//public ResponseRouteList LinqGetAllRouteMappings(string providerId, int startIndex, int maxRows)
        //    ResponseRouteList theResponse = new ResponseRouteList();
        //    DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
        //    // Querying and creating a Route object using LINQ
        //    IQueryable<Route> RouteQuery;
        //    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerId))
        //    {
        //        RouteQuery = (from route in dc.Routes
        //                      join cdc in dc.CDCs on route.CDCID equals cdc.CDCID
        //                      select new Route
        //                      {
        //                          routeID = route.RouteID,
        //                          routeName = route.RouteName,
        //                          routeStatus = (int)route.status,
        //                          cdcName = cdc.CDCName
        //                      }).Skip(startIndex).Take(maxRows);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        RouteQuery = (from route in dc.Routes
        //                      join cdc in dc.CDCs on route.CDCID equals cdc.CDCID
        //                      where cdc.ProviderID == Convert.ToInt32(providerId)
        //                      select new Route
        //                      {
        //                          routeID = route.RouteID,
        //                          routeName = route.RouteName,
        //                          routeStatus = (int)route.status,
        //                          cdcName = cdc.CDCName
        //                      }).Skip(startIndex).Take(maxRows);
        //    }
        //    IList<Route> allRoutes = new List<Route>();
        //    foreach (Route route in RouteQuery)
        //    {
        //        Route currentRoute = new Route
        //        {
        //            routeName = route.routeName,
        //            routeID = route.routeID,
        //            routeStatus = route.routeStatus,
        //            cdcName = route.cdcName
        //        };
        //        currentRoute.stores = new List<Store>();
        //        allRoutes.Add(currentRoute);
        //        // Querying and creating a Store object using LINQ
        //        IQueryable<Store> StoreQuery = from routeStore in dc.RouteStoreMaps
        //                                       join store in dc.Stores on routeStore.StoreID equals store.StoreID
        //                                       where (routeStore.RouteID == currentRoute.routeID) && (routeStore.State == true)
        //                                       select new Store
        //                                       {
        //                                           storeID = store.StoreID,
        //                                           storeName = store.StoreName,
        //                                           storeNumber = store.StoreNumber
        //                                       };
        //        foreach (Store store in StoreQuery)
        //        {
        //            Store thisStore = new Store
        //            {
        //                storeID = store.storeID,
        //                storeName = store.storeName,
        //                storeNumber = store.storeNumber
        //            };
        //            currentRoute.stores.Add(thisStore);
        //        }
        //    }
        //    theResponse.routes = (List<Route>)allRoutes;
        //    theResponse.statusCode = 0;
        //    theResponse.statusDescription = "";
        //    theResponse.numberOfRecords = (from route in dc.Routes
        //                                   join cdc in dc.CDCs on route.CDCID equals cdc.CDCID
        //                                   select route).Count();
        //    return theResponse;
        //public ResponseRouteList LinqGetAllFilteredRouteMappings(string filterText, int startIndex, int maxRows)
        //    ResponseRouteList theResponse = new ResponseRouteList();
        //    DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext();
        //    int rowCnt = 0;
        //    IList<Route> allRoutes = new List<Route>();
        //    IQueryable<Route> RouteQuery =
        //        (from route in dc.Routes
        //         join cdc in dc.CDCs on route.CDCID equals cdc.CDCID
        //         select new Route
        //         {
        //             routeID = route.RouteID,
        //             routeName = route.RouteName,
        //             routeStatus = (int)route.status,
        //             cdcName = cdc.CDCName
        //         }).Skip(startIndex);
        //    foreach (Route r in RouteQuery)
        //    {
        //        //Check if the filter text exist in route name or cdc name
        //        if (r.routeName.ToLower().Contains(filterText) || r.cdcName.ToLower().Contains(filterText))
        //        {
        //            rowCnt++;
        //            r.stores = new List<Store>();
        //            allRoutes.Add(r);
        //            // Querying and creating a Store object using LINQ
        //            IQueryable<Store> StoreQuery = from routeStore in dc.RouteStoreMaps
        //                                           join store in dc.Stores on routeStore.StoreID equals store.StoreID
        //                                           where (routeStore.RouteID == r.routeID) && (routeStore.State == true)
        //                                           select new Store
        //                                           {
        //                                               storeID = store.StoreID,
        //                                               storeName = store.StoreName,
        //                                               storeNumber = store.StoreNumber
        //                                           };
        //            foreach (Store store in StoreQuery)
        //            {
        //                Store thisStore = new Store
        //                {
        //                    storeID = store.storeID,
        //                    storeName = store.storeName,
        //                    storeNumber = store.storeNumber
        //                };
        //                r.stores.Add(thisStore);
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            //Check if the filter text exist in store number
        //            IQueryable<Store> StoreFilterQuery = from routeStore in dc.RouteStoreMaps
        //                                                 join store in dc.Stores on routeStore.StoreID equals store.StoreID
        //                                                 where (routeStore.RouteID == r.routeID) && (routeStore.State == true) && (store.StoreNumber.ToLower().Contains(filterText))
        //                                                 select new Store
        //                                                 {
        //                                                     storeID = store.StoreID,
        //                                                     storeName = store.StoreName,
        //                                                     storeNumber = store.StoreNumber
        //                                                 };
        //            if (StoreFilterQuery.Count() > 0) // if filter text exist in store number
        //            {
        //                rowCnt++;
        //                r.stores = new List<Store>();
        //                allRoutes.Add(r);
        //                IQueryable<Store> StoreQuery = from routeStore in dc.RouteStoreMaps
        //                                               join store in dc.Stores on routeStore.StoreID equals store.StoreID
        //                                               where (routeStore.RouteID == r.routeID) && (routeStore.State == true)
        //                                               select new Store
        //                                               {
        //                                                   storeID = store.StoreID,
        //                                                   storeName = store.StoreName,
        //                                                   storeNumber = store.StoreNumber
        //                                               };
        //                foreach (Store store in StoreQuery)
        //                {
        //                    Store thisStore = new Store
        //                    {
        //                        storeID = store.storeID,
        //                        storeName = store.storeName,
        //                        storeNumber = store.storeNumber
        //                    };
        //                    r.stores.Add(thisStore);
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //        if (rowCnt == maxRows)
        //            break;
        //    }
        //    theResponse.routes = (List<Route>)allRoutes;
        //    return theResponse;
        public ResponseRouteList GetRouteDetail(string routeName)
            ResponseRouteList theResponse = new ResponseRouteList();


            SqlCommand cmdRouteMap = new SqlCommand("GetRouteMappingWithStoreDetail", theConnection);
            cmdRouteMap.Parameters.AddWithValue("@routeName", routeName);
            cmdRouteMap.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            theReader = cmdRouteMap.ExecuteReader();

            if (theReader.HasRows)
                bool firstRead = true;

                List<Route> allRoutes = new List<Route>();

                Route thisRoute = new Route();
                thisRoute.routeName = routeName;

                thisRoute.stores = new List<Store>();


                while (theReader.Read())
                    if (firstRead)
                        thisRoute.routeID = (int)theReader["RouteID"];
                        thisRoute.cdc = new CDC(theReader["CDCName"].ToString(), (int)theReader["CDCID"]);
                        thisRoute.cdcName = theReader["CDCName"].ToString();
                        firstRead = false;

                    Store thisStore = new Store();

                    thisStore.storeID = (int)theReader["StoreID"];
                    thisStore.storeName = theReader["StoreName"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeAddress = theReader["StoreAddress"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeCity = theReader["StoreCity"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeZip = theReader["StoreZip"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeState = theReader["StoreState"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storePhone = theReader["StorePhone"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeManagerName = theReader["StoreManagerName"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeEmailAddress = theReader["StoreEmail"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeNumber = theReader["StoreNumber"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeOwnershipType = theReader["StoreOwnershipType"].ToString();


                theResponse.routes = allRoutes;

                theResponse.statusCode = 0;
                theResponse.statusDescription = "";
                theResponse.statusCode = 4;
                theResponse.statusDescription = "There are no route-store mappings defined for " + routeName;



            return theResponse;
        public ResponseRouteList GetAllRouteMappingsWithRange(string startingIndex, string endingIndex)
            ResponseRouteList theResponse = new ResponseRouteList();


            SqlCommand cmdAllRouteMaps = new SqlCommand("GetAllRouteMappingsWithStoreDetails", theConnection);

            theReader = cmdAllRouteMaps.ExecuteReader();

            int numRecords = 0;

            if (theReader.HasRows)
                List<Route> allRoutes = new List<Route>();

                string currentRouteName = "";
                Route currentRoute = null;

                while (theReader.Read())
                    if (theReader["RouteName"].ToString().Equals(""))

                    if (!currentRouteName.Equals(theReader["RouteName"].ToString()))
                        currentRoute = new Route();
                        currentRoute.routeName = theReader["RouteName"].ToString();
                        currentRoute.routeID = (int)theReader["RouteID"];
                        currentRoute.routeStatus = (int)theReader["Status"];
                        currentRoute.stores = new List<Store>();

                        currentRoute.cdc = new CDC(theReader["CDCName"].ToString(), (int)theReader["CDCID"]);
                        currentRoute.cdcName = theReader["CDCName"].ToString();

                        currentRouteName = currentRoute.routeName;



                    Store thisStore = new Store();

                    thisStore.storeID = (int)theReader["StoreID"];
                    thisStore.storeName = theReader["StoreName"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeAddress = theReader["StoreAddress"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeCity = theReader["StoreCity"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeZip = theReader["StoreZip"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeState = theReader["StoreState"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storePhone = theReader["StorePhone"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeManagerName = theReader["StoreManagerName"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeEmailAddress = theReader["StoreEmail"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeNumber = theReader["StoreNumber"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeOwnershipType = theReader["StoreOwnershipType"].ToString();


                theResponse.numberOfRecords = numRecords;

                List<Route> finalRoutes = new List<Route>();

                int startIndex = Int32.Parse(startingIndex);
                int endIndex = Int32.Parse(endingIndex);
                endIndex = startIndex + endIndex;

                if (startIndex <= 0)
                    startIndex = 1;

                if (startIndex > 0 && endIndex >= startIndex)
                    if (endIndex > numRecords)
                        endIndex = numRecords;

                    for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++)
                        finalRoutes.Add(allRoutes[i - 1]);

                    theResponse.routes = finalRoutes;

                    theResponse.statusCode = 0;
                    theResponse.statusDescription = "";
                    theResponse.statusCode = 6;
                    theResponse.statusDescription = "The starting or ending index did not fall within the data range";
                theResponse.statusCode = 4;
                theResponse.statusDescription = "There are no route-store mappings defined";



            return theResponse;
        public ResponseRouteList GetAllRouteMappings()
            ResponseRouteList theResponse = new ResponseRouteList();


            SqlCommand cmdAllRouteMaps = new SqlCommand("GetAllRouteMappingsWithStoreDetails", theConnection);

            theReader = cmdAllRouteMaps.ExecuteReader();

            if (theReader.HasRows)
                List<Route> allRoutes = new List<Route>();

                string currentRouteName = "";
                Route currentRoute = null;

                while (theReader.Read())
                    if (theReader["RouteName"].ToString().Equals(""))

                    if (!currentRouteName.Equals(theReader["RouteName"].ToString()))
                        currentRoute = new Route();
                        currentRoute.routeName = theReader["RouteName"].ToString();
                        currentRoute.routeID = (int)theReader["RouteID"];
                        currentRoute.routeStatus = (int)theReader["Status"];
                        currentRoute.stores = new List<Store>();

                        currentRoute.cdc = new CDC(theReader["CDCName"].ToString(), (int)theReader["CDCID"]);
                        currentRoute.cdcName = theReader["CDCName"].ToString();

                        currentRouteName = currentRoute.routeName;


                    Store thisStore = new Store();

                    thisStore.storeID = (int)theReader["StoreID"];
                    thisStore.storeName = theReader["StoreName"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeAddress = theReader["StoreAddress"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeCity = theReader["StoreCity"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeZip = theReader["StoreZip"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeState = theReader["StoreState"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storePhone = theReader["StorePhone"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeManagerName = theReader["StoreManagerName"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeEmailAddress = theReader["StoreEmail"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeNumber = theReader["StoreNumber"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeOwnershipType = theReader["StoreOwnershipType"].ToString();


                theResponse.routes = allRoutes;

                theResponse.statusCode = 0;
                theResponse.statusDescription = "";
                theResponse.statusCode = 4;
                theResponse.statusDescription = "There are no route-store mappings defined";



            return theResponse;
        public ResponseRouteList GetAllRouteMappingsForProvider(string providerID)
            ResponseRouteList theResponse = new ResponseRouteList();


            SqlCommand cmdAllRouteMaps = new SqlCommand("GetAllRouteMappingsWithStoreDetailsForCDC", theConnection);
            cmdAllRouteMaps.Parameters.AddWithValue(@"providerID", providerID);
            cmdAllRouteMaps.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            theReader = cmdAllRouteMaps.ExecuteReader();

            if (theReader.HasRows)
                List<Route> allRoutes = new List<Route>();

                string currentRouteName = "";
                Route currentRoute = null;

                while (theReader.Read())
                    if (theReader["RouteName"].ToString().Equals("") || theReader["status"].Equals("0"))

                    if (!currentRouteName.Equals(theReader["RouteName"].ToString()))
                        currentRoute = new Route();
                        currentRoute.routeName = theReader["RouteName"].ToString();
                        currentRoute.routeID = (int)theReader["RouteID"];
                        currentRoute.routeStatus = (int)theReader["Status"];
                        currentRoute.stores = new List<Store>();

                        currentRoute.cdc = new CDC(theReader["CDCName"].ToString(), (int)theReader["CDCID"]);
                        currentRoute.cdcName = theReader["CDCName"].ToString();

                        currentRouteName = currentRoute.routeName;


                    Store thisStore = new Store();

                    thisStore.storeID = (int)theReader["StoreID"];
                    thisStore.storeName = theReader["StoreName"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeAddress = theReader["StoreAddress"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeCity = theReader["StoreCity"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeZip = theReader["StoreZip"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeState = theReader["StoreState"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storePhone = theReader["StorePhone"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeManagerName = theReader["StoreManagerName"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeEmailAddress = theReader["StoreEmail"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeNumber = theReader["StoreNumber"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeOwnershipType = theReader["StoreOwnershipType"].ToString();


                theResponse.routes = allRoutes;

                theResponse.statusCode = 0;
                theResponse.statusDescription = "";


                theResponse.statusCode = 4;
                theResponse.statusDescription = "There are no route-store mappings defined for Provider " + providerID + " (" + getProviderNameFromID(Int32.Parse(providerID)) + ")";


            return theResponse;
        public ResponseRouteList DotNetGetAllRouteMappings(int startIndex, int maxRows, string providerId)
            ResponseRouteList theResponse = new ResponseRouteList();


            SqlCommand cmdAllRouteMaps = new SqlCommand("DotNetGetAllRouteMappingsWithStoreDetails", theConnection);
            cmdAllRouteMaps.Parameters.AddWithValue(@"StartRowIndex", startIndex);
            cmdAllRouteMaps.Parameters.AddWithValue(@"MaximumRows", maxRows);
            cmdAllRouteMaps.Parameters.AddWithValue(@"ProviderId", providerId);
            cmdAllRouteMaps.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            theReader = cmdAllRouteMaps.ExecuteReader();

            if (theReader.HasRows)
                List<Route> allRoutes = new List<Route>();

                string currentRouteName = "";
                Route currentRoute = null;

                while (theReader.Read())
                    if (theReader["RouteName"].ToString().Equals(""))

                    if (!currentRouteName.Equals(theReader["RouteName"].ToString()))
                        currentRoute = new Route();
                        currentRoute.routeName = theReader["RouteName"].ToString();
                        currentRoute.routeID = (int)theReader["RouteID"];
                        currentRoute.routeStatus = (int)theReader["Status"];
                        currentRoute.stores = new List<Store>();

                        currentRoute.cdcName = theReader["CDCName"].ToString();

                        currentRouteName = currentRoute.routeName;


                    Store thisStore = new Store();

                    thisStore.storeName = theReader["StoreName"].ToString();
                    thisStore.storeNumber = theReader["StoreNumber"].ToString();


                theResponse.routes = allRoutes;

                theResponse.statusCode = 0;
                theResponse.statusDescription = "";
                theResponse.statusCode = 4;
                theResponse.statusDescription = "There are no route-store mappings defined";


            SqlCommand cmdCheckRecordCount;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerId))
                cmdCheckRecordCount = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(Distinct Route.RouteID) FROM Route JOIN RouteStoreMap ON " +
                           "Route.RouteID = RouteStoreMap.RouteID JOIN CDC ON Route.CDCID = CDC.CDCID  And RouteStoreMap.State=1 And RouteName <> '' ", theConnection);
                cmdCheckRecordCount = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(Distinct Route.RouteID) FROM Route JOIN RouteStoreMap ON " +
                         "Route.RouteID = RouteStoreMap.RouteID JOIN CDC ON Route.CDCID = CDC.CDCID  And CDC.CDCID = " + providerId + " And RouteStoreMap.State=1 And RouteName <> '' ", theConnection);

            int RecordCount = (int)cmdCheckRecordCount.ExecuteScalar();


            theResponse.numberOfRecords = RecordCount;
            return theResponse;