public void Single_Thread_Test()
            SuperLogSingleton sl1 = SuperLogSingleton.Instance;

            sl1.AddLine("I'm the first line");
            SuperLogSingleton sl2 = SuperLogSingleton.Instance;

            sl2.AddLine("I'm supposed to be the second line");
            Assert.Equal(sl1.Output, sl2.Output);
        public void MultiTread_Test()
            SuperLogSingleton sl1 = SuperLogSingleton.Instance;

            sl1.AddLine("I'm the first line");
            var    output1 = sl1.Output;
            var    process = new OtherThread();
            Thread thread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(process.SimpleMethod));

            //Waits until the thread ends
            Assert.Equal(output1 + "I'm the second line\n", sl1.Output);
            public void SimpleMethod()
                SuperLogSingleton sl2 = SuperLogSingleton.Instance;

                sl2.AddLine("I'm the second line");