Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static List<Simplicity.Data.User> GetCompanyEnableUsers(int companyId)
     SimplicityEntities DatabaseContext = new SimplicityEntities();
     var companyUsers = (from usr in DatabaseContext.Users where usr.CompanyID == companyId && usr.Enabled == true && usr.Verified == true select usr);
     List<Simplicity.Data.User> users = companyUsers.ToList();
     return users;
        protected void UserProductMapDetailUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SimplicityEntities DatabaseContext = new SimplicityEntities();
            int companyId = company.CompanyID;

            String [] selectedUsersAndProds = UsrProdNewMapValues.Value.Split(',');
            int totalSelectedUsersAndProducts = selectedUsersAndProds.Length;
            Dictionary<int, List<int>> usersGroupByProduct = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < totalSelectedUsersAndProducts - 1; i++) {
                String[] parsedId = selectedUsersAndProds[i].Split('_');
                int userId = Int32.Parse(parsedId[2]);
                int prodId = Int32.Parse(parsedId[3]);

                if (usersGroupByProduct.ContainsKey(prodId) == false) {
                    List<int> usersOfSameProduct = new List<int>();
                    usersGroupByProduct.Add(prodId, usersOfSameProduct);

                List<int> usersOfSameProductValue = null;
                if (usersGroupByProduct.TryGetValue(prodId, out usersOfSameProductValue) == true)

            List<int> allCompanyProds = company.CompanyProducts.Select(cmpProd => cmpProd.ProductID).ToList();
            foreach (int prodId in allCompanyProds)
                if (usersGroupByProduct.ContainsKey(prodId) == true)
                    List<int> usersOfSameProduct = usersGroupByProduct[prodId];
                    var userUsingProductID = from usrProd in DatabaseContext.UserProducts where usrProd.User.CompanyID == companyId && usrProd.ProductID == prodId && usrProd.IsTrial == false select usrProd;
                    var userIdOdUsersUsingProductID = userUsingProductID.Select(users => users.UserID);
                    var myUsers = userIdOdUsersUsingProductID.Except(usersOfSameProduct);

                    if (myUsers != null && myUsers.Count() > 0)
                        var usersToDelete = userUsingProductID.Where(usersOfProduct => myUsers.Where(usr => usr == usersOfProduct.UserID).Any());// usersOfProduct.UserID == myUsers);
                        foreach (UserProduct userProduct in usersToDelete)
                else {
                    var companyUsersUsingProduct = from usrProd in DatabaseContext.UserProducts where usrProd.User.CompanyID == companyId && usrProd.ProductID == prodId && usrProd.IsTrial == false select usrProd;
                    foreach (UserProduct userProduct in companyUsersUsingProduct)
                }//if there is only one user using the product and admin removes it.
            }//remove users using the products first so licences can be made available to other users.

            foreach (int prodId in usersGroupByProduct.Keys) {
                int noOfLicencesForProduct = 0;
                var userUsingProduct = from usrProd in DatabaseContext.UserProducts where usrProd.User.CompanyID == companyId && usrProd.ProductID == prodId && usrProd.IsTrial == false select usrProd;
                var companyProd = company.CompanyProducts.Where(compProd => compProd.ProductID == prodId);

                List<int> newUsersUsingProduct = usersGroupByProduct[prodId];
                foreach (int userId in newUsersUsingProduct) {
                    var usrProd = userUsingProduct.Where(usrExist => usrExist.UserID == userId);
                    if (usrProd != null && usrProd.Count() > 0)
                    else {

                        if (companyProd != null)
                            foreach (Simplicity.Data.CompanyProduct companyProduct in companyProd)
                                UserProduct newUsrOfProd = null;
                                noOfLicencesForProduct = companyProduct.NumOfLicenses;
                                if (userUsingProduct.Count() < noOfLicencesForProduct)
                                    newUsrOfProd = new UserProduct();
                                    newUsrOfProd.UserID = userId;
                                    newUsrOfProd.ProductID = prodId;
                                    newUsrOfProd.IsTrial = false;
                                    newUsrOfProd.StartDate = DateTime.Now;
                                    newUsrOfProd.EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1);

                                else {
                                    SetErrorMessage("No. of users are greater than No. of Licenses for " + companyProduct.Product.Name);
                            }//there should be only one product. So loop will run only once.
        private void updateUserProdMapTable()
            TableHeaderRow tbHeaderRow1 = new TableHeaderRow();
            TableHeaderCell tbHeaderCell = null;
            List<CompanyProduct> validCompanyProducts = company.CompanyProducts.Where(compProd=> compProd.EndDate.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) >= 0 && compProd.StartDate.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) <= 0).ToList();
            foreach(CompanyProduct prod in validCompanyProducts){
                tbHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell();
                tbHeaderCell.BorderWidth = 1;
                tbHeaderCell.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                tbHeaderCell.Text = prod.Product.Name+"<br>"+prod.NumOfLicenses;
                tbHeaderCell.Attributes.Add("licences", prod.NumOfLicenses.ToString());
                tbHeaderCell.Attributes.Add("productId", prod.ProductID.ToString());
                //tbHeaderCell.Width = 150;
                tbHeaderCell.ID = prod.ProductID.ToString();
            UserProdMapTable.BorderWidth = 1;
            UserProdMapTable.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

            int totalProducts = validCompanyProducts.Count();
            int companyId = company.CompanyID;
            List<Simplicity.Data.User> compEnabledUsers = Utilities.DatabaseUtility.GetCompanyEnableUsers(companyId);
            SimplicityEntities DatabaseContext = new SimplicityEntities();
            int index = 0;
            foreach (Simplicity.Data.User usr in compEnabledUsers)
                TableRow row = new TableRow();
                if(index % 2 == 0)
                    row.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240);
                foreach(Simplicity.Data.CompanyProduct prod in validCompanyProducts)
                    var userUsingProduct = from usrProd in DatabaseContext.UserProducts where usrProd.User.CompanyID == companyId && usrProd.ProductID == prod.ProductID && usrProd.IsTrial == false select usrProd;
                    TableCell cell = new TableCell();
                    try {
                        Simplicity.Data.UserProduct productUser = (from prodUser in userUsingProduct where prodUser.UserID == usr.UserID select prodUser).FirstOrDefault();
                        if(productUser != null ){
                            cell.CssClass = "UserProdMappingTable-AssignedProd";
                    }catch(Exception ex){

                    cell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
                    cell.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle;
                    cell.BorderWidth = 1;
                    cell.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                    cell.ID = usr.UserID + "_" + prod.ProductID;
                    cell.Text = usr.Email;
                    //cell.Text = "<div style=\"display:inline;float:left;margin-right:10px; \">" + usr.Email + "</div>" +
                    //    "<div style=\"background-color:black;float:right;display:inline-block;width:20px;border:medium none black;\">&nbsp;</div>";
                        cell.CssClass = prod.ProductID.ToString();
                        cell.CssClass += " " + prod.ProductID.ToString();
                    //cell.Width = 150;


