Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void UpdateParameters(ColorTransformContext context)
            // TODO This could be put as part

            double b = BlackPoint;
            double c = CrossOver;
            double w = WhitePoint;
            double t = Toe;
            double s = Shoulder;

            double k = ((1 - t) * (c - b)) / ((1 - s) * (w - c) + (1 - t) * (c - b));

            var toe = new Vector4(
                (float)((k * (1 - t))),
                (float)(k * (1 - t) * (-b)),
                (float)(c - (1 - t) * b));

            var shoulder = new Vector4(
                (float)(((1 - k) + k * s)),
                (float)((1 - k) * (-c) + k * ((1 - s) * w - c)),
                (float)((1 - s) * w - c));

            // Don't call base, as we are rewriting all parameters for the shader
            Parameters.Set(ToneMapMikeDayOperatorShaderKeys.ToeCoeffs, toe);
            Parameters.Set(ToneMapMikeDayOperatorShaderKeys.ShoulderCoeffs, shoulder);
            Parameters.Set(ToneMapMikeDayOperatorShaderKeys.MiddleCrossOver, CrossOver);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void UpdateParameters(ColorTransformContext context)

            // Update the luminance
            var elapsedTime = timer.Elapsed;


            var luminanceResult = context.SharedParameters.Get(LuminanceEffect.LuminanceResult);

            var avgLuminanceLog = 0.18f; // TODO: Add a parmetrized average luminance

            if (luminanceResult.LocalTexture != null)
                // Adapt the luminance using Pattanaik's technique
                var currentAvgLuminance = (float)Math.Max(luminanceResult.AverageLuminance, 0.0001);
                weightedLuminances[currentWeightedLuminanceIndex] = currentAvgLuminance;
                currentWeightedLuminanceIndex = (currentWeightedLuminanceIndex + 1) % weightedLuminances.Length;

                float avgLuminannce = 0.0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < weightedLuminances.Length; i++)
                    avgLuminannce += weightedLuminances[i];
                avgLuminannce /= weightedLuminances.Length;

                // Get current avg luminance

                // Get adapted luminance
                var adaptedLum = (float)(previousLuminance + (avgLuminannce - previousLuminance) * (1.0 - Math.Exp(-elapsedTime.TotalSeconds * AdaptationRate)));
                avgLuminanceLog   = (float)Math.Log(adaptedLum, 2);
                previousLuminance = adaptedLum;
                //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Adapted: {0} Luminance: {1}", adaptedLum, currentAvgLuminance));

                if (AutoKeyValue)
                    KeyValue = 1.03f - (2.0f / (2.0f + (float)Math.Log10(adaptedLum + 1)));

            // Setup parameters
            Parameters.Set(ToneMapShaderKeys.LuminanceTexture, luminanceResult.LocalTexture);
            Parameters.Set(ToneMapShaderKeys.LuminanceAverageGlobal, avgLuminanceLog);

            // Update operator parameters
            var currentOperator = Operator ?? defaultOperator;


            // Copy sub parameters from composition to this transform
            foreach (var parameterValue in currentOperator.Parameters)
                var key = parameterValue.Key.ComposeWith("ToneMapOperator");
                currentOperator.Parameters.CopySharedTo(parameterValue.Key, key, Parameters);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ColorTransformGroup"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="colorTransformGroupEffect">The color transform group effect.</param>
        public ColorTransformGroup(ImageEffectContext context, string colorTransformGroupEffect = "ColorTransformGroupEffect")
            : base(context, colorTransformGroupEffect)
            compositeKeys     = new Dictionary <ParameterCompositeKey, ParameterKey>();
            transforms        = new ColorTransformCollection();
            enabledTransforms = new List <ColorTransform>();
            collectTransforms = new List <ColorTransform>();

            transformsParameters = new ParameterCollection();

            gammaTransform = new GammaTransform();

            transformGroupEffect = new ImageEffectShader(context, colorTransformGroupEffect, Parameters);

            // we are adding parameter collections after as transform parameters should override previous parameters

            this.context = new ColorTransformContext(this);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the parameters for this transformation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
 /// <remarks>This method is called just before rendering the ColorTransformGroup that is holding this ColorTransform</remarks>
 public virtual void UpdateParameters(ColorTransformContext context)