Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            ShowIfAttribute showIfAttr = (ShowIfAttribute)attribute;
            bool            enabled    = GetShowIfAttributeResult(showIfAttr, property);

            if (!showIfAttr.ShouldShow || enabled)
                return(EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(property, label));
                //The property is not being drawn
                //We want to undo the spacing added before and after the property
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private bool GetShowIfAttributeResult(ShowIfAttribute showIfAttr, SerializedProperty property)
            bool enabled = true;
            //Look for the sourcefield within the object that the property belongs to
            string             propertyPath        = property.propertyPath;                                          //returns the property path of the property we want to apply the attribute to
            string             conditionPath       = propertyPath.Replace(property.name, showIfAttr.FieldCondition); //changes the path to the conditionalsource property path
            SerializedProperty sourcePropertyValue = property.serializedObject.FindProperty(conditionPath);

            if (sourcePropertyValue != null)
                enabled = sourcePropertyValue.boolValue;
                Debug.LogWarning("Attempting to use a ShowIfAttribute but no matching SourcePropertyValue found in object: " + showIfAttr.FieldCondition);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            //get the attribute data
            ShowIfAttribute condHAtt = (ShowIfAttribute)attribute;
            //check if the propery we want to draw should be enabled
            bool enabled = GetShowIfAttributeResult(condHAtt, property);

            //Enable/disable the property
            bool wasEnabled = UnityEngine.GUI.enabled;

            UnityEngine.GUI.enabled = enabled;

            //Check if we should draw the property
            if (!condHAtt.ShouldShow || enabled)
                EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property, label, true);

            //Ensure that the next property that is being drawn uses the correct settings
            UnityEngine.GUI.enabled = wasEnabled;