Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:SharpDX.Direct3D11.Buffer"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type of the data to upload</typeparam>
        /// <param name="device">The device with which to associate the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="bindFlags">Flags specifying how the buffer will be bound to the pipeline.</param>
        /// <param name="data">Initial data used to initialize the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="sizeInBytes">The size, in bytes, of the buffer. If 0 is specified, sizeof(T) is used. </param>
        /// <param name="usage">The usage pattern for the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="accessFlags">Flags specifying how the buffer will be accessible from the CPU.</param>
        /// <param name="optionFlags">Miscellaneous resource options.</param>
        /// <param name="structureByteStride">The size (in bytes) of the structure element for structured buffers.</param>
        /// <returns>An initialized buffer</returns>
        /// <msdn-id>ff476501</msdn-id>
        /// <unmanaged>HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer)</unmanaged>
        /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer</unmanaged-short>
        public static Buffer Create <T>(
            Device device,
            BindFlags bindFlags,
            ref T data,
            int sizeInBytes                 = 0,
            ResourceUsage usage             = ResourceUsage.Default,
            CpuAccessFlags accessFlags      = CpuAccessFlags.None,
            ResourceOptionFlags optionFlags = ResourceOptionFlags.None,
            int structureByteStride         = 0)
            where T : struct
            var buffer = new Buffer(IntPtr.Zero);

            var description = new BufferDescription()
                BindFlags           = bindFlags,
                CpuAccessFlags      = accessFlags,
                OptionFlags         = optionFlags,
                SizeInBytes         = sizeInBytes == 0 ? Utilities.SizeOf <T>() : sizeInBytes,
                Usage               = usage,
                StructureByteStride = structureByteStride

                device.CreateBuffer(ref description, new DataBox((IntPtr)Interop.Fixed(ref data)), buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:SharpDX.Direct3D11.Buffer"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type of the data to upload</typeparam>
        /// <param name="device">The device with which to associate the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="data">Initial data used to initialize the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="description">The description.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An initialized buffer
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the <see cref="BufferDescription.SizeInBytes"/> is at 0, sizeof(T) * data.Length is used.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <msdn-id>ff476501</msdn-id>
        /// <unmanaged>HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer)</unmanaged>
        /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer</unmanaged-short>
        public static Buffer Create <T>(Device device, T[] data, BufferDescription description) where T : struct
            var buffer = new Buffer(IntPtr.Zero);

                if (description.SizeInBytes == 0)
                    description.SizeInBytes = Utilities.SizeOf <T>() * data.Length;
                device.CreateBuffer(ref description, new DataBox((IntPtr)Interop.Fixed(data)), buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes a new instance of the <see cref = "T:SharpDX.Direct3D11.Buffer" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "device">The device with which to associate the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name = "sizeInBytes">The size, in bytes, of the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name = "usage">The usage pattern for the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name = "bindFlags">Flags specifying how the buffer will be bound to the pipeline.</param>
        /// <param name = "accessFlags">Flags specifying how the buffer will be accessible from the CPU.</param>
        /// <param name = "optionFlags">Miscellaneous resource options.</param>
        /// <param name = "structureByteStride">The size (in bytes) of the structure element for structured buffers.</param>
        /// <msdn-id>ff476501</msdn-id>
        /// <unmanaged>HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer)</unmanaged>
        /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer</unmanaged-short>
        public Buffer(Device device, int sizeInBytes, ResourceUsage usage, BindFlags bindFlags,
                      CpuAccessFlags accessFlags, ResourceOptionFlags optionFlags, int structureByteStride)
            : base(IntPtr.Zero)
            var description = new BufferDescription()
                BindFlags           = bindFlags,
                CpuAccessFlags      = accessFlags,
                OptionFlags         = optionFlags,
                SizeInBytes         = sizeInBytes,
                Usage               = usage,
                StructureByteStride = structureByteStride

            device.CreateBuffer(ref description, null, this);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:SharpDX.Direct3D11.Buffer" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">The device with which to associate the buffer.</param>
 /// <param name="dataPointer">The data pointer.</param>
 /// <param name="description">The description of the buffer.</param>
 /// <msdn-id>ff476501</msdn-id>
 /// <unmanaged>HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer)</unmanaged>
 /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer</unmanaged-short>
 public Buffer(Device device, IntPtr dataPointer, BufferDescription description)
     : base(IntPtr.Zero)
     device.CreateBuffer(ref description, dataPointer != IntPtr.Zero ? new DataBox(dataPointer, 0, 0) : (DataBox?)null, this);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 ///   Initializes a new instance of the <see cref = "T:SharpDX.Direct3D11.Buffer" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "device">The device with which to associate the buffer.</param>
 /// <param name = "data">Initial data used to initialize the buffer.</param>
 /// <param name = "description">The description of the buffer.</param>
 /// <msdn-id>ff476501</msdn-id>
 /// <unmanaged>HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer)</unmanaged>
 /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer</unmanaged-short>
 public Buffer(Device device, DataStream data, BufferDescription description)
     : base(IntPtr.Zero)
     device.CreateBuffer(ref description, new DataBox(data.PositionPointer, 0, 0), this);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 ///   Initializes a new instance of the <see cref = "T:SharpDX.Direct3D11.Buffer" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "device">The device with which to associate the buffer.</param>
 /// <param name = "description">The description of the buffer.</param>
 /// <msdn-id>ff476501</msdn-id>
 /// <unmanaged>HRESULT ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer([In] const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc,[In, Optional] const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData,[Out, Fast] ID3D11Buffer** ppBuffer)</unmanaged>
 /// <unmanaged-short>ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer</unmanaged-short>
 public Buffer(Device device, BufferDescription description)
     : base(IntPtr.Zero)
     device.CreateBuffer(ref description, null, this);