Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 360 Examples. This example requires you to create a test 360
        /// project that contains an inbound and outbound 360 API connection
        /// node, and the ID of a contact to test with.
        /// NOTE that this will remove things from outbound nodes. Make sure
        /// your project you test with is indeed a testing project.
        /// </summary>
        public void SimplyCast360Example(int contactID, int projectID, int inboundConnectionID, int outboundConnectionID)
            SimplyCast360.Responses.ProjectEntity project = api.SimplyCast360.GetProject(projectID);

            Console.WriteLine("Loaded 360 project '" + project.Name + "'");

            ContactManager.Responses.ContactEntity contact = api.ContactManager.GetContact(contactID);

            Console.WriteLine("Loaded contact " + contact.ID);

            int listID = 0;

            if (contact.Lists.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("The test contact must belong to at least one list.");

            listID = contact.Lists[0].ID;

            api.SimplyCast360.PushContact(projectID, inboundConnectionID, listID, contactID);

            Console.WriteLine("Pushed contact to inbound node.");

            Console.WriteLine("Reading from outbound node to see if any contacts have arrived");

            SimplyCast360.Responses.ContactCollection contacts = api.SimplyCast360.GetOutboundContacts(projectID, outboundConnectionID);

            //Iterate through each contact and remove them from the outbound
            if (contacts != null && contacts.Contacts.Length > 0)
                foreach (SimplyCast360.Responses.ContactEntity c in contacts.Contacts)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found contact " + c.ContactID);

                    api.SimplyCast360.DeleteContact(projectID, outboundConnectionID, c.ID);
                    Console.WriteLine("Removed contact " + c.ContactID + " (360 ID " + c.ID + ") from outbound node.");
                Console.WriteLine("No contacts in outbound node.");

            Console.Write("Press enter to continue...");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Examples of contact management resources.
        /// </summary>
        public void ContactManagementExample()
            ContactManager.Responses.ListEntity list;

            //Create a testing list.
                list = api.ContactManager.CreateList("test list");
            catch (APIException)
                list = api.ContactManager.GetListsByName("test list").Lists[0];

            Console.WriteLine("Created test list " + list.ID);

            //Retrieve our column mapping. We can use this to find out the
            //column IDs we'll need when setting contact fields.
            ContactManager.Responses.ColumnCollection columns = api.ContactManager.GetColumns();

            //Build up our contact data. Notice that we're using the column ID
            //as the field key, *not* the column name.
            Dictionary <string, string> fields = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            fields.Add(columns.GetByName("email").ID, "*****@*****.**");
            fields.Add(columns.GetByName("name").ID, "Test Contact");

            //Create a new contact, and assign them to the test list at the
            //same time.
            ContactManager.Responses.ContactEntity contact = api.ContactManager.CreateContact(fields, new int[] { list.ID });

            Console.WriteLine("Created contact " + contact.ID);

            //Attempt an 'upsert operation' on the created contact. The name
            //should be updated to the given value.
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting upsert (should update contact " + contact.ID + ").");

            fields[columns.GetByName("name").ID] = "Updated Test Contact";
            ContactManager.Responses.ContactCollection contacts = api.ContactManager.UpsertContact(fields, columns.GetByName("email").ID);

            foreach (ContactManager.Responses.ContactEntity c in contacts.Contacts)
                Console.WriteLine("Updated contact " + c.ID + " (email address: " + c.GetFieldsByName("email")[0].Value + ") to have name '" + c.GetFieldsByName("name")[0].Value + "'.");

            //Run a query on the contact database to retrieve our contact.
            //A contrived example, but an example nonetheless. The syntax
            //is detailed in the online documentation, but basically looks
            //something like: '`colID` = "value" AND `col2ID` = "other value"'
            string query = "`" + columns.GetByName("email").ID + "` = \"[email protected]\" AND `"
                           + columns.GetByName("name").ID + "` = \"Updated Test Contact\"";

            Console.WriteLine("Executing query: " + query);
            ContactManager.Responses.ContactCollection queryResult = api.ContactManager.GetContacts(0, 100, query);

            if (queryResult.Contacts.Length > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Ran search query and found " + queryResult.Contacts.Length + " contacts");
                Console.WriteLine("Ran search query and found no contacts.");

            //Retrieve a field by its name, and get the value from it.
            string email = contact.GetFieldsByName("email")[0].Value;

            Console.WriteLine("\tContact email: " + email);

            //Output each list that the contact belongs to (should only be our
            //test list).
            foreach (ContactManager.Responses.ListEntity l in contact.Lists)
                Console.WriteLine("\tContact belongs to list " + l.ID);

            //Change the contact's phone number.
            Dictionary <string, string> updateFields = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            updateFields.Add(columns.GetByName("phone").ID, "15555551234");

            contact = api.ContactManager.UpdateContact(contact.ID, updateFields);

            Console.WriteLine("Updated phone number: " + contact.GetFieldsByName("phone")[0].Value);

            //Add tags to a contact.
            ContactManager.Responses.MetadataColumnCollection metadataColumns = api.ContactManager.GetMetadataColumns();
            string metadataFieldID = metadataColumns.GetByName("Tags").ID;

            api.ContactManager.UpdateContactMetadataField(contact.ID, metadataFieldID, new string[] { "tag 1", "tag 2" });

            Console.WriteLine("Updated metadata tags");

            //Get metadata tags and display them.
            ContactManager.Responses.MetadataFieldEntity metadataField = api.ContactManager.GetContactMetadataFieldByName(contact.ID, "Tags").MetadataFields[0];
            Console.WriteLine("Retrieved metadata tags.");

            foreach (string value in metadataField.Values)
                Console.WriteLine("\tMetadata tag: " + value);

            //Delete our test list

            Console.WriteLine("Deleted test list");

            //Refresh the contact and see if it still belongs to the list.
            contact = api.ContactManager.GetContact(contact.ID);

            Console.WriteLine("Contact belongs to " + contact.Lists.Length + " lists");


            Console.WriteLine("Deleted contact.");

            Console.Write("Press enter to continue...");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Metadata column management examples.
        /// </summary>
        public void MetadataColumnManagementExample()
            //Create a new contact to test with.
            ContactManager.Responses.ColumnCollection columns = api.ContactManager.GetColumns();

            Dictionary <string, string> fields = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            fields.Add(columns.GetByName("email").ID, "*****@*****.**");
            fields.Add(columns.GetByName("name").ID, "Test Contact");

            ContactManager.Responses.ContactEntity contact = api.ContactManager.CreateContact(fields);

            Console.WriteLine("Created test contact " + contact.ID);

            ContactManager.Responses.MetadataColumnCollection metadataColumns = api.ContactManager.GetMetadataColumns();
            Console.WriteLine("Retrieved all metadata columns.");

            //Add new metadata columns.
            if (metadataColumns.GetByName("Test Single Column") == null)
                api.ContactManager.CreateMetadataColumn("Test Single Column", ContactManager.ContactManagerAPI.MetadataColumnType.SingleNumber);
            if (metadataColumns.GetByName("Test Multi Column") == null)
                api.ContactManager.CreateMetadataColumn("Test Multi Column", ContactManager.ContactManagerAPI.MetadataColumnType.MultiString);
            if (metadataColumns.GetByName("Test Sum Column") == null)
                api.ContactManager.CreateMetadataColumn("Test Sum Column", ContactManager.ContactManagerAPI.MetadataColumnType.SumNumber);

            Console.WriteLine("Created metadata test columns.");

            //Update our single number field to have the value 2.
            ContactManager.Responses.MetadataFieldEntity singleColumn =
                api.ContactManager.UpdateContactMetadataField(contact.ID, metadataColumns.GetByName("Test Single Column").ID, new string[] { "2" });

            Console.WriteLine("Updated single column field with one integer.");
            Console.WriteLine("Value: " + singleColumn.Values[0]);

            //Update our multi-string field to have two values.
            ContactManager.Responses.MetadataFieldEntity multiColumn =
                api.ContactManager.UpdateContactMetadataField(contact.ID, metadataColumns.GetByName("Test Multi Column").ID, new string[] { "test multi value 1", "test multi value 2" });

            Console.WriteLine("Updated multi-valued field with two strings.");
            foreach (string value in multiColumn.Values)
                Console.WriteLine("Value: " + value);

            //"Sum number" fields are incrementers. Updating the field with a
            //number will actually add to the existing value, rather than
            //replacing it.
            ContactManager.Responses.MetadataFieldEntity sumColumn = new ContactManager.Responses.MetadataFieldEntity();
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                sumColumn = api.ContactManager.UpdateContactMetadataField(contact.ID, metadataColumns.GetByName("Test Sum Column").ID, new string[] { "1" });
                Console.WriteLine("Incremented sum number field by 1");
                Console.WriteLine("Value: " + sumColumn.Values[0]);


            Console.WriteLine("Removed test metadata columns.");


            Console.WriteLine("Removed test contact " + contact.ID);

            Console.Write("Press enter to continue...");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// List management resource examples.
        /// </summary>
        public void ListManagementExample()
            //Create a new list.
            ContactManager.Responses.ListEntity list = api.ContactManager.CreateList("My new list");

            Console.WriteLine("Created list " + list.ID);

            //Trivially retrieve the new list again, using the ID.
            list = api.ContactManager.GetList(list.ID);

            Console.WriteLine("Retrieved list " + list.ID + " by ID");

            //Retrieve the same list again, this time by name. Since lists can
            //possibly share a name, error conditions are avoided by returning
            //a collection of lists instead of a single list.
            ContactManager.Responses.ListCollection lists = api.ContactManager.GetListsByName("My new list");
            if (lists.Lists.Length > 0)
                list = lists.Lists[0];

            Console.WriteLine("Retrieved list " + list.ID + " by name");

            //Create a new contact and add it to our list. You can also add
            //lists upon creation of a contact as the second parameter
            //(example in the contact management example).
            ContactManager.Responses.ColumnCollection columns = api.ContactManager.GetColumns();
            Dictionary <string, string> fields = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //Fields are added by column ID, not by the name of the column. You
            //can get the ID of a column by calling GetByName() on a column
            fields.Add(columns.GetByName("email").ID, "*****@*****.**");

            ContactManager.Responses.ContactEntity contact = api.ContactManager.CreateContact(fields);

            api.ContactManager.AddContactsToList(list.ID, new int[] { contact.ID });

            Console.WriteLine("Added contact " + contact.ID + " to list " + list.ID);

            //Rename our list.
            list = api.ContactManager.RenameList(list.ID, "New list name.");

            Console.WriteLine("Renamed list to '" + list.Name + "'");

            //Delete the list. This doesn't delete the contacts within the
            //list; they'll still exist and may still be in other extant

            Console.WriteLine("Deleted list.");

            Console.Write("Press enter to continue...");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Example of creating multiple contacts via batch. Also provides an
        /// example of updating existing contacts by merging upon an existing
        /// column (this will create a new contact if there are no merge
        /// candidates).
        /// Note that this is functionality is not backwards-compatible with
        /// version 1.1. Because merging upon a column could return one or
        /// more contact responses (if multiple merge candidates are found),
        /// ContactBatchResult now contains a ContactCollection object instead
        /// of a ContactEntity object. The example is updated to show the new
        /// usage.
        /// </summary>
        public void ContactBatchExample()
            //Get the email and name column IDs. You should probably do validation on the response ;)
            string emailColumnID = api.ContactManager.GetColumnsByName("email").Columns[0].ID;
            string nameColumnID  = api.ContactManager.GetColumnsByName("name").Columns[0].ID;

            //Precreate a contact to test the 'upsert' merge functionality.
            Dictionary <string, string> fields = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            fields.Add(emailColumnID, "*****@*****.**");
            fields.Add(nameColumnID, "This name should be overwritten");

            ContactManager.Responses.ContactEntity contact = api.ContactManager.CreateContact(fields);

            Console.WriteLine("Created inital contact (ID: " + contact.ID + ") with name '" + contact.GetFieldsByName("name")[0].Value + "'.");

            List <ContactManager.Requests.ContactEntity> contacts = new List <ContactManager.Requests.ContactEntity>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                ContactManager.Requests.ContactEntity c = new ContactManager.Requests.ContactEntity();
                c.Fields = new ContactManager.Requests.FieldEntity[] {
                    new ContactManager.Requests.FieldEntity(emailColumnID, "example+" + i + "@example.com"),
                    new ContactManager.Requests.FieldEntity(nameColumnID, "Jane Doe")


            Console.WriteLine("Submitting " + contacts.Count.ToString() + " contacts to a batch create.");

            //Supply the email column as the merge row.
            ContactManager.Responses.ContactBatchResponse response = api.ContactManager.BatchCreateContacts(contacts.ToArray(), emailColumnID);

            Console.WriteLine("Submitted batch job. ID is " + response.ID.ToString() + ".");

            // Wait for the batch to complete.
                response = api.ContactManager.GetBatchStatus(response.ID);

                Console.WriteLine("[" + System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + "] Current status is: " + response.Status.ToString());

            } while (response.Status != ContactManager.Responses.ContactBatchResponse.BatchStatus.Complete &&
                     response.Status != ContactManager.Responses.ContactBatchResponse.BatchStatus.Error);

            ContactManager.Responses.ContactBatchResultCollection results = api.ContactManager.GetBatchResult(response.ID);
            foreach (ContactManager.Responses.ContactBatchResult result in results.Results)
                //Output information about the created contacts, showing that we did indeed merge the
                //new contact information in. We're assuming that there is only one contact returned
                //as a result of each contact batch operation in the request, but there could be more.
                Console.WriteLine("Created / updated contact " + result.ContactCollection.Contacts[0].ID + " (" +
                                  result.ContactCollection.Contacts[0].GetFieldsByName("email")[0].Value + " / " +
                                  result.ContactCollection.Contacts[0].GetFieldsByName("name")[0].Value + ").");

                Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up: removing contact " + result.ContactCollection.Contacts[0].ID + ".");

            Console.Write("Press enter to continue...");
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform an upsert operation by either creating a contact or merging
        /// the given data into all contacts that match the provided merge
        /// column. For example, if the email field is provided in the fields
        /// parameter and is also specified as the merge column, all contacts
        /// with that email value will have their entries updated with the new
        /// data. If there is no match, a new contact will be created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fields">The fields to create / update.</param>
        /// <param name="mergeColumnID">The column ID to merge upon.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection containing all contacts modified by the
        /// <param name="listIDs">An array of list IDs to add the contact(s) to.
        /// </param>
        /// operation.</returns>
        public Responses.ContactCollection UpsertContact(Dictionary <string, string> fields, string mergeColumnID, int[] listIDs)
            Dictionary <string, string> queryParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            queryParameters.Add("mergecolumn", mergeColumnID);

            Requests.ContactEntity contact = new Requests.ContactEntity();

            Requests.FieldEntity[] fieldArray = new Requests.FieldEntity[fields.Count];
            int fieldCounter = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> f in fields)
                Requests.FieldEntity fieldEntity = new Requests.FieldEntity();
                fieldEntity.ID             = f.Key;
                fieldEntity.Value          = f.Value;
                fieldArray[fieldCounter++] = fieldEntity;
            contact.Fields = fieldArray;

            if (listIDs.Length > 0)
                int listCounter = 0;
                Requests.ListEntity[] listArray = new Requests.ListEntity[listIDs.Length];
                foreach (int id in listIDs)
                    Requests.ListEntity listEntity = new Requests.ListEntity();
                    listEntity.ID            = id;
                    listArray[listCounter++] = listEntity;
                contact.ListIds = listArray;

            contact.ID = null;

            string xml = this.connection.Call <string>("POST", "contactmanager/contacts", queryParameters, contact);

            //We're going to deserialize ourselves, since the response could be
            //either a contact collection or a contact entity. We're going to
            //turn the contact entity into a collection for consistency.
            using (System.Xml.XmlReader reader = new System.Xml.XmlTextReader(new System.IO.StringReader(xml)))
                //If it's a collection, return it.
                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Responses.ContactCollection));
                if (serializer.CanDeserialize(reader))

                serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Responses.ContactEntity));

                //If it's an entity, create a collection and put the contact in it.
                if (serializer.CanDeserialize(reader))
                    Responses.ContactEntity     c = (Responses.ContactEntity)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
                    Responses.ContactCollection contactCollection = new Responses.ContactCollection();

                    contactCollection.Contacts = new Responses.ContactEntity[] { (Responses.ContactEntity)c };
                    throw new Exception("Invalid XML response: could not deserialize into a ContactEntity or ContactCollection.");