Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Remove a connection to the list of connections in a threadsafe   //
        // way.                                                             //
        public void RemoveConnection(ThreadConnection connection)
            // To assist with debugging only wait one second (which  //
            // is a loooong time) and log a console message if timed //
            // out.                                                  //
            bool timedOut = !sem.WaitOne(1000);

            if (timedOut)
                Console.WriteLine("Wait timed out removing connection");


            catch (Exception e) { }

            Console.Write("Object removed from list of connections.  List now contains ");
            Console.WriteLine(" connections.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Add a new connection to the list of connections in a threadsafe  //
        // way.                                                             //
        public void AddConnection(ThreadConnection newConnection)
            // To assist with debugging only wait one second (which  //
            // is a loooong time) and log a console message if timed //
            // out.                                                  //
            bool timedOut = sem.WaitOne(1000);

            if (timedOut)
                Console.WriteLine("Wait timed out adding new connection");

Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Start the sort of proxy.                                         //
        private void StartProxy()
            // Try to create a listening socket.                            //
                listeningSocket = new TcpListener(System.Net.IPAddress.Any, port);
                Console.WriteLine("Listening socket started");  //Why don't these echo!
            catch (Exception ee)
                Console.WriteLine(ee.Message, "Error opening listening socket");

            // This next bit just prints out the IP address and the host.   //
            // There must be a neater way to do this - Nigel.               //
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Listener running");

            localHostInfo = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName());

            foreach (IPAddress address in localHostInfo.AddressList)
                Console.WriteLine("I have Ip address " + address.ToString());

            // Sit and wait until something attempts to connect to us.      //
            //                                                              //
            // We block (i.e. wait) on the listeningSocket.AcceptSocket();  //
            // When it does, we get passed a new connection.                //
            //                                                              //
            // This run() method (I have called it run() to make C# look    //
            // like Java) You will find that this form (Thread) won't       //
            // respond wo any Windows events (try it), as it is blocking in //
            // the code below.                                              //

            while (true)
                connection = listeningSocket.AcceptSocket();

                //We have now accepted a connection.                         //
                //                                                           //
                //There are several ways to do this next bit.   Here I make a//
                //network stream and use it to create two other streams, an  //
                //input and an output stream.   Life gets easier at that     //
                //point.                                                     //
                ThreadConnection threadConnection = new ThreadConnection(connection, this);

                // Create a new Thread to manage the connection that receives//
                // data.  If you are a Java programmer, this looks like a    //
                // load of hokum cokum..                                     //
                Thread threadRunner = new Thread(new ThreadStart(threadConnection.run));

                Console.WriteLine("Created new connection class");