public bool Insert(TrainingProduct entity)
            bool ret = false;

            ret = Validate(entity);
            if (ret)
                //TODO: Create INSERT code here

            return ret;
        // UPDATE Method to database
        public bool Update(TrainingProduct entity)
            bool ret = false;

            ret = Validate(entity);
            if (ret)
                // TODO: Create UPDATE Code here

            return ret;
        public TrainingProduct Get(int ProductId)
            List<TrainingProduct> list = new List<TrainingProduct>();
            TrainingProduct ret = new TrainingProduct();

            // TODO: Call your data access method here
            list = CreateMockData();

            ret = list.Find(p => p.ProductId == ProductId);

            return ret;
        public List<TrainingProduct> Get(TrainingProduct entity)
            List<TrainingProduct> ret = new List<TrainingProduct>();

            // TODO: Add your data access method here.
            ret = CreateMockData();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.ProductName))
                ret = ret.FindAll(p => p.ProductName.ToLower().StartsWith(entity.ProductName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

            return ret;
        public bool Validate(TrainingProduct entity)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.ProductName))
                // Check for lower case
                if (entity.ProductName.ToLower() == entity.ProductName)
                    ValidationErrors.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("ProductName", "Product Name must not be all lowe case."));  // Business Rule failed.

            return (ValidationErrors.Count == 0); // return True or False
        // I could have simply passed the ProductId here but I kinda like passing the whole entity
        public bool Delete(TrainingProduct entity)
            //TODO: Create DELETE code here

            return true;
        protected override void Add()
            IsValid = true;

            Entity = new TrainingProduct();
            Entity.IntroductionDate = DateTime.Now;
            Entity.Url = "http://";
            Entity.Price = 0;

 protected override void ResetSearch()
     SearchEntity = new TrainingProduct();
        protected override void Init()
            Products = new List<TrainingProduct>();
            SearchEntity = new TrainingProduct();
            Entity = new TrainingProduct();

        protected override void Delete()
            TrainingProductManager mgr = new TrainingProductManager();
            Entity = new TrainingProduct();
            Entity.ProductId = Convert.ToInt32(EventArgument);

