Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ParticleSystem"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public ParticleSystem()
            //  Create the effect for the system.
            OpenGLAttributesEffect attributesEffect = new OpenGLAttributesEffect();

            attributesEffect.LightingAttributes.Enable = false;

            //  Add the effects.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises a modeling scene. A modeling scene has:
        ///  - A 'Look At' camera targetting the centre of the scene
        ///  - Three gentle omnidirectional lights
        ///  - A design time grid and axis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scene">The scene.</param>
        public static void InitialiseModelingScene(Scene scene)
            //float x_largura = 10;
            //float y_profundidade = 9;
            //double distancia = Math.Sqrt((y_profundidade * y_profundidade) + (x_largura * x_largura));

            //  Create the 'Look At' camera
            var lookAtCamera = new LookAtCamera()
                Position = new Vertex(-10f, -12f, 10f),
                Target   = new Vertex(0, 0, 0),
                UpVector = new Vertex(0f, 0f, 1f)

            //  Set the look at camera as the current camera.
            scene.CurrentCamera = lookAtCamera;

            //  Add some design-time primitives.
            var folder = new Folder()
                Name = "Design Primitives"

            folder.AddChild(new Grid());
            folder.AddChild(new Axies());

            //  Create some lights.
            Light light1 = new Light()
                Name     = "Light 1",
                On       = true,
                Position = new Vertex(-9, -9, 11),
                GLCode   = OpenGL.GL_LIGHT6
            Light light2 = new Light()
                Name     = "Light 2",
                On       = true,
                Position = new Vertex(9, -9, 11),
                GLCode   = OpenGL.GL_LIGHT6
            Light light3 = new Light()
                Name     = "Light 3",
                On       = true,
                Position = new Vertex(0, 15, 15),
                GLCode   = OpenGL.GL_LIGHT6

            //  Add the lights.
            folder = new Folder()
                Name = "Lights"

            //  Create a set of scene attributes.
            OpenGLAttributesEffect sceneAttributes = new OpenGLAttributesEffect()
                Name = "Scene Attributes"

            //  Specify the scene attributes.
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableDepthTest                = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableNormalize                = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableLighting                 = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableTexture2D                = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableBlend                    = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableAlphaTest                = true;
            sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingSourceFactor      = BlendingSourceFactor.SourceAlpha;
            sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingDestinationFactor = BlendingDestinationFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha;
            sceneAttributes.LightingAttributes.TwoSided = true;