StringAttribute() public static method

public static StringAttribute ( string>.IDictionary attributes, string key ) : string
attributes string>.IDictionary
key string
return string
Ejemplo n.º 1
        public AudioTrackInfo(XmlNode element, IDictionary <string, string> streamAttributes, uint index, StreamInfo stream) : base(element, index, stream)
            WaveFormatEx waveFormatEx;

            if (base.Attributes.ContainsKey("WaveFormatEx"))
                byte[] data = Parse.HexStringAttribute(base.Attributes, "WaveFormatEx");
                waveFormatEx = new WaveFormatEx(data);
                ushort wFormatTag          = Parse.UInt16Attribute(base.Attributes, "AudioTag");
                ushort nChannels           = Parse.UInt16Attribute(base.Attributes, "Channels");
                uint   nSamplesPerSec      = Parse.UInt32Attribute(base.Attributes, "SamplingRate");
                uint   num                 = Parse.UInt32Attribute(base.Attributes, "Bitrate");
                ushort nBlockAlign         = Parse.UInt16Attribute(base.Attributes, "PacketSize");
                ushort wBitsPerSample      = Parse.UInt16Attribute(base.Attributes, "BitsPerSample");
                byte[] decoderSpecificData = Parse.HexStringAttribute(base.Attributes, "CodecPrivateData");
                waveFormatEx = new WaveFormatEx(wFormatTag, nChannels, nSamplesPerSec, num / 8u, nBlockAlign, wBitsPerSample, decoderSpecificData);
            byte[] audioInfoBytes = MkvUtils.GetAudioInfoBytes(
                waveFormatEx.nSamplesPerSec, (ulong)waveFormatEx.nChannels, (ulong)waveFormatEx.wBitsPerSample);
            switch (waveFormatEx.wFormatTag)
            case 353:
            case 354: {
                base.TrackEntry = new TrackEntry(TrackType.Audio, audioInfoBytes, CodecID.A_MS, waveFormatEx.GetBytes());

            case 255:
            case 5633: {
                base.TrackEntry = new TrackEntry(TrackType.Audio, audioInfoBytes, CodecID.A_AAC, GetAudioSpecificConfigBytes(
                                                     waveFormatEx.nSamplesPerSec, (byte)waveFormatEx.nChannels));

            case 1: {
                throw new Exception("Unsupported audio format: 'LPCM'!");

            case 65534: {
                throw new Exception("Unsupported audio format: 'Vendor-extensible format'!");

            default: {
                throw new Exception("Unsupported AudioTag: '" + waveFormatEx.wFormatTag + "'");
            if (base.Attributes.ContainsKey("Name"))
                base.TrackEntry.Name = Parse.StringAttribute(streamAttributes, "Name");
            base.TrackEntry.Language = LanguageID.Hungarian; // TODO: Make this configurable.
            base.Description         = string.Format("{0} {1} channels {2} Hz @ {3} kbps", new object[] {
                GetCodecNameForAudioTag(waveFormatEx.wFormatTag), waveFormatEx.nChannels, waveFormatEx.nSamplesPerSec,
                base.Bitrate / 1000u
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public string GetChunkUrl(uint bitrate, ulong startTime)
     return(this.pureUrl + "/" + Parse.StringAttribute(this.Attributes, "Url")
            .Replace("{bitrate}", bitrate.ToString())
            .Replace("{Bitrate}", bitrate.ToString())
            .Replace("{start time}", startTime.ToString())
            .Replace("{start_time}", startTime.ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static ulong UInt64Attribute(IDictionary <string, string> attributes, string key)
            string text = Parse.StringAttribute(attributes, key);
            ulong  result;

            if (!ulong.TryParse(text, out result))
                throw new Exception("Cannot parse the " + key + " key!");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static bool BoolAttribute(IDictionary <string, string> attributes, string key)
            string text = Parse.StringAttribute(attributes, key);
            bool   result;

            if (!bool.TryParse(text, out result))
                throw new Exception("Cannot parse the " + key + " key!");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static MediaStreamType MediaStreamTypeAttribute(IDictionary <string, string> attributes, string key)
            switch (Parse.StringAttribute(attributes, key))
            case "video": { return(MediaStreamType.Video); }

            case "audio": { return(MediaStreamType.Audio); }

            case "text": { return(MediaStreamType.Script); }

            default: { throw new Exception("Cannot parse the " + key + " key!"); }
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static byte[] HexStringAttribute(IDictionary <string, string> attributes, string key)
     return(Utils.HexDecodeString(Parse.StringAttribute(attributes, key)));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public VideoTrackInfo(XmlNode element, IDictionary <string, string> streamAttributes, uint index, StreamInfo stream)
            : base(element, index, stream)
            uint pixelWidth = base.Attributes.ContainsKey("MaxWidth") ? Parse.UInt32Attribute(base.Attributes, "MaxWidth") :
                              base.Attributes.ContainsKey("Width") ? Parse.UInt32Attribute(base.Attributes, "Width") :
                              streamAttributes.ContainsKey("MaxWidth") ? Parse.UInt32Attribute(streamAttributes, "MaxWidth") : 0u;

            if (pixelWidth == 0u)
                throw new Exception("Missing video width attribute!");
            uint pixelHeight = base.Attributes.ContainsKey("MaxHeight") ? Parse.UInt32Attribute(base.Attributes, "MaxHeight") :
                               base.Attributes.ContainsKey("Height") ? Parse.UInt32Attribute(base.Attributes, "Height") :
                               streamAttributes.ContainsKey("MaxHeight") ? Parse.UInt32Attribute(streamAttributes, "MaxHeight") : 0u;

            if (pixelHeight == 0u)
                throw new Exception("Missing video height attribute!");
            uint displayWidth = streamAttributes.ContainsKey("DisplayWidth") ?
                                Parse.UInt32Attribute(streamAttributes, "DisplayWidth") : 0u;

            if (displayWidth == 0u)
                displayWidth = pixelWidth;
            uint displayHeight = streamAttributes.ContainsKey("DisplayHeight") ?
                                 Parse.UInt32Attribute(streamAttributes, "DisplayHeight") : 0u;

            if (displayHeight == 0u)
                displayHeight = pixelHeight;
            byte[] videoInfoBytes = MkvUtils.GetVideoInfoBytes(
                (ulong)pixelWidth, (ulong)pixelHeight, (ulong)displayWidth, (ulong)displayHeight);
            byte[] codecPrivateData = base.Attributes.ContainsKey("CodecPrivateData") ?
                                      Parse.HexStringAttribute(base.Attributes, "CodecPrivateData") : null;
            if (codecPrivateData == null)
                throw new Exception("Missing CodecPrivateData attribute!");
            string fourcc = base.Attributes.ContainsKey("FourCC") ? Parse.StringAttribute(base.Attributes, "FourCC") :
                            streamAttributes.ContainsKey("FourCC") ? Parse.StringAttribute(streamAttributes, "FourCC") : null;

            switch (fourcc)
            case "WVC1": {
                base.TrackEntry = new TrackEntry(
                    TrackType.Video, videoInfoBytes, CodecID.V_MS, VideoTrackInfo.GetVfWCodecPrivate(
                        pixelWidth, pixelHeight, fourcc, codecPrivateData));

            case "H264": {
                ushort nalUnitLengthField = 4;
                if (base.Attributes.ContainsKey("NALUnitLengthField"))
                    nalUnitLengthField = Parse.UInt16Attribute(base.Attributes, "NALUnitLengthField");
                base.TrackEntry = new TrackEntry(
                    TrackType.Video, videoInfoBytes, CodecID.V_AVC,
                    GetAVCCodecPrivate(codecPrivateData, nalUnitLengthField));

            case null: {
                throw new Exception("Missing FourCC attribute!");

            default: {
                throw new Exception("Unsupported video FourCC: '" + fourcc + "'");
            if (base.Attributes.ContainsKey("Name"))
                base.TrackEntry.Name = Parse.StringAttribute(streamAttributes, "Name");
            base.TrackEntry.Language = LanguageID.Hungarian; // TODO: Make this configurable.
            base.Description         = string.Format("{0} {1}x{2} ({3}x{4}) @ {5} kbps", new object[] {
                fourcc, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, displayWidth, displayHeight, base.Bitrate / 1000u
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void CheckUrlAttribute()
            string text = Parse.StringAttribute(this.Attributes, "Url");

            string[] array = text.Split(new char[] {
            if (array.Length != 2)
                throw new Exception("Invalid UrlPattern!");
            string text2 = array[0];
            string text3 = array[1];

            array = text2.Split(new char[] {
            if (array.Length != 3 || array[2].Length != 0)
                throw new Exception("Invalid QualityLevelsPattern!");
            if (array[0] != "QualityLevels")
                throw new Exception("Invalid QualityLevelsNoun!");
            string text4 = array[1];

            array = text4.Split(new char[] {
            if (array.Length > 2)
                throw new Exception("Invalid QualityLevelsPredicatePattern!");
            if (array[0] != "{bitrate}" && array[0] != "{Bitrate}")
                throw new Exception("Missing BitrateSubstitution!");
            if (array.Length == 2 && array[1] != "{CustomAttributes}")
                throw new Exception("Missing CustomAttributesSubstitution!");
            array = text3.Split(new char[] {
            if (array.Length != 3 || array[2].Length != 0)
                throw new Exception("Invalid FragmentsPattern!");
            if (array[0] != "Fragments")
                throw new Exception("Invalid FragmentsNoun!");
            string text5 = array[1];

            array = text5.Split(new char[] {
            if (array.Length != 2)
                throw new Exception("Invalid FragmentsPatternPredicate!");
            if (this.Attributes.ContainsKey("Name"))
                if (array[0] != Parse.StringAttribute(this.Attributes, "Name"))
                    throw new Exception("Missing TrackName!");
                if (array[0] != Parse.StringAttribute(this.Attributes, "Type"))
                    throw new Exception("Missing TrackName!");
            if (array[1] != "{start time}" && array[1] != "{start_time}")
                throw new Exception("Missing StartTimeSubstitution!");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public StreamInfo(XmlNode element, Uri manifestUri)
            if (element.Name != "StreamIndex")
                throw new Exception("Source element is not a(n) StreamIndex element!");
            this.Attributes       = Parse.Attributes(element);
            this.CustomAttributes = Parse.CustomAttributes(element);
            this.Type             = Parse.MediaStreamTypeAttribute(this.Attributes, "Type");
            this.Subtype          = this.Attributes.ContainsKey("Subtype") ? Parse.StringAttribute(this.Attributes, "Subtype") : "";
            if (this.Attributes.ContainsKey("Url"))
            this.AvailableTracks = new List <TrackInfo>();
            XmlNodeList xmlNodeList = element.SelectNodes("QualityLevel");
            int         i;

            for (i = 0; i < xmlNodeList.Count; ++i)
                TrackInfo trackInfo;
                if (this.Type == MediaStreamType.Audio)
                    trackInfo = new AudioTrackInfo(xmlNodeList[i], this.Attributes, (uint)i, this);
                else if (this.Type == MediaStreamType.Video)
                    trackInfo = new VideoTrackInfo(xmlNodeList[i], this.Attributes, (uint)i, this);
                int num = 0;
                while (num < this.AvailableTracks.Count && this.AvailableTracks[num].Bitrate > trackInfo.Bitrate)
                this.AvailableTracks.Insert(num, trackInfo);
            this.ChunkList = new List <ChunkInfo>();
            XmlNodeList xmlNodeList2 = element.SelectNodes("c");
            ulong       num2         = 0uL;

            for (i = 0; i < xmlNodeList2.Count; i++)
                ChunkInfo chunkInfo = new ChunkInfo(xmlNodeList2[i], (uint)i, num2);
                num2 += chunkInfo.Duration;
            if (this.Attributes.ContainsKey("Chunks"))
                uint chunkCount = Parse.UInt32Attribute(this.Attributes, "Chunks");
                if (this.ChunkList.Count > 0 && this.ChunkList.Count != chunkCount)
                    throw new Exception("Chunk count mismatch: c=" + this.ChunkList.Count + " chunks=" + chunkCount);
                this.ChunkCount = (int)chunkCount;
                this.ChunkCount = this.ChunkList.Count; // Can be 0 if no `<c' tags.
            this.pureUrl        = manifestUri.AbsoluteUri;
            this.pureUrl        = this.pureUrl.Substring(0, this.pureUrl.LastIndexOf('/'));
            this.SelectedTracks = new List <TrackInfo>();
            if (this.AvailableTracks.Count > 0)