public async override void ViewDidLoad()
      #warning first we have to setup connection info and create a session
      var instanceUrl = "";

      using (var credentials = new SecureStringPasswordProvider("login", "password"))
      using (
        var session = SitecoreWebApiSessionBuilder.AuthenticatedSessionWithHost(instanceUrl)
        // In order to fetch some data we have to build a request
        var request = ItemWebApiRequestBuilder.ReadItemsRequestWithPath("/sitecore/content/home")

        // And execute it on a session asynchronously
        var response = await session.ReadItemAsync(request);

        // Now that it has succeeded we are able to access downloaded items
        ISitecoreItem item = response[0];

        // And content stored it its fields
        string fieldContent = item["text"].RawValue;

        UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView("Sitecore SDK Demo", fieldContent, null, "Ok", null);
    public IWebApiCredentials CredentialsShallowCopy()
      var result = new SecureStringPasswordProvider();
      result.providerImpl = this.providerImpl.PasswordProviderCopy();

      return result;
        public IWebApiCredentials CredentialsShallowCopy()
            var result = new SecureStringPasswordProvider();

            result.providerImpl = this.providerImpl.PasswordProviderCopy();

    public void TestPasswordStorageAllowsWhitespaceLogin()
      const string login = "******";
      const string password = "******";

      using (var passwordStorage = new SecureStringPasswordProvider(login, password))
        Assert.AreEqual(login, passwordStorage.Username);
        Assert.AreEqual(password, passwordStorage.Password);
    public void TestPasswordStorageReturnsSameValues()
      const string login = "******";
      const string password = "******";

      using (var passwordStorage = new SecureStringPasswordProvider(login, password))
        Assert.AreEqual(login, passwordStorage.Username);
        Assert.AreEqual(password, passwordStorage.Password);
    public void TestPasswordStorageCopyReturnsSameValues()
      const string login = "******";
      const string password = "******";

      using (var passwordStorage = new SecureStringPasswordProvider(login, password))
        Assert.AreEqual(login, passwordStorage.Username);
        Assert.AreEqual(password, passwordStorage.Password);

        using (var passwordStorageCopy = passwordStorage.CredentialsShallowCopy())
          Assert.AreNotSame(passwordStorage, passwordStorageCopy);

          Assert.AreEqual(login, passwordStorageCopy.Username);
          Assert.AreEqual(password, passwordStorageCopy.Password);
    public ISitecoreWebApiSession GetSession()
        var credentials = 
          new SecureStringPasswordProvider(
        var result = SitecoreWebApiSessionBuilder.AuthenticatedSessionWithHost(this.instanceUrl)

        return result;
    public override async void ViewDidAppear(bool animated)

      // first we have to setup connection info and create a session
      var instanceUrl = "";

      using (var credentials = new SecureStringPasswordProvider("admin", "b"))
        var session = SitecoreWebApiSessionBuilder.AuthenticatedSessionWithHost(instanceUrl)
          .MediaLibraryRoot("/sitecore/media library")
        // In order to fetch some data we have to build a request
        var request = ItemWebApiRequestBuilder.ReadItemsRequestWithPath("/sitecore/content/home")

        // And execute it on a session asynchronously
        var response = await session.ReadItemAsync(request);

        // Now that it has succeeded we are able to access downloaded items
        ISitecoreItem item = response[0];

        // And content stored it its fields
        string fieldContent = item["text"].RawValue;

        UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView("Sitecore SDK Demo", fieldContent, null, "Ok", null);
    private async void SendAuthRequest()
        using (var credentials = new SecureStringPasswordProvider(this.loginField.Text, this.passwordField.Text))
            var session = SitecoreWebApiSessionBuilder.AuthenticatedSessionWithHost(this.urlField.Text)

          bool response = await session.AuthenticateAsync();

          if (response)
            AlertHelper.ShowLocalizedAlertWithOkOption("Message", "This user exist");
            AlertHelper.ShowLocalizedAlertWithOkOption("Message", "This user not exist");
      catch(Exception e) 
        AlertHelper.ShowLocalizedAlertWithOkOption("Error", e.Message);
    public void TestPasswordStorageAllowsNullPassword()
      const string login = "******";
      const string password = null;

      using (var passwordStorage = new SecureStringPasswordProvider(login, password))
        Assert.AreEqual(login, passwordStorage.Username);
        Assert.AreEqual(password, passwordStorage.Password);