Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void PossiblyBreakExpressionStatement(JsBinaryOperator node, JsBlock parentBlock)
            var nodeList = node.Operand2 as JsAstNodeList;

            if (nodeList != null)
                PossiblyBreakExpressionList(node, parentBlock, nodeList);
                //  not a list
                if (CanBeBroken(node.Operand2))
                    // flatten the operator. We have to explicitly recurse the left-hand side.
                    var temp = node.Operand1;
                    parentBlock.ReplaceChild(node, temp);
                    parentBlock.InsertAfter(temp, node.Operand2);
                    // no change; just recurse normally
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override void Visit(JsBinaryOperator node)
     if (node != null)
         // if this isn't a comma-operator, just recurse normal.
         // if it is and this is the root block (parent is null) or a function block
         // or there's already more than one statement in the block, we will want to possibly break
         // this comma-operator expression statement into separate expression statements.
         JsBlock parentBlock;
         if (node.OperatorToken == JsToken.Comma &&
             m_parser.Settings.IsModificationAllowed(JsTreeModifications.UnfoldCommaExpressionStatements) &&
             ((parentBlock = node.Parent as JsBlock) != null) &&
             (parentBlock.Parent == null ||
              parentBlock.Parent is JsFunctionObject ||
              parentBlock.Parent is JsTryNode ||
              parentBlock.Parent is JsSwitchCase ||
              parentBlock.Count > 1))
             // possibly break this one comma statement into multiple statements and recurse
             PossiblyBreakExpressionStatement(node, parentBlock);
             // just recurse it normally
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static void RotateOpeator(JsBinaryOperator node, JsAstNodeList rightSide)
     if (rightSide.Count == 0)
         // the list is empty -- remove the node altogether
         node.Parent.ReplaceChild(node, null);
     else if (rightSide.Count == 1)
         // the list has only one item -- replace the node with the one item
         node.Parent.ReplaceChild(node, rightSide[0]);
     else if (rightSide.Count == 2)
         // there are only two items -- rotate the first to the left-hand side
         // and replace the right-hand side with the second item
         node.Operand1 = rightSide[0];
         node.Operand2 = rightSide[1];
         // there will still be more than one left in the list after we peel off the
         // first one. rotate the first item to the left-hand side
         var temp = rightSide[0];
         node.Operand1 = temp;
 public void Visit(JsBinaryOperator node)
     // if there's a left-hand operand, recurse into it
     if (node != null && node.Operand1 != null)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void PossiblyBreakExpressionList(JsBinaryOperator node, JsBlock parentBlock, JsAstNodeList nodeList)
            // if the first item can be broken, then we an break it and be done.
            // otherwise we're going to have to walk until we find a breaking place
            if (CanBeBroken(nodeList[0]))
                // break the first item. insert the left-hand side at our position and
                // recurse it. Then rotate the node.
                var index = parentBlock.IndexOf(node);
                var temp  = node.Operand1;
                RotateOpeator(node, nodeList);
                parentBlock.Insert(index, temp);

                // assumes nothing will cause the node to be deleted, because then it
                // would cause us to miss the following item
                // the first one can't be broken, so find the first one that can (if any)
                for (var ndx = 1; ndx < nodeList.Count; ++ndx)
                    if (CanBeBroken(nodeList[ndx]))
                        if (ndx == 1)
                            // the second item is where we are breaking it, so we're going to pull
                            // the first item, replace the list with that first item, then insert
                            // a new comma operator after the current node
                            var temp = nodeList[0];
                            node.Operand2 = temp;

                            // if there's nothing left, then let it die. Otherwise split off
                            // the remainder and insert after the current item.
                            if (nodeList.Count > 0)
                                parentBlock.InsertAfter(node, CreateSplitNodeFromEnd(nodeList, 0));
                            // split off items from the index where we want to split, and insert
                            // it after the current node and leave the node list where it is.
                            parentBlock.InsertAfter(node, CreateSplitNodeFromEnd(nodeList, ndx));

                        // and now that we've broken it, bail.

                // regardless if anything changed, recurse this node now
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public override void Visit(JsBinaryOperator node)
     if (node != null)
         if (m_measure)
             // measure
             // convert
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Visit(JsBinaryOperator node)
            if (node != null)
                if (node.Operand1 != null)

                if (node.Operand2 != null)

                node.Index = NextOrderIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void ConvertBinaryOperator(JsBinaryOperator node)
            // depending on the operator, perform whatever we need to do to apply a logical
            // not to the operation
            switch (node.OperatorToken)
            case JsToken.Equal:
                node.OperatorToken = JsToken.NotEqual;

            case JsToken.NotEqual:
                node.OperatorToken = JsToken.Equal;

            case JsToken.StrictEqual:
                node.OperatorToken = JsToken.StrictNotEqual;

            case JsToken.StrictNotEqual:
                node.OperatorToken = JsToken.StrictEqual;

            case JsToken.LessThan:
            //node.OperatorToken = JSToken.GreaterThanEqual;

            case JsToken.GreaterThan:
            //node.OperatorToken = JSToken.LessThanEqual;

            case JsToken.LessThanEqual:
            //node.OperatorToken = JSToken.GreaterThan;

            case JsToken.GreaterThanEqual:
            //node.OperatorToken = JSToken.LessThan;

            case JsToken.Assign:
            case JsToken.PlusAssign:
            case JsToken.MinusAssign:
            case JsToken.MultiplyAssign:
            case JsToken.DivideAssign:
            case JsToken.ModuloAssign:
            case JsToken.BitwiseAndAssign:
            case JsToken.BitwiseOrAssign:
            case JsToken.BitwiseXorAssign:
            case JsToken.LeftShiftAssign:
            case JsToken.RightShiftAssign:
            case JsToken.UnsignedRightShiftAssign:
            case JsToken.BitwiseAnd:
            case JsToken.BitwiseOr:
            case JsToken.BitwiseXor:
            case JsToken.Divide:
            case JsToken.Multiply:
            case JsToken.Modulo:
            case JsToken.Minus:
            case JsToken.Plus:
            case JsToken.LeftShift:
            case JsToken.RightShift:
            case JsToken.UnsignedRightShift:
            case JsToken.In:
            case JsToken.InstanceOf:

            case JsToken.Comma:
                // to logical-not a comma-operator, we just need to logical-not the
                // right-hand side

            case JsToken.LogicalAnd:
            case JsToken.LogicalOr:
                if (node.Parent is JsBlock || (node.Parent is JsCommaOperator && node.Parent.Parent is JsBlock))
                    // if the parent is a block, then this is a simple expression statement:
                    // expr1 || expr2; or expr1 && expr2; If so, then the result isn't
                    // used anywhere and we're just using the || or && operator as a
                    // shorter if-statement. So we don't need to negate the right-hand
                    // side, just the left-hand side.
                    if (node.Operand1 != null)
                    // the logical-not of a logical-and or logical-or operation is the
                    // other operation against the not of each operand. Since the opposite
                    // operator is the same length as this operator, then we just need
                    // to recurse both operands and swap the operator token
                    if (node.Operand1 != null)

                    if (node.Operand2 != null)
                node.OperatorToken = node.OperatorToken == JsToken.LogicalAnd ? JsToken.LogicalOr : JsToken.LogicalAnd;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void MeasureBinaryOperator(JsBinaryOperator node)
            // depending on the operator, calculate the potential difference in length
            switch (node.OperatorToken)
            case JsToken.Equal:
            case JsToken.NotEqual:
            case JsToken.StrictEqual:
            case JsToken.StrictNotEqual:
                // these operators can be turned into a logical not without any
                // delta in code size. == becomes !=, etc.

            case JsToken.LessThan:
            case JsToken.GreaterThan:
            // these operators would add another character when turnbed into a not.
            // for example, < becomes >=, etc

            case JsToken.LessThanEqual:
            case JsToken.GreaterThanEqual:
            // these operators would subtract another character when turnbed into a not.
            // for example, <= becomes >, etc

            case JsToken.Assign:
            case JsToken.PlusAssign:
            case JsToken.MinusAssign:
            case JsToken.MultiplyAssign:
            case JsToken.DivideAssign:
            case JsToken.ModuloAssign:
            case JsToken.BitwiseAndAssign:
            case JsToken.BitwiseOrAssign:
            case JsToken.BitwiseXorAssign:
            case JsToken.LeftShiftAssign:
            case JsToken.RightShiftAssign:
            case JsToken.UnsignedRightShiftAssign:
            case JsToken.BitwiseAnd:
            case JsToken.BitwiseOr:
            case JsToken.BitwiseXor:
            case JsToken.Divide:
            case JsToken.Multiply:
            case JsToken.Modulo:
            case JsToken.Minus:
            case JsToken.Plus:
            case JsToken.LeftShift:
            case JsToken.RightShift:
            case JsToken.UnsignedRightShift:
            case JsToken.In:
            case JsToken.InstanceOf:
                // these operators have no logical not, which means we need to wrap them in
                // a unary logical-not operator. And since they have a lower precedence than
                // the unary logical-not, they'll have to be wrapped in parens. So that means
                // logical-not'ing these guys adds three characters
                m_delta += 3;

            case JsToken.Comma:
                // to logical-not a comma-operator, we just need to logical-not the
                // right-hand side

            case JsToken.LogicalAnd:
            case JsToken.LogicalOr:
                if (node.Parent is JsBlock || (node.Parent is JsCommaOperator && node.Parent.Parent is JsBlock))
                    // if the parent is a block, then this is a simple expression statement:
                    // expr1 || expr2; or expr1 && expr2; If so, then the result isn't
                    // used anywhere and we're just using the || or && operator as a
                    // shorter if-statement. So we don't need to negate the right-hand
                    // side, just the left-hand side.
                    if (node.Operand1 != null)
                    // the logical-not of a logical-and or logical-or operation is the
                    // other operation against the not of each operand. Since the opposite
                    // operator is the same length as this operator, then we just need
                    // to recurse both operands to find the true delta.
                    if (node.Operand1 != null)

                    if (node.Operand2 != null)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void Visit(JsBinaryOperator node)
     // invalid! ignore
     IsValid = false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void Visit(JsBinaryOperator node)
     // not applicable; terminate
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void Visit(JsBinaryOperator node)
     // lesser precedence than the new operator; use parens
     m_needsParens = true;