Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Control showActivity()
            // make a list for retrieving data from it
            List <SomerenModel.Activities> activities = new List <SomerenModel.Activities>();

            // linking the list to the DB connection in order to get data from it
            activities = SomerenDB.DB_getActivities();

            // Making a list and editing its format
            ListView activityListView = new ListView();

            activityListView.Height        = 370;
            activityListView.Width         = 370;
            activityListView.View          = View.Details;
            activityListView.FullRowSelect = true;

            // add columns to the list view
            activityListView.Columns.Add("ID", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            activityListView.Columns.Add("Activity Description", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            activityListView.Columns.Add("Number of Students", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            activityListView.Columns.Add("Number of Supervisors", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);

            // store data to the list view
            foreach (SomerenModel.Activities activity in activities)
                ListViewItem entryListItem = activityListView.Items.Add(activity.getId().ToString());

            // return a list view
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void addActivity(string desc, int numOfStudents, int numberOfSupervisor)
            // make a list for retrieving data from it
            List <SomerenModel.Activities> activities = new List <SomerenModel.Activities>();

            // linking the list to the DB connection in order to get data from it
            activities = SomerenDB.DB_getActivities();

            // make a new variable of type SomerenModel.Activities in order to store data to it
            SomerenModel.Activities newActivity = new SomerenModel.Activities();

            // make a list to store avtivity description in it
            List <string> activityDesc = new List <string>();

            // add avtivity description to the activityDesc list
            foreach (SomerenModel.Activities activity in activities)

            // make a validation to know if the data entered is diffrenet from DB data
            if (activityDesc.Contains(desc.ToLower()))
                // show a message if the entered data exists in the DB
                MessageBox.Show("You can not add the same activity twice, please enter another activity name!",
                                "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                //store data to the newActivity variable
                // passing data to the DB layer

                // show a messagebox after a successfull addition
                MessageBox.Show("You have successfully added a new activity!!\n" +
                                "Enter Refresh the list to see the changes", "",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);