Ejemplo n.º 1
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private static unsafe byte[] PickleV0(byte *target, int targetLength, int sourceLength)
            int diff = sourceLength - targetLength;
            int llen = diff == 0 ? 0
                : diff < 0x100 ? 1
                : diff < 0x10000 ? 2
                : 4;

            byte[] result = new byte[targetLength + 1 + llen];

            fixed(byte *resultPtr = result)
                int  llenFlags = llen == 4 ? 3 : llen; // 2 bits
                byte flags     = (byte)((llenFlags << 6) | CurrentVersion);

                LZ4MemoryHelper.Poke8(resultPtr + 0, flags);

                if (llen == 1)
                    LZ4MemoryHelper.Poke8(resultPtr + 1, (byte)diff);
                else if (llen == 2)
                    LZ4MemoryHelper.Poke16(resultPtr + 1, (ushort)diff);
                else if (llen == 4)
                    LZ4MemoryHelper.Poke32(resultPtr + 1, (uint)diff);

                LZ4MemoryHelper.Move(resultPtr + llen + 1, target, targetLength);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static uint ReverseCountPattern(byte *ip, byte *iLow, uint pattern)
            byte *iStart = ip;

            while (ip >= iLow + 4)
                if (LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(ip - 4) != pattern)

                ip -= 4;

                // works for any endianess
                byte *bytePtr = (byte *)&pattern + 3;
                while (ip > iLow)
                    if (ip[-1] != *bytePtr)


            return((uint)(iStart - ip));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static int SaveDictHC(CCtxT *streamHCPtr, byte *safeBuffer, int dictSize)
            CCtxT *streamPtr  = streamHCPtr;
            int    prefixSize = (int)(streamPtr->End - (streamPtr->BaseP + streamPtr->DictLimit));

            if (dictSize > 64 * KB)
                dictSize = 64 * KB;
            if (dictSize < 4)
                dictSize = 0;
            if (dictSize > prefixSize)
                dictSize = prefixSize;

            LZ4MemoryHelper.Move(safeBuffer, streamPtr->End - dictSize, dictSize);
            uint endIndex = (uint)(streamPtr->End - streamPtr->BaseP);

            streamPtr->End       = safeBuffer + dictSize;
            streamPtr->BaseP     = streamPtr->End - endIndex;
            streamPtr->DictLimit = endIndex - (uint)dictSize;
            streamPtr->LowLimit  = endIndex - (uint)dictSize;

            if (streamPtr->NextToUpdate < streamPtr->DictLimit)
                streamPtr->NextToUpdate = streamPtr->DictLimit;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static uint HashPosition(void *p, TableTypeT tableType)
#if !BIT32
            if (tableType != TableTypeT.ByU16)
                return(Hash5(ReadArch(p), tableType));
            return(Hash4(LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(p), tableType));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static void InitializeHC(CCtxT *hc4, byte *start)
     LZ4MemoryHelper.Zero((byte *)hc4->HashTable, HashTableSizeHC * sizeof(uint));
     LZ4MemoryHelper.Fill((byte *)hc4->ChainTable, 0xFF, MaxD * sizeof(ushort));
     hc4->NextToUpdate = 64 * KB;
     hc4->BaseP        = start - 64 * KB;
     hc4->End          = start;
     hc4->DictBase     = start - 64 * KB;
     hc4->DictLimit    = 64 * KB;
     hc4->LowLimit     = 64 * KB;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected static uint Count(byte *pIn, byte *pMatch, byte *pInLimit)
            byte *pStart = pIn;

            if (pIn < pInLimit - (StepSize - 1))
                ulong diff = ReadArch(pMatch) ^ ReadArch(pIn);
                if (diff != 0)

                pIn    += StepSize;
                pMatch += StepSize;

            while (pIn < pInLimit - (StepSize - 1))
                ulong diff = ReadArch(pMatch) ^ ReadArch(pIn);
                if (diff != 0)
                    return((uint)(pIn + NbCommonBytes(diff) - pStart));

                pIn    += StepSize;
                pMatch += StepSize;

#if !BIT32
            if ((pIn < pInLimit - 3) && (LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(pMatch) == LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(pIn)))
                pIn    += 4;
                pMatch += 4;

            if ((pIn < pInLimit - 1) && (LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek16(pMatch) == LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek16(pIn)))
                pIn    += 2;
                pMatch += 2;

            if ((pIn < pInLimit) && (*pMatch == *pIn))

            return((uint)(pIn - pStart));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static MatchT FindLongerMatch(CCtxT *ctx, byte *ip, byte *iHighLimit, int minLen, int nbSearches)
            MatchT match;

            LZ4MemoryHelper.Zero((byte *)&match, sizeof(MatchT));
            byte *matchPtr    = null;
            int   matchLength = InsertAndGetWiderMatch(ctx, ip, ip, iHighLimit, minLen, &matchPtr, &ip, nbSearches, 1);

            if (matchLength <= minLen)

            match.Len = matchLength;
            match.Off = (int)(ip - matchPtr);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static int SaveDict(StreamT *dict, byte *safeBuffer, int dictSize)
            byte *previousDictEnd = dict->Dictionary + dict->DictSize;

            if ((uint)dictSize > 64 * KB)
                dictSize = 64 * KB;
            if ((uint)dictSize > dict->DictSize)
                dictSize = (int)dict->DictSize;

            LZ4MemoryHelper.Move(safeBuffer, previousDictEnd - dictSize, dictSize);

            dict->Dictionary = safeBuffer;
            dict->DictSize   = (uint)dictSize;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static unsafe byte[] Compress(byte *source, int sourceLength, LZ4CompressionLevel level = LZ4CompressionLevel.Level0)
            if (sourceLength <= 0)
                return(Array.Empty <byte>());

            int   targetLength = sourceLength - 1;
            byte *target       = (byte *)LZ4MemoryHelper.Alloc(sourceLength);

                int encodedLength = Encode(source, sourceLength, target, targetLength, level);

                return(encodedLength <= 0
                    ? PickleV0(source, sourceLength, sourceLength)
                    : PickleV0(target, encodedLength, sourceLength));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static int DecompressGeneric(byte *src, byte *dst, int srcSize, int outputSize,
                                            EndConditionDirective endOnInput, EarlyEndDirective partialDecoding,
                                            int targetOutputSize, DictDirective dict, byte *lowPrefix, byte *dictStart, int dictSize)
            byte *ip   = src;
            byte *iend = ip + srcSize;

            byte *op    = dst;
            byte *oend  = op + outputSize;
            byte *oexit = op + targetOutputSize;

            byte *dictEnd = dictStart + dictSize;

            bool safeDecode  = endOnInput == EndConditionDirective.EndOnInputSize;
            bool checkOffset = safeDecode && dictSize < 64 * KB;

            if ((partialDecoding != EarlyEndDirective.Full) && (oexit > oend - MFLimit))
                oexit = oend - MFLimit;
            if ((endOnInput == EndConditionDirective.EndOnInputSize) && (outputSize == 0))
                return(srcSize == 1 && *ip == 0 ? 0 : -1);
            if ((endOnInput != EndConditionDirective.EndOnInputSize) && (outputSize == 0))
                return(*ip == 0 ? 1 : -1);

            for (; ;)
                int  length;
                uint token = *ip++;

                if ((ip + 14 + 2 <= iend) &&
                    (op + 14 + 18 <= oend) &&
                    (token < 15 << MLBits) &&
                    ((token & MLMask) != 15))
                    int   ll       = (int)(token >> MLBits);
                    int   off      = LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek16(ip + ll);
                    byte *matchPtr = op + ll - off;
                    if (off >= 18 && matchPtr >= lowPrefix)
                        int ml = (int)((token & MLMask) + MinMatch);
                        LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy16(op, ip);
                        op += ll;
                        ip += ll + 2;
                        LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy18(op, matchPtr);
                        op += ml;

                if ((length = (int)(token >> MLBits)) == RunMask)
                    uint s;
                        s       = *ip++;
                        length += (int)s;
                    }while (
                        (endOnInput != EndConditionDirective.EndOnInputSize || ip < iend - RunMask) &&
                        (s == 255));

                    if (safeDecode && op + length < op)
                        goto _output_error;
                    if (safeDecode && ip + length < ip)
                        goto _output_error;

                byte *cpy = op + length;
                if ((endOnInput == EndConditionDirective.EndOnInputSize) &&
                    ((cpy > (partialDecoding == EarlyEndDirective.Partial ? oexit : oend - MFLimit)) ||
                     (ip + length > iend - (2 + 1 + LastLiterals))) ||
                    (endOnInput != EndConditionDirective.EndOnInputSize) && (cpy > oend - WildCopyLength))
                    if (partialDecoding == EarlyEndDirective.Partial)
                        if (cpy > oend)
                            goto _output_error;
                        if ((endOnInput == EndConditionDirective.EndOnInputSize) && (ip + length > iend))
                            goto _output_error;
                        if ((endOnInput != EndConditionDirective.EndOnInputSize) && (cpy != oend))
                            goto _output_error;

                        if ((endOnInput == EndConditionDirective.EndOnInputSize) &&
                            (ip + length != iend || cpy > oend))
                            goto _output_error;

                    LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy(op, ip, length);
                    ip += length;
                    op += length;

                LZ4MemoryHelper.WildCopy(op, ip, cpy);
                ip += length;
                op  = cpy;

                int offset = LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek16(ip);
                ip += 2;
                byte *match = op - offset;
                if (checkOffset && match + dictSize < lowPrefix)
                    goto _output_error;

                LZ4MemoryHelper.Poke32(op, (uint)offset);

                length = (int)(token & MLMask);
                if (length == MLMask)
                    uint s;
                        s = *ip++;
                        if ((endOnInput == EndConditionDirective.EndOnInputSize) && (ip > iend - LastLiterals))
                            goto _output_error;

                        length += (int)s;
                    }while (s == 255);

                    if (safeDecode && (op + length < op))
                        goto _output_error;

                length += MinMatch;

                if ((dict == DictDirective.UsingExtDict) && (match < lowPrefix))
                    if (op + length > oend - LastLiterals)
                        goto _output_error;

                    if (length <= lowPrefix - match)
                        LZ4MemoryHelper.Move(op, dictEnd - (lowPrefix - match), length);
                        op += length;
                        int copySize = (int)(lowPrefix - match);
                        int restSize = length - copySize;
                        LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy(op, dictEnd - copySize, copySize);
                        op += copySize;
                        if (restSize > (int)(op - lowPrefix))
                            byte *endOfMatch = op + restSize;
                            byte *copyFrom   = lowPrefix;
                            while (op < endOfMatch)
                                *op++ = *copyFrom++;
                            LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy(op, lowPrefix, restSize);
                            op += restSize;


                cpy = op + length;
                if (offset < 8)
                    op[0]  = match[0];
                    op[1]  = match[1];
                    op[2]  = match[2];
                    op[3]  = match[3];
                    match += _inc32table[offset];
                    LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy(op + 4, match, 4);
                    match -= _dec64table[offset];
                    LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy8(op, match);
                    match += 8;

                op += 8;

                if (cpy > oend - 12)
                    byte *oCopyLimit = oend - (WildCopyLength - 1);
                    if (cpy > oend - LastLiterals)
                        goto _output_error;

                    if (op < oCopyLimit)
                        LZ4MemoryHelper.WildCopy(op, match, oCopyLimit);
                        match += oCopyLimit - op;
                        op     = oCopyLimit;

                    while (op < cpy)
                        *op++ = *match++;
                    LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy8(op, match);
                    if (length > 16)
                        LZ4MemoryHelper.WildCopy(op + 8, match + 8, cpy);

                op = cpy; // correction

            // end of decoding
            if (endOnInput == EndConditionDirective.EndOnInputSize)
                return((int)(op - dst)); // Nb of output bytes decoded
            return((int)(ip - src));     // Nb of input bytes read

            // Overflow error detected
            return((int)-(ip - src) - 1);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private static void FreeCtx(CCtxT *context)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private static int CompressDestSizeGeneric(StreamT *ctx, byte *src, byte *dst, int *srcSizePtr, int targetDstSize, TableTypeT tableType)
            byte *ip         = src;
            byte *srcBase    = src;
            byte *lowLimit   = src;
            byte *anchor     = ip;
            byte *iend       = ip + *srcSizePtr;
            byte *mflimit    = iend - MFLimit;
            byte *matchlimit = iend - LastLiterals;

            byte *op        = dst;
            byte *oend      = op + targetDstSize;
            byte *oMaxLit   = op + targetDstSize - 2 - 8 - 1;
            byte *oMaxMatch = op + targetDstSize - (LastLiterals + 1);
            byte *oMaxSeq   = oMaxLit - 1;

            if (targetDstSize < 1)
            if (*srcSizePtr > MaxInputSize)
            if ((tableType == TableTypeT.ByU16) && (*srcSizePtr >= Limit64k))

            if (*srcSizePtr < LZ4MinLength)
                goto _last_literals; // Input too small, no compression (all literals)
            *srcSizePtr = 0;
            PutPosition(ip, ctx->HashTable, tableType, srcBase);
            uint forwardH = HashPosition(ip, tableType);

            for (; ;)
                byte *match;
                byte *token;

                    byte *forwardIp     = ip;
                    uint  step          = 1u;
                    uint  searchMatchNb = 1u << SkipTrigger;

                        uint h = forwardH;
                        ip         = forwardIp;
                        forwardIp += step;
                        step       = searchMatchNb++ >> SkipTrigger;

                        if (forwardIp > mflimit)
                            goto _last_literals;

                        match    = GetPositionOnHash(h, ctx->HashTable, tableType, srcBase);
                        forwardH = HashPosition(forwardIp, tableType);
                        PutPositionOnHash(ip, h, ctx->HashTable, tableType, srcBase);
                    }while ((tableType != TableTypeT.ByU16) && (match + MaxDistance < ip) ||
                            (LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(match) != LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(ip)));

                while ((ip > anchor) && (match > lowLimit) && (ip[-1] == match[-1]))

                    uint litLength = (uint)(ip - anchor);
                    token = op++;
                    if (op + (litLength + 240) / 255 + litLength > oMaxLit)
                        goto _last_literals;

                    if (litLength >= RunMask)
                        uint len = litLength - RunMask;

                        *token = (byte)(RunMask << MLBits);
                        for (; len >= 255; len -= 255)
                            *op++ = 255;

                        *op++ = (byte)len;
                        *token = (byte)(litLength << MLBits);

                    LZ4MemoryHelper.WildCopy(op, anchor, op + litLength);
                    op += litLength;

                LZ4MemoryHelper.Poke16(op, (ushort)(ip - match));
                op += 2;

                    int matchLength = (int)Count(ip + MinMatch, match + MinMatch, matchlimit);

                    if (op + (matchLength + 240) / 255 > oMaxMatch)
                        matchLength = (int)(15 - 1 + (oMaxMatch - op) * 255);

                    ip += MinMatch + matchLength;

                    if (matchLength >= MLMask)
                        *token += (byte)MLMask;
                        matchLength -= (int)MLMask;
                        while (matchLength >= 255)
                            matchLength -= 255;
                            *op++ = 255;

                        *op++ = (byte)matchLength;
                        *token += (byte)matchLength;

                anchor = ip;

                if (ip > mflimit)
                if (op > oMaxSeq)

                PutPosition(ip - 2, ctx->HashTable, tableType, srcBase);

                match = GetPosition(ip, ctx->HashTable, tableType, srcBase);
                PutPosition(ip, ctx->HashTable, tableType, srcBase);
                if ((match + MaxDistance >= ip) && (LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(match) == LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(ip)))
                    token = op++;
                    *token = 0;
                    goto _next_match;

                forwardH = HashPosition(++ip, tableType);

                int lastRunSize = (int)(iend - anchor);
                if (op + 1 + (lastRunSize + 240) / 255 + lastRunSize > oend)
                    lastRunSize  = (int)(oend - op) - 1;
                    lastRunSize -= (lastRunSize + 240) / 255;

                ip = anchor + lastRunSize;

                if (lastRunSize >= RunMask)
                    long accumulator = lastRunSize - RunMask;

                    *op++ = (byte)(RunMask << MLBits);
                    for (; accumulator >= 255; accumulator -= 255)
                        *op++ = 255;

                    *op++ = (byte)accumulator;
                    *op++ = (byte)(lastRunSize << MLBits);

                LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy(op, anchor, lastRunSize);
                op += lastRunSize;

            *srcSizePtr = (int)(ip - src);
            return((int)(op - dst));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private static int EncodeSequence(byte **ip, byte **op, byte **anchor, int matchLength, byte *match, LimitedOutputDirective limit, byte *oend)
            byte *token = (*op)++;

            size_t length = (size_t)(*ip - *anchor);

            if ((limit != LimitedOutputDirective.NoLimit) &&
                (*op + (length >> 8) + length + (2 + 1 + LastLiterals) > oend))

            if (length >= RunMask)
                size_t len   = length - RunMask;
                *      token = (byte)(RunMask << MLBits);
                for (; len >= 255; len -= 255)
                    *(*op)++ = 255;
                *(*op)++ = (byte)len;
                *token = (byte)(length << MLBits);

            LZ4MemoryHelper.WildCopy(*op, *anchor, (*op) + length);

            *op += length;
            LZ4MemoryHelper.Poke16(*op, (ushort)(*ip - match));
            *op += 2;

            length = (size_t)(matchLength - MinMatch);
            if ((limit != LimitedOutputDirective.NoLimit) &&
                (*op + (length >> 8) + (1 + LastLiterals) > oend))

            if (length >= MLMask)
                *token += (byte)MLMask;
                length -= MLMask;
                for (; length >= 510; length -= 510)
                    *(*op)++ = 255;
                    *(*op)++ = 255;

                if (length >= 255)
                    length  -= 255;
                    *(*op)++ = 255;

                *(*op)++ = (byte)length;
                *token += (byte)(length);

            *ip    += matchLength;
            *anchor = *ip;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static int InsertAndGetWiderMatch(CCtxT *hc4, byte *ip, byte *iLowLimit, byte *iHighLimit, int longest,
                                                  byte **matchpos, byte **startpos, int maxNbAttempts, int patternAnalysis)
            ushort *chainTable   = hc4->ChainTable;
            uint *  hashTable    = hc4->HashTable;
            byte *  basep        = hc4->BaseP;
            uint    dictLimit    = hc4->DictLimit;
            byte *  lowPrefixPtr = basep + dictLimit;
            uint    lowLimit     = hc4->LowLimit + 64 * KB > (uint)(ip - basep)
                ? hc4->LowLimit
                : (uint)(ip - basep) - MaxDistance;
            byte *       dictBase         = hc4->DictBase;
            int          delta            = (int)(ip - iLowLimit);
            int          nbAttempts       = maxNbAttempts;
            uint         pattern          = LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(ip);
            RepeatStateE repeat           = RepeatStateE.RepUntested;
            int          srcPatternLength = 0;

            // First Match
            Insert(hc4, ip);
            uint matchIndex = hashTable[HashPtr(ip)];

            while ((matchIndex >= lowLimit) && (nbAttempts != 0))
                if (matchIndex >= dictLimit)
                    byte *matchPtr = basep + matchIndex;
                    if (*(iLowLimit + longest) == *(matchPtr - delta + longest))
                        if (LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(matchPtr) == pattern)
                            int mlt  = MinMatch + (int)Count(ip + MinMatch, matchPtr + MinMatch, iHighLimit);
                            int back = 0;
                            while ((ip + back > iLowLimit) &&
                                   (matchPtr + back > lowPrefixPtr) &&
                                   (ip[back - 1] == matchPtr[back - 1]))

                            mlt -= back;

                            if (mlt > longest)
                                longest = mlt;
                                *matchpos = matchPtr + back;
                                *startpos = ip + back;
                    byte *matchPtr = dictBase + matchIndex;
                    if (LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(matchPtr) == pattern)
                        int   back   = 0;
                        byte *vLimit = ip + (dictLimit - matchIndex);
                        if (vLimit > iHighLimit)
                            vLimit = iHighLimit;
                        int mlt = MinMatch + (int)Count(ip + MinMatch, matchPtr + MinMatch, vLimit);
                        if ((ip + mlt == vLimit) && (vLimit < iHighLimit))
                            mlt += (int)Count(ip + mlt, basep + dictLimit, iHighLimit);

                        while ((ip + back > iLowLimit) &&
                               (matchIndex + back > lowLimit) &&
                               (ip[back - 1] == matchPtr[back - 1]))

                        mlt -= back;
                        if (mlt > longest)
                            longest = mlt;
                            *matchpos = basep + matchIndex + back;
                            *startpos = ip + back;

                    ushort nextOffset = DeltaNextU16(chainTable, (ushort)matchIndex);
                    matchIndex -= nextOffset;
                    if ((patternAnalysis != 0) && (nextOffset == 1))
                        // may be a repeated pattern
                        if (repeat == RepeatStateE.RepUntested)
                            if (((pattern & 0xFFFF) == pattern >> 16) &
                                ((pattern & 0xFF) == pattern >> 24))
                                repeat           = RepeatStateE.RepConfirmed;
                                srcPatternLength = (int)CountPattern(ip + 4, iHighLimit, pattern) + 4;
                                repeat = RepeatStateE.RepNot;

                        if ((repeat == RepeatStateE.RepConfirmed) && (matchIndex >= dictLimit))
                            byte *matchPtr = basep + matchIndex;
                            if (LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(matchPtr) == pattern)
                                int   forwardPatternLength = (int)CountPattern(matchPtr + sizeof(uint), iHighLimit, pattern) + sizeof(uint);
                                byte *maxLowPtr            = lowPrefixPtr + MaxDistance >= ip
                                    ? lowPrefixPtr
                                    : ip - MaxDistance;
                                int backLength           = (int)ReverseCountPattern(matchPtr, maxLowPtr, pattern);
                                int currentSegmentLength = backLength + forwardPatternLength;

                                if ((currentSegmentLength >= srcPatternLength) &&
                                    (forwardPatternLength <= srcPatternLength))
                                    matchIndex += (uint)(forwardPatternLength - srcPatternLength);
                                    matchIndex -= (uint)backLength;

Ejemplo n.º 15
 private static uint HashPtr(void *ptr)
     return((LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(ptr) * 2654435761U) >> (MinMatch * 8 - HashLogHC));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static int CompressGeneric(StreamT *cctx, byte *source, byte *dest, int inputSize, int maxOutputSize,
                                          LimitedOutputDirective outputLimited, TableTypeT tableType,
                                          DictDirective dict, DictIssueDirective dictIssue, uint acceleration)
            byte *ip = source;
            byte *ibase;
            byte *lowLimit;
            byte *lowRefLimit = ip - cctx->DictSize;
            byte *dictionary  = cctx->Dictionary;
            byte *dictEnd     = dictionary + cctx->DictSize;
            long  dictDelta   = dictEnd - source;
            byte *anchor      = source;
            byte *iend        = ip + inputSize;
            byte *mflimit     = iend - MFLimit;
            byte *matchlimit  = iend - LastLiterals;

            byte *op     = dest;
            byte *olimit = op + maxOutputSize;

            if (inputSize > MaxInputSize)

            switch (dict)
            case DictDirective.WithPrefix64k:
                ibase    = source - cctx->CurrentOffset;
                lowLimit = source - cctx->DictSize;

            case DictDirective.UsingExtDict:
                ibase    = source - cctx->CurrentOffset;
                lowLimit = source;

                ibase    = source;
                lowLimit = source;

            if ((tableType == TableTypeT.ByU16) && (inputSize >= Limit64k))

            if (inputSize < LZ4MinLength)
                goto _last_literals;

            PutPosition(ip, cctx->HashTable, tableType, ibase);
            uint forwardH = HashPosition(ip, tableType);

            for (; ;)
                long  refDelta = 0L;
                byte *match;
                byte *token;

                    byte *forwardIp     = ip;
                    uint  step          = 1u;
                    uint  searchMatchNb = acceleration << SkipTrigger;
                        uint h = forwardH;
                        ip         = forwardIp;
                        forwardIp += step;
                        step       = searchMatchNb++ >> SkipTrigger;

                        if (forwardIp > mflimit)
                            goto _last_literals;

                        match = GetPositionOnHash(h, cctx->HashTable, tableType, ibase);
                        if (dict == DictDirective.UsingExtDict)
                            if (match < source)
                                refDelta = dictDelta;
                                lowLimit = dictionary;
                                refDelta = 0;
                                lowLimit = source;

                        forwardH = HashPosition(forwardIp, tableType);
                        PutPositionOnHash(ip, h, cctx->HashTable, tableType, ibase);
                    }while ((dictIssue == DictIssueDirective.DictSmall) && (match < lowRefLimit) ||
                            (tableType != TableTypeT.ByU16) && (match + MaxDistance < ip) ||
                            (LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(match + refDelta) != LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(ip)));

                while ((ip > anchor) && (match + refDelta > lowLimit) && (ip[-1] == match[refDelta - 1]))

                    uint litLength = (uint)(ip - anchor);
                    token = op++;
                    if ((outputLimited == LimitedOutputDirective.LimitedOutput) &&
                        (op + litLength + (2 + 1 + LastLiterals) + litLength / 255 > olimit))

                    if (litLength >= RunMask)
                        int len = (int)(litLength - RunMask);

                        *token = (byte)(RunMask << MLBits);
                        for (; len >= 255; len -= 255)
                            *op++ = 255;

                        *op++ = (byte)len;
                        *token = (byte)(litLength << MLBits);

                    LZ4MemoryHelper.WildCopy(op, anchor, op + litLength);
                    op += litLength;

                LZ4MemoryHelper.Poke16(op, (ushort)(ip - match));
                op += 2;

                    uint matchCode;

                    if ((dict == DictDirective.UsingExtDict) && (lowLimit == dictionary))
                        match += refDelta;
                        byte *limit = ip + (dictEnd - match);
                        if (limit > matchlimit)
                            limit = matchlimit;
                        matchCode = Count(ip + MinMatch, match + MinMatch, limit);
                        ip       += MinMatch + matchCode;
                        if (ip == limit)
                            uint more = Count(ip, source, matchlimit);
                            matchCode += more;
                            ip        += more;
                        matchCode = Count(ip + MinMatch, match + MinMatch, matchlimit);
                        ip       += MinMatch + matchCode;

                    if ((outputLimited == LimitedOutputDirective.LimitedOutput) &&
                        (op + (1 + LastLiterals) + (matchCode >> 8) > olimit))

                    if (matchCode >= MLMask)
                        *token += (byte)MLMask;
                        matchCode -= MLMask;
                        LZ4MemoryHelper.Poke32(op, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                        while (matchCode >= 4 * 255)
                            op += 4;
                            LZ4MemoryHelper.Poke32(op, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                            matchCode -= 4 * 255;

                        op += matchCode / 255;

                        *op++ = (byte)(matchCode % 255);
                        *token += (byte)matchCode;

                anchor = ip;

                if (ip > mflimit)

                PutPosition(ip - 2, cctx->HashTable, tableType, ibase);

                match = GetPosition(ip, cctx->HashTable, tableType, ibase);
                if (dict == DictDirective.UsingExtDict)
                    if (match < source)
                        refDelta = dictDelta;
                        lowLimit = dictionary;
                        refDelta = 0;
                        lowLimit = source;

                PutPosition(ip, cctx->HashTable, tableType, ibase);
                if ((dictIssue != DictIssueDirective.DictSmall || match >= lowRefLimit) &&
                    (match + MaxDistance >= ip) &&
                    (LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(match + refDelta) == LZ4MemoryHelper.Peek32(ip)))
                    token = op++;
                    *token = 0;
                    goto _next_match;

                forwardH = HashPosition(++ip, tableType);

                int lastRun = (int)(iend - anchor);
                if ((outputLimited == LimitedOutputDirective.LimitedOutput) &&
                    (op - dest + lastRun + 1 + (lastRun + 255 - RunMask) / 255 > (uint)maxOutputSize))

                if (lastRun >= RunMask)
                    int accumulator = (int)(lastRun - RunMask);

                    *op++ = (byte)(RunMask << MLBits);
                    for (; accumulator >= 255; accumulator -= 255)
                        *op++ = 255;
                    *op++ = (byte)accumulator;
                    *op++ = (byte)(lastRun << MLBits);

                LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy(op, anchor, lastRun);
                op += lastRun;

            return((int)(op - dest));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static void ResetStream(StreamT *state)
     LZ4MemoryHelper.Zero((byte *)state, sizeof(StreamT));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------

        private static int CompressOptimal(CCtxT *ctx, byte *source, byte *dst, int *srcSizePtr, int dstCapacity,
                                           int nbSearches, size_t sufficientLen, LimitedOutputDirective limit, int fullUpdate)
            const int TrailingLiterals = 3;

            OptimalT *opt = stackalloc OptimalT[OptNum + TrailingLiterals];

            byte *ip         = source;
            byte *anchor     = ip;
            byte *iend       = ip + *srcSizePtr;
            byte *mflimit    = iend - MFLimit;
            byte *matchlimit = iend - LastLiterals;
            byte *op         = dst;
            byte *opSaved;
            byte *oend = op + dstCapacity;

            *srcSizePtr = 0;
            if (limit == LimitedOutputDirective.LimitedDestSize)
                oend -= LastLiterals;
            if (sufficientLen >= OptNum)
                sufficientLen = OptNum - 1;

            // Main Loop
            while (ip < mflimit)
                int llen = (int)(ip - anchor);
                int bestMlen, bestOff;
                int cur, lastMatchPos;

                MatchT firstMatch = FindLongerMatch(ctx, ip, matchlimit, MinMatch - 1, nbSearches);
                if (firstMatch.Len == 0)

                if ((size_t)firstMatch.Len > sufficientLen)
                    int   firstML  = firstMatch.Len;
                    byte *matchPos = ip - firstMatch.Off;
                    opSaved = op;
                    if (EncodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, firstML, matchPos, limit, oend) != 0)
                        goto _dest_overflow;


                // set prices for first positions (literals)
                    int rPos;
                    for (rPos = 0; rPos < MinMatch; rPos++)
                        int cost = LiteralsPrice(llen + rPos);
                        opt[rPos].Mlen   = 1;
                        opt[rPos].Off    = 0;
                        opt[rPos].Litlen = llen + rPos;
                        opt[rPos].Price  = cost;
                // set prices using initial match
                    int mlen    = MinMatch;
                    int matchML = firstMatch.Len; // necessarily < sufficient_len < LZ4_OPT_NUM
                    int offset  = firstMatch.Off;
                    for (; mlen <= matchML; mlen++)
                        int cost = SequencePrice(llen, mlen);
                        opt[mlen].Mlen   = mlen;
                        opt[mlen].Off    = offset;
                        opt[mlen].Litlen = llen;
                        opt[mlen].Price  = cost;
                lastMatchPos = firstMatch.Len;
                    int addLit;
                    for (addLit = 1; addLit <= TrailingLiterals; addLit++)
                        opt[lastMatchPos + addLit].Mlen   = 1;
                        opt[lastMatchPos + addLit].Off    = 0;
                        opt[lastMatchPos + addLit].Litlen = addLit;
                        opt[lastMatchPos + addLit].Price  = opt[lastMatchPos].Price + LiteralsPrice(addLit);

                // check further positions
                for (cur = 1; cur < lastMatchPos; cur++)
                    byte *curPtr = ip + cur;

                    if (curPtr >= mflimit)

                    if (fullUpdate != 0)
                        if ((opt[cur + 1].Price <= opt[cur].Price) &&
                            (opt[cur + MinMatch].Price < opt[cur].Price + 3))
                        if (opt[cur + 1].Price <= opt[cur].Price)

                    MatchT newMatch = FindLongerMatch(
                        fullUpdate != 0 ? MinMatch - 1 : lastMatchPos - cur,

                    if (newMatch.Len == 0)

                    if ((size_t)newMatch.Len > sufficientLen || newMatch.Len + cur >= OptNum)
                        // immediate encoding
                        bestMlen     = newMatch.Len;
                        bestOff      = newMatch.Off;
                        lastMatchPos = cur + 1;
                        goto encode;

                    // before match : set price with literals at beginning
                        int baseLitlen = opt[cur].Litlen;
                        for (int litlen = 1; litlen < MinMatch; litlen++)
                            int price = opt[cur].Price - LiteralsPrice(baseLitlen) + LiteralsPrice(baseLitlen + litlen);
                            int pos   = cur + litlen;
                            if (price >= opt[pos].Price)

                            opt[pos].Mlen   = 1;
                            opt[pos].Off    = 0;
                            opt[pos].Litlen = baseLitlen + litlen;
                            opt[pos].Price  = price;

                    // set prices using match at position = cur
                        int matchML = newMatch.Len;
                        int ml      = MinMatch;

                        for (; ml <= matchML; ml++)
                            int pos    = cur + ml;
                            int offset = newMatch.Off;
                            int price;
                            int ll;
                            if (opt[cur].Mlen == 1)
                                ll    = opt[cur].Litlen;
                                price = ((cur > ll) ? opt[cur - ll].Price : 0) + SequencePrice(ll, ml);
                                ll    = 0;
                                price = opt[cur].Price + SequencePrice(0, ml);

                            if ((pos > lastMatchPos + TrailingLiterals) || (price <= opt[pos].Price))
                                if (ml == matchML && lastMatchPos < pos)
                                    lastMatchPos = pos;
                                opt[pos].Mlen   = ml;
                                opt[pos].Off    = offset;
                                opt[pos].Litlen = ll;
                                opt[pos].Price  = price;

                        int addLit;
                        for (addLit = 1; addLit <= TrailingLiterals; addLit++)
                            opt[lastMatchPos + addLit].Mlen   = 1;
                            opt[lastMatchPos + addLit].Off    = 0;
                            opt[lastMatchPos + addLit].Litlen = addLit;
                            opt[lastMatchPos + addLit].Price  = opt[lastMatchPos].Price + LiteralsPrice(addLit);

                bestMlen = opt[lastMatchPos].Mlen;
                bestOff  = opt[lastMatchPos].Off;
                cur      = lastMatchPos - bestMlen;

encode:         // cur, last_match_pos, best_mlen, best_off must be set
                    int candidate_pos        = cur;
                    int selected_matchLength = bestMlen;
                    int selected_offset      = bestOff;
                    while (true)
                        int next_matchLength = opt[candidate_pos].Mlen;
                        int next_offset      = opt[candidate_pos].Off;
                        opt[candidate_pos].Mlen = selected_matchLength;
                        opt[candidate_pos].Off  = selected_offset;
                        selected_matchLength    = next_matchLength;
                        selected_offset         = next_offset;
                        if (next_matchLength > candidate_pos)

                        candidate_pos -= next_matchLength;

                    int rPos = 0;
                    while (rPos < lastMatchPos)
                        int ml     = opt[rPos].Mlen;
                        int offset = opt[rPos].Off;
                        if (ml == 1)

                        rPos   += ml;
                        opSaved = op;
                        if (EncodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml, ip - offset, limit, oend) != 0)
                            goto _dest_overflow;

                size_t lastRunSize = (size_t)(iend - anchor);
                size_t litLength   = (lastRunSize + 255 - RunMask) / 255;
                size_t totalSize   = 1 + litLength + lastRunSize;
                if (limit == LimitedOutputDirective.LimitedDestSize)
                    oend += LastLiterals;
                if (limit != 0 && op + totalSize > oend)
                    if (limit == LimitedOutputDirective.LimitedOutput)

                    lastRunSize  = (size_t)(oend - op) - 1;
                    litLength    = (lastRunSize + 255 - RunMask) / 255;
                    lastRunSize -= litLength;

                ip = anchor + lastRunSize;

                if (lastRunSize >= RunMask)
                    size_t accumulator = lastRunSize - RunMask;
                    *      op++        = (byte)(RunMask << MLBits);
                    for (; accumulator >= 255; accumulator -= 255)
                        *op++ = 255;
                    *op++ = (byte)accumulator;
                    *op++ = (byte)(lastRunSize << MLBits);

                LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy(op, anchor, (int)lastRunSize);
                op += lastRunSize;

            // End
            *srcSizePtr = (int)(ip - source);
            return((int)(op - dst));

            if (limit != LimitedOutputDirective.LimitedDestSize)

            op = opSaved; // restore correct out pointer
            goto _last_literals;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private static int CompressHashChain(CCtxT *ctx, byte *source, byte *dest, int *srcSizePtr, int maxOutputSize, uint maxNbAttempts, LimitedOutputDirective limit)
            int inputSize       = *srcSizePtr;
            int patternAnalysis = maxNbAttempts > 64 ? 1 : 0; // levels 8+

            byte *ip         = source;
            byte *anchor     = ip;
            byte *iend       = ip + inputSize;
            byte *mflimit    = iend - MFLimit;
            byte *matchlimit = (iend - LastLiterals);

            byte *optr;
            byte *op   = dest;
            byte *oend = op + maxOutputSize;

            byte *refPos = null;
            byte *start2 = null;
            byte *ref2   = null;
            byte *start3 = null;
            byte *ref3   = null;

            // init
            *srcSizePtr = 0;
            if (limit == LimitedOutputDirective.LimitedDestSize)
                oend -= LastLiterals; // Hack for support LZ4 format restriction
            if (inputSize < LZ4MinLength)
                goto _last_literals;  // Input too small, no compression (all literals)
            // Main Loop
            while (ip < mflimit)
                int ml = InsertAndFindBestMatch(

                if (ml < MinMatch)

                // saved, in case we would skip too much
                byte *start0 = ip;
                byte *ref0   = refPos;
                int   ml0    = ml;

                int ml2;
                if (ip + ml < mflimit)
                    ml2 = InsertAndGetWiderMatch(
                        ip + ml - 2,
                        ip + 0,
                    ml2 = ml;

                if (ml2 == ml)
                    // No better match
                    optr = op;
                    if (EncodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml, refPos, limit, oend) != 0)
                        goto _dest_overflow;


                if (start0 < ip)
                    if (start2 < ip + ml0)
                        // empirical
                        ip     = start0;
                        refPos = ref0;
                        ml     = ml0;

                // Here, start0==ip
                if (start2 - ip < 3)
                    // First Match too small : removed
                    ml     = ml2;
                    ip     = start2;
                    refPos = ref2;
                    goto _Search2;

                // At this stage, we have :
                //  ml2 > ml1, and
                //  ip1+3 <= ip2 (usually < ip1+ml1)
                if ((start2 - ip) < OptimalML)
                    int newMl = ml;
                    if (newMl > OptimalML)
                        newMl = OptimalML;

                    if (ip + newMl > start2 + ml2 - MinMatch)
                        newMl = (int)(start2 - ip) + ml2 - MinMatch;
                    int correction = newMl - (int)(start2 - ip);
                    if (correction > 0)
                        start2 += correction;
                        ref2   += correction;
                        ml2    -= correction;

                // Now, we have start2 = ip+new_ml, with new_ml = min(ml, OPTIMAL_ML=18)

                int ml3;
                if (start2 + ml2 < mflimit)
                    ml3 = InsertAndGetWiderMatch(
                        start2 + ml2 - 3,
                    ml3 = ml2;

                if (ml3 == ml2)
                    // No better match : 2 sequences to encode
                    // ip & ref are known; Now for ml
                    if (start2 < ip + ml)
                        ml = (int)(start2 - ip);
                    // Now, encode 2 sequences
                    optr = op;
                    if (EncodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml, refPos, limit, oend) != 0)
                        goto _dest_overflow;

                    ip   = start2;
                    optr = op;
                    if (EncodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml2, ref2, limit, oend) != 0)
                        goto _dest_overflow;


                if (start3 < ip + ml + 3)
                    // Not enough space for match 2 : remove it
                    if (start3 >= (ip + ml))
                        // can write Seq1 immediately ==> Seq2 is removed, so Seq3 becomes Seq1
                        if (start2 < ip + ml)
                            int correction = (int)(ip + ml - start2);
                            start2 += correction;
                            ref2   += correction;
                            ml2    -= correction;
                            if (ml2 < MinMatch)
                                start2 = start3;
                                ref2   = ref3;
                                ml2    = ml3;

                        optr = op;
                        if (EncodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml, refPos, limit, oend) != 0)
                            goto _dest_overflow;

                        ip     = start3;
                        refPos = ref3;
                        ml     = ml3;

                        start0 = start2;
                        ref0   = ref2;
                        ml0    = ml2;
                        goto _Search2;

                    start2 = start3;
                    ref2   = ref3;
                    ml2    = ml3;
                    goto _Search3;

                // OK, now we have 3 ascending matches; let's write at least the first one
                // ip & ref are known; Now for ml

                if (start2 < ip + ml)
                    if (start2 - ip < (int)MLMask)
                        if (ml > OptimalML)
                            ml = OptimalML;
                        if (ip + ml > start2 + ml2 - MinMatch)
                            ml = (int)(start2 - ip) + ml2 - MinMatch;
                        int correction = ml - (int)(start2 - ip);
                        if (correction > 0)
                            start2 += correction;
                            ref2   += correction;
                            ml2    -= correction;
                        ml = (int)(start2 - ip);

                optr = op;
                if (EncodeSequence(&ip, &op, &anchor, ml, refPos, limit, oend) != 0)
                    goto _dest_overflow;

                ip     = start2;
                refPos = ref2;
                ml     = ml2;

                start2 = start3;
                ref2   = ref3;
                ml2    = ml3;

                goto _Search3;

_last_literals:                                               // Encode last literals
                size_t lastRunSize = (size_t)(iend - anchor); // literals
                size_t litLength   = (lastRunSize + 255 - RunMask) / 255;
                size_t totalSize   = 1 + litLength + lastRunSize;
                if (limit == LimitedOutputDirective.LimitedDestSize)
                    oend += LastLiterals; // restore correct value
                if ((limit != 0) && (op + totalSize > oend))
                    if (limit == LimitedOutputDirective.LimitedOutput)
                        return(0); // Check output limit
                    // adapt lastRunSize to fill 'dest'
                    lastRunSize  = (size_t)(oend - op) - 1;
                    litLength    = (lastRunSize + 255 - RunMask) / 255;
                    lastRunSize -= litLength;

                ip = anchor + lastRunSize;

                if (lastRunSize >= RunMask)
                    size_t accumulator = lastRunSize - RunMask;

                    *op++ = (byte)(RunMask << MLBits);
                    for (; accumulator >= 255; accumulator -= 255)
                        *op++ = 255;

                    *op++ = (byte)accumulator;
                    *op++ = (byte)(lastRunSize << MLBits);

                LZ4MemoryHelper.Copy(op, anchor, (int)lastRunSize);
                op += lastRunSize;

            // End
            *srcSizePtr = (int)(ip - source);
            return((int)(op - dest));

            if (limit != LimitedOutputDirective.LimitedDestSize)

            op = optr; // restore correct out pointer
            goto _last_literals;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private static CCtxT *AllocCtx()
     return((CCtxT *)LZ4MemoryHelper.Alloc(sizeof(CCtxT)));