Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static int Process(Options options, TextWriter output)
            var versionSet =
                !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.AssemblyFileVersion + options.AssemblyVersion +

            var incRequested = options.IncrementPart != IncrementablePart.None;

            if (versionSet && incRequested)
                output.WriteLine("Versions cannot be incremented at the same time as version numbers are being assigned.");
                return -1;

            var allInfo = new InfoFinder(options.ProjectFolder);
            var versionData = allInfo.Infos
                .Select(i => new FileVersion { Path = i, Versions = Scanner.Scan(i).ToList() })

            if (versionSet)
                return SetVersions(options, output, versionData);

            if (options.IncrementTarget != null)
                return IncrementVersion(options, output, versionData);

            if (options.Report)
                return ReportVersions(output, versionData);

            if (options.Get != null)
                return ReportVersion(options, output, versionData);
            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static bool Validator(Options options, IList<string> errorList)
     return ValidateReportSetting(options, errorList)
         && ValidateGetSetting(options, errorList)
         && ValidateIncSetting(options, errorList)
         && ValidateThatSomeActionIsSpecified(options, errorList)
         && ValidateEnvSetting(options, errorList)
         && ValidateVersionNumberFormats(options, errorList);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static int ReportVersion(Options options, TextWriter output, List<FileVersion> versionData)
            var requiredVersion = TargetToName(options.Get);
            var version = versionData.SelectMany(f => f.Versions).FirstOrDefault(v => v.Description == requiredVersion);
            if (version == null)
                output.WriteLine("No {0} found.", requiredVersion);
                return -1;

            var value = version.Original;
            output.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", requiredVersion, value);

            if (options.EnvironmentVariableName != null)
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(options.EnvironmentVariableName, value, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);
            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static bool ValidateVersionNumberFormats(Options options, IList<string> errorList)
            string detail;
            if (!IsValidVersionNumber(options.AssemblyFileVersion, out detail))
                errorList.Add(MakeVersionErrorMessage("Invalid assembly file version.", detail));
                return false;

            if (!IsValidVersionNumber(options.AssemblyVersion, out detail))
                errorList.Add(MakeVersionErrorMessage("Invalid assembly version.", detail));
                return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static bool ValidateReportSetting(Options options, IList<string> errorList)
            if (options.Report && (IsVersionSet(options) || IsIncSet(options)))
                errorList.Add("Report cannot be combined with other options.");
                return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static bool ValidateThatSomeActionIsSpecified(Options options, IList<string> errorList)
            if (!UpdateOperationSelected(options) && !ReadOperationSelected(options))
                errorList.Add("A version update, report or get must be selected.");
                return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static bool ValidateGetSetting(Options options, IList<string> errorList)
            if (!IsGetSet(options)) return true;

            if (IsVersionSet(options) || IsIncSet(options) || options.Report)
                errorList.Add("Get cannot be combined with other options.");
                return false;

            if (!IsValidVersionName(options.Get, true))
                errorList.Add("Invalid version specified for Get. Specify FV, AV, or IV only.");
                return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private static bool IsGetSet(Options options)
     return options.Get != null;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private static bool UpdateOperationSelected(Options options)
     return IsVersionSet(options) || IsIncSet(options);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static bool ValidateEnvSetting(Options options, IList<string> errorList)
            if (options.EnvironmentVariableName != null && !UpdateOperationSelected(options) && !IsGetSet(options))
                errorList.Add("An environment variable can only be set if a version update or get is selected.");
                return false;

            if (options.EnvironmentVariableName != null)
                if (GetNumVersionsSet(options) > 1)
                    errorList.Add(@"The /env option is not valid when setting multiple version numbers.");
                    return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private static bool ReadOperationSelected(Options options)
     return options.Report || IsGetSet(options);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private static bool IsVersionSet(Options options)
     return GetNumVersionsSet(options) > 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 private static bool IsIncSet(Options options)
     return options.IncrementTarget != null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static int SetVersions(Options options, TextWriter output, List<FileVersion> versionData)
            var replacements = new List<VersionUpdate>();
            if (options.AssemblyFileVersion != null)
                replacements.Add(new VersionUpdate("AssemblyFileVersion", options.AssemblyFileVersion));
            if (options.AssemblyVersion != null)
                replacements.Add(new VersionUpdate("AssemblyVersion", options.AssemblyVersion));
            if (options.AssemblyInformationalVersion != null)
                replacements.Add(new VersionUpdate("AssemblyInformationalVersion", options.AssemblyInformationalVersion));

            foreach (var fileVersion in versionData)
                var rc = Editor.Edit(replacements, fileVersion.Path, output, options.DryRun);
                if (rc != 0)
                    return rc;

            if (options.EnvironmentVariableName != null)
                var firstReplacement = replacements.FirstOrDefault();
                if (firstReplacement != null)
                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(options.EnvironmentVariableName, firstReplacement.Version, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);

            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private static bool ValidateIncSetting(Options options, IList<string> errorList)
            if (!IsIncSet(options)) return true;

            if (options.IncrementPart == IncrementablePart.None)
                errorList.Add("Invalid increment part.");
                return false;

            if (!IsValidVersionName(options.IncrementTarget, false))
                errorList.Add("Invalid version specified for Inc. Specify FV or AV only.");
                return false;

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static int IncrementVersion(Options options, TextWriter output, List<FileVersion> versionData)
            if (options.IncrementPart == IncrementablePart.None)
                output.WriteLine("Increment can only change build (b) or revision number (r).");
                return -1;

            if (!Validator.Check(versionData, output))
                output.WriteLine("All versions must be made consistent before they can be edited.");
                return -1;

            var incrementName = TargetToName(options.IncrementTarget);
            if (incrementName == null)
                output.WriteLine("Increment target not recognised.");
                return -1;

            var canon = versionData.SelectMany(f => f.Versions).FirstOrDefault(v => v.Description == incrementName);
            if (canon == null)
                output.WriteLine("No version found.");
                return -1;

            string textVersion = options.IncrementPart == IncrementablePart.Revision
                ? canon.Revision
                : canon.Build;

            int newValue;
            if (!int.TryParse(textVersion, out newValue))
                output.WriteLine("Unable to decode version: {0}", textVersion);
                return -1;

            if (options.IncrementPart == IncrementablePart.Revision)
                canon.Revision = newValue.ToString();
                canon.Build = newValue.ToString();
                canon.Revision = "0";

            var versionUpdate = new VersionUpdate(incrementName, canon);
            var versionUpdates = new[] { versionUpdate };
            foreach (var fileVersion in versionData)
                var rc = Editor.Edit(versionUpdates, fileVersion.Path, output, options.DryRun);
                if (rc != 0)
                    return rc;

            if (options.EnvironmentVariableName != null)
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(options.EnvironmentVariableName, versionUpdate.Version, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);


            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 private static int GetNumVersionsSet(Options options)
     var numVersionsSet = 0;
     if (options.AssemblyVersion != null) ++numVersionsSet;
     if (options.AssemblyFileVersion != null) ++numVersionsSet;
     if (options.AssemblyInformationalVersion != null) ++numVersionsSet;
     return numVersionsSet;