Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void DialogResponse(byte code)
     if (BlockingDialog == null || ActiveEntity == null)
     LastDialogID = 0;
     vm.SendCommand(new VMNetDialogResponseCmd
         ActorUID     = ActiveEntity.PersistID,
         ResponseCode = code,
         ResponseText = (BlockingDialog.ResponseText == null) ? "" : BlockingDialog.ResponseText
     BlockingDialog = null;
        public void Evict(FAMI family)
            if (family == null)
            var           familyName  = family.ChunkParent.Get <FAMs>(family.ChunkID)?.GetString(0) ?? "selected";
            UIMobileAlert evictDialog = null;

            evictDialog = new UIMobileAlert(new UIAlertOptions()
                Title   = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("131", "2"),
                Message = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("131", "3", new string[] {
                    "§" + (family.ValueInArch + family.Budget).ToString("##,#0")
                Buttons = UIAlertButton.YesNo(
                    (b) => { evictDialog.Close(); ((TS1GameScreen)UIScreen.Current).EvictLot(family, (short)HouseID); },
                    (b) => { evictDialog.Close(); }
            UIScreen.GlobalShowDialog(evictDialog, true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void Update(UpdateState state)

            if (!vm.Ready || vm.Context.Architecture == null)

            //handling smooth scaled zoom
            var camType = World.State.Cameras.ActiveType;

            Touch._3D = camType != FSO.LotView.Utils.Camera.CameraControllerType._2D;
            if (World.State.Cameras.ActiveType == FSO.LotView.Utils.Camera.CameraControllerType._3D)
                if (World.BackbufferScale != 1)
                    World.BackbufferScale = 1;
                var s3d = World.State.Cameras.Camera3D;
                if (TargetZoom < -0.25f)
                    TargetZoom -= (TargetZoom - 0.25f) * (1f - (float)Math.Pow(0.975f, 60f / FSOEnvironment.RefreshRate));
                s3d.Zoom3D += ((9.75f - (TargetZoom - 0.25f) * 5.7f) - s3d.Zoom3D) / 10;
            else if (World.State.Cameras.ActiveType == FSO.LotView.Utils.Camera.CameraControllerType._2D)
                if (World.State.Zoom != LastZoom)
                    //zoom has been changed by something else. inherit the value
                    LastZoom = World.State.Zoom;

                float     BaseScale;
                WorldZoom targetZoom;
                if (TargetZoom < 0.5f)
                    targetZoom = WorldZoom.Far;
                    BaseScale  = 0.25f;
                else if (TargetZoom < 1f)
                    targetZoom = WorldZoom.Medium;
                    BaseScale  = 0.5f;
                    targetZoom = WorldZoom.Near;
                    BaseScale  = 1f;
                World.BackbufferScale = TargetZoom / BaseScale;
                if (World.State.Zoom != targetZoom)
                    World.State.Zoom = targetZoom;
                WorldConfig.Current.SmoothZoom = false;

            if (ActiveEntity == null || ActiveEntity.Dead || ActiveEntity.PersistID != SelectedSimID)
                ActiveEntity = vm.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x is VMAvatar && x.PersistID == SelectedSimID); //try and hook onto a sim if we have none selected.
                //if (ActiveEntity == null) ActiveEntity = vm.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x is VMAvatar);

                if (!FoundMe && ActiveEntity != null)
                    vm.Context.World.State.CenterTile   = new Vector2(ActiveEntity.VisualPosition.X, ActiveEntity.VisualPosition.Y);
                    vm.Context.World.State.ScrollAnchor = null;
                    FoundMe = true;
                Queue.QueueOwner = ActiveEntity;

            if (GotoObject == null)
                GotoObject = vm.Context.CreateObjectInstance(GOTO_GUID, LotTilePos.OUT_OF_WORLD, Direction.NORTH, true).Objects[0];

            //update plumbbob
            var plumb = Content.Get().RCMeshes.Get("arrow.fsom");

            foreach (VMAvatar avatar in vm.Context.ObjectQueries.Avatars)
                if (avatar.Avatar == null)
                var isActive = (avatar == ActiveEntity);
                if ((avatar.Avatar.HeadObject == plumb) != isActive)
                    avatar.Avatar.HeadObject          = (avatar == ActiveEntity) ? plumb : null;
                    avatar.Avatar.HeadObjectSpeedyVel = 0.2f;
                avatar.Avatar.HeadObjectRotation += 3f / FSOEnvironment.RefreshRate;
                if (isActive)
                    avatar.Avatar.HeadObjectRotation  += avatar.Avatar.HeadObjectSpeedyVel;
                    avatar.Avatar.HeadObjectSpeedyVel *= 0.98f;
                else if (avatar.GetValue(FSO.SimAntics.Model.VMStackObjectVariable.Category) == 87)
                    avatar.Avatar.HeadObject = Content.Get().RCMeshes.Get("star.fsom");

             * if (ActiveEntity != null && BlockingDialog != null)
             * {
             *  //are we still waiting on a blocking dialog? if not, cancel.
             *  if (ActiveEntity.Thread != null && (ActiveEntity.Thread.BlockingState == null || !(ActiveEntity.Thread.BlockingState is VMDialogResult)))
             *  {
             *      BlockingDialog.Close();
             *      LastDialogID = 0;
             *      BlockingDialog = null;
             *  }
             * }*/

            if (Visible)
                if (ShowTooltip)
                    state.UIState.TooltipProperties.UpdateDead = false;

                bool scrolled = false;
                if (RMBScroll)
                    World.State.ScrollAnchor = null;
                    Vector2 scrollBy = new Vector2();
                    if (state.TouchMode)
                        scrollBy   = new Vector2(RMBScrollX - state.MouseState.X, RMBScrollY - state.MouseState.Y);
                        RMBScrollX = state.MouseState.X;
                        RMBScrollY = state.MouseState.Y;
                        scrollBy  /= 128f;
                        scrollBy  /= FSOEnvironment.DPIScaleFactor;
                        scrollBy  = new Vector2(state.MouseState.X - RMBScrollX, state.MouseState.Y - RMBScrollY);
                        scrollBy *= 0.0005f;

                        var angle = (Math.Atan2(state.MouseState.X - RMBScrollX, (RMBScrollY - state.MouseState.Y) * 2) / Math.PI) * 4;
                        angle += 8;
                        angle %= 8;

                        CursorType type = CursorType.ArrowUp;
                        switch ((int)Math.Round(angle))
                        case 0: type = CursorType.ArrowUp; break;

                        case 1: type = CursorType.ArrowUpRight; break;

                        case 2: type = CursorType.ArrowRight; break;

                        case 3: type = CursorType.ArrowDownRight; break;

                        case 4: type = CursorType.ArrowDown; break;

                        case 5: type = CursorType.ArrowDownLeft; break;

                        case 6: type = CursorType.ArrowLeft; break;

                        case 7: type = CursorType.ArrowUpLeft; break;
                    World.Scroll(scrollBy * (60f / FSOEnvironment.RefreshRate));
                    scrolled = true;
                if (MouseIsOn)
                    if (state.MouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                        if (RMBScroll == false)
                            RMBScroll  = true;
                            RMBScrollX = state.MouseState.X;
                            RMBScrollY = state.MouseState.Y;
                        if (!scrolled && GlobalSettings.Default.EdgeScroll && !state.TouchMode)
                            scrolled = World.TestScroll(state);

                if (state.MouseState.RightButton != ButtonState.Pressed)
                    if (RMBScroll)
                    RMBScroll = false;

                if (!LiveMode && PieMenu != null)
                    PieMenu = null;

                if (state.NewKeys.Contains(Keys.F11))
                    var utils = new FSO.SimAntics.Test.CollisionTestUtils();

                if (state.NewKeys.Contains(Keys.F8))
                    UIMobileAlert alert = null;
                    alert = new UIMobileAlert(new UIAlertOptions()
                        Title   = "Debug Lot Thumbnail",
                        Message = "Arch Value: " + VMArchitectureStats.GetArchValue(vm.Context.Architecture),
                        Buttons = UIAlertButton.Ok((btn) => UIScreen.RemoveDialog(alert))
                    Texture2D roofless = null;
                    var       thumb    = World.GetLotThumb(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice, (tex) => roofless = FSO.Common.Utils.TextureUtils.Decimate(tex, GameFacade.GraphicsDevice, 2, false));
                    thumb = FSO.Common.Utils.TextureUtils.Decimate(thumb, GameFacade.GraphicsDevice, 2, false);
                    alert.SetIcon(thumb, thumb.Width, thumb.Height);
                    UIScreen.GlobalShowDialog(alert, true);
                if (LiveMode)
                    LiveModeUpdate(state, scrolled);
                else if (CustomControl != null)
                    if (FSOEnvironment.SoftwareKeyboard)
                        CustomControl.MousePosition = new Point(UIScreen.Current.ScreenWidth / 2, UIScreen.Current.ScreenHeight / 2);
                        CustomControl.Modifiers = 0;
                        if (state.CtrlDown)
                            CustomControl.Modifiers |= UILotControlModifiers.CTRL;
                        if (state.ShiftDown)
                            CustomControl.Modifiers |= UILotControlModifiers.SHIFT;
                        CustomControl.MousePosition = state.MouseState.Position;
                    CustomControl.Update(state, scrolled);
                    ObjectHolder.Update(state, scrolled);

                //set cutaway around mouse

                if (RMBScrollX == int.MinValue)
                    Dummy();                             //cannon fodder for mono AOT compilation: never called but gives these constructors a meaning in life
Ejemplo n.º 4
        void vm_OnDialog(FSO.SimAntics.Model.VMDialogInfo info)
            if (info != null && ((info.DialogID == LastDialogID && info.DialogID != 0 && info.Block)))
            //return if same dialog as before, or not ours
            if ((info == null || info.Block) && BlockingDialog != null)
                //cancel current dialog because it's no longer valid
                LastDialogID   = 0;
                BlockingDialog = null;
            if (info == null)
                return;               //return if we're just clearing a dialog.
            var options = new UIAlertOptions
                Title     = info.Title,
                Message   = info.Message,
                Width     = 325 + (int)(info.Message.Length / 3.5f),
                Alignment = TextAlignment.Left,
                TextSize  = 12

            var b0Event = (info.Block) ? new ButtonClickDelegate(DialogButton0) : null;
            var b1Event = (info.Block) ? new ButtonClickDelegate(DialogButton1) : null;
            var b2Event = (info.Block) ? new ButtonClickDelegate(DialogButton2) : null;

            VMDialogType type = (info.Operand == null) ? VMDialogType.Message : info.Operand.Type;

            switch (type)
            case VMDialogType.Message:
                options.Buttons = new UIAlertButton[] { new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.OK, b0Event, info.Yes) };

            case VMDialogType.YesNo:
                options.Buttons = new UIAlertButton[]
                    new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.Yes, b0Event, info.Yes),
                    new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.No, b1Event, info.No),

            case VMDialogType.YesNoCancel:
                options.Buttons = new UIAlertButton[]
                    new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.Yes, b0Event, info.Yes),
                    new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.No, b1Event, info.No),
                    new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.Cancel, b2Event, info.Cancel),

            case VMDialogType.TextEntry:
                options.Buttons   = new UIAlertButton[] { new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.OK, b0Event, info.Yes) };
                options.TextEntry = true;

            case VMDialogType.NumericEntry:
                if (!vm.TS1)
                    goto case VMDialogType.TextEntry;
                    goto case VMDialogType.TS1Neighborhood;

            case VMDialogType.TS1Vacation:
            case VMDialogType.TS1Neighborhood:
            case VMDialogType.TS1StudioTown:
            case VMDialogType.TS1Magictown:
                TS1NeighSelector = new UINeighborhoodSelectionPanel((ushort)VMDialogPrivateStrings.TypeToNeighID[type]);
                ((TS1GameScreen)Parent).Bg.Visible         = true;
                ((TS1GameScreen)Parent).LotControl.Visible = false;
                TS1NeighSelector.OnHouseSelect            += HouseSelected;

            case VMDialogType.TS1PhoneBook:
                var phone = new UICallNeighborAlert(((VMAvatar)info.Caller).GetPersonData(FSO.SimAntics.Model.VMPersonDataVariable.NeighborId), vm);
                BlockingDialog = phone;
                UIScreen.GlobalShowDialog(phone, true);
                phone.OnResult += (result) =>
                    vm.SendCommand(new VMNetDialogResponseCmd
                        ActorUID     = info.Caller.PersistID,
                        ResponseCode = (byte)((result > 0) ? 1 : 0),
                        ResponseText = result.ToString()
                    BlockingDialog = null;

            case VMDialogType.TS1PetChoice:
            case VMDialogType.TS1Clothes:
                var ts1categories = new string[] { "b", "f", "s", "l", "w", "h" };
                var pet           = type == VMDialogType.TS1PetChoice;
                var stackObj      = info.Caller.Thread.Stack.Last().StackObject;

                var skin = new UISelectSkinAlert(pet?null:(info.Caller as VMAvatar), pet?((stackObj as VMAvatar).IsCat?"cat":"dog"):ts1categories[info.Caller.Thread.TempRegisters[0]], vm);
                BlockingDialog = skin;
                UIScreen.GlobalShowDialog(skin, true);
                skin.OnResult += (result) =>
                    vm.SendCommand(new VMNetDialogResponseCmd
                        ActorUID     = info.Caller.PersistID,
                        ResponseCode = (byte)((result > -1)?1:0),
                        ResponseText = result.ToString()
                    BlockingDialog = null;

            var alert = new UIMobileAlert(options);

            UIScreen.GlobalShowDialog(alert, true);

            if (info.Block)
                BlockingDialog = alert;
                LastDialogID   = info.DialogID;

            var entity = info.Icon;

            if (entity is VMGameObject)
                var objects = entity.MultitileGroup.Objects;
                ObjectComponent[] objComps = new ObjectComponent[objects.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
                    objComps[i] = (ObjectComponent)objects[i].WorldUI;
                var thumb = World.GetObjectThumb(objComps, entity.MultitileGroup.GetBasePositions(), GameFacade.GraphicsDevice);
                alert.SetIcon(thumb, 256, 256);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        void vm_OnDialog(FSO.SimAntics.Model.VMDialogInfo info)
            if (info != null && ((info.DialogID == LastDialogID && info.DialogID != 0 && info.Block)))
            //return if same dialog as before, or not ours
            if ((info == null || info.Block) && BlockingDialog != null)
                //cancel current dialog because it's no longer valid
                LastDialogID   = 0;
                BlockingDialog = null;
            if (info == null)
                return;               //return if we're just clearing a dialog.
            var options = new UIAlertOptions
                Title     = info.Title,
                Message   = info.Message,
                Width     = 325 + (int)(info.Message.Length / 3.5f),
                Alignment = TextAlignment.Left,
                TextSize  = 12

            var b0Event = (info.Block) ? new ButtonClickDelegate(DialogButton0) : null;
            var b1Event = (info.Block) ? new ButtonClickDelegate(DialogButton1) : null;
            var b2Event = (info.Block) ? new ButtonClickDelegate(DialogButton2) : null;

            VMDialogType type = (info.Operand == null) ? VMDialogType.Message : info.Operand.Type;

            switch (type)
            case VMDialogType.Message:
                options.Buttons = new UIAlertButton[] { new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.OK, b0Event, info.Yes) };

            case VMDialogType.YesNo:
                options.Buttons = new UIAlertButton[]
                    new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.Yes, b0Event, info.Yes),
                    new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.No, b1Event, info.No),

            case VMDialogType.YesNoCancel:
                options.Buttons = new UIAlertButton[]
                    new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.Yes, b0Event, info.Yes),
                    new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.No, b1Event, info.No),
                    new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.Cancel, b2Event, info.Cancel),

            case VMDialogType.TextEntry:
                options.Buttons   = new UIAlertButton[] { new UIAlertButton(UIAlertButtonType.OK, b0Event, info.Yes) };
                options.TextEntry = true;

            case VMDialogType.NumericEntry:
                if (!vm.TS1)
                    goto case VMDialogType.TextEntry;
                    goto case VMDialogType.TS1Neighborhood;

            case VMDialogType.TS1Vacation:
            case VMDialogType.TS1Neighborhood:
            case VMDialogType.TS1StudioTown:
            case VMDialogType.TS1Magictown:
                TS1NeighSelector = new UINeighborhoodSelectionPanel((ushort)VMDialogPrivateStrings.TypeToNeighID[type]);
                ((TS1GameScreen)Parent).Bg.Visible         = true;
                ((TS1GameScreen)Parent).LotControl.Visible = false;
                TS1NeighSelector.OnHouseSelect            += HouseSelected;

            var alert = new UIMobileAlert(options);

            UIScreen.GlobalShowDialog(alert, true);

            if (info.Block)
                BlockingDialog = alert;
                LastDialogID   = info.DialogID;

            var entity = info.Icon;

            if (entity is VMGameObject)
                var objects = entity.MultitileGroup.Objects;
                ObjectComponent[] objComps = new ObjectComponent[objects.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
                    objComps[i] = (ObjectComponent)objects[i].WorldUI;
                var thumb = World.GetObjectThumb(objComps, entity.MultitileGroup.GetBasePositions(), GameFacade.GraphicsDevice);
                alert.SetIcon(thumb, 256, 256);