Action <, ,>).MakeGenericType(cleanName.Split(',').Select(n => Type.GetType(n)).ToArray());
                if (t == null)
                    t = Type.GetType(cleanName);
                if (t == null)
                    t = Type.GetType(cleanName + ", StereoKit");
                if (t == null)
                    t = Type.GetType(cleanName + ", " + typeof(System.Numerics.Vector3).Assembly.FullName);
                if (t != null && nullable)
                    t = typeof(Nullable <>).MakeGenericType(t);
                if (t != null && array)
                    t = t.MakeArrayType();
                if (t != null && a.Contains("@"))
                    t = t.MakeByRefType();
                if (t == null && generic)
                    t = typeof(object);

                if (t == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Can't find {rootMethod.Name}'s parameter type: {a}!");

            // Scrape out generics tags, don't quite know how to use them yet.
            string methodName = rootMethod.name;

            if (methodName.Contains('`'))
                methodName = methodName.Substring(0, methodName.IndexOf('`'));

            Type       parent = GetParentType(rootMethod);
            MethodBase result = methodName == "#ctor" ?
                                (MethodBase)parent.GetConstructor(paramTypes) :
                                (MethodBase)parent.GetMethod(methodName, paramTypes);

            // If it's generic, but there's no overloads, we can just return
            // the only method present
            if (result == null && methodName != "#ctor" && paramTypes.Contains(typeof(object)) && parent.GetMethods().Where(m => m.Name == methodName).Count() == 1)
                result = parent.GetMethod(methodName);

            if (result == null)
                throw new Exception("Can't find info for method " + rootMethod.name);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override string ToString()
            MethodBase m          = methodInfo;
            Type       returnType = m is MethodInfo ? ((MethodInfo)m).ReturnType : typeof(void);
            string     methodName = rootMethod.ShowName;
            string     returnName = m is MethodInfo?StringHelper.TypeName(returnType.Name) : "";

            List <ParameterInfo> param = m == null ? new List <ParameterInfo>() : new List <ParameterInfo>(m.GetParameters());

            string paramList = string.Join(", ", param.Select(a => $"{StringHelper.TypeName(a.ParameterType.Name, false)} {a.Name}"));
            string signature = (m.IsStatic ? "static " : "") + $"{StringHelper.TypeName(returnType.Name, false)} {methodName}({paramList})";

            string paramText = "";

            if (parameters.Count > 0 || returnType != typeof(void))
                paramText += "\n|  |  |\n|--|--|\n";
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
                    ParameterInfo p = param.Find(a => a.Name == parameters[i].name);
                    if (p == null)
                        throw new Exception($"Can't find document paramter {parameters[i].name} in {rootMethod.name}");
                    paramText += $"|{StringHelper.TypeName(p.ParameterType.Name)} {parameters[i].name}|{StringHelper.CleanForTable(parameters[i].summary)}|\n";

                if (returnType != typeof(void))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returns))
                        throw new Exception("Missing doc tag for the return value of " + rootMethod.Name);
                    paramText += $"|RETURNS: {returnName}|{StringHelper.CleanForTable(returns)}|\n";

            return($@"<div class='signature' markdown='1'>