public void Visit(JsVar node)
     Debug.Fail("shouldn't get here");
 public void Visit(JsVar node)
     // not applicable; terminate
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private JsAstNode ParseForStatement()
            JsAstNode forNode = null;
                JsContext forCtx = m_currentToken.Clone();
                if (JsToken.LeftParenthesis != m_currentToken.Token)

                bool isForIn = false, recoveryInForIn = false;
                JsAstNode lhs = null, initializer = null, condOrColl = null, increment = null;
                JsContext operatorContext = null;
                JsContext separator1Context = null;
                JsContext separator2Context = null;

                    if (JsToken.Var == m_currentToken.Token
                        || JsToken.Let == m_currentToken.Token
                        || JsToken.Const == m_currentToken.Token)
                        isForIn = true;
                        JsDeclaration declaration;
                        if (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.Var)
                            declaration = new JsVar(m_currentToken.Clone(), this);
                            declaration = new JsLexicalDeclaration(m_currentToken.Clone(), this)
                                    StatementToken = m_currentToken.Token


                        // a list of variable initializers is allowed only in a for(;;)
                        while (JsToken.Comma == m_currentToken.Token)
                            isForIn = false;
                            //initializer = new Comma(initializer.context.CombineWith(var.context), initializer, var);

                        initializer = declaration;

                        // if it could still be a, now it's time to get the 'in'
                        // TODO: for ES6 might be 'of'
                        if (isForIn)
                            if (JsToken.In == m_currentToken.Token
                                || (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.Identifier && string.CompareOrdinal(m_currentToken.Code, "of") == 0))
                                operatorContext = m_currentToken.Clone();
                                condOrColl = ParseExpression();
                                isForIn = false;
                        if (JsToken.Semicolon != m_currentToken.Token)
                            bool isLHS;
                            initializer = ParseUnaryExpression(out isLHS, false);
                            if (isLHS && (JsToken.In == m_currentToken.Token
                                || (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.Identifier && string.CompareOrdinal(m_currentToken.Code, "of") == 0)))
                                isForIn = true;
                                operatorContext = m_currentToken.Clone();

                                lhs = initializer;
                                initializer = null;
                                    condOrColl = ParseExpression();
                                catch (RecoveryTokenException exc)
                                    if (IndexOfToken(NoSkipTokenSet.s_BlockConditionNoSkipTokenSet, exc) == -1)
                                        exc._partiallyComputedNode = null;
                                        if (exc._partiallyComputedNode == null)
                                            condOrColl = new JsConstantWrapper(true, JsPrimitiveType.Boolean, CurrentPositionContext(), this); // what could we put here?
                                            condOrColl = exc._partiallyComputedNode;
                                    if (exc._token == JsToken.RightParenthesis)
                                        recoveryInForIn = true;
                                initializer = ParseExpression(initializer, false, isLHS, JsToken.In);
                catch (RecoveryTokenException exc)
                    // error is too early abort for
                    exc._partiallyComputedNode = null;

                // at this point we know whether or not is a
                if (isForIn)
                    if (!recoveryInForIn)
                        if (JsToken.RightParenthesis != m_currentToken.Token)

                    JsAstNode body = null;
                    // if the statements aren't withing curly-braces, throw a possible error
                    if (JsToken.LeftCurly != m_currentToken.Token)
                        ReportError(JsError.StatementBlockExpected, CurrentPositionContext(), true);
                        // parse a Statement, not a SourceElement
                        // and ignore any important comments that spring up right here.
                        body = ParseStatement(false, true);
                    catch (RecoveryTokenException exc)
                        if (exc._partiallyComputedNode == null)
                            body = new JsBlock(CurrentPositionContext(), this);
                            body = exc._partiallyComputedNode;
                        exc._partiallyComputedNode = new JsForIn(forCtx, this)
                                Variable = (lhs != null ? lhs : initializer),
                                OperatorContext = operatorContext,
                                Collection = condOrColl,
                                Body = JsAstNode.ForceToBlock(body),

                    // for (a in b)
                    //      lhs = a, initializer = null
                    // for (var a in b)
                    //      lhs = null, initializer = var a
                    forNode = new JsForIn(forCtx, this)
                            Variable = (lhs != null ? lhs : initializer),
                            OperatorContext = operatorContext,
                            Collection = condOrColl,
                            Body = JsAstNode.ForceToBlock(body),
                        if (JsToken.Semicolon == m_currentToken.Token)
                            separator1Context = m_currentToken.Clone();
                            if (JsToken.Colon == m_currentToken.Token)
                                catch (RecoveryTokenException)
                                    if (JsToken.Semicolon == m_currentToken.Token)
                                        m_useCurrentForNext = false;

                        if (JsToken.Semicolon != m_currentToken.Token)
                            condOrColl = ParseExpression();
                            if (JsToken.Semicolon != m_currentToken.Token)

                        separator2Context = m_currentToken.Clone();

                        if (JsToken.RightParenthesis != m_currentToken.Token)
                            increment = ParseExpression();

                        if (JsToken.RightParenthesis != m_currentToken.Token)

                    catch (RecoveryTokenException exc)
                        if (IndexOfToken(NoSkipTokenSet.s_BlockConditionNoSkipTokenSet, exc) == -1)
                            exc._partiallyComputedNode = null;
                            // discard any partial info, just genrate empty condition and increment and keep going
                            exc._partiallyComputedNode = null;
                            if (condOrColl == null)
                                condOrColl = new JsConstantWrapper(true, JsPrimitiveType.Boolean, CurrentPositionContext(), this);
                        if (exc._token == JsToken.RightParenthesis)

                    // if this is an assignment, throw a warning in case the developer
                    // meant to use == instead of =
                    // but no warning if the condition is wrapped in parens.
                    var binOp = condOrColl as JsBinaryOperator;
                    if (binOp != null && binOp.OperatorToken == JsToken.Assign)

                    JsAstNode body = null;
                    // if the statements aren't withing curly-braces, throw a possible error
                    if (JsToken.LeftCurly != m_currentToken.Token)
                        ReportError(JsError.StatementBlockExpected, CurrentPositionContext(), true);
                        // parse a Statement, not a SourceElement
                        // and ignore any important comments that spring up right here.
                        body = ParseStatement(false, true);
                    catch (RecoveryTokenException exc)
                        if (exc._partiallyComputedNode == null)
                            body = new JsBlock(CurrentPositionContext(), this);
                            body = exc._partiallyComputedNode;
                        exc._partiallyComputedNode = new JsForNode(forCtx, this)
                                Initializer = initializer,
                                Separator1Context = separator1Context,
                                Condition = condOrColl,
                                Separator2Context = separator2Context,
                                Incrementer = increment,
                                Body = JsAstNode.ForceToBlock(body)
                    forNode = new JsForNode(forCtx, this)
                            Initializer = initializer,
                            Separator1Context = separator1Context,
                            Condition = condOrColl,
                            Separator2Context = separator2Context,
                            Incrementer = increment,
                            Body = JsAstNode.ForceToBlock(body)
                m_blockType.RemoveAt(m_blockType.Count - 1);

            return forNode;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // ParseVariableStatement
        //  VariableStatement :
        //    'var' VariableDeclarationList
        //    or
        //    'const' VariableDeclarationList
        //    or
        //    'let' VariableDeclarationList
        //  VariableDeclarationList :
        //    VariableDeclaration |
        //    VariableDeclaration ',' VariableDeclarationList
        //  VariableDeclaration :
        //    Identifier Initializer
        //  Initializer :
        //    <empty> |
        //    '=' AssignmentExpression
        private JsAstNode ParseVariableStatement()
            // create the appropriate statement: var- or const-statement
            JsDeclaration varList;
            if (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.Var)
                varList = new JsVar(m_currentToken.Clone(), this);
            else if (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.Const || m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.Let)
                if (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.Const && m_settings.ConstStatementsMozilla)
                    varList = new JsConstStatement(m_currentToken.Clone(), this);
                    varList = new JsLexicalDeclaration(m_currentToken.Clone(), this)
                            StatementToken = m_currentToken.Token
                Debug.Fail("shouldn't get here");
                return null;

            bool single = true;
            JsAstNode vdecl = null;
            JsAstNode identInit = null;

            for (; ; )
                    identInit = ParseIdentifierInitializer(JsToken.None);
                catch (RecoveryTokenException exc)
                    // an exception is passing by, possibly bringing some info, save the info if any
                    if (exc._partiallyComputedNode != null)
                        if (!single)
                            exc._partiallyComputedNode = varList;
                    if (IndexOfToken(NoSkipTokenSet.s_EndOfLineToken, exc) == -1)
                        if (single)
                            identInit = exc._partiallyComputedNode;

                if (identInit != null)
                    vdecl = identInit;

                if (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.Comma)
                    single = false;
                    vdecl.IfNotNull(d => d.TerminatingContext = m_currentToken.Clone());
                else if (m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.Semicolon)
                    varList.TerminatingContext = m_currentToken.Clone();
                else if (m_foundEndOfLine || m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.RightCurly || m_currentToken.Token == JsToken.EndOfFile)
                    // semicolon insertion rules
                    // a right-curly or an end of line is something we don't WANT to throw a warning for.
                    // Just too common and doesn't really warrant a warning (in my opinion)
                    if (JsToken.RightCurly != m_currentToken.Token && JsToken.EndOfFile != m_currentToken.Token)
                        ReportError(JsError.SemicolonInsertion, varList.Context.IfNotNull(c => c.FlattenToEnd()), true);
                    ReportError(JsError.NoSemicolon, false);

            if (vdecl != null)
            return varList;
        private static int RelocateVar(JsBlock block, int insertAt, JsVar varStatement)
            // if the var statement is at the next position to insert, then we don't need
            // to do anything.
            if (block[insertAt] != varStatement)
                // check to see if the current position is a var and we are the NEXT statement.
                // if that's the case, we don't need to break out the initializer, just append all the
                // vardecls as-is to the current position.
                var existingVar = block[insertAt] as JsVar;
                if (existingVar != null && block[insertAt + 1] == varStatement)
                    // just append our vardecls to the insertion point, then delete our statement
                    block.RemoveAt(insertAt + 1);
                    // iterate through the decls and count how many have initializers
                    var initializerCount = 0;
                    for (var ndx = 0; ndx < varStatement.Count; ++ndx)
                        if (varStatement[ndx].Initializer != null)

                    // if there are more than two decls with initializers, then we won't actually
                    // be gaining anything by moving the var to the top. We'll get rid of the four
                    // bytes for the "var ", but we'll be adding two bytes for the name and comma
                    // because name=init will still need to remain behind.
                    if (initializerCount <= 2)
                        // first iterate through all the declarations in the var statement,
                        // constructing an expression statement that is made up of assignment
                        // operators for each of the declarations that have initializers (if any)
                        // and removing all the initializers
                        var assignments = new List <JsAstNode>();
                        for (var ndx = 0; ndx < varStatement.Count; ++ndx)
                            var varDecl = varStatement[ndx];
                            if (varDecl.Initializer != null)
                                if (varDecl.IsCCSpecialCase)
                                    // create a vardecl with the same name and no initializer
                                    var copyDecl = new JsVariableDeclaration(varDecl.Context, varDecl.Parser)
                                        Identifier    = varDecl.Identifier,
                                        NameContext   = varDecl.VariableField.OriginalContext,
                                        VariableField = varDecl.VariableField

                                    // replace the special vardecl with the copy
                                    varStatement[ndx] = copyDecl;

                                    // add the original vardecl to the list of "assignments"

                                    // add the new decl to the field's declaration list, and remove the old one
                                    // because we're going to change that to an assignment.
                                    // hold on to the object so we don't lose it to the GC
                                    var initializer = varDecl.Initializer;

                                    // remove it from the vardecl
                                    varDecl.Initializer = null;

                                    // create an assignment operator for a lookup to the name
                                    // as the left, and the initializer as the right, and add it to the list
                                    var lookup = new JsLookup(varDecl.VariableField.OriginalContext, varDecl.Parser)
                                        Name          = varDecl.Identifier,
                                        VariableField = varDecl.VariableField,
                                    assignments.Add(new JsBinaryOperator(varDecl.Context, varDecl.Parser)
                                        Operand1        = lookup,
                                        Operand2        = initializer,
                                        OperatorToken   = JsToken.Assign,
                                        OperatorContext = varDecl.AssignContext

                                    // add the new lookup to the field's references

                        // now if there were any initializers...
                        if (assignments.Count > 0)
                            // we want to create one big expression from all the assignments and replace the
                            // var statement with the assignment(s) expression. Start at position n=1 and create
                            // a binary operator of n-1 as the left, n as the right, and using a comma operator.
                            var expression = assignments[0];
                            for (var ndx = 1; ndx < assignments.Count; ++ndx)
                                expression = JsCommaOperator.CombineWithComma(null, expression.Parser, expression, assignments[ndx]);

                            // replace the var with the expression.
                            // we still have a pointer to the var, so we can insert it back into the proper
                            // place next.
                            varStatement.Parent.ReplaceChild(varStatement, expression);
                            // no initializers.
                            // if the parent is a for-in statement...
                            var forInParent = varStatement.Parent as JsForIn;
                            if (forInParent != null)
                                // we want to replace the var statement with a lookup for the var
                                // there should be only one vardecl
                                var varDecl = varStatement[0];
                                var lookup  = new JsLookup(varDecl.VariableField.OriginalContext, varStatement.Parser)
                                    Name          = varDecl.Identifier,
                                    VariableField = varDecl.VariableField
                                varStatement.Parent.ReplaceChild(varStatement, lookup);
                                // just remove the var statement altogether
                                varStatement.Parent.ReplaceChild(varStatement, null);

                        // if the statement at the insertion point is a var-statement already,
                        // then we just need to append our vardecls to it. Otherwise we'll insert our
                        // var statement at the right point
                        if (existingVar != null)
                            // append the varstatement we want to move to the existing var, which will
                            // transfer all the vardecls to it.
                            // move the var to the insert point, incrementing the position or next time
                            block.Insert(insertAt, varStatement);

        public void Visit(JsVar node)
            if (node != null)
                // declarations get a -1 position index
                node.Index = -1;

                for (var ndx = 0; ndx < node.Count; ++ndx)
                    var decl = node[ndx];
                    if (decl != null)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Visit(JsVar node)
            if (node != null)
                var symbol = StartSymbol(node);

                // save the no-in state -- we'll reset before processing each initializer
                var isNoIn = m_noIn;

                MarkSegment(node, null, node.Context);
                m_startOfStatement = false;
                var useNewLines = !(node.Parent is JsForNode);

                for (var ndx = 0; ndx < node.Count; ++ndx)
                    var decl = node[ndx];
                    if (decl != null)
                        if (ndx > 0)
                            if (useNewLines)
                            else if (m_settings.OutputMode == MinifierOutputMode.MultipleLines)
                                OutputPossibleLineBreak(' ');

                        // be sure to set the no-in state to whatever it was when we entered
                        // this node, because each declaration might reset it as it's outputting
                        // its child nodes
                        m_noIn = isNoIn;

        private static bool AreAssignmentsInVar(JsBinaryOperator binaryOp, JsVar varStatement)
            bool areAssignmentsInVar = false;

            if (binaryOp != null)
                // we only want to pop positive for the simple assign (=). If it's any of the
                // complex assigns (+=, -=, etc) then we don't want to combine them.
                if (binaryOp.OperatorToken == JsToken.Assign)
                    // see if the left-hand side is a simple lookup
                    JsLookup lookup = binaryOp.Operand1 as JsLookup;
                    if (lookup != null)
                        // it is. see if that variable is in the previous var statement
                        areAssignmentsInVar = varStatement.Contains(lookup.Name);
                else if (binaryOp.OperatorToken == JsToken.Comma)
                    // this is a comma operator, so we will return true only if both
                    // left and right operators are assignments to vars defined in the
                    // var statement
                    areAssignmentsInVar = AreAssignmentsInVar(binaryOp.Operand1 as JsBinaryOperator, varStatement)
                        && AreAssignmentsInVar(binaryOp.Operand2 as JsBinaryOperator, varStatement);

            return areAssignmentsInVar;
        public override void Visit(JsVar node)
            if (node != null)
                // don't bother creating a list of var-statements if we're not going to move them.
                // and if we are inside a conditional-compilation comment level, then don't move them
                // either.
                // don't bother moving const-statements.
                if (m_moveVarStatements && m_conditionalCommentLevel == 0)
                    if (m_varStatements == null)
                        m_varStatements = new List<JsVar>();

                    // add the node to the list of variable declarations

                // and recurse
        private static int RelocateVar(JsBlock block, int insertAt, JsVar varStatement)
            // if the var statement is at the next position to insert, then we don't need
            // to do anything.
            if (block[insertAt] != varStatement)
                // check to see if the current position is a var and we are the NEXT statement.
                // if that's the case, we don't need to break out the initializer, just append all the
                // vardecls as-is to the current position.
                var existingVar = block[insertAt] as JsVar;
                if (existingVar != null && block[insertAt + 1] == varStatement)
                    // just append our vardecls to the insertion point, then delete our statement
                    block.RemoveAt(insertAt + 1);
                    // iterate through the decls and count how many have initializers
                    var initializerCount = 0;
                    for (var ndx = 0; ndx < varStatement.Count; ++ndx)
                        if (varStatement[ndx].Initializer != null)

                    // if there are more than two decls with initializers, then we won't actually
                    // be gaining anything by moving the var to the top. We'll get rid of the four
                    // bytes for the "var ", but we'll be adding two bytes for the name and comma
                    // because name=init will still need to remain behind.
                    if (initializerCount <= 2)
                        // first iterate through all the declarations in the var statement,
                        // constructing an expression statement that is made up of assignment
                        // operators for each of the declarations that have initializers (if any)
                        // and removing all the initializers
                        var assignments = new List<JsAstNode>();
                        for (var ndx = 0; ndx < varStatement.Count; ++ndx)
                            var varDecl = varStatement[ndx];
                            if (varDecl.Initializer != null)
                                if (varDecl.IsCCSpecialCase)
                                    // create a vardecl with the same name and no initializer
                                    var copyDecl = new JsVariableDeclaration(varDecl.Context, varDecl.Parser)
                                            Identifier = varDecl.Identifier,
                                            NameContext = varDecl.VariableField.OriginalContext,
                                            VariableField = varDecl.VariableField

                                    // replace the special vardecl with the copy
                                    varStatement[ndx] = copyDecl;

                                    // add the original vardecl to the list of "assignments"

                                    // add the new decl to the field's declaration list, and remove the old one
                                    // because we're going to change that to an assignment.
                                    // hold on to the object so we don't lose it to the GC
                                    var initializer = varDecl.Initializer;

                                    // remove it from the vardecl
                                    varDecl.Initializer = null;

                                    // create an assignment operator for a lookup to the name
                                    // as the left, and the initializer as the right, and add it to the list
                                    var lookup = new JsLookup(varDecl.VariableField.OriginalContext, varDecl.Parser)
                                            Name = varDecl.Identifier,
                                            VariableField = varDecl.VariableField,
                                    assignments.Add(new JsBinaryOperator(varDecl.Context, varDecl.Parser)
                                            Operand1 = lookup,
                                            Operand2 = initializer,
                                            OperatorToken = JsToken.Assign,
                                            OperatorContext = varDecl.AssignContext

                                    // add the new lookup to the field's references

                        // now if there were any initializers...
                        if (assignments.Count > 0)
                            // we want to create one big expression from all the assignments and replace the
                            // var statement with the assignment(s) expression. Start at position n=1 and create
                            // a binary operator of n-1 as the left, n as the right, and using a comma operator.
                            var expression = assignments[0];
                            for (var ndx = 1; ndx < assignments.Count; ++ndx)
                                expression = JsCommaOperator.CombineWithComma(null, expression.Parser, expression, assignments[ndx]);

                            // replace the var with the expression.
                            // we still have a pointer to the var, so we can insert it back into the proper
                            // place next.
                            varStatement.Parent.ReplaceChild(varStatement, expression);
                            // no initializers.
                            // if the parent is a for-in statement...
                            var forInParent = varStatement.Parent as JsForIn;
                            if (forInParent != null)
                                // we want to replace the var statement with a lookup for the var
                                // there should be only one vardecl
                                var varDecl = varStatement[0];
                                var lookup = new JsLookup(varDecl.VariableField.OriginalContext, varStatement.Parser)
                                        Name = varDecl.Identifier,
                                        VariableField = varDecl.VariableField
                                varStatement.Parent.ReplaceChild(varStatement, lookup);
                                // just remove the var statement altogether
                                varStatement.Parent.ReplaceChild(varStatement, null);

                        // if the statement at the insertion point is a var-statement already,
                        // then we just need to append our vardecls to it. Otherwise we'll insert our
                        // var statement at the right point
                        if (existingVar != null)
                            // append the varstatement we want to move to the existing var, which will
                            // transfer all the vardecls to it.
                            // move the var to the insert point, incrementing the position or next time
                            block.Insert(insertAt, varStatement);

            return insertAt;
 private static bool VarDeclExists(JsVar node, int ndx, string name)
     // only need to look forward from the index passed
     for (; ndx < node.Count; ++ndx)
         // string must be exact match
         if (string.CompareOrdinal(node[ndx].Identifier, name) == 0)
             // there is at least one -- we can bail
             return true;
     // if we got here, we didn't find any matches
     return false;
        private static void DeleteNoInits(JsVar node, int min, string name)
            // walk backwards from the end of the list down to (and including) the minimum index
            for (int ndx = node.Count - 1; ndx >= min; --ndx)
                var varDecl = node[ndx];

                // if the name matches and there is no initializer...
                if (string.CompareOrdinal(varDecl.Identifier, name) == 0
                    && varDecl.Initializer == null)
                    // ...remove it from the list and from the field's declarations
        private static void CombineWithPreviousVar(JsBlock node, int ndx, JsVar previousVar)
            var binaryOp = node[ndx] as JsBinaryOperator;
            JsLookup lookup;
            if (binaryOp != null
                && binaryOp.IsAssign
                && (lookup = binaryOp.Operand1 as JsLookup) != null
                && lookup.VariableField != null
                && !ContainsReference(binaryOp.Operand2, lookup.VariableField)
                && previousVar[previousVar.Count - 1].VariableField == lookup.VariableField)
                var varDecl = previousVar[previousVar.Count - 1];
                if (varDecl.Initializer != null)
                    if (binaryOp.OperatorToken == JsToken.Assign)
                        // we have var name=expr1;name=expr2. If expr1 is a constant, we will
                        // get rid of it entirely and replace it with expr2. Otherwise we don't
                        // know about any side-effects, so just leave it be.
                        if (varDecl.Initializer.IsConstant)
                            // transform: var name=const;name=expr  ==> var name=expr
                            varDecl.Initializer = binaryOp.Operand2;

                            // getting rid of the lookup, so clean up its references
                            lookup.VariableField.IfNotNull(v => v.References.Remove(lookup));
                            node[ndx] = null;
                        // we have var name=expr1;name[OP]=expr2.
                        // transform: var name=expr1;name[OP]=expr2  ==>  var name=expr1[OP]expr2
                        // getting rid of the lookup, so clean up its references
                        lookup.VariableField.IfNotNull(v => v.References.Remove(lookup));

                        // reuse the binary op by stripping the assignment to just the operator,
                        // clobbering the lookup on operand1 with the vardecl assignment,
                        // and expanding the context to include the initializer.
                        binaryOp.OperatorToken = JsScanner.StripAssignment(binaryOp.OperatorToken);
                        binaryOp.Operand1 = varDecl.Initializer;

                        // set the adjusted binary op to the vardecl initializer and remove the
                        // current statement (that points to the binary op)
                        varDecl.Initializer = binaryOp;
                        node[ndx] = null;
                else if (binaryOp.OperatorToken == JsToken.Assign)
                    // transform: var name;name=expr  ==>  var name=expr
                    lookup.VariableField.IfNotNull(v => v.References.Remove(lookup));
                    varDecl.Initializer = binaryOp.Operand2;
                    node[ndx] = null;
                    // we have var name;name[OP]=expr.
                    // leave it alone???? we could make var name=undefined[OP]expr1, if we have a good undefined value.
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void Visit(JsVar node)
     // invalid! ignore
     IsValid = false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void Visit(JsVar node)
     Debug.Fail("shouldn't get here");
 public void Visit(JsVar node)
     // starts with 'var', so we don't care
        public override void Visit(JsVar node)
            if (node != null)
                // first we want to weed out duplicates that don't have initializers
                // var a=1, a=2 is okay, but var a, a=2 and var a=2, a should both be just var a=2,
                // and var a, a should just be var a
                if (m_parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(JsTreeModifications.RemoveDuplicateVar))
                    // first we want to weed out duplicates that don't have initializers
                    // var a=1, a=2 is okay, but var a, a=2 and var a=2, a should both be just var a=2,
                    // and var a, a should just be var a
                    int ndx = 0;
                    while (ndx < node.Count)
                        string thisName = node[ndx].Identifier;

                        // handle differently if we have an initializer or not
                        if (node[ndx].Initializer != null)
                            // the current vardecl has an initializer, so we want to delete any other
                            // vardecls of the same name in the rest of the list with no initializer
                            // and move on to the next item afterwards
                            DeleteNoInits(node, ++ndx, thisName);
                            // this vardecl has no initializer, so we can delete it if there is ANY
                            // other vardecl with the same name (whether or not it has an initializer)
                            if (VarDeclExists(node, ndx + 1, thisName))
                                // don't increment the index; we just deleted the current item,
                                // so the next item just slid into this position
                                // nope -- it's the only one. Move on to the next

                // recurse the analyze