Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Function from file: world.dm
        public static dynamic Reboot(dynamic reason = null, string feedback_c = null, string feedback_r = null, int?time = null)
            double? delay = null;
            dynamic C     = null;

            if (reason == 1)
                if (Task13.User != null)
                    GlobalFuncs.log_admin("" + GlobalFuncs.key_name(Task13.User) + " Has requested an immediate world restart via client side debugging tools");
                    GlobalFuncs.message_admins("" + GlobalFuncs.key_name_admin(Task13.User) + " Has requested an immediate world restart via client side debugging tools");
                Game13.WriteMsg("<span class='boldannounce'>Rebooting World immediately due to host request</span>");
                return(Game13._internal_Reboot(1, feedback_c, feedback_r, time));

            if (Lang13.Bool(time))
                delay = time;
                delay = (GlobalVars.config.round_end_countdown ?? 0) * 10;

            if (GlobalVars.ticker.delay_end)
                Game13.WriteMsg("<span class='boldannounce'>An admin has delayed the round end.</span>");
            Game13.WriteMsg("<span class='boldannounce'>Rebooting World in " + (delay ?? 0) / 10 + " " + ((delay ?? 0) > 10 ? "seconds" : "second") + ". " + reason + "</span>");
            Task13.Sleep(((int)(delay ?? 0)));

            if (GlobalVars.blackbox != null)

            if (GlobalVars.ticker.delay_end)
                Game13.WriteMsg("<span class='boldannounce'>Reboot was cancelled by an admin.</span>");
            GlobalFuncs.feedback_set_details("" + feedback_c, "" + feedback_r);
            GlobalFuncs.log_game("<span class='boldannounce'>Rebooting World. " + reason + "</span>");
            GlobalFuncs.kick_clients_in_lobby("<span class='boldannounce'>The round came to an end with you in the lobby.</span>", 1);
            Task13.Schedule(0, (Task13.Closure)(() => {
                if (GlobalVars.ticker != null && Lang13.Bool(GlobalVars.ticker.round_end_sound))
                    Game13.WriteMsg(new Sound(GlobalVars.ticker.round_end_sound));
                    Game13.WriteMsg(new Sound(Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "sound/AI/newroundsexy.ogg", "sound/misc/apcdestroyed.ogg", "sound/misc/bangindonk.ogg", "sound/misc/leavingtg.ogg" })));

            foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(GlobalVars.clients))
                C = _a;

                if (!Lang13.Bool(((dynamic)typeof(Client)).IsInstanceOfType(C)))

                if (Lang13.Bool(GlobalVars.config.server))
                    Interface13.Link(C, "byond://" + GlobalVars.config.server);
            Game13._internal_Reboot(0, feedback_c, feedback_r, time);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // This is not perfect but if you are passing random shit to this you deserve to get fisted.
        public static dynamic Rotate(object d, double angle)
            if (d is bool || d is int || d is double)
                int dir = Convert.ToInt32(d);

                if (angle == 0)

                if (dir == 0)
                    if (Math.Abs(angle) < 45)
                        return(Rand13.Pick(new object[] { 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 }));               // I don't f*****g know, man.

                switch (dir)                   // convert to sane representation
                case 1: dir = 0; break;

                case 2: dir = 4; break;

                case 4: dir = 6; break;

                case 5: dir = 7; break;

                case 6: dir = 5; break;

                case 8: dir = 2; break;

                case 9: dir = 1; break;

                case 10: dir = 3; break;

                default: throw new Exception("DON'T KNOW THIS DIR: " + dir);

                // turn
                int turns = (int)angle / 45;
                dir += turns;
                dir %= 8;

                if (dir < 0)
                    dir += 8;

                dir = dirs[dir];                 // convert back to insane representation
                throw new Exception("Can't rotate this: " + d);