Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Prune feed packages without committing
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <HashSet <PackageIdentity> > PrunePackagesNoCommit(SleetContext context, RetentionPruneCommandContext pruneContext)
            var packageIndex        = new PackageIndex(context);
            var existingPackageSets = await packageIndex.GetPackageSetsAsync();

            var allPackages = await RetentionUtility.ResolvePackageSets(existingPackageSets);

            var stableMax = pruneContext.StableVersionMax == null ? context.SourceSettings.RetentionMaxStableVersions : pruneContext.StableVersionMax;
            var prerelMax = pruneContext.PrereleaseVersionMax == null ? context.SourceSettings.RetentionMaxPrereleaseVersions : pruneContext.PrereleaseVersionMax;

            if (stableMax == null || stableMax < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Package retention must specify a maximum number of stable versions that is > 0");

            if (prerelMax == null || prerelMax < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Package retention must specify a maximum number of prerelease versions that is > 0");

            if (pruneContext.PackageIds?.Count > 0)
                allPackages.RemoveWhere(e => !pruneContext.PackageIds.Contains(e.Id));

            var toPrune = RetentionUtility.GetPackagesToPrune(allPackages, pruneContext.PinnedPackages, (int)stableMax, (int)prerelMax);

            await RemovePackages(context, existingPackageSets, toPrune, pruneContext.DryRun, context.Log);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Lock the feed and delete all packages given.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <bool> DeletePackagesAsync(LocalSettings settings, ISleetFileSystem source, IEnumerable <PackageIdentity> packagesToDelete, string reason, bool force, ILogger log)
            var success = true;

            var token = CancellationToken.None;

            log.LogMinimal($"Reading feed {source.BaseURI.AbsoluteUri}");

            // Check if already initialized
            using (var feedLock = await SourceUtility.VerifyInitAndLock(settings, source, "Delete", log, token))
                // Validate source
                await SourceUtility.ValidateFeedForClient(source, log, token);

                // Get sleet.settings.json
                var sourceSettings = await FeedSettingsUtility.GetSettingsOrDefault(source, log, token);

                // Settings context used for all operations
                var context = new SleetContext()
                    LocalSettings  = settings,
                    SourceSettings = sourceSettings,
                    Log            = log,
                    Source         = source,
                    Token          = token

                var packageIndex        = new PackageIndex(context);
                var existingPackageSets = await packageIndex.GetPackageSetsAsync();

                var packages = new HashSet <PackageIdentity>(packagesToDelete);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason))
                    reason = string.Empty;

                await RemovePackages(force, log, context, existingPackageSets, packages);

                // Save all
                log.LogMinimal($"Committing changes to {source.BaseURI.AbsoluteUri}");

                success &= await source.Commit(log, token);

            if (success)
                log.LogMinimal($"Successfully deleted packages.");
                log.LogError($"Failed to delete packages.");

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Push packages to a feed.
        /// This assumes the feed is already locked.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <bool> PushPackages(LocalSettings settings, ISleetFileSystem source, List <PackageInput> packages, bool force, bool skipExisting, ILogger log, CancellationToken token)
            var exitCode = true;
            var now      = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            // Verify no duplicate packages

            // Get sleet.settings.json
            await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Minimal, "Reading feed");

            var sourceSettings = await FeedSettingsUtility.GetSettingsOrDefault(source, log, token);

            // Settings context used for all operations
            var context = new SleetContext()
                LocalSettings  = settings,
                SourceSettings = sourceSettings,
                Log            = log,
                Source         = source,
                Token          = token,
                PerfTracker    = source.LocalCache.PerfTracker

            await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Verbose, "Reading existing package index");

            // Push
            var packageIndex        = new PackageIndex(context);
            var existingPackageSets = await packageIndex.GetPackageSetsAsync();

            await PushPackages(packages, context, existingPackageSets, force, skipExisting, log);

            // Prune packages
            await PrunePackages(packages, context);

            // Save all
            await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Minimal, $"Committing changes to {source.BaseURI.AbsoluteUri}");

            await source.Commit(log, token);

            if (exitCode)
                await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Minimal, "Successfully pushed packages.");
                await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Error, "Failed to push packages.");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static async Task <bool> RunAsync(LocalSettings settings, ISleetFileSystem source, ILogger log)
            var exitCode = true;

            log.LogMinimal($"Stats for {source.BaseURI}");

            var token = CancellationToken.None;

            // Check if already initialized
            using (var feedLock = await SourceUtility.VerifyInitAndLock(settings, source, "Stats", log, token))
                // Validate source
                await UpgradeUtility.EnsureFeedVersionMatchesTool(source, log, token);

                // Get sleet.settings.json
                var sourceSettings = await FeedSettingsUtility.GetSettingsOrDefault(source, log, token);

                // Settings context used for all operations
                var context = new SleetContext()
                    LocalSettings  = settings,
                    SourceSettings = sourceSettings,
                    Log            = log,
                    Source         = source,
                    Token          = token

                var packageIndex        = new PackageIndex(context);
                var existingPackageSets = await packageIndex.GetPackageSetsAsync();

                var uniqueIds = existingPackageSets.Packages.Index
                                .Select(e => e.Id).Distinct(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                log.LogMinimal($"Packages: {existingPackageSets.Packages.Index.Count}");
                log.LogMinimal($"Symbols Packages: {existingPackageSets.Symbols.Index.Count}");
                log.LogMinimal($"Unique package ids: {uniqueIds.Count()}");

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static async Task PushPackages(List<PackageInput> packageInputs, SleetContext context, PackageIndex packageIndex, bool force, bool skipExisting, ILogger log)
            var toAdd = new List<PackageInput>();
            var toRemove = new List<PackageInput>();
            var existingPackageSets = await packageIndex.GetPackageSetsAsync();

            foreach (var package in packageInputs)
                var packageString = $"{package.Identity.Id} {package.Identity.Version.ToFullString()}";

                if (package.IsSymbolsPackage)
                    packageString += " Symbols";

                    if (!context.SourceSettings.SymbolsEnabled)
                        await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Warning, $"Skipping {packageString}, to push symbols packages enable the symbols server on this feed.");

                        // Skip this package

                var exists = false;

                if (package.IsSymbolsPackage)
                    exists = existingPackageSets.Symbols.Exists(package.Identity);
                    exists = existingPackageSets.Packages.Exists(package.Identity);

                if (exists)
                    if (skipExisting)
                        await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Minimal, $"Skip exisiting package: {packageString}");
                    else if (force)
                        await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Information, $"Replace existing package: {packageString}");
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Package already exists: {packageString}.");
                    await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Minimal, $"Add new package: {packageString}");

                // Add to list of packages to push

            await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Minimal, $"Processing feed changes");

            // Add/Remove packages
            var changeContext = SleetOperations.Create(existingPackageSets, toAdd, toRemove);
            await SleetUtility.ApplyPackageChangesAsync(context, changeContext);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static async Task <bool> RunAsync(LocalSettings settings, ISleetFileSystem source, string packageId, string version, string reason, bool force, ILogger log)
            var success = true;

            var token = CancellationToken.None;
            var now   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            log.LogMinimal($"Reading feed {source.BaseURI.AbsoluteUri}");

            // Check if already initialized
            using (var feedLock = await SourceUtility.VerifyInitAndLock(settings, source, log, token))
                // Validate source
                await SourceUtility.ValidateFeedForClient(source, log, token);

                // Get sleet.settings.json
                var sourceSettings = await FeedSettingsUtility.GetSettingsOrDefault(source, log, token);

                // Settings context used for all operations
                var context = new SleetContext()
                    LocalSettings  = settings,
                    SourceSettings = sourceSettings,
                    Log            = log,
                    Source         = source,
                    Token          = token

                var packageIndex        = new PackageIndex(context);
                var existingPackageSets = await packageIndex.GetPackageSetsAsync();

                var packages = new HashSet <PackageIdentity>();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
                    // Delete a single version of the package
                    var packageVersion = NuGetVersion.Parse(version);

                    packages.Add(new PackageIdentity(packageId, packageVersion));
                    // Delete all versions of the package
                    packages.UnionWith(await existingPackageSets.Packages.GetPackagesByIdAsync(packageId));
                    packages.UnionWith(await existingPackageSets.Symbols.GetPackagesByIdAsync(packageId));

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason))
                    reason = string.Empty;

                var toRemove        = new HashSet <PackageIdentity>();
                var toRemoveSymbols = new HashSet <PackageIdentity>();

                foreach (var package in packages)
                    var exists        = existingPackageSets.Packages.Exists(package);
                    var symbolsExists = existingPackageSets.Symbols.Exists(package);

                    if (!exists && !symbolsExists)
                        log.LogInformation($"{package.ToString()} does not exist.");

                        if (force)
                            // ignore failures
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Package does not exists: {package.ToString()}");

                    if (exists)

                    if (symbolsExists)

                    var message = $"Removing {package.ToString()}";

                    if (exists && symbolsExists)
                        message = $"Removing {package.ToString()} and symbols package for {package.ToString()}";
                    else if (symbolsExists)
                        message = $"Removing symbols package {package.ToString()}";

                    await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Information, message);

                // Update feed
                await log.LogAsync(LogLevel.Information, "Removing packages from feed locally");

                // Add/Remove packages
                var changeContext = SleetOperations.CreateDelete(existingPackageSets, toRemove, toRemoveSymbols);
                await SleetUtility.ApplyPackageChangesAsync(context, changeContext);

                // Save all
                log.LogMinimal($"Committing changes to {source.BaseURI.AbsoluteUri}");

                success &= await source.Commit(log, token);

            if (success)
                log.LogMinimal($"Successfully deleted packages.");
                log.LogError($"Failed to delete packages.");

Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static Task <PackageSets> GetPackageSets(SleetContext context)
            var index = new PackageIndex(context);
