public static SpeckleObject ToSpeckle(this GsaNode dummyObject)
      var nodeKw = GsaRecord.GetKeyword<GsaNode>();
      var springKw = GsaRecord.GetKeyword<GsaPropSpr>();
      var massKw = GsaRecord.GetKeyword<GsaPropMass>();
      var loadTaskKw = GsaRecord.GetKeyword<GsaLoadCase>();
      var comboKw = GsaRecord.GetKeyword<GsaCombination>();

      var newNodeLines = Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.GetGwaToSerialise(nodeKw);

      var sendResults = GetNodeResultSettings(out var embedResults, out var resultTypes, out var resultCases);

      if (sendResults)
        Initialiser.AppResources.Proxy.LoadResults(ResultGroup.Node, out int numErrorRows, resultCases, newNodeLines.Keys.ToList());
        if (numErrorRows > 0)
          Initialiser.AppResources.Messenger.Message(MessageIntent.Display, MessageLevel.Error, "Unable to process " + numErrorRows + " rows of node results");
          Initialiser.AppResources.Messenger.Message(MessageIntent.TechnicalLog, MessageLevel.Error, "Unable to process " + numErrorRows + " rows of node results");
      //This method produces two types of SpeckleStructural objects
      var structuralNodes = new List<StructuralNode>();
      var structural0dSprings = new List<Structural0DSpring>();

      int numToBeSent = 0;

      foreach (var i in newNodeLines.Keys)
        Parallel.ForEach(newNodeLines.Keys, i =>
        GsaNode gsaNode = null;
        var objNode = Helper.ToSpeckleTryCatch(nodeKw, i, () =>
          gsaNode = new GsaNode();
          if (gsaNode.FromGwa(newNodeLines[i]))
            var structuralNode = new StructuralNode()
              Name = gsaNode.Name,
              ApplicationId = SpeckleStructuralGSA.Helper.GetApplicationId(nodeKw, i),
              Value = new List<double>() { gsaNode.X, gsaNode.Y, gsaNode.Z },
              Restraint = GetRestraint(gsaNode)

            if (gsaNode.MeshSize.HasValue && gsaNode.MeshSize.Value > 0)
              structuralNode.GSALocalMeshSize = gsaNode.MeshSize.Value;

            if (gsaNode.MassPropertyIndex.HasValue && gsaNode.MassPropertyIndex.Value > 0)
              var massGwas = Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.GetGwa(massKw, gsaNode.MassPropertyIndex.Value);
              if (massGwas != null && massGwas.Count() > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(massGwas.First()))
                var gsaPropMass = new GsaPropMass();
                if (gsaPropMass.FromGwa(massGwas.First()) && gsaPropMass.Mass > 0)
                  structuralNode.Mass = gsaPropMass.Mass;
            return structuralNode;
          return new SpeckleNull();

        if (objNode !=null && !(objNode is SpeckleNull))
          var structuralNode = (StructuralNode)objNode;
          GSANodeResult gsaNodeResult = null;

          //Embed results if appropriate as the last thing to do to the new Speckle object before being added to the collection of objects to be sent
          if (sendResults)
            if (Initialiser.AppResources.Proxy.GetResultHierarchy(ResultGroup.Node, i, out var results) && results != null)
              var orderedLoadCases = results.Keys.OrderBy(k => k).ToList();
              if (embedResults)
                foreach (var loadCase in orderedLoadCases)
                  if (!Helper.FilterResults(results[loadCase], out Dictionary<string, object> sendableResults))
                  var nodeResult = new StructuralNodeResult()
                    IsGlobal = !Initialiser.AppResources.Settings.ResultInLocalAxis,
                    TargetRef = structuralNode.ApplicationId,
                    Value = sendableResults
                  var loadCaseRef = Helper.GsaCaseToRef(loadCase, loadTaskKw, comboKw);
                  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loadCaseRef))
                    //nodeResult.LoadCaseRef = loadCaseRef;
                    nodeResult.LoadCaseRef = loadCase;
                  if (structuralNode.Result == null)
                    //Can't just allocate an empty dictionary as the Result set property won't allow it
                    structuralNode.Result = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { loadCase, nodeResult } };
                    structuralNode.Result.Add(loadCase, nodeResult);
                foreach (var loadCase in orderedLoadCases)
                  if (!Helper.FilterResults(results[loadCase], out Dictionary<string, object> sendableResults))
                  var nodeResult = new StructuralNodeResult()
                    IsGlobal = !Initialiser.AppResources.Settings.ResultInLocalAxis,
                    TargetRef = structuralNode.ApplicationId,
                    Value = sendableResults
                  var loadCaseRef = Helper.GsaCaseToRef(loadCase, loadTaskKw, comboKw);
                  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loadCaseRef))
                    //nodeResult.LoadCaseRef = loadCaseRef;
                    nodeResult.LoadCaseRef = loadCase;
                  gsaNodeResult = new GSANodeResult { Value = nodeResult, GSAId = i };
          var senderObjectGsaNode = new GSANode()
            Value = structuralNode,
            GSAId = i
          if (gsaNodeResult != null)
            senderObjectGsaNode.ForceSend = true;

          //Add spring object if appropriate
          if (gsaNode.SpringPropertyIndex.HasValue && gsaNode.SpringPropertyIndex.Value > 0)
            var objSpring = Helper.ToSpeckleTryCatch(nodeKw, i, () =>
              var springPropRef = SpeckleStructuralGSA.Helper.GetApplicationId(springKw, gsaNode.SpringPropertyIndex.Value);
              if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(springPropRef))
                var structural0dSpring = new Structural0DSpring()
                //The application ID might need a better mechanism to allow a StructuralNode and Structural0DSpring previously received
                //that originally created the one node to be separated out again to produce the Application ID to use here for this spring
                //TO DO - review, for now just append a string to ensure the same Application ID value isn't used twice
                ApplicationId = gsaNode.ApplicationId + "_spring",
                  Name = gsaNode.Name,
                  Value = new List<double>() { gsaNode.X, gsaNode.Y, gsaNode.Z },
                  PropertyRef = springPropRef,
                  Dummy = false
                return structural0dSpring;
              return new SpeckleNull();
            if (!(objSpring is SpeckleNull))
              Initialiser.GsaKit.GSASenderObjects.Add(new GSA0DSpring() { Value = (Structural0DSpring)objSpring, GSAId = i });
          } //if spring object needs to be added
        } //if node object was successfully created
#if !DEBUG

      if (sendResults)

      return (numToBeSent > 0) ? new SpeckleObject() : new SpeckleNull();