Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override WmsParams ValidateParams(IContextRequest request, int targetSrid)
            WmsParams @params = ValidateCommons(request, targetSrid);

            // code specific for GetMap
            Color backColor;
            bool  transparent = String.Equals(request.GetParam("TRANSPARENT"), "TRUE", Case);

            if (!transparent)
                string bgcolor = request.GetParam("BGCOLOR");
                if (bgcolor != null)
                    try { backColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(bgcolor); }
                        string s = String.Format("Invalid parameter BGCOLOR: {0}", bgcolor);
                        throw new WmsInvalidParameterException(s);
                    backColor = Color.White;
                backColor = Color.Transparent;
            @params.BackColor = backColor;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private Size GetSize(WmsParams @params)
     if (Description.MaxWidth > 0 && @params.Width > Description.MaxWidth)
         throw new WmsOperationNotSupportedException("Parameter WIDTH too large");
     if (Description.MaxHeight > 0 && @params.Height > Description.MaxHeight)
         throw new WmsOperationNotSupportedException("Parameter HEIGHT too large");
     return(new Size(@params.Width, @params.Height));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public override IHandlerResponse Handle(Map map, IContextRequest request)
     WmsParams @params = ValidateParams(request, TargetSrid(map));
     map.Size = new Size(@params.Width, @params.Height);
     string[] requestLayers = @params.QueryLayers.Split(new[] { ',' });
     AbstractGetFeatureInfoResponse info = CreateFeatureInfo(map,
         @params.X, @params.Y,
     if (_params.Encoding != null)
         info.Charset = _params.Encoding.WebName;
     return info;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override WmsParams ValidateParams(IContextRequest request, int targetSrid)
            WmsParams @params = ValidateCommons(request, targetSrid);

            // code specific for GetFeatureInfo
            string queryLayers = request.GetParam("QUERY_LAYERS");
            if (queryLayers == null)
                throw new WmsParameterNotSpecifiedException("QUERY_LAYERS");
            @params.QueryLayers = queryLayers;

            string infoFormat = request.GetParam("INFO_FORMAT");
            if (infoFormat == null)
                throw new WmsParameterNotSpecifiedException("INFO_FORMAT");

            @params.InfoFormat = infoFormat;

            // parameters X&Y are not part of the 1.3.0 specification, 
            // but are included for backwards compatability with 1.1.1 
            // (OpenLayers likes it when used together with wms1.1.1 services)
            // we will assume that Openlayers is used by default 
            // so check X&Y first
            string x = request.GetParam("X") ?? request.GetParam("I");
            if (x == null)
                throw new WmsParameterNotSpecifiedException("I");
            string y = request.GetParam("Y") ?? request.GetParam("J");
            if (y == null)
                throw new WmsParameterNotSpecifiedException("J");

            float cx;
            if (!Single.TryParse(x, out cx))
                throw new WmsInvalidParameterException("Invalid parameters for X / I");
            @params.X = cx;
            float cy;
            if (!Single.TryParse(y, out cy))
                throw new WmsInvalidParameterException("Invalid parameters for Y / J");
            @params.Y = cy;

            string featureCount = request.GetParam("FEATURE_COUNT");
            int fc = Int32.TryParse(featureCount, out fc) ? Math.Max(fc, 1) : 1;
            @params.FeatureCount = fc;
            return @params;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override IHandlerResponse Handle(Map map, IContextRequest request)
            WmsParams @params = ValidateParams(request, TargetSrid(map));

            map.BackColor = @params.BackColor;

            // get the image format requested
            ImageCodecInfo imageEncoder = GetEncoderInfo(@params.Format);

            Size size = GetSize(@params);

            map.Size = size;
            Envelope bbox      = @params.BBOX;
            double   sizeRatio = size.Width / (double)size.Height;
            double   bboxRatio = bbox.Width / bbox.Height;

            map.PixelAspectRatio = sizeRatio / bboxRatio;
            map.Center           = bbox.Centre;
            map.Zoom             = bbox.Width;

            // set Styles for layerNames
            // first, if the request ==  STYLES=, set all the vectorlayers with Themes not null the Theme to the first theme from Themes
            string ptheme    = @params.Styles;
            string players   = @params.Layers;
            string cqlFilter = @params.CqlFilter;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(players))
                string[] layerNames = GetLayerNames(map, players);

                // we have a known set of layerNames in request
                // so we will set each layer to its default theme
                // and disable the layer, layers will be enabled
                // later as per the request
                foreach (ILayer layer in map.Layers)
                    VectorLayer vectorLayer = layer as VectorLayer;
                    layer.Enabled = false;

                Dictionary <string, string> themeTable = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                BuildThemeLookup(ptheme, layerNames, themeTable);

                // since we have layerNames specified
                // enable only those layerNames
                for (int j = 0; j < layerNames.Length; j++)
                    string layerName = layerNames[j];
                    ILayer layer     = GetMapLayerByName(map, layerName);

                    // set layer on/off
                    layer.Enabled = true;

                    // check if a styles have been specified for layers
                    if (themeTable.Count > 0)
                        string themeName = themeTable[layerName];
                        // do nothing if themeName is empty
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(themeName))
                            // is this a vector layer at all
                            VectorLayer vectorLayer = layer as VectorLayer;

                            // does it have several themes to choose from
                            // TODO -> Refactor VectorLayer.Themes to Rendering.Thematics.ThemeList : ITheme
                            if (vectorLayer != null && vectorLayer.Themes != null && vectorLayer.Themes.Count > 0)
                                // we need to a case invariant comparison for themeName
                                Dictionary <string, ITheme> themeDict = new Dictionary <string, ITheme>(vectorLayer.Themes, new StringComparerIgnoreCase());

                                if (!themeDict.ContainsKey(themeName))
                                    throw new WmsStyleNotDefinedException("Style not advertised for this layer");
                                vectorLayer.Theme = themeDict[themeName];

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cqlFilter))
                        ApplyCqlFilter(cqlFilter, layer);
            // render map
            Image img = map.GetMap();

            return(new GetMapResponse(img, imageEncoder));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private Size GetSize(WmsParams @params)
     if (Description.MaxWidth > 0 && @params.Width > Description.MaxWidth)
         throw new WmsOperationNotSupportedException("Parameter WIDTH too large");
     if (Description.MaxHeight > 0 && @params.Height > Description.MaxHeight)
         throw new WmsOperationNotSupportedException("Parameter HEIGHT too large");
     return new Size(@params.Width, @params.Height);