Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected String checkTable(CollectorConfig cfg, CollectionItemConfig itm)
            String sqlCheck = @"
                SELECT QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(name)  AS targetTable
                FROM [{0}].sys.tables 
                WHERE name = '{1}' 
                    AND schema_id IN (SCHEMA_ID('custom_snapshots'), SCHEMA_ID('snapshots'))
                ORDER BY CASE SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) 
                        WHEN 'custome_snapshots' THEN 1
                        WHEN 'snapshots' THEN 2 
                    END ";

            sqlCheck = String.Format(sqlCheck, cfg.MDWDatabase, itm.OutputTable);

            DataTable data = CollectorUtils.GetDataTable(cfg.MDWInstance, cfg.MDWDatabase, sqlCheck);

            // table is not missing
            if (data.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (verbose)
                    logger.logMessage("Creating target table " + itm.OutputTable);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected String createTargetTable(
            CollectorConfig cfg,
            CollectionItemConfig itm,
            DataTable data
            int    ConnectionTimeout = 15;
            String ConnectionString  = String.Format("Server={0};Database={1};Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout={2}", cfg.MDWInstance, cfg.MDWDatabase, ConnectionTimeout);

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
                conn.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;

                DataTableTSQLAdapter adapter = new DataTableTSQLAdapter(conn);
                adapter.DestinationTableName = "[custom_snapshots].[" + itm.OutputTable + "]";
            return("[custom_snapshots].[" + itm.OutputTable + "]");
Ejemplo n.º 3
         * Execute the data upload process
        public void UploadData()
            logger = new CollectorLogger(SourceServerInstance, CollectionSetUid, ItemId);

            String displayName;

            String[] names = this.GetType().Namespace.Split('.');
            displayName = names[names.Length - 1];

            if (verbose)
            if (verbose)
                logger.logMessage("   " + displayName);
            if (verbose)
            if (verbose)
                logger.logMessage("Copyright© sqlconsulting.it 2014");
            if (verbose)

            if (verbose)
                logger.logMessage("Loading configuration");
            // Load Configuration
            CollectorConfig cfg = null;
            Guid            CollectorTypeUid = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");

            if (this.GetType().Namespace.Equals("Sqlconsulting.DataCollector.ExtendedXEReaderUploader"))
                cfg = new XEReaderCollectorConfig();
                CollectorTypeUid = XEReaderCollectionItemConfig.CollectorTypeUid;
            else if (this.GetType().Namespace.Equals("Sqlconsulting.DataCollector.ExtendedTSQLUploader"))
                cfg = new TSQLCollectorConfig();
                CollectorTypeUid = TSQLCollectionItemConfig.CollectorTypeUid;
            cfg.readFromDatabase(SourceServerInstance, CollectionSetUid, ItemId);

            //String collectorId = CollectionSetUid + "_" + ItemId.ToString();

            if (verbose)
                logger.logMessage("Updating source info");
            // Update Source Info
            int source_id   = updateDataSource(cfg.MDWInstance, cfg.MDWDatabase, CollectionSetUid, cfg.MachineName, cfg.InstanceName, cfg.DaysUntilExpiration);
            int snapshot_id = -1;

            foreach (CollectionItemConfig item in cfg.collectionItems)
                String collectorId = CollectorUtils.getCacheFilePrefix(SourceServerInstance, CollectionSetUid, ItemId) + "_" + item.Index;

                // Create the target table
                String  targetTable  = createTargetTable(cfg, item);
                Boolean tableCreated = (targetTable != null);

                foreach (String fileName in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(cfg.CacheDirectory))
                    System.IO.FileInfo destFile = new System.IO.FileInfo(fileName);
                    //if (verbose) logger.logMessage("Processing " + destFile.FullName);
                    //if (verbose) logger.logMessage("Searching " + collectorId);

                    if (destFile.Name.Contains(collectorId + "_") && destFile.Extension.ToLowerInvariant().Equals(".cache"))
                        if (verbose)
                            logger.logMessage("Uploading " + destFile.FullName);

                        DataTable collectedData = null;

                        System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter fm = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();

                        // Deserialize from the binary file
                        using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(destFile.FullName, System.IO.FileMode.Open))
                            collectedData = (DataTable)fm.Deserialize(fs);

                        // Load the snapshot_id
                        if (snapshot_id < 0)
                            if (verbose)
                                logger.logMessage("Creating snapshot");
                            snapshot_id = createSnapshot(cfg.MDWInstance, cfg.MDWDatabase, CollectionSetUid, CollectorTypeUid, cfg.MachineName, cfg.InstanceName, LogId);

                        // Add the snapshot_id column to the DataTable
                        DataColumn cl_sn = new DataColumn("snapshot_id", typeof(Int32));
                        cl_sn.DefaultValue = snapshot_id;

                        // Check again if table needs to be created
                        if (!tableCreated)
                            targetTable  = createTargetTable(cfg, item, collectedData);
                            tableCreated = true;

                        if (verbose)
                            logger.logMessage("Writing to server... " + targetTable);
                        CollectorUtils.WriteDataTable(cfg.MDWInstance, cfg.MDWDatabase, targetTable, collectedData);

                        if (verbose)
                            logger.logMessage("Deleting file");

Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Creates the target table from the
  * output definition of the query
 protected abstract String createTargetTable(
     CollectorConfig cfg,
     CollectionItemConfig itm