Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static ArrayList ParseFromXml(XmlNode propertiesNode, IList entities, IPropertyContainer entity, Hashtable sqltypes, Hashtable types, bool isReference, ParserValidationDelegate vd)
            ArrayList fields = new ArrayList();

            if (propertiesNode != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in propertiesNode.ChildNodes)
                    if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment)
                    PropertyElement field = BuildElement(node, types, sqltypes, entity, isReference, vd);

                    //Adds all attributes including all non defined by element class
                    foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in node.Attributes)
                        if (!field.Attributes.ContainsKey(attribute.Name))
                            field.Attributes.Add(attribute.Name, attribute.Value);


                    // Add in any subfields...
                    if (field.Entity.Name.Length > 0 && !field.UseEntityDao)
                        String        subEntityName = node.Attributes["entity"].Value;
                        EntityElement subentity     = EntityElement.FindEntityByName((ArrayList)entities, subEntityName);

                        // check to see if subentity is self
                        if (subentity == null && entity.Name == subEntityName)
                            subentity = (EntityElement)entity;

                        if (subentity != null)
                            // Only entity elements have entity atttribute
                            SqlEntityElement sqlEntity = ((EntityElement)entity).SqlEntity;

                            String prefix = subentity.Name + "_";
                            if (node.Attributes["prefix"] != null)
                                prefix = node.Attributes["prefix"].Value;

                            foreach (PropertyElement f in subentity.Fields)
                                PropertyElement subfield = (PropertyElement)f.Clone();
                                subfield.Name = field.Name + "." + subfield.Name;

                                // if field has sql column defined
                                if (!f.Column.Name.Equals(String.Empty))
                                    ColumnElement column = sqlEntity.FindColumnByName(prefix + subfield.Column.Name);
                                    if (column != null)
                                        subfield.Column = (ColumnElement)column.Clone();
                                        vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("column (" + prefix + subfield.Column.Name + ") specified for property (" + subfield.Name + ") on entity (" + entity.Name + ") was not found in sql entity (" + sqlEntity.Name + ")"));
                            vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Entity " + entity.Name + " referenced another entity that was not defined (or defined below this one): " + node.Attributes["entity"].Value));
        /// <summary>
        /// Second pass parsing and validation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Configuration options</param>
        /// <param name="reportExtractionNode">Node contaiing the entity references.</param>
        /// <param name="reportExtraction">ReportExtraction element to contain the parsed entity references.</param>
        /// <param name="types">List of .Net types defined.</param>
        /// <param name="entities">List of entities defined.</param>
        /// <param name="vd">Validation delegate for error reporting.</param>
        /// <returns>List of entity references parsed.</returns>
        public static ArrayList ParseFromXml(Configuration options, XmlNode reportExtractionNode, ReportExtractionElement reportExtraction, Hashtable types, Hashtable sqltypes, IList entities, ParserValidationDelegate vd)
            ArrayList entityReferences = new ArrayList();

            foreach (XmlNode node in reportExtractionNode.ChildNodes)
                if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment)
                EntityReferenceElement entityReference = new EntityReferenceElement(reportExtraction);
                if (entityReference.Name != null)
                    entityReference.Name = node.Attributes[NAME].Value;
                    vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Entity reference specified in report extraction " + reportExtraction.Name + " with no name."));

                if (node.Attributes[ENTITY] != null)
                    EntityElement ee = EntityElement.FindEntityByName(entities, node.Attributes[ENTITY].Value);
                    if (ee != null)
                        entityReference.Entity = ee;
                        if (entityReference.Entity.SqlEntity.Name == String.Empty)
                            vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Entity Reference " + entityReference.Name + " refers to entity " + node.Attributes[ENTITY].Value + " which does not have an associated SQL entity."));
                        vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Entity Reference " + entityReference.Name + " refers to entity " + node.Attributes[ENTITY].Value + " which does not exist."));
                    vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Entity Reference " + node.Attributes[NAME].Value + " has no entity attribute."));

                if (node.Attributes[ALIAS_PREFIX] != null)
                    entityReference.aliasPrefix = node.Attributes[ALIAS_PREFIX].Value;

                if (node.Attributes[HINTS] != null)
                    entityReference.Hints = node.Attributes[HINTS].Value;

                if (node.Attributes[FILTER] != null)
                    entityReference.Filter = node.Attributes[FILTER].Value;

                if (node.Attributes[JOIN_MODIFIER] != null)
                    entityReference.JoinModifier = node.Attributes[JOIN_MODIFIER].Value;
                    if (entityReference.JoinModifier.ToUpper() != JOIN_LEFT &&
                        entityReference.JoinModifier.ToUpper() != JOIN_RIGHT &&
                        entityReference.JoinModifier.ToUpper() != JOIN_FULL)
                        vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("Entity Reference " + node.Attributes[NAME].Value + " has join modifier other than left, right or full."));

                entityReference.ReportExtraction = reportExtraction;
                // Note we pass entityReference.Entity because the fields refer to fields in the entity.
                entityReference.propertyReferences = PropertyElement.ParseFromXml(GetChildNodeByName(node, PROPERTY_REFERENCES), entities, entityReference.Entity, sqltypes, types, true, vd);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static ArrayList ParseFromXml(Configuration options, XmlDocument doc, Hashtable sqltypes, Hashtable types, ArrayList sqlentities, ParserValidationDelegate vd)
            ArrayList entities     = new ArrayList();
            XmlNode   entitiesNode = doc.DocumentElement.Cast <XmlNode>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "entities");

            if (entitiesNode == null)

            IEnumerable <XmlNode> elements = entitiesNode.ChildNodes.Cast <XmlNode>().Where(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "entity");

            foreach (XmlNode node in elements)
                if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment)
                EntityElement entity = new EntityElement();
                entity.Name = node.Attributes["name"].Value;
                if (node.Attributes["namespace"] != null)
                    entity.Namespace = node.Attributes["namespace"].Value;
                if (node.Attributes["sqlentity"] != null)
                    SqlEntityElement sqlentity = SqlEntityElement.FindByName(sqlentities, node.Attributes["sqlentity"].Value);
                    if (sqlentity != null)
                        entity.SqlEntity = (SqlEntityElement)sqlentity.Clone();
                        entity.SqlEntity.Name = node.Attributes["sqlentity"].Value;
                        vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("sqlentity (" + entity.SqlEntity.Name + ") specified in entity " + entity.Name + " could not be found as an defined sql entity"));

                if (node.Attributes["baseentity"] != null)
                    EntityElement baseentity = EntityElement.FindEntityByName(entities, node.Attributes["baseentity"].Value);
                    if (baseentity != null)
                        entity.BaseEntity = (EntityElement)baseentity.Clone();
                        entity.BaseEntity.Name = node.Attributes["baseentity"].Value;
                        vd(ParserValidationArgs.NewError("baseentity (" + entity.BaseEntity.Name + ") specified in entity " + entity.Name + " could not be found as an defined entity (or is defined after this entity in the config file)"));

                if (node.Attributes["abstract"] != null)
                    entity.IsAbstract = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["abstract"].Value);

                if (node.Attributes["namespace"] != null)
                    entity.HasNamespace = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Attributes["namespace"].Value);

                if (node.Attributes["log"] != null)
                    entity.DoLog = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["log"].Value);

                if (node.Attributes["returnwholeobject"] != null)
                    entity.ReturnWholeObject = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["returnwholeobject"].Value);

                if (node.Attributes["prepareforinsert"] != null)
                    entity.PrepareForInsert = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["prepareforinsert"].Value);

                if (node.Attributes["dependententity"] != null)
                    entity.DependentEntity = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["dependententity"].Value);

                if (node.Attributes["jointable"] != null)
                    entity.JoinTable = Boolean.Parse(node.Attributes["jointable"].Value);

                XmlNode descriptionNode = node.SelectSingleNode(DESCRIPTION);
                if (descriptionNode != null)
                    entity.Description = descriptionNode.InnerText.Trim();

                //Adds all attributes including all not defined by element class
                foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in node.Attributes)
                    if (!entity.Attributes.ContainsKey(attribute.Name))
                        entity.Attributes.Add(attribute.Name, attribute.Value);

                entity.dependents = ParseDependentsFromXml(node, vd);

                entity.fields    = PropertyElement.ParseFromXml(doc, entities, entity, sqltypes, types, vd);
                entity.finders   = FinderElement.ParseFromXml(doc, node, entities, entity, sqltypes, types, vd);
                entity.comparers = ComparerElement.ParseFromXml(node, entities, entity, sqltypes, types, vd);

            StringCollection names = new StringCollection();

            foreach (EntityElement entity in entities)
                if (names.Contains(entity.Name))
                    vd(new ParserValidationArgs(ParserValidationSeverity.ERROR, "duplicate entity definition for " + entity.Name));