Ejemplo n.º 1
        public MainPage()

            // Initialize Motor Driver Pins
            MotorDriver.InitializePins(MotorDriver.AvailableGpioPin.GpioPin_5, MotorDriver.AvailableGpioPin.GpioPin_6, MotorDriver.AvailableGpioPin.GpioPin_13, MotorDriver.AvailableGpioPin.GpioPin_26);

            // Initialize MyRecognizer and Load Grammar

            // Initialize front distance sensor
            Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor Front_DistanceSensor = new Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor(Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor.AvailableGpioPin.GpioPin_12, Sensor.UltrasonicDistanceSensor.AvailableGpioPin.GpioPin_16);

            // Initialize ObstacleDetection object
            Sensor.ObstacleDetection Front_ObstacleDetection = new Sensor.ObstacleDetection(Front_DistanceSensor);
            Front_ObstacleDetection.ObstacleDetected += Front_ObstacleDetection_ObstacleDetected;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ObstacleDetection(UltrasonicDistanceSensor _Sensor, int ScanResolutionInMs = 100)
            // initialize CurrentDistance to zero
            double CurrentDistanceInCm = 0;

            // Create a separate Task to scan distance between obstacle and sensor
            Task.Factory.StartNew(async() =>
                // Loop infinity until the power is down
                while (true)
                    // Verify current distance ahead and raise event if MinDistance distance is breached
                    if ((CurrentDistanceInCm = _Sensor.GetDistance()) <= MinDistance && CurrentState == DetectionState.Clear)
                        // Raise event only if it is not null
                        if (ObstacleDetected != null)
                            ObstacleDetected(DetectionState.Detected, CurrentDistanceInCm);
                        // Set current state
                        CurrentState = DetectionState.Detected;
                    else if (CurrentDistanceInCm > MinDistance && CurrentState == DetectionState.Detected) // Raise event if distance between object and sensor is greater than MinDistance
                        // Raise event only if it is not null
                        if (ObstacleDetected != null)
                            ObstacleDetected(DetectionState.Clear, CurrentDistanceInCm);
                        // Set current state
                        CurrentState = DetectionState.Clear;

                    // Wait for the next scan time
                    await Task.Delay(ScanResolutionInMs);