Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Task Send(string eventKey, object value)
            var list = _cache.GetOrAdd(eventKey, _ => new LockedList<InMemoryMessage>());

            InMemoryMessage message = null;

                // Take a write lock here so we ensure messages go into the list in order

                // Only 1 save allowed at a time, to ensure messages are added to the list in order
                message = new InMemoryMessage(eventKey, value, GenerateId());
                _trace.Source.TraceInformation("MessageBus: Saving message {0} with eventKey {1} to cache on AppDomain {2}", message.Id, eventKey, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Id);

                // Send to waiting callers.
                // This must be done in the read lock to ensure that messages are sent to waiting
                // connections in the order they were saved so that they always get the correct
                // last message id to resubscribe with.
                Broadcast(eventKey, message);

            return TaskAsyncHelper.Empty;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void Broadcast(string eventKey, InMemoryMessage message)
            LockedList<Action<IList<InMemoryMessage>>> callbacks;
            if (_waitingTasks.TryGetValue(eventKey, out callbacks))
                var delegates = callbacks.CopyWithLock();
                var messages = new[] { message };

                if (delegates.Count == 0)

                _trace.Source.TraceInformation("MessageBus: Sending message {0} with eventKey {1} to {2} waiting connections", message.Id, eventKey, delegates.Count);

                foreach (var callback in delegates)
                    if (callback != null)