Ejemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Creates and Saves texture atlas image from images in GroupAsset
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="logger">Status Logger</param>
            /// <param name="spriteToPackedSprite">A map associating the packed sprite info to the original sprite</param>
            /// <returns>Status of building</returns>
            private ResultStatus CreateAtlasTextures(Logger logger, out Dictionary <SpriteInfo, PackedSpriteInfo> spriteToPackedSprite)
                spriteToPackedSprite = new Dictionary <SpriteInfo, PackedSpriteInfo>();

                // Pack textures
                using (var texTool = new TextureTool())
                    var textureElements = new List <AtlasTextureElement>();

                    // Input textures
                    var imageDictionary     = new Dictionary <string, Image>();
                    var imageInfoDictionary = new Dictionary <string, SpriteInfo>();

                    var  sprites           = AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Sprites;
                    var  packingParameters = AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Packing;
                    bool isSRgb            = AssetParameters.SheetAsset.ColorSpace.ToColorSpace(AssetParameters.ColorSpace, TextureHint.Color) == ColorSpace.Linear;

                    for (var i = 0; i < sprites.Count; ++i)
                        var sprite = sprites[i];
                        if (sprite.TextureRegion.Height == 0 || sprite.TextureRegion.Width == 0 || sprite.Source == null)

                        // Lazy load input texture and cache in the dictionary for the later use
                        Image texture;

                        if (!imageDictionary.ContainsKey(sprite.Source))
                            texture = LoadImage(texTool, new UFile(sprite.Source), isSRgb);
                            imageDictionary[sprite.Source] = texture;
                            texture = imageDictionary[sprite.Source];

                        var key = Url + "_" + i;

                        var sourceRectangle = new RotableRectangle(sprite.TextureRegion, sprite.Orientation == ImageOrientation.Rotated90);
                        textureElements.Add(new AtlasTextureElement(key, texture, sourceRectangle, packingParameters.BorderSize, sprite.BorderModeU, sprite.BorderModeV, sprite.BorderColor));

                        imageInfoDictionary[key] = sprite;

                    // find the maximum texture size supported
                    var maximumSize = TextureHelper.FindBestTextureSize(new TextureHelper.ImportParameters(AssetParameters), new Size2(int.MaxValue / 2, int.MaxValue / 2));

                    // Initialize packing configuration from GroupAsset
                    var texturePacker = new TexturePacker
                        Algorithm      = packingParameters.PackingAlgorithm,
                        AllowMultipack = packingParameters.AllowMultipacking,
                        MaxWidth       = maximumSize.Width,
                        MaxHeight      = maximumSize.Height,
                        AllowRotation  = packingParameters.AllowRotations,

                    var canPackAllTextures = texturePacker.PackTextures(textureElements);

                    if (!canPackAllTextures)
                        logger.Error("Failed to pack all textures");

                    // Create and save every generated texture atlas
                    for (var textureAtlasIndex = 0; textureAtlasIndex < texturePacker.AtlasTextureLayouts.Count; ++textureAtlasIndex)
                        var atlasLayout = texturePacker.AtlasTextureLayouts[textureAtlasIndex];

                        ResultStatus resultStatus;
                        using (var atlasImage = AtlasTextureFactory.CreateTextureAtlas(atlasLayout, isSRgb))
                            using (var texImage = texTool.Load(atlasImage, isSRgb))
                                var outputUrl         = SpriteSheetAsset.BuildTextureAtlasUrl(Url, textureAtlasIndex);
                                var convertParameters = new TextureHelper.ImportParameters(AssetParameters)
                                    OutputUrl = outputUrl
                                resultStatus = TextureHelper.ImportTextureImage(texTool, texImage, convertParameters, CancellationToken, logger);

                        foreach (var texture in atlasLayout.Textures)
                            spriteToPackedSprite.Add(imageInfoDictionary[texture.Name], new PackedSpriteInfo(texture.DestinationRegion, textureAtlasIndex, packingParameters.BorderSize));

                        if (resultStatus != ResultStatus.Successful)
                            // Dispose used textures
                            foreach (var image in imageDictionary.Values)


                    // Dispose used textures
                    foreach (var image in imageDictionary.Values)

Ejemplo n.º 2
            protected override Task <ResultStatus> DoCommandOverride(ICommandContext commandContext)
                var assetManager = new ContentManager();

                // Create atlas texture
                Dictionary <SpriteInfo, PackedSpriteInfo> spriteToPackedSprite = null;

                // Generate texture atlas
                var isPacking = AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Packing.Enabled;

                if (isPacking)
                    var resultStatus = CreateAtlasTextures(commandContext.Logger, out spriteToPackedSprite);

                    if (resultStatus != ResultStatus.Successful)

                var imageGroupData = new SpriteSheet();

                // add the sprite data to the sprite list.
                foreach (var image in AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Sprites)
                    string           textureUrl;
                    RectangleF       region;
                    ImageOrientation orientation;

                    var borders = image.Borders;
                    var center  = image.Center + (image.CenterFromMiddle ? new Vector2(image.TextureRegion.Width, image.TextureRegion.Height) / 2 : Vector2.Zero);

                    if (isPacking &&
                        spriteToPackedSprite.ContainsKey(image))    // ensure that unpackable elements (invalid because of null size/texture) are properly added in the sheet using the normal path
                        var packedSprite            = spriteToPackedSprite[image];
                        var isOriginalSpriteRotated = image.Orientation == ImageOrientation.Rotated90;

                        region      = packedSprite.Region;
                        orientation = (packedSprite.IsRotated ^ isOriginalSpriteRotated) ? ImageOrientation.Rotated90 : ImageOrientation.AsIs;
                        textureUrl  = SpriteSheetAsset.BuildTextureAtlasUrl(Url, spriteToPackedSprite[image].AtlasTextureIndex);

                        // update the center and border info, if the packer rotated the sprite
                        // note: X->Left, Y->Top, Z->Right, W->Bottom.
                        if (packedSprite.IsRotated)
                            // turned the sprite CCW
                            if (isOriginalSpriteRotated)
                                var oldCenterX = center.X;
                                center.X = center.Y;
                                center.Y = region.Height - oldCenterX;

                                var oldBorderW = borders.W;
                                borders.W = borders.X;
                                borders.X = borders.Y;
                                borders.Y = borders.Z;
                                borders.Z = oldBorderW;
                            else // turned the sprite CW
                                var oldCenterX = center.X;
                                center.X = region.Width - center.Y;
                                center.Y = oldCenterX;

                                var oldBorderW = borders.W;
                                borders.W = borders.Z;
                                borders.Z = borders.Y;
                                borders.Y = borders.X;
                                borders.X = oldBorderW;
                        region      = image.TextureRegion;
                        orientation = image.Orientation;
                        AssetParameters.ImageToTextureUrl.TryGetValue(image, out textureUrl);

                    // Affect the texture
                    Texture texture = null;
                    if (textureUrl != null)
                        texture = AttachedReferenceManager.CreateSerializableVersion <Texture>(Guid.Empty, textureUrl);
                        commandContext.Logger.Warning("Image '{0}' has an invalid image source file '{1}', resulting texture will be null.", image.Name, image.Source);

                    imageGroupData.Sprites.Add(new Graphics.Sprite
                        Name          = image.Name,
                        Region        = region,
                        Orientation   = orientation,
                        Center        = center,
                        Borders       = borders,
                        PixelsPerUnit = new Vector2(image.PixelsPerUnit),
                        Texture       = texture,
                        IsTransparent = false,

                // set the transparency information to all the sprites
                if (AssetParameters.SheetAsset.Alpha != AlphaFormat.None) // Skip the calculation when format is forced without alpha.
                    var urlToTexImage = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <TexImage, Image> >();
                    using (var texTool = new TextureTool())
                        foreach (var sprite in imageGroupData.Sprites)
                            if (sprite.Texture == null) // the sprite texture is invalid

                            var textureUrl = AttachedReferenceManager.GetOrCreateAttachedReference(sprite.Texture).Url;
                            if (!urlToTexImage.ContainsKey(textureUrl))
                                var image       = assetManager.Load <Image>(textureUrl);
                                var newTexImage = texTool.Load(image, false); // the sRGB mode does not impact on the alpha level
                                texTool.Decompress(newTexImage, false);       // the sRGB mode does not impact on the alpha level
                                urlToTexImage[textureUrl] = Tuple.Create(newTexImage, image);
                            var texImage = urlToTexImage[textureUrl].Item1;

                            var region = new Rectangle
                                X = (int)Math.Floor(sprite.Region.X),
                                Y = (int)Math.Floor(sprite.Region.Y)
                            region.Width  = (int)Math.Ceiling(sprite.Region.Right) - region.X;
                            region.Height = (int)Math.Ceiling(sprite.Region.Bottom) - region.Y;

                            var alphaLevel = texTool.GetAlphaLevels(texImage, region, null, commandContext.Logger); // ignore transparent color key here because the input image has already been processed
                            sprite.IsTransparent = alphaLevel != AlphaLevels.NoAlpha;

                        // free all the allocated images
                        foreach (var tuple in urlToTexImage.Values)

                // save the imageData into the data base
                assetManager.Save(Url, imageGroupData);
